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Journal of Economic Theory

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell

From Elsevier
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Volume 18, issue 2, 1978

Global asymptotic stability results for multisector models of optimal growth under uncertainty when future utilities are discounted pp. 225-243 Downloads
William Brock and M. Majumdar
Preference aggregation with randomized social orderings pp. 244-254 Downloads
Salvador Barberà and Hugo Sonnenschein
On Keynesian equilibria with unemployment and quantity rationing pp. 255-277 Downloads
Kurt Hildenbrand and Werner Hildenbrand
A reexamination of the store of value in a sequence economy with transaction costs pp. 278-293 Downloads
Seppo Honkapohja
Zero-sum condition: A necessary and sufficient condition for a transitive voting system pp. 294-300 Downloads
Yasu Hosomatsu
Monopoly and product quality pp. 301-317 Downloads
Michael Mussa and Sherwin Rosen
A recursion relation for the probability of the paradox of voting pp. 318-327 Downloads
Raphael Gillett
Equilibria, the core, and jurisdiction structures in economies with a local public good pp. 328-348 Downloads
Myrna Wooders
The properties and generation of homothetic production functions: A synthesis pp. 349-361 Downloads
Todd Sandler and A. Swimmer
Stochastic reaction functions in 2 x 2 duopoly pp. 362-367 Downloads
Arun P. Sanghvi
Gift equilibria and pareto optimality pp. 368-370 Downloads
Steven Goldman

Volume 18, issue 1, 1978

A multistage game representation of sophisticated voting for binary procedures pp. 1-22 Downloads
Richard D. McKelvey and Richard G. Niemi
Supportable cost functions for the multiproduct firm pp. 23-37 Downloads
William W. Sharkey and Lester G. Telser
Life cycle consumption and homeownership pp. 38-58 Downloads
Roland Artle and Pravin Varaiya
Measures of relative equality and their meaning in terms of social welfare pp. 59-80 Downloads
Charles Blackorby and David Donaldson
Further results on the informational efficiency of competitive stock markets pp. 81-101 Downloads
Sanford Grossman
Separably concave utilities or the principle of diminishing eagerness to trade pp. 102-118 Downloads
Menahem E. Yaari
Escalator clauses and the allocation of cyclical risks pp. 119-155 Downloads
Costas Azariadis
Spatial monopolistic competition versus spatial monopoly pp. 156-170 Downloads
William Holahan
Incentive compatibility and incomplete information pp. 171-189 Downloads
John Ledyard
The microeconomic foundations of a flow of funds theory of the demand for money pp. 190-215 Downloads
George Akerlof
A note on efficient growth with irreversible investment and the Phelps-Koopmans theorem pp. 216-223 Downloads
Tapan Mitra

Volume 17, issue 2, 1978

Leximin and utilitarian rules: A joint characterization pp. 143-163 Downloads
Robert Deschamps and Louis Gevers
Divergent rational expectations equilibrium in a dynamic model of a futures market pp. 164-178 Downloads
George M. Feiger
Disequilibrium dynamics in a simple macroeconomic model pp. 179-199 Downloads
Volker Bohm
Dynamic processes for tax reform theory pp. 200-226 Downloads
Francoise Fogelman, Martine Quinzii and Roger Guesnerie
Incremental consumer's surplus and hedonic price adjustment pp. 227-253 Downloads
Robert Willig
Mutual fund separation in financial theory--The separating distributions pp. 254-286 Downloads
Stephen Ross
Price expectations, disequilibrium adjustments, and macroeconomic price stability pp. 287-311 Downloads
Edwin Burmeister and Stephen J Turnovsky
A note on the positivity constraint in Olech's theorem pp. 312-318 Downloads
Takatoshi Ito
Potential competition and the monopoly price of an exhaustible resource pp. 319-331 Downloads
Richard Gilbert and Steven Goldman

Volume 17, issue 1, 1978

A theory of money and financial institutions. 28. The non-cooperative equilibria of a closed trading economy with market supply and bidding strategies pp. 1-20 Downloads
Pradeep Dubey and Martin Shubik
Market allocations of location choice in a model with free mobility pp. 21-37 Downloads
David Starrett
A Neo-Austrian two-period multisector model of capital pp. 38-50 Downloads
Peter Bernholz, Malte Faber and Winfried Reiss
The dynamics of some duopoly games involving the Market Share and Nichol strategies pp. 51-65 Downloads
John A. Rickard and Ian W. Murray
On the informational size of message spaces for resource allocation processes pp. 66-78 Downloads
Hiroaki Osana
Information, futures prices, and stabilizing speculation pp. 79-98 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Danthine
Efficient transitions from a resource to a substitute technology in an economic growth context pp. 99-113 Downloads
Donald A. Hanson
Efficient growth with exhaustible resources in a neoclassical model pp. 114-129 Downloads
Tapan Mitra
Extension of Oi's price instability theorem pp. 130-133 Downloads
Clement Tisdell
Period analysis and continuous analysis in Patinkin's macroeconomic model pp. 134-140 Downloads
Edi Karni

Volume 16, issue 2, 1977

The ratio equilibrium and a voting game in a public goods economy pp. 123-136 Downloads
Mamoru Kaneko
Existence of an equilibrium with arbitrary tax schemes for financing local public goods pp. 137-150 Downloads
Joseph Greenberg
Some results on "an income fluctuation problem" pp. 151-166 Downloads
Jack Schechtman and Vera L. S. Escudero
A model of insurance markets with incomplete information pp. 167-207 Downloads
Charles Wilson
Equilibrium in spatial voting: The median voter result is an artifact pp. 208-219 Downloads
Melvin J. Hinich
The choice between family and individual deductibles in health insurance policies pp. 220-227 Downloads
Emmett B. Keeler, Daniel A. Relles and John E. Rolph
The role of insurance and gambling in allocating risk over time pp. 228-246 Downloads
Benjamin Eden
Independence of irrelevant alternatives, and solutions to Nash's bargaining problem pp. 247-251 Downloads
Alvin Roth
The permanent income hypothesis: A theoretical formulation pp. 252-292 Downloads
Truman Bewley
Revealed preference cycles and the slutsky matrix pp. 293-309 Downloads
Wayne J. Shafer
A dynamical model of political equilibrium pp. 310-334 Downloads
Gerald H. Kramer
Extending Condorcet's rule pp. 335-353 Downloads
H. Young
Expectations equilibrium and informational efficiency for stochastic environments pp. 354-372 Downloads
James Jordan
Labor market equilibrium under nonsequential search pp. 373-393 Downloads
Louis L. Wilde
Advantageous monopolies pp. 394-402 Downloads
J. Greenberg and B. Shitovitz
Technical change and the "tendency of the rate of profit to fall" pp. 403-424 Downloads
John Roemer
A model of general equilibrium with monopolistic behavior pp. 425-442 Downloads
Joaquim Silvestre
Indivisible commodities and general equilibrium theory pp. 443-456 Downloads
Andreu Mas-Colell
Characterization of domains admitting nondictatorial social welfare functions and nonmanipulable voting procedures pp. 457-469 Downloads
Ehud Kalai and Eitan Muller
On the existence of maximal elements pp. 470-474 Downloads
Mark Walker
Aggregation and the existence of a social utility function pp. 475-480 Downloads
Perry Shapiro
Utility functions for simple games pp. 481-489 Downloads
Alvin Roth
A characteristic feature of the consumption-loan model pp. 490-495 Downloads
Masaaki Homma
Compensating wage differences pp. 496-503 Downloads
Michael Sattinger
The impact of uncertainty in a class of objective functions pp. 504-512 Downloads
Gershon Feder
Shapley value and disadvantageous monopolies pp. 513-517 Downloads
Roy Gardner
A note on the game theoretic interpretation of Walras equilibria pp. 518-520 Downloads
Hans Keiding

Volume 16, issue 1, 1977

On shifting temporary equilibrium pp. 1-9 Downloads
Daniel S. Christiansen and Mukul K. Majumdar
Stability of competitive industry equilibrium pp. 10-16 Downloads
Kwan Koo Yun
Duration of offers, price structure, and the gain from search pp. 17-37 Downloads
Michael Landsberger and Dan Peled
Search theory: The case of search with uncertain recall pp. 38-52 Downloads
Edi Karni and Aba Schwartz
Take-over bids and stock market equilibrium pp. 53-83 Downloads
Oliver D. Hart
Ranking functions and independence conditions pp. 84-102 Downloads
Dennis J. Packard and Ronald A. Heiner
On Schwartz's rule pp. 103-110 Downloads
Rajat Deb
Conditions for the existence of maximal elements in compact sets pp. 111-115 Downloads
C. R. Birchenhall
Disadvantageous monopolies and disadvantageous endowments pp. 116-121 Downloads
Jacques Dreze, Jean Gabszewicz and Andrew Postlewaite
Page updated 2025-03-28