Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 95, issue 2, 2000
- Limits of Exact Equilibria for Capacity Constrained Sellers with Costly Search pp. 139-168

- Michael Peters
- Quantified Beliefs and Believed Quantities pp. 169-185

- Dov Samet
- Dynamic Efficiency of Conservation of Renewable Resources under Uncertainty pp. 186-214

- Lars Olson and Santanu Roy
- Stability of Functional Rational Expectations Equilibria pp. 215-250

- David Kelly and Jamsheed Shorish
Volume 95, issue 1, 2000
- Coordination and Learning with a Partial Language pp. 1-36

- Andreas Blume
- The Value of Limited Altruism pp. 37-70

- Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson
- Uniqueness of an Equilibrium in Infinite-Horizon Economies Subject to Taxes and Externalities pp. 71-78

- Wilbur Coleman
- Walrasian Allocations without Price-Taking Behavior pp. 79-106

- Roberto Serrano and Oscar Volij
- A Role for Monetary Policy when Prices Reveal Information: An Example pp. 107-115

- H. M. Polemarchakis and G. Seccia
- Minimum Distribution-Sensitivity, Poverty Aversion, and Poverty Orderings pp. 116-137

- Buhong Zheng
Volume 94, issue 2, 2000
- General Equilibrium When Economic Growth Exceeds Discounting pp. 141-162

- Jonathan Burke
- Continuous Approximations of Stochastic Evolutionary Game Dynamics pp. 163-191

- Valentina Corradi and Rajiv Sarin
- On the Indices of Zeros of Nash Fields pp. 192-217

- Stefano DeMichelis and Fabrizio Germano
- Money with Idiosyncratic Uninsurable Returns to Capital pp. 218-240

- Miquel Faig
- Economists' Models of Learning pp. 241-261

- Joel Sobel
- On the Core of an Economy with Differential Information pp. 262-270

- Ezra Einy, Diego Moreno and Benyamin Shitovitz
Volume 94, issue 1, 2000
- Limits of Markets and Limits of Governments: An Introduction to a Symposium on Political Economy pp. 1-6

- Varadarajan Chari
- Large Poisson Games pp. 7-45

- Roger Myerson
- Government Turnover in Parliamentary Democracies pp. 46-79

- Daniel Diermeier and Antonio Merlo
- Political Power and the Credibility of Government Debt pp. 80-105

- Avinash Dixit and John Londregan
- The Economic Effects of Restrictions on Government Budget Deficits pp. 106-137

- Christian Ghiglino and Karl Shell
Volume 93, issue 2, 2000
- Switching Costs in Frequently Repeated Games pp. 149-190

- Barton Lipman and Ruqu Wang
- Welfarism in Economic Domains pp. 191-204

- Miguel Gines-Vilar and Francisco Marhuenda
- On the Testable Implications of Collective Choice Theories pp. 205-232

- Yves Sprumont
- A Note on Price and Quantity Competition in Differentiated Oligopolies pp. 233-239

- Jonas Hackner
- Efficient Intertemporal Allocations with Recursive Utility pp. 240-259

- Bernard Dumas, Raman Uppal and Tan Wang
- Delay in Multilateral Bargaining under Complete Information pp. 260-276

- Hongbin Cai
Volume 93, issue 1, 2000
- Participation Constraints in Adverse Selection Models pp. 1-47

- Bruno Jullien
- On Ranking Opportunity Sets in Economic Environments pp. 48-71

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Yongsheng Xu
- Blocking Efficacy of Small Coalitions in Myopic Economies pp. 72-86

- Carlos Hervés-Beloso, Emma Moreno-García, Carmelo Nunez-Sanz and Mario Pascoa
- Implementation in Principal-Agent Models of Adverse Selection pp. 87-109

- Anil Arya, Jonathan Glover and Uday Rajan
- Incompatibility of Usual Conditions for Equilibrium Existence in Continuum Economies without Ordered Preferences pp. 110-117

- Erik Balder
- Indeterminacy with Non-separable Utility pp. 118-143

- Rosalind Bennett and Roger Farmer
- A Comment on "A General Model of Information Sharing in Oligopoly," Vol. 71 (1996), 260-288, by Michael Raith pp. 144-145

- Jim Jin
Volume 92, issue 2, 2000
- Decomposable Choice under Uncertainty pp. 169-197

- Simon Grant, Atsushi Kajii and Ben Polak
- The Optimal Mechanism for Selling to a Budget-Constrained Buyer pp. 198-233

- Yeon-Koo Che and Ian Gale
- Bargaining on Behalf of a Constituency pp. 234-273

- Hongbin Cai
- The Strategic Advantage of Negatively Interdependent Preferences pp. 274-299

- Levent Kockesen, Efe Ok and Rajiv Sethi
- Fiscal Federalism Revisited pp. 300-317

- Charles Blackorby and Craig Brett
- Pivotal Players and the Characterization of Influence pp. 318-342

- Nabil I. Al-Najjar and Rann Smorodinsky
Volume 92, issue 1, 2000
- Financial Fragility and the Exchange Rate Regime pp. 1-34

- Roberto Chang and Andres Velasco
- Maxmin Expected Utility over Savage Acts with a Set of Priors pp. 35-65

- Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Peter Klibanoff and Emre Ozdenoren
- The English Auction with Differentiated Commodities pp. 66-95

- Faruk Gul and Ennio Stacchetti
- Cone Conditions in General Equilibrium Theory pp. 96-121

- Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Rabee Tourky and Nicholas C. Yannelis
- Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition, Demand Uncertainty, and Asymmetric Outcomes pp. 122-141

- Stanley S. Reynolds and Bart Wilson
- Production Externalities and Two-way Distortion in Principal-multi-agent Problems pp. 142-166

- Ben Lockwood
Volume 91, issue 2, 2000
- Characterizing Common Priors in the Form of Posteriors pp. 127-179

- Yossi Feinberg
- Manipulation through Bribes pp. 180-198

- James Schummer
- Path Independent Inequality Measures pp. 199-222

- James Foster and Artyom A. Shneyerov
- A Recursive Formulation for Repeated Agency with History Dependence pp. 223-247

- Ana Fernandes and Christopher Phelan
- Money and Dynamic Credit Arrangements with Private Information pp. 248-279

- S. Aiyagari and Stephen Williamson
- On Monitoring and Collusion in Hierarchies pp. 280-291

- Anke Kessler
- Asymptotic Efficiency in Dynamic Principal-Agent Problems pp. 292-301

- Holger M. Muller
Volume 91, issue 1, 2000
- Cheap Talk and Burned Money pp. 1-16

- David Austen-Smith and Jeffrey Banks
- Rational Equilibrium Asset-Pricing Bubbles in Continuous Trading Models pp. 17-58

- Mark Loewenstein and Gregory A. Willard
- The Knowledge Problem, Entrepreneurial Discovery, and Austrian Market Process Theory pp. 59-85

- Andrew Yates
- Are Probabilities Used in Markets ? pp. 86-90

- Larry Epstein
- Single Agents and the Set of Many-to-One Stable Matchings pp. 91-105

- Ruth Martinez, Jordi Masso, Alejandro Neme and Jorge Oviedo
- Can the Seller Benefit from an Insider in Common-Value Auctions? pp. 106-120

- Colin Campbell and Dan Levin
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