Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 3, issue 4, 1971
- Notes on endogenous change of tastes pp. 345-372

- Carl Christian von Weizsacker
- Optimum consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model pp. 373-413

- Robert Merton
- Random preferences and equilibrium analysis pp. 414-429

- Werner Hildenbrand
- Land use in a long narrow city pp. 430-447

- Robert Solow and William Vickrey
Volume 3, issue 3, 1971
- On the management of public monopolies subject to budgetary constraints pp. 219-240

- M. Boiteux
- Optimal inventory and capital policy under certainty pp. 241-253

- Ana M. Martirena-Mantel
- Stable coalition proposals in majority-rule voting pp. 254-271

- Robert Wilson
- Interfirm learning and the kinked demand curve pp. 272-287

- Richard M. Cyert and Morris H. DeGroot
- Stochastic dominance and diversification pp. 288-305

- Josef Hadar and William R. Russell
- Dynamic limit pricing: Optimal pricing under threat of entry pp. 306-322

- Darius Gaskins
- Coalitions, core, and competition pp. 323-334

- Marcel Richter
- The correspondence principle and distributed lags pp. 335-340

- Arthur Benavie
- Footnotes to marcel Boiteux's value-constrained second best pp. 341-344

- Serge-Christophe Kolm
Volume 3, issue 2, 1971
- Risk and the competitive firm pp. 109-133

- Edward Zabel
- On Ricardo's problem pp. 134-145

- J. Case
- The le chatelier principle as a corollary to a generalized envelope theorem pp. 146-155

- Eugene Silberberg
- A model of price adjustment pp. 156-168

- Peter Diamond
- On the existence of a coopertive solution for a general class of N-person games pp. 169-181

- Herbert E. Scarf
- External economies and cores pp. 182-188

- Robert Rosenthal
- Learning by doing and occupational specialization pp. 189-198

- Yoram Weiss
- Conjunctive effects on economies of scale and rate structures in establishing the geographical milk supply area of the plant pp. 199-206

- R. Kenneth DeHaven
- Sufficient conditions in optimal control theory pp. 207-214

- Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L. Schwartz
- A secular theory of inflation: A comment pp. 215-218

- John Carlson
Volume 3, issue 1, 1971
- An existence theorem for the second best pp. 1-22

- Kevin C. Sontheimer
- Price variation duopoly with differentiated products and random demand pp. 23-39

- Richard Levitan and Martin Shubik
- Multiperiod consumption-investment decisions and risk preference pp. 40-53

- Edwin H. Neave
- The relation of optima and market equilibria with externalities pp. 54-65

- John Ledyard
- Increasing risk II: Its economic consequences pp. 66-84

- Michael Rothschild and Joseph Stiglitz
- Heterogeneous labor, the internal labor market, and the dynamics of the employment-hours decision pp. 85-104

- Ronald Ehrenberg
- Generalized CES production functions pp. 105-108

- Steven A. Y. Lin
Volume 2, issue 4, 1970
- Suborders on commodity spaces pp. 321-328

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Adjustment costs and variable inputs in the theory of the competitive firm pp. 329-347

- Arthur B. Treadway
- The finer structure of revealed preference pp. 348-353

- Robert Wilson
- Conditions for simple majority decision functions with intransitive individual indifference pp. 354-367

- Peter C. Fishburn
- Uncertainty and the demand for liquid assets pp. 368-382

- Avinash Dixit and Steven Goldman
- A "Scandinavian consensus" solution for efficient income distribution among nonmalevolent consumers pp. 383-398

- Ted Bergstrom
- Some approximation theorems on efficiency prices for infinite programs pp. 399-410

- Mukul Majumdar
- Substitution in a general equilibrium framework pp. 411-422

- George Akerlof and Edwin Burmeister
- Homotheticity in joint production pp. 423-426

- Giora Hanoch
- On the uniqueness and stability conditions of a balanced growth path in neoclassical two-sector models pp. 427-436

- Taichi Ezawa
Volume 2, issue 3, 1970
- Incidence of an interest income tax pp. 211-224

- Peter Diamond
- Increasing risk: I. A definition pp. 225-243

- Michael Rothschild and Joseph Stiglitz
- On the measurement of inequality pp. 244-263

- Anthony Atkinson
- A theorem on the measurement of inequality pp. 264-266

- David M Newbery
- On social choice with quasitransitive individual preferences pp. 267-275

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Economic equilibrium with costly marketing pp. 276-291

- Duncan Foley
- Capital accumulation in a riskless environment pp. 292-309

- Steven A. Lippman
- Comments on the definition of homogeneous and homothetic functions pp. 310-313

- Amoz Kats
- Correction on the boundary conditions in Beckmann's model on urban rent and residential density pp. 314-318

- Jerome K. Delson
- Some properties of concave functions: A comment pp. 319-320

- Chulsoon Khang
Volume 2, issue 2, 1970
- Marketable surplus and growth in the dual economy pp. 107-121

- Paul Zarembka
- The structure of investor preferences and asset returns, and separability in portfolio allocation: A contribution to the pure theory of mutual funds pp. 122-160

- David Cass and Joseph Stiglitz
- On economies with many agents pp. 161-188

- Werner Hildenbrand
- On ex post factor substitution pp. 189-194

- Sheng Cheng Hu
- Quasi-competitive price adjustment by individual firms: a preliminary paper pp. 195-206

- Franklin M. Fisher
Volume 2, issue 1, 1970
- Period analysis and continuous analysis in Patinkin's macroeconomic model pp. 1-9

- Josef May
- Medical insurance: A case study of the tradeoff between risk spreading and appropriate incentives pp. 10-26

- Richard Zeckhauser
- Majority rule and rationality pp. 27-40

- Ken-Ichi Inada
- Efficiency prices in an infinite-dimensional space pp. 41-85

- Bezalel Peleg and Menahem E. Yaari
- A note on variable elasticity of substitution pp. 86-94

- Yoshihiko Otani
- A further note on a difference equation recurring in growth theory pp. 95-102

- Ryuzo Sato
- Arrow's impossibility theorem: Concise proof and infinite voters pp. 103-106

- Peter C. Fishburn