Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue 2, 1990
- Liquidity and interest rates pp. 237-264

- Robert Lucas
- Indeterminacy of stationary equilibrium in stochastic overlapping generations models pp. 265-284

- Stephen E. Spear, Sanjay Srivastava and Michael Woodford
- Subgame perfect implementation: A necessary and almost sufficient condition pp. 285-299

- Dilip Abreu and Arunava Sen
- Simultaneous offers and the inefficiency of bargaining: A two-period example pp. 300-308

- Eddie Dekel
- A model of electoral competition with incomplete information pp. 309-325

- Jeffrey Banks
- Recursive utility and the Ramsey problem pp. 326-345

- John Boud
- Subjective evaluations of n-person games pp. 346-361

- Douglas H. Blair and Richard McLean
- An overlapping generations model core equivalence theorem pp. 362-380

- Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Owen Burkinshaw
- Strategic stability and uniqueness in signaling games pp. 381-413

- Inkoo Cho and Joel Sobel
- Intergenerational social choice without the Pareto principle pp. 414-423

- Donald E. Campbell
- Coherent behavior in noncooperative games pp. 424-444

- Robert F. Nau and Kevin F. McCardle
- Effective cheap talk with conflicting interests pp. 445-458

- Daniel J. Seidmann
- Maximal elements of weakly continuous relations pp. 459-464

- Donald E. Campbell and Mark Walker
Volume 50, issue 1, 1990
- Determinacy of equilibria in dynamic models with finitely many consumers pp. 1-21

- Timothy Kehoe, David Levine and Paul Romer
- Signaling, forward induction, and stability in finitely repeated games pp. 22-36

- Martin Osborne
- The logical foundations of urban economics are consistent pp. 37-53

- Yorgos Papageorgiou and David Pines
- Nonexpected utility preferences in a temporal framework with an application to consumption-savings behaviour pp. 54-81

- Soo Hong Chew and Larry Epstein
- An axiomatization of the single-series Ginis pp. 82-92

- Walter Bossert
- Partially-revealing rational expectations equilibrium in a competitive economy pp. 93-126

- Lawrence M. Ausubel
- Equilibrium without independence pp. 127-154

- Vincent Crawford
- Competitive equilibria and the core of overlapping generations economies pp. 155-174

- Joan Esteban and T. Millan
- Dynamic labor contracts under asymmetric information pp. 175-192

- Hiroshi Osano
- Multivariate decision-making under risk aversion pp. 193-203

- Lars Olson
- Demand for risky financial assets: A portfolio analysis pp. 204-213

- Michael Landsberger and Isaac Meilijson
- Mean-variance efficiency when investors are not required to invest all their money pp. 214-218

- Hans Ehrbar
- Monetary taxation in a monetary exchange economy pp. 219-233

- Richard Dusansky
Volume 49, issue 2, 1989
- A unifying approach to axiomatic non-expected utility theories pp. 207-240

- Soo Hong Chew and Larry Epstein
- Utility functionals with nonpaternalistic intergenerational altruism pp. 241-265

- Hajime Hori and Sadao Kanaya
- The nash program: Non-convex bargaining problems pp. 266-277

- Maria Jose Herrero
- An application of the theory of social situations to repeated games pp. 278-293

- Joseph Greenberg
- Countervailing incentives in agency problems pp. 294-313

- Tracy Lewis and David Sappington
- A note on stochastic dominance and inequality measures pp. 314-323

- Pietro Muliere and Marco Scarsini
- Dynamic duopoly with adjustment costs: A differential game approach pp. 324-338

- Robert Driskill and Stephen McCafferty
- Finite and infinite complexity in axioms of rational choice or Sen's characterization of preference-compatibility cannot be improved pp. 339-346

- Avraham Beja
- Some classes of functions that preserve the inequality and welfare orderings of income distributions pp. 347-359

- Patrick Moyes
- Existence, uniqueness, and stability of equilibrium in an overlapping-generations model with productive capital pp. 360-375

- Oded Galor and Harl E. Ryder
- Renegotiation-proof equilibrium: Reply pp. 376-378

- Joseph Farrell and Eric Maskin
- Equilibrium with incomplete markets without ordered preferences pp. 379-382

- Jan Werner
Volume 49, issue 1, 1989
- Small talk and cooperation: A note on bounded rationality pp. 1-9

- Eitan Zemel
- Cournot-Walras and locally consistent equilibria pp. 10-32

- Robert Gary-Bobo
- Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process pp. 33-83

- John C. Cox and Chi-fu Huang
- On the extension of preferences over a set to the power set: An axiomatic characterization of a quasi-ordering pp. 84-92

- Walter Bossert
- A consistent bargaining set pp. 93-112

- Bhaskar Dutta, Debraj Ray, Kunal Sengupta and Rajiv Vohra
- Continuum economies with finite coalitions: Core, equilibria, and widespread externalities pp. 113-134

- Peter Hammond, Mamoru Kaneko and Myrna Wooders
- The core of a continuum economy with widespread externalities and finite coalitions: From finite to continuum economies pp. 135-168

- Mamoru Kaneko and Myrna Wooders
- A simple model of optimum life-cycle consumption with earnings uncertainty pp. 169-178

- Eytan Sheshinski
- Arc-connectedness of the set of efficient allocations in overlapping-generations economies pp. 179-188

- Jonathan Burke
- On incentive compatible, individually rational, and ex post efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading pp. 189-194

- Toshihide Matsuo
- Deriving strong and coalition-proof nash equilibria from an abstract system pp. 195-202

- Joseph Greenberg
Volume 48, issue 2, 1989
- Convergence of least squares learning mechanisms in self-referential linear stochastic models pp. 337-368

- Albert Marcet and Thomas Sargent
- Large symmetric games are characterized by completeness of the desirability relation pp. 369-385

- Ezra Einy and Abraham Neyman
- Technological competition, uncertainty, and oligopoly pp. 386-415

- Xavier Vives
- Equilibrium without uniform conditions pp. 416-427

- Aloisio Araujo and Paulo Monteiro
- Efficiency in repeated games with imperfect monitoring pp. 428-442

- Hitoshi Matsushima
- A dictionary for voting paradoxes pp. 443-475

- Donald G. Saari
- Stable equilibria and forward induction pp. 476-496

- Eric van Damme
- Commodity price fluctuations: Price dependent delays and nonlinearities as explanatory factors pp. 497-509

- Michael C. Mackey
- Product variety and competitive discounts pp. 510-525

- Daniel Spulber
- On the optimality and stability of competitive paths in continuous time growth models pp. 526-547

- Gerhard Sorger
Volume 48, issue 1, 1989
- Introduction: Symposium on Noncooperative Bargaining pp. 1-17

- Peter Linhart, Roy Radner and Mark Satterthwaite
- A direct mechanism characterization of sequential bargaining with one-sided incomplete information pp. 18-46

- Lawrence M. Ausubel and Raymond J. Deneckere
- Bargaining with common values pp. 47-62

- Daniel Vincent
- Equilibria of the sealed-bid mechanism for bargaining with incomplete information pp. 63-106

- W. Leininger, P. B. Linhart and Roy Radner
- Bilateral trade with the sealed bid k-double auction: Existence and efficiency pp. 107-133

- Mark A. Satterthwaite and Steven R. Williams
- The bilateral monopoly model: Approaching certainty under the split-the-difference mechanism pp. 134-151

- Elizabeth M. Broman
- Minimax-regret strategies for bargaining over several variables pp. 152-178

- P. B. Linhart and Roy Radner
- The sealed-bid mechanism: An experimental study pp. 179-220

- Roy Radner and Andrew Schotter
- Cheap talk can matter in bargaining pp. 221-237

- Joseph Farrell and Robert Gibbons
- Pre-play communication in two-person sealed-bid double auctions pp. 238-263

- Steven Matthews and Andrew Postlewaite
- Credible negotiation statements and coherent plans pp. 264-303

- Roger Myerson
- The rate at which a simple market converges to efficiency as the number of traders increases: An asymptotic result for optimal trading mechanisms pp. 304-332

- Thomas Gresik and Mark A. Satterthwaite
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