Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 4, 1974
- A characterization of community excess demand functions pp. 361-374

- Daniel McFadden, Andreu Mas-Colell, Rolf Mantel and Marcel Richter
- An approximate solution to Arrow's problem pp. 375-383

- Donald Brown
- An optimistic theory of exhaustible resources pp. 384-396

- Vernon L. Smith
- Optimal costly firm entry in general equilibrium pp. 397-417

- Vernon L. Smith
- Principles of optimal location in a large homogeneous area pp. 418-448

- David A. Starrett
- Interpreting von neumann model prices as marginal values pp. 449-463

- Michel Balinski and H. Young
- Letter to the editor on some frequently occurring errors in the economic literature concerning problems of maxima and minima pp. 464-466

- Knut Sydsaeter
- Location and the theory of production: A generalization pp. 467-475

- Amir Khalili, Vijay K. Mathur and Diran Bodenhorn
Volume 9, issue 3, 1974
- The cores of large standard exchange economies pp. 245-254

- Donald Brown and Abraham Robinson
- Substitution and expansion effects in production theory: The case of joint production pp. 255-274

- Yasuhiro Sakai
- The welfare ranking of Pareto distributions pp. 275-282

- John Chipman
- The multiplant firm with increasing returns to scale pp. 283-292

- William Ginsberg
- On the existence of equilibrium in a securities model pp. 293-311

- Oliver D. Hart
- A complementarity algorithm for an optimal capital path with invariant proportions pp. 312-323

- George B. Dantzig and Alan Manne
- Disadvantageous syndicates pp. 324-326

- Andrew Postlewaite and Robert Rosenthal
- The effects of improvements in the consumer loan market pp. 327-339

- Thomas Russell
- A note on Johansen's nonsubstitution theorem and Malinvaud's decentralization procedure pp. 340-349

- Dipankar Dasgupta
- A note on returns to group size and the core with public goods pp. 350-356

- John Roberts
- Alcoa revisited: Comment pp. 357-359

- Franklin M. Fisher
Volume 9, issue 2, 1974
- The theory of search pp. 93-123

- Meir Kohn and Steven Shavell
- Engineering foundations of production functions pp. 124-140

- James Marsden, David Pingry and Andrew Whinston
- A particular class of continuous-time stochastic growth models pp. 141-158

- François Bourguignon
- Matrices with dominating diagonal blocks pp. 159-170

- Ivor F. Pearce
- Technological condition for balanced growth: A criticism and restatement pp. 171-184

- Alberto Chilosi and Stanislaw Gomulka
- A two-armed bandit theory of market pricing pp. 185-202

- Michael Rothschild
- Flexibility and the demand for money pp. 203-222

- Steven Goldman
- A comparative static analysis of urban spatial structure pp. 223-237

- William C. Wheaton
- A note on some theoretical issues of resource depletion pp. 238-243

- F. E. Banks
Volume 9, issue 1, 1974
- Continuity of equilibria for economies with vanishing external effects pp. 1-22

- Gerard Fuchs and Guy Laroque
- Duality and differentiability in production pp. 23-42

- Dale Jorgenson and Lawrence J. Lau
- An axiomatization of Borda's rule pp. 43-52

- H. Young
- Sufficient conditions for D-stability pp. 53-62

- Charles R. Johnson
- Equity, envy, and efficiency pp. 63-91

- Hal Varian
Volume 8, issue 4, 1974
- Some implications of anarchy for the distribution of property pp. 401-412

- Winston C. Bush and Lawrence S. Mayer
- A general theory of demand for information about product quality pp. 413-439

- Richard Kihlstrom
- Land use in a circular city pp. 440-457

- Marvin Kraus
- On some problems arising in markets with some large traders and a continuum of small traders pp. 458-470

- Benyamin Shitovitz
- On a class of rational social decision procedures pp. 471-482

- John A. Ferejohn and David Grether
- Price adjustment in an atomistic market pp. 483-499

- John D. Hey
- An equilibrium model of the international capital market pp. 500-524

- Bruno H. Solnik
- A note on additive indices pp. 525-529

- J. Aczel and W. Eichhorn
- A note on the shape of the pareto optimal surface pp. 530-538

- Gordon H. Bradley and Martin Shubik
- A note on Ken-Ichi Inada's "majority rule and rationality" pp. 539-540

- M. Salles
Volume 8, issue 3, 1974
- Economies of scale and equilibria in coalition production economies pp. 259-291

- Dieter Sondermann
- Equivalence of the weak and strong axioms of revealed preference without demand continuity assumptions: A "regularity condition" approach pp. 292-304

- Yasuhiro Sakai
- Continuous and smooth consumers: Approximation theorems pp. 305-336

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- Increases in risk and in risk aversion pp. 337-360

- Peter Diamond and Joseph Stiglitz
- Risk aversion with many commodities pp. 361-388

- Richard E. Kihlstrom and Leonard Mirman
- The knowledge revealed by an allocation process and the informational size of the message space pp. 389-396

- Stanley Reiter
- A note on the three Hicksian laws of comparative statics for the gross substitute case pp. 397-400

- Vikas Chitre
Volume 8, issue 2, 1974
- Homothetic production functions and the shape of the production possibility locus pp. 101-110

- Wolfgang Mayer
- Housing unit maintenance and the mode of tenure pp. 111-138

- James L. Sweeney
- Optimal capital adjustment under uncertainty pp. 139-148

- Carl J. Norstrom
- Necessity conditions in voting theory pp. 149-160

- Jerry S. Kelly
- The informational size of message spaces pp. 161-192

- Kenneth Mount and Stanley Reiter
- Informational efficiency of iterative processes and the size of message spaces pp. 193-205

- Stanley Reiter
- Stability of sincere voting under some classes of non-binary group decision procedures pp. 206-224

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- Free access vs private ownership as alternative systems for managing common property pp. 225-234

- Martin Weitzman
- Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of an optimal portfolio pp. 235-247

- Dimitri P. Bertsekas
- Some comparative-statics results for nonlinear input-output models of a multisectored economy, and related results for nonlinear price-demand relations pp. 248-258

- I. W. Sandberg
Volume 8, issue 1, 1974
- A proof of the existence of a general equilibrium with ad valorem commodity taxes pp. 1-25

- John B. Shoven
- Homothetic preferences and aggregation pp. 26-38

- John Chipman
- Notes on the Volterra-Quadratic fishery pp. 39-49

- Philip A. Neher
- Resource allocation in a general equilibrium model of production under uncertainty pp. 50-63

- Raveendra N. Batra
- Risk, stochastic preference, and the value of information pp. 64-84

- John P. Gould
- Majority voting on risky investments pp. 85-99

- Peter C. Fishburn
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