Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 86, issue 2, 1999
- Adaptive Dynamics and the Implementation Problem with Complete Information pp. 159-184

- Antonio Cabrales
- On the Communication Complexity of Expected-Profit Maximization pp. 185-202

- James Jordan and Dingbo Xu
- Notes on Sequence Economies, Transaction Costs, and Uncertainty pp. 203-218

- Kenneth Arrow and Frank Hahn
- Multi-Commodity Consumer Search pp. 219-244

- J. Rupert J. Gatti
- Dynamical Systems with a Continuum of Randomly Matched Agents pp. 245-267

- Carlos Alós-Ferrer
- Clever Agents in Young's Evolutionary Bargaining Model pp. 268-279

- Maria Saez-Marti and Jörgen Weibull
- Complementarity between Import Competition and Import Promotion pp. 280-285

- Sugata Marjit and Hamid Beladi
Volume 86, issue 1, 1999
- A General Extension Theorem for Binary Relations pp. 1-16

- John Duggan
- R&D Cooperation and Growth pp. 17-49

- Guido Cozzi
- An Implementation-Theoretic Approach to Non-cooperative Foundations pp. 50-76

- James Bergin and John Duggan
- A Two Stage Sequential Auction with Multi-Unit Demands pp. 77-99

- Brett Katzman
- Real Business Cycles, Investment Finance, and Multiple Equilibria pp. 100-122

- Brian Hillier and Jonathan Rougier
- Incomplete Information, Incentive Compatibility, and the Core pp. 123-147

- Rajiv Vohra
- Can Pre-arranged Matches Be Avoided in Two-Sided Matching Markets? pp. 148-156

- Tayfun Sonmez
Volume 85, issue 2, 1999
- Efficient Incentive Compatible Economies Are Perfectly Competitive pp. 169-225

- Louis Makowski, Joseph Ostroy and Uzi Segal
- Innovation, Growth, and Welfare-Improving Cycles pp. 226-257

- Patrick Francois and Shouyong Shi
- Multidimensional Mechanism Design for Auctions with Externalities pp. 258-293

- Philippe Jehiel, Benny Moldovanu and Ennio Stacchetti
- Markov Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games pp. 294-327

- Subir K. Chakrabarti
- On Renegotiation-Proof Collusion under Imperfect Public Information pp. 328-336

- Kiho Yoon
Volume 85, issue 1, 1999
- Perfect Foresight and Equilibrium Selection in Symmetric Potential Games pp. 1-23

- Josef Hofbauer and Gerhard Sorger
- A Model of Optimal Growth Strategy pp. 24-51

- Philippe Askenazy and Cuong Le van
- Starting Small and Renegotiation pp. 52-90

- Joel Watson
- Herding and the Winner's Curse in Markets with Sequential Bids pp. 91-121

- Zvika Neeman and Gerhard O. Orosel
- On Coalition-Proof Nash Equilibria in Common Agency Games pp. 122-139

- Hideo Konishi, Michel Le Breton and Shlomo Weber
- Efficiency in Sequential Partnerships pp. 140-156

- Roland Strausz
- The Decomposition of Risk in Denumerable Populations with ex ante Identical Individuals pp. 157-165

- Guillaume Rabault
Volume 84, issue 2, 1999
- Limit Laws for Non-additive Probabilities and Their Frequentist Interpretation pp. 145-195

- Massimo Marinacci
- Optimal Regulation with Unknown Demand and Cost Functions pp. 196-215

- Mark Armstrong
- Far-Sightedness and the Voting Paradox pp. 216-226

- Bhaskar Chakravorti
- A Voluntary Participation Game with a Non-excludable Public Good pp. 227-242

- Tatsuyoshi Saijo and Takehiko Yamato
- The Relationship between Two Dual Methods of Comparative Statics pp. 243-250

- Michael Caputo
- Sequential Moves and Tacit Collusion: Reaction-Function Cycles in a Finite Pricing Duopoly pp. 251-267

- Klaus Wallner
Volume 84, issue 1, 1999
- Experimentation, Imitation, and Stochastic Stability pp. 1-40

- Douglas Gale and Robert Rosenthal
- Rationing a Commodity along Fixed Paths pp. 41-72

- Herve Moulin
- A Tale of Two Mechanisms: Student Placement pp. 73-94

- Michel Balinski and Tayfun Sonmez
- Stochastic Revealed Preference and the Theory of Demand pp. 95-110

- Taradas Bandyopadhyay, Indraneel Dasgupta and Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Price-Independent Welfare Prescriptions and Population Size pp. 111-119

- Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson
- Simple Pareto-Improving Policies pp. 120-133

- Michael Mandler
Volume 83, issue 2, 1998
- Conditional Dominance, Rationalizability, and Game Forms pp. 161-195

- Makoto Shimoji and Joel Watson
- Decentralization and Collusion pp. 196-232

- Sandeep Baliga and Tomas Sjostrom
- Intrinsic Preference for Information pp. 233-259

- Simon Grant, Atsushi Kajii and Ben Polak
- The Dynamic (In)Stability of Backwards Induction pp. 260-285

- R. Cressman and K. H. Schlag
- Beyond Nash Bargaining Theory: The Nash Set pp. 286-307

- Roberto Serrano and Ken-Ichi Shimomura
- Repeated Implementation pp. 308-317

- Ehud Kalai and John Ledyard
Volume 83, issue 1, 1998
- Cournot-Nash and Lindahl Equilibria in Pure Public Good Economies pp. 1-18

- Benyamin Shitovitz and Menahem Spiegel
- Constant Risk Aversion pp. 19-42

- Zvi Safra and Uzi Segal
- Money Taxes and Efficiency When Sunspots Matter pp. 43-68

- Todd Keister
- Secure Protocols or How Communication Generates Correlation pp. 69-89

- Olivier Gossner
- Are Two a Good Representative for Many? pp. 90-104

- Rudolf Kerschbamer and Nina Maderner
- An Axiomatic Approach to Complete Patience and Time Invariance pp. 105-144

- Massimo Marinacci
- A Dynamic Model of Differentiated Oligopoly with Capital Accumulation pp. 145-155

- Roberto Cellini and Luca Lambertini
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