Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 47, issue 2, 1989
- Cost share equilibria: A Lindahlian approach pp. 239-256

- Andreu Mas-Colell and Joaquim Silvestre
- Arrovian theorems with private alternatives domains and selfish individuals pp. 257-281

- Georges Bordes and Michel Le Breton
- Stochastic turnpike property and stationary equilibrium pp. 282-306

- Ramon Marimon
- Pollution claim settlements under private information pp. 307-333

- Rafael Rob
- Value of communication in agencies pp. 334-368

- Nahum D. Melumad and Stefan Reichelstein
- Legal restrictions, "sunspots," and cycles pp. 369-392

- Bruce D. Smith
- Comparative statics and non-expected utility preferences pp. 393-405

- Mark Machina
- Upper semi-continuity of the separating equilibrium correspondence pp. 406-412

- Peter H. Huang
- Existence of competitive equilibria for option markets pp. 413-421

- Stefan Krasa
- A note on privileges in a queue-rationed CPE with black markets pp. 422-430

- Michael Alexeev
Volume 47, issue 1, 1989
- Industry structure with sequential technology choice pp. 1-21

- Richard McLean and Michael Riordan
- Real indeterminacy with financial assets pp. 22-38

- John Geanakoplos and Andreu Mas-Colell
- Dynamic determinacy and the existence of sunspot equilibria pp. 39-50

- John Laitner
- A characterization of sequential equilibrium strategies in infinitely repeated incomplete information games pp. 51-65

- James Bergin
- On the competitive resolution of trading uncertainty pp. 66-75

- Steven E. Landsburg and Benjamin Eden
- Recursive utility and optimal capital accumulation. I. Existence pp. 76-100

- Robert Becker, John Boyd and Bom Yong Sung
- Stochastic growth with irreversible investment pp. 101-129

- Lars Olson
- Equilibrium existence in an overlapping generations model with altruistic preferences pp. 130-152

- S. Aiyagari
- Perfect equilibrium in non-randomized strategies in a class of symmetric dynamic games pp. 153-177

- Rangarajan K. Sundaram
- Symmetric equilibrium existence and optimality in differentiated product markets pp. 178-194

- Nicholas Economides
- Markov perfect equilibria in altruistic growth economies with production uncertainty pp. 195-202

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Debraj Ray
- Equilibrium with a qualitative Walras' law pp. 203-205

- Christian Bidard
- Renegotiation-proof equilibria in repeated prisoners' dilemma pp. 206-217

- Eric van Damme
- Perfect equilibrium histories of finite and infinite horizon games pp. 218-227

- Tilman Börgers
- Some comments on majority rule equilibria in local public good economies pp. 228-234

- Karl Dunz
Volume 46, issue 2, 1988
- Consistent voting rules for competitive local public goods economies pp. 223-236

- Joseph Greenberg and Benyamin Shitovitz
- A study of choice correspondences in economies with a variable number of agents pp. 237-254

- William Thomson
- Determinacy of equilibrium in stationary economies with both finite and infinite lived consumers pp. 255-290

- Walter Muller and Michael Woodford
- Social choice in economic environments pp. 291-308

- David Donaldson and John Weymark
- On stability analysis with disequilibrium awareness pp. 309-321

- Dale Stahl and Franklin M. Fisher
- The Pareto domination of irrational expectations over rational expectations pp. 322-334

- Michael Teit Nielsen
- Multidimensional incentive compatibility and mechanism design pp. 335-354

- Randolph McAfee and John McMillan
- Stopping agents from "cheating" pp. 355-372

- Ching-to Ma, John Moore and Stephen Turnbull
- An abstract two-period game with simultaneous signaling--Existence of separating equilibria pp. 373-394

- George Mailath
- A note on Merton's "Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a continuous-Time Model" pp. 395-401

- Suresh P. Sethi and Michael Taksar
- On stationary 3-period overlapping generations models pp. 402-408

- Benyamin Shitovitz
- On a criterion of infinite-horizon efficiency pp. 409-413

- Abhijit Sengupta
- Portfolio choice, exchange rates, and indeterminacy pp. 414-421

- H. M. Polemarchakis
Volume 46, issue 1, 1988
- What is a liquidity crisis? pp. 1-15

- Roger Farmer
- Warranties, moral hazard, and the lemons problem pp. 16-33

- Winand Emons
- Maximin, leximin, and the protective criterion: Characterizations and comparisons pp. 34-44

- Salvador Barbara and Matthew Jackson
- Competitive business cycles in an overlapping generations economy with productive investment pp. 45-65

- Bruno Jullien
- Entry and structures of interest groups in assignment games pp. 66-96

- Jie-Ping Mo
- Reputation in repeated second-price auctions pp. 97-119

- Sushil Bikhchandani
- Money metric utility: A harmless normalization? pp. 120-129

- Charles Blackorby and David Donaldson
- Repeated games with stationary bounded recall strategies pp. 130-144

- Ehud Lehrer
- Similarity and decision-making under risk (is there a utility theory resolution to the Allais paradox?) pp. 145-153

- Ariel Rubinstein
- A note on the specification of interfirm communication in insurance markets with adverse selection pp. 154-163

- Martin F. Hellwig
- Stability of the Groves and Ledyard mechanism pp. 164-171

- Pierre De Trenqualye
- Endogenously determined price-setting monopoly in an exchange economy pp. 172-178

- V. Sadanand
- Revealed preference with a subset of goods pp. 179-185

- Hal Varian
- A correspondence theorem between expected utility and smooth utility pp. 186-193

- Soo Hong Chew, Larry Epstein and Itzhak Zilcha
- An extension of the Black-Scholes model of security valuation pp. 194-204

- Darrell Duffie
- Policy functions for capital accumulation paths pp. 205-214

- Dean Neumann, Thomas O'Brien, John Hoag and Kyoo Kim
- Returns to size vs returns to scale: The core with production revisited pp. 215-219

- Volker Bohm