Journal of Economic Theory
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell
From Elsevier
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Volume 187, issue C, 2020
- Explicit vs. statistical targeting in affirmative action: Theory and evidence from Chicago's exam schools

- Umut Dur, Parag Pathak and Tayfun Sönmez
- Assortative matching with network spillovers

- Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen
- Estimating information cost functions in models of rational inattention

- Ambuj Dewan and Nathaniel Neligh
- Testing, disclosure and approval

- Jacopo Bizzotto, Jesper Rüdiger and Adrien Vigier
- Information order in monotone decision problems under uncertainty

- Jian Li and Junjie Zhou
- Rational buyers search when prices increase

- Luis Cabral and Sonia Gilbukh
- A theoretical foundation of ambiguity measurement

- Yehuda Izhakian
- The income fluctuation problem and the evolution of wealth

- Qingyin Ma, John Stachurski and Alexis Akira Toda
- Coalitional bargaining with consistent counterfactuals

- Roberto Burguet and Ramon Caminal
- On stable and efficient mechanisms for priority-based allocation problems

- Kang Rong, Qianfeng Tang and Yongchao Zhang
- Pure strategy Nash equilibria of large finite-player games and their relationship to non-atomic games

- Guilherme Carmona and Konrad Podczeck
- Subgame-perfect cooperation in an extensive game

- Parkash Chander and Myrna Wooders
- Who will watch the watchers? On optimal monitoring networks

- Wang Xiang
- Reverse Calculus and nested optimization

- Andrew Clausen and Carlo Strub
- Information disclosure and full surplus extraction in mechanism design

- Daniel Krähmer
- Fifty years of the Journal of Economic Theory

- Karl Shell
- An informational rationale for action over disclosure

- Alexandre N. Kohlhas
- Promises and endogenous reneging costs

- Yuval Heller and David Sturrock
- Equilibrium refinement for a model of non-monocentric internal structures of cities: A potential game approach

- Minoru Osawa and Takashi Akamatsu
- On the existence of monotone pure-strategy perfect Bayesian equilibrium in games with complementarities

- Jeffrey Mensch
- Learning rivals' information in interdependent value auctions

- Jinwoo Kim and Youngwoo Koh
- Asymptotically optimal prior-free clock auctions

- Simon Loertscher and Leslie M. Marx
- Inefficient sorting under output sharing

- Wing Tung Lam
- The moral hazard problem with high stakes

- Hector Chade and Jeroen Swinkels
Volume 186, issue C, 2020
- Costly information acquisition

- Christopher Chambers, Ce Liu and John Rehbeck
- Temptation and forward-guidance

- Marco Airaudo
- Risk sharing with private and public information

- Piotr Denderski and Christian A. Stoltenberg
- Risk, ambiguity, and Giffen assets

- Joshua Lanier
- On obvious strategy-proofness and single-peakedness

- R. Pablo Arribillaga, Jordi Masso and Alejandro Neme
- Asymmetric budget constraints in a first-price auction

- Nina Bobkova
- Institutionalization, delegation, and asset prices

- Shiyang Huang, Zhigang Qiu and Liyan Yang
- Recursive equilibrium in Krusell and Smith (1998)

- Dan Cao
- Stable near-rational sunspot equilibria

- George Evans and Bruce McGough
- Media see-saws: Winners and losers in platform markets

- Simon Anderson and Martin Peitz
- Savage for dummies and experts

- Mohammed Abdellaoui and Peter Wakker
- Asymptotic stability in the Lovász-Shapley replicator dynamic for cooperative games

- André Casajus, Michael Kramm and Harald Wiese
- Cycles of credit expansion and misallocation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

- Feng Dong and Zhiwei Xu
- A general equilibrium theory of banks' capital structure

- Douglas Gale and Piero Gottardi
- A revision game of experimentation on a common threshold

- Yi Chen
- The ethics of intergenerational risk

- Paolo Giovanni Piacquadio
- Mechanism design with costly verification and limited punishments

- Yunan Li
Volume 185, issue C, 2020
- Community enforcement using modal actions

- Sam Jindani
- Cooperative networks with robust private monitoring

- Maximilian Mihm and Russell Toth
- Dominance of truthtelling and the lattice structure of Nash equilibria

- Olivier Bochet and Norovsambuu Tumennasan
- Evolution of preferences in structured populations: Genes, guns, and culture

- Ingela Alger, Jörgen Weibull and Laurent Lehmann
- Obvious manipulations

- Peter Troyan and Thayer Morrill
- Competitive real options under private information

- Leandro Gorno and Felipe Iachan
- Motivational goal bracketing: An experiment

- Alexander Koch and Julia Nafziger
- Do coalitions matter in designing institutions?

- Ville Korpela, Michele Lombardi and Hannu Vartiainen
- Uniform price auctions with a last accepted bid pricing rule

- Justin Burkett and Kyle Woodward
- All or nothing: State capacity and optimal public goods provision

- Felix Bierbrauer and Justus Winkelmann
- Targeted search in matching markets

- Anton Cheremukhin, Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria and Antonella Tutino
- Stability for best experienced payoff dynamics

- William H. Sandholm, Segismundo Izquierdo and Luis Izquierdo
- More apples vs. better apples: Distribution and innovation-driven growth

- Robert Kane and Pietro Peretto
- Social norms in networks

- Philip Ushchev and Yves Zenou
- Risk apportionment: The dual story

- Louis R. Eeckhoudt, Roger Laeven and Harris Schlesinger
- Incomplete market demand tests for Kreps-Porteus-Selden preferences

- Felix Kubler, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei