Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 15, issue 2, 1977
- Monopoly, syndicate, and shapley value: About some conjectures pp. 235-251

- Roger Guesnerie
- The demand for labor in a dynamic model of the firm pp. 252-265

- David S. Sibley
- Manipulation of social decision functions pp. 266-278

- Salvador Barberà
- Individual and collective risks in large economies pp. 279-294

- Siegfried Berninghaus
- Proportional income taxes and cores in a public goods economy pp. 295-300

- Mikio Nakayama
- Decisive coalitions in the theory of social choice pp. 301-306

- John A. Ferejohn
- Equilibrium solutions in dynamic dominant-player models pp. 307-324

- Finn Kydland
- Optimality, the interaction of spot and futures markets, and the nonneutrality of money in the lucas model pp. 325-344

- Thomas J. Muench
- On the desirability of a "totally random" monetary policy pp. 345-350

- H. M. Polemarchakis and Laurence Weiss
- Reply to muench and polemarchakis and weiss pp. 351-352

- Robert Lucas
- Generalized slutsky conditions for aggregate consumer demand functions pp. 353-362

- Walter Diewert
- Core and value for a public-goods economy: An example pp. 363-365

- Robert Aumann, Roy Gardner and Robert Rosenthal
- On the informational size of message spaces pp. 366-375

- Mark Walker
- On partially continuous correspondences pp. 376-380

- Amoz Kats and Steven Slutsky
- A note on dependence between a venture and a current prospect pp. 381-391

- Clifford Hildreth and Leigh Tesfatsion
- A further note on market equilibrium with fixed supply pp. 392-393

- Arie Tamir
- A note on resource usage and market structure pp. 394-397

- Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L. Schwartz
- Dynamic behavior of a simple neoclassical model with wealth and capital unequal pp. 398-409

- David Gale
Volume 15, issue 1, 1977
- A characterization of the optimality of equilibrium in incomplete markets pp. 1-15

- Sanford Grossman
- Existence and the cass-shell stability condition for Hamiltonian systems of optimal growth pp. 16-25

- Robert E. Gaines
- Consumption loans under uncertainty pp. 26-53

- Frederick S. Inaba
- Wealth and the value of generalized lotteries pp. 54-71

- John P. Danforth
- Collective rationality versus distribution of power for binary social choice functions pp. 72-91

- Peter C. Fishburn and William V. Gehrlein
- On the consistency of a gambler with time preference pp. 92-98

- Prem Prakash
- Existence of stable situations, restricted preferences, and strategic manipulation under democratic group decision rules pp. 99-111

- Bhaskar Dutta
- Stochastic evolution and control of an economic activity pp. 112-122

- S. D. Deshmukh and S. D. Chikte
- The aggregation of controls and the autonomy of subordinates pp. 123-134

- J. M. Montias
- Separability vs functional structure: A characterization of their differences pp. 135-144

- Charles Blackorby, Daniel Primont and R. Robert Russell
- Sophisticated voting with information for two voting functions pp. 145-159

- Rony M. Adelsman and Andrew B. Whinston
- Spaces of economic agents pp. 160-173

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- Some new results on the local stability of the process of capital accumulation pp. 174-210

- Michael Magill
- A local analysis of N-sector capital accumulation under uncertainty pp. 211-219

- Michael Magill
- The demand for money and bonds in continuous time models: A comment pp. 220-224

- Laurence H. Meyer
- Market allocation through search: Equilibrium adjustment and price dispersion: Comment pp. 225-227

- Gerard R. Butters
- A necessary and sufficient condition for the equality of the expansion rates in the von Neumann growth model pp. 228-234

- Hans Jurgen Jaksch
Volume 14, issue 2, 1977
- Externalities and problems of nonconvexity and overhead costs in welfare economics pp. 239-251

- Yoshihiko Otani and Joseph Sicilian
- Stability of social choices in infinitely large societies pp. 252-262

- Elisha A. Pazner and Eugene Wesley
- Decentralized resource allocation and increasing returns pp. 263-283

- Xavier Calsamiglia
- Houthakker's axiom in the theory of rational choice pp. 284-290

- Kotaro Suzumura
- Distortion of preferences, income distribution, and the case for a linear income tax pp. 291-298

- Mordecai Kurz
- A voting model for the allocation of public goods: Existence of an equilibrium pp. 299-325

- Steven Slutsky
- Choice among distributions pp. 326-336

- Jack Meyer
- Protection and real wages: The neoclassical ambiguity pp. 337-348

- Roy Ruffin and Ronald Jones
- A unified model of consumption, labor supply, and job search pp. 349-372

- John J. Seater
- Mixed pricing in oligopoly pp. 373-388

- Yuval Shilony
- Characterizing optimal policies in a one-sector model of economic growth under uncertainty pp. 389-401

- Leonard Mirman and Itzhak Zilcha
- An admissible set occurring in various bargaining situations pp. 402-411

- Ehud Kalai and David Schmeidler
- The equivalence of strong positive association and strategy-proofness pp. 412-418

- Eitan Muller and Mark A. Satterthwaite
- Competitive and value allocations of large exchange economies pp. 419-438

- Andreu Mas-Colell
- The St. Petersburg paradox: A con games? pp. 439-442

- Lloyd S. Shapley
- The St. Petersburg paradox: A discussion of some recent comments pp. 443-445

- Robert Aumann
- Lotteries and menus: A comment on unbounded utilities pp. 446-453

- Lloyd S. Shapley
- A problem with public sector preferences pp. 454-457

- Arthur T. Denzau and Robert Parks
- Pitfalls in the theory of fairness pp. 458-466

- Elisha A. Pazner
- A general equilibrium framework for the divvy economy pp. 467-473

- V. Salas and A. Whinston
Volume 14, issue 1, 1977
- Management production functions and the theory of the firm pp. 1-18

- Martin J. Beckmann
- Weak path independence pp. 19-31

- John A. Ferejohn and David Grether
- A note on "fulfilled expectations" equilibria pp. 32-43

- David Kreps
- Decentralized control problems in neumann-economies pp. 44-67

- János Kornai and Andras Simonovits
- The general equilibrium theory of tax incidence under uncertainty pp. 68-83

- Ronald Ratti and Parthasarathi Shome
- Existence of equilibria in economies with a local public good pp. 84-112

- Frank Westhoff
- Revealed favorability, indirect utility, and direct utility pp. 113-129

- Yasuhiro Sakai
- Dual price and quantity aggregation pp. 130-148

- Charles Blackorby, Daniel Primont and R. Robert Russell
- Transitivity of preferences on a smooth manifold of alternatives pp. 149-171

- Norman Schofield
- Asymmetric duopoly and the core pp. 172-179

- Jean Gabszewicz
- Candidates with policy preferences: A dynamic model pp. 180-189

- Donald Wittman
- The eventual failure of price fixing schemes pp. 190-199

- Robert Townsend
- Excess supply equilibria pp. 200-220

- Carl A. Futia
- Closedness of convex hulls pp. 223-227

- Itsuo Sakuma
- An empirical implication of Auspitz-Lieben-Edgeworth-Pareto complementarity pp. 228-231

- John Chipman
- The definition of risk: An extension pp. 232-234

- Haim Levy
- A note on the Arrow-Kurz model of public investment pp. 235-237

- Jeffrey Bernstein