Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 43, issue 2, 1987
- Supply-constrained equilibria in economies with indexed prices pp. 203-222

- Claus Weddepohl
- Trade using assets divisible at a cost pp. 223-251

- Ramon Marimon and Neil Wallace
- Edgeworth equilibria in production economies pp. 252-291

- Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Donald J. Brown and Owen Burkinshaw
- Optimality and monetary equilibria in stationary overlapping generations models with long-lived agents: Growth versus discounting pp. 292-313

- S. Aiyagari
- Information and securities: A note on pareto dominance and the second best pp. 314-328

- Frank Milne and H. M. Shefrin
- Support restrictions and sequential equilibria pp. 329-334

- Vicente Madrigal, Tommy C. C. Tan and Sergio Werlang
- Efficient funds for meager asset spaces pp. 335-347

- David C. Nachman
- Non-connectedness of the set of equilibrium money prices: The static economy pp. 348-354

- James Peck
- Non-connectedness of the set of equilibrium money prices: The overlapping-generations economy pp. 355-363

- James Peck
- Correlated equilibria and sunspots pp. 364-373

- Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole
- On the generic nonexistence of pure strategy nash equilibria in continuous games pp. 374-382

- Michel Le Breton
Volume 43, issue 1, 1987
- Auctions with a stochastic number of bidders pp. 1-19

- Randolph McAfee and John McMillan
- Limit theorems for markets with sequential bargaining pp. 20-54

- Douglas Gale
- On the existence of subgame-perfect equilibrium in infinite-action games of perfect information pp. 55-75

- Martin Hellwig and Wolfgang Leininger
- Viable allocations of information in financial markets pp. 76-115

- Anat Admati and Paul Pfleiderer
- Optimal growth in a stochastic environment: Some sensitivity and turnpike results pp. 116-133

- Mukul Majumdar and Itzhak Zilcha
- Local perfection pp. 134-156

- Leo K. Simon
- On relationships between numerical representations of interval orders and semiorders pp. 157-169

- Susan H. Gensemer
- Short run core equivalence in an overlapping generations model pp. 170-183

- Suchan Chae
- A measure of aggregate power in organizations pp. 184-191

- Claude d'Aspremont, A. Jacquemin and Jean-François Mertens
- Preferences and normal goods: A sufficient condition pp. 192-199

- Alain Leroux
Volume 42, issue 2, 1987
- Notes on optimality of rational expectations equilibrium with incomplete markets pp. 191-208

- Gautam Bhattacharya
- Optimal capital structure and project financing pp. 209-243

- Salman Shah and Anjan Thakor
- Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms and perfect competition pp. 244-261

- Louis Makowski and Joseph Ostroy
- Temporary equilibrium with storable commodities pp. 262-274

- Dale Stahl
- A monetarist model of inflation pp. 275-310

- Stephen LeRoy and Neil Raymon
- Matching, search, and bargaining pp. 311-333

- Asher Wolinsky
- Quantile-preserving spread pp. 334-351

- Haim Mendelson
- Aggregation theory for SSB utility functionals pp. 352-369

- Peter C. Fishburn and William V. Gehrlein
- Risk aversion in the theory of expected utility with rank dependent probabilities pp. 370-381

- Chew Soo Hong, Edi Karni and Zvi Safra
- On constant maskin monotonic social choice functions pp. 382-386

- Tatsuyoshi Saijo
Volume 42, issue 1, 1987
- Coalition-Proof Nash Equilibria I. Concepts pp. 1-12

- B. Douglas Bernheim, Bezalel Peleg and Michael Whinston
- Coalition-Proof Nash Equilibria II. Applications pp. 13-29

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Michael Whinston
- Disadvantageous syndicates and stable cartels: The case of the nucleolus pp. 30-49

- Patrick Legros
- Monotonicity of bargaining solutions with respect to the disagreement point pp. 50-58

- William Thomson
- Large games: Fair and stable outcomes pp. 59-93

- Myrna Wooders and William Zame
- Robust trading mechanisms pp. 94-107

- Kathleen M. Hagerty and William P. Rogerson
- Power and public goods pp. 108-127

- Robert Aumann, Mordecai Kurz and Abraham Neyman
- Equilibrium prices in the Bertrand and Cournot oligopolies pp. 128-139

- Koji Okuguchi
- Optimal research for cournot oligopolists pp. 140-166

- Lode Li, Richard D. McKelvey and Talbot Page
- Competitive equilibrium in the credit market under asymmetric information pp. 167-182

- David Besanko and Anjan Thakor
- Cournot duopoly with two production periods pp. 183-187

- Garth Saloner
Volume 41, issue 2, 1987
- Asset-return anomalies in a monetary economy pp. 219-247

- Robert Townsend
- Measures of inequality as an aggregation of individual preferences about income distribution: The arrowian case pp. 248-269

- Michel Le Breton and Alain Trannoy
- Some implications of a more general form of regret theory pp. 270-287

- Graham Loomes and Robert Sugden
- Comparative statics in non-cooperative games via transfinitely iterated play pp. 288-303

- Steven A. Lippman, John W. Mamer and Kevin F. McCardle
- Bertrand price competition with differentiated commodities pp. 304-332

- Leo K. Simon
- Infinite-dimensional Gale-Nikaido-Debreu theorem and a fixed-point theorem of Tarafdar pp. 333-339

- Ghanshyam Mehta and Enayet Tarafdar
- Smooth preferences and the approximate expected utility hypothesis pp. 340-355

- Beth Allen
- The efficiency of monopolistically competitive equilibria in large economies: Commodity differentiation with gross substitutes pp. 356-391

- Larry Jones
- On equilibrium in Hart's securities exchange model pp. 392-404

- Frank Page
- Stochastic equilibria with incomplete financial markets pp. 405-416

- Darrell Duffie
- Characterizing the efficient set when preferences are state-dependent pp. 417-423

- Itzhak Zilcha
Volume 41, issue 1, 1987
- The source of some paradoxes from social choice and probability pp. 1-22

- Donald G. Saari
- Size and distribution of incomes as determinants of social welfare pp. 23-33

- Udo Ebert
- Potential welfare and the sum of individual compensating or equivalent variations pp. 34-53

- Javier Ruiz-Castillo
- Efficiency and nonlinear pricing in nonconvex environments with externalities: A generalization of the Lindahl equilibrium concept pp. 54-67

- Fernando Vega-Redondo
- A simple dynamic general equilibrium model pp. 68-95

- Larry Epstein
- Equilibria in noncooperative models of competition pp. 96-111

- Nicholas C. Yannelis
- Nonpaternalistic intergenerational altruism pp. 112-132

- Debraj Ray
- On Pareto-improving redistributions of aggregate economic gains pp. 133-153

- Avinash Dixit
- Efficient performance in two agent bargaining pp. 154-172

- Steven R. Williams
- A characterization of Ramsey equilibrium pp. 173-184

- Robert Becker and Ciprian Foias
- A note on measures of distance between imcome distributions pp. 185-188

- Satya Chakravarty and Bhaskar Dutta
- Market structure and competitive equilibrium in dynamic economic models pp. 189-201

- Randall Wright
- Spanning and completeness in markets with contingent claims pp. 202-210

- Richard Green and Robert Jarrow
- A simple proof of the monotonicity of the state trajectories in autonomous control problems pp. 211-215

- Richard F. Hartl
- Corrigendum pp. 216-217

- Michael Badke