Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 68, issue 2, 1996
- Perfect Correlated Equilibria pp. 279-302

- Amrita Dhillon and Jean-François Mertens
- Arrow's Theorem in Public Good Environments with Convex Technologies pp. 303-318

- John Duggan
- Stability of Competitive Equilibrium with Respect to Recursive and Learning Processes pp. 319-348

- Yves Balasko and Daniel Royer
- Information, Liquidity, and Asset Trading in a Random Matching Game pp. 349-379

- Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Ingrid M. Werner
- Rationalizable Predatory Pricing pp. 380-396

- David Roth
- A Biological Basis for Expected and Non-expected Utility pp. 397-424

- Arthur Robson
- Nash Implementation of Matching Rules pp. 425-439

- Tarik Kara and Tayfun Sonmez
- Optimal Repeated Purchases When Sellers Are Learning about Costs pp. 440-455

- Roberto Burguet
- Continuous Extensions of an Order on a Set to the Power Set pp. 456-479

- Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
- Voting with Ballots and Feet: Existence of Equilibrium in a Local Public Good Economy pp. 480-509

- Hideo Konishi
- On the Role of Commitment in a Principal-Agent Relationship with an Informed Principal pp. 510-530

- Peter-Jurgen Jost
- Cores and Competitive Equilibria with Indivisibilities and Lotteries pp. 531-543

- Rodney Garratt and Cheng-Zhong Qin
- Correlated Equilibrium of Cournot Oligopoly Competition pp. 544-548

- Luchuan Liu
- Ranking Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders pp. 549-561

- James Smith and Dan Levin
Volume 68, issue 1, 1996
- Deviations, Dynamics, and Equilibrium Refinements pp. 1-25

- Matthew Rabin and Joel Sobel
- Incentive-Efficient Equilibria of Two-Party Sealed-Bid Bargaining Games pp. 26-48

- Thomas Gresik
- Excess Demand Functions and Incomplete Markets pp. 49-63

- Jean-Marc Bottazzi and Thorsten Hens
- The Positive Economics of Methodology pp. 64-76

- James Kahn, Steven E. Landsburg and Alan C. Stockman
- Axiomatizing Ordinal Welfare Egalitarianism When Preferences May Vary pp. 77-110

- Yves Sprumont
- A Model of Fiat Money and Barter pp. 111-132

- Fumio Hayashi and Akihiko Matsui
- On the Existence of Optimal Contract Mechanisms for Incomplete Information Principal-Agent Models pp. 133-148

- Erik Balder
- A General Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Human and Physical Capital: Balanced Growth and Transitional Dynamics pp. 149-173

- Eric Bond, Ping Wang and Chong Yip
- An Axiomatic Approach to "Preference for Freedom of Choice" pp. 174-199

- Clemens Puppe
- Core and Stable Sets of Large Games Arising in Economics pp. 200-211

- Ezra Einy, Ron Holzman, Dov Monderer and Benyamin Shitovitz
- Coalitional Power Structure in Stochastic Social Choice Functions with an Unrestricted Preference Domain pp. 212-233

- Shasikanta Nandeibam
- Evolutionary Stability in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner 's Dilemma Game pp. 234-248

- R. Cressman
- A Communication-Proof Equilibrium Concept pp. 249-257

- José Luis Ferreira
- Fictitious Play Property for Games with Identical Interests pp. 258-265

- Dov Monderer and Lloyd S. Shapley
- Supergames Played by Finite Automata with Finite Costs of Complexity in an Evolutionary Setting pp. 266-275

- David Cooper
Volume 67, issue 2, 1995
- The Assessment of Large Compounds of Independent Gambles pp. 299-326

- Hellwig Martin F.
- Profitable Informed Trading in a Simple General Equilibrium Model of Asset Pricing pp. 327-369

- James Dow and Gary Gorton
- Comparative Statics of the Firm pp. 370-401

- Topkis Donald M.
- A Schur Concave Characterization of Risk Aversion for Non-expected Utility Preferences pp. 402-435

- Hong Chew Soo and Hui Mao Mei
- Bertrand and Walras Equilibria in Large Economies pp. 436-466

- Peter Funk
- Money and Prices: A Model of Search and Bargaining pp. 467-496

- Shi Shougong
- Limited Horizon Forecast in Repeated Alternate Games pp. 497-519

- Jeheil Phillippe
- Revisiting Dynamic Duopoly with Consumer Switching Costs pp. 520-530

- Padilla A. Jorge
- A Model of Auction Contracts with Liquidated Damages pp. 531-555

- Keith Waehrer
- Economies with a Unique Equilibrium: A Simple Proof of Arc-connectedness in the Two-Agent Case pp. 556-565

- Yves Balasko
- On the Existence of Endogenous Cycles pp. 566-577

- Yves Balasko and Christian Ghiglino
- Multilateral Bargaining with Imperfect Information pp. 578-589

- Sandeep Baliga and Serrano Roberto
- Temporary Equilibrium Dynamics with Bayesian Learning pp. 590-598

- Shurojit Chatterji
- Power of Voters and Domain of Preferences Where Voting by Committees Is Strategy-Proof pp. 599-608

- Serizawa Shigehiro
Volume 67, issue 1, 1995
- (s, S) Equilibria in Stochastic Games pp. 1-39

- Dutta Prajit K. and Aldo Rustichini
- Uncertainty, Risk-Neutral Measures and Security Price Booms and Crashes pp. 40-82

- Larry Epstein and Tan Wang
- Multiproduct Equilibrium Price Dispersion pp. 83-105

- Randolph McAfee
- Bayes without Bernoulli: Simple Conditions for Probabilistically Sophisticated Choice pp. 106-128

- Mark Machina and David Schmeidler
- Repeated Games with Asymptotically Finite Horizons pp. 129-152

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Dasgupta Aniruddha
- Transactions Costs, Technological Choice, and Endogenous Growth pp. 153-177

- Valerie Bencivenga, Smith Bruce D. and Starr Ross M.
- The Speed of Information Revelation in a Financial Market Mechanism pp. 178-204

- Xavier Vives
- The Real Value of Money under Endogenous Beliefs pp. 205-222

- Graziella Bertocchi and Yong Wang
- Evolution and Market Competition pp. 223-250

- Guo Ying Luo
- Multidimensional Generalizations of the Relative and Absolute Inequality Indices: The Atkinson-Kolm-Sen Approach pp. 251-265

- Tsui Kai-Yuen
- Perceptrons Play the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 266-284

- Inkoo Cho
- A Market to Implement the Core pp. 285-294

- Serrano Roberto