Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 79, issue 2, 1998
- Motives and Implementation: On the Design of Mechanisms to Elicit Opinions pp. 157-173

- Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein
- On the Long Run Implications of Repeated Moral Hazard pp. 174-191

- Christopher Phelan
- Market Demand Functions in the Capital Asset Pricing Model pp. 192-206

- Jean-Marc Bottazzi, Thorsten Hens and Andreas Loffler
- Evolution with Changing Mutation Rates pp. 207-223

- Jack Robles
- Equilibrium in a Finite Local Public Goods Economy pp. 224-244

- Hideo Konishi, Michel Le Breton and Shlomo Weber
- Decreasing Serial Cost Sharing under Economies of Scale pp. 245-275

- Maria-Angeles de Frutos
- The First-Best Sharing Rule in the Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Problem with Exponential Utility pp. 276-280

- Holger M. Muller
- On the Intransitivity of Preferences Consistent with Similarity Relations pp. 281-287

- Xavier Vilà
Volume 79, issue 1, 1998
- Empirical Implications of Alternative Models of Firm Dynamics pp. 1-45

- Ariel Pakes and Richard Ericson
- When Are Nonanonymous Players Negligible? pp. 46-71

- Drew Fudenberg, David Levine and Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- Pollution Claim Settlements under Correlated Information pp. 72-105

- Martin Pesendorfer
- Network Mechanisms, Informational Efficiency, and Hierarchies pp. 106-141

- Thomas Marschak and Stefan Reichelstein
- Correlated Types and Bayesian Incentive Compatible Mechanisms with Budget Balance pp. 142-151

- Masaki Aoyagi
Volume 78, issue 2, 1998
- Factor Analysis and Arbitrage Pricing in Large Asset Economies pp. 231-262

- Nabil I. Al-Najjar
- A Classical Model of Involuntary Unemployment: Efficiency Wages and Macroeconomic Policy pp. 263-285

- Bruno Jullien and Pierre Picard
- A Survey of Experiments on Communication via Cheap Talk pp. 286-298

- Vincent Crawford
- Experimentation and Competition pp. 299-320

- Arthur Fishman and Rafael Rob
- A New Approach to the Limit Theorem on the Core of an Economy in Vector Lattices pp. 321-328

- Rabee Tourky
- Dynamic Programming Solution of Incentive Constrained Problems pp. 329-354

- Aldo Rustichini
- Credit Market Imperfections and the Separation of Ownership from Control pp. 355-381

- Daron Acemoglu
- A Quasiordering Is the Intersection of Orderings pp. 382-387

- David Donaldson and John Weymark
Volume 78, issue 1, 1998
- Arbitrage and the Flattening Effect of Large Numbers pp. 1-31

- Louis Makowski and Joseph Ostroy
- A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Search, Bargaining, and Money pp. 32-54

- Melvyn Coles and Randall Wright
- Reputation with Noisy Precommitment pp. 55-75

- David Levine and Cesar Martinelli
- Competition in Multi-characteristics Spaces: Hotelling Was Almost Right pp. 76-102

- Andreas Irmen and Jacques Thisse
- Coordination and Externalities pp. 103-129

- Juan D. Carrillo
- Why Imitate, and If So, How?,: A Boundedly Rational Approach to Multi-armed Bandits pp. 130-156

- Karl H. Schlag
- A Maximal Domain for the Existence of Strategy-Proof Rules pp. 157-166

- Stephen Ching and Shigehiro Serizawa
- Protective and Prudent Behaviour in Games pp. 167-175

- Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro, Peter Borm and Freek van Megen
- Habit Persistence in Overlapping Generations Economies under Pure Exchange pp. 176-186

- Amartya Lahiri and Mikko Puhakka
- Sunspots and the Sequential Regularity of Competitive Equilibria pp. 187-194

- Atsushi Kajii
- Does Rational Learning Lead to Nash Equilibrium in Finitely Repeated Games? pp. 195-218

- Alvaro Sandroni
- Representability of Interval Orders pp. 219-227

- Esteban Oloriz, Juan Carlos Candeal and Esteban Indurain
Volume 77, issue 2, 1997
- Optimal Taxes without Commitment pp. 231-259

- Jess Benhabib and Aldo Rustichini
- Birth-Date Dependent Population Ethics: Critical-Level Principles pp. 260-284

- Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson
- Efficiency in Partnerships with Joint Monitoring pp. 285-299

- Nolan H. Miller
- On Opportunity Inequality Measurement pp. 300-329

- Efe Ok
- Existence of Equilibrium in Bayesian Games with Infinitely Many Players pp. 330-353

- Taesung Kim and Nicholas C. Yannelis
- Approximately Competitive Equilibria in Large Finite Economies pp. 354-376

- Matthew Jackson and Alejandro Manelli
- A Model of Multiproduct Price Competition pp. 377-401

- Yair Tauman, Amparo Urbano and Junichi Watanabe
- Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choice with Borrowing Constraints pp. 402-431

- Jean-Luc Vila and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- Noise-Proof Equilibria in Two-Action Signaling Games pp. 432-460

- Hans Carlsson and Sudipto Dasgupta
Volume 77, issue 1, 1997
- Learning Through Reinforcement and Replicator Dynamics pp. 1-14

- Tilman Börgers and Rajiv Sarin
- The Theory of Implementation When the Planner Is a Player pp. 15-33

- Sandeep Baliga, Luis Corchon and Tomas Sjostrom
- Non-Exclusive Conventions and Social Coordination pp. 34-57

- Sanjeev Goyal and Maarten Janssen
- Reinterpreting the Kernel pp. 58-80

- Roberto Serrano
- On a Market for Coalitions with Indivisible Agents and Lotteries pp. 81-101

- Rodney Garratt and Cheng-Zhong Qin
- Location, Location, Location pp. 102-127

- Simon Anderson, Jacob Goeree and Roald Ramer
- A Model of Temporary Search Market Equilibrium pp. 128-153

- Michael Rauh
- Extrinsic Uncertainty and the Informational Role of Prices pp. 154-180

- Tito Pietra and Paolo Siconolfi
- Prisoners' Dilemma in Duopoly (Super)Games pp. 181-191

- Luca Lambertini
- The Nucleolus Is Contested-Garment-Consistent: A Direct Proof pp. 192-196

- Jean-Pierre Benoit
- Manipulation via Capacities in Two-Sided Matching Markets pp. 197-204

- Tayfun Sonmez
- Double Implementation by a Simple Game Form in the Commons Problem pp. 205-213

- Sungwhee Shin and Sang-Chul Suh
- Hierarchies of Processors with Endogenous Capacity pp. 214-222

- Andrea Prat
- A Comment on Rothschild and Stiglitz's "Increasing Risk: I. A Definition" pp. 223-228

- Moshe Leshno, Haim Levy and Yishay Spector
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