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Journal of Economic Theory

1969 - 2025

Current editor(s): A. Lizzeri and K. Shell

From Elsevier
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Volume 11, issue 3, 1975

Optimal taxation policies for conservation and recycling pp. 315-328 Downloads
Rafael Lusky
On optimal growth under uncertainty pp. 329-339 Downloads
Leonard Mirman and Itzhak Zilcha
Minimal conditions for monotonicity of capital value pp. 340-355 Downloads
Amartya Sen
Alternative policy rankings in a large, open economy with sector-specific, minimum wages pp. 356-371 Downloads
T. N. Srinivasan and Jagdish Bhagwati
An institutionalized Divvy economy pp. 372-384 Downloads
George B. Dantzig
Necessary and sufficient conditions for transitivity in voting theory pp. 385-393 Downloads
Mamoru Kaneko
Cooperation versus competition pp. 394-417 Downloads
Paul Champsaur
On the optimality of equilibrium when the market structure is incomplete pp. 418-443 Downloads
Oliver D. Hart
Preference relations for rational demand functions pp. 444-455 Downloads
Wayne J. Shafer
A note on market equilibrium with fixed supply pp. 456-461 Downloads
I. W. Sandberg
The demand for money and bonds in continuous-time models pp. 462-464 Downloads
Martin Hellwig
A note on extreme inequality aversion pp. 465-467 Downloads
Peter Hammond

Volume 11, issue 2, 1975

Local stability when initial holdings are near equilibrium holdings pp. 161-167 Downloads
Michael Sattinger
Efficiency of tax systems financing public goods in general equilibrium analysis pp. 168-195 Downloads
Joseph Greenberg
Risk aversion, impatience, and optimal timing decisions pp. 196-246 Downloads
David C. Nachman
Market allocation through search: Equilibrium adjustment and price dispersion pp. 247-262 Downloads
Yannis Ioannides
On technological implications of the wage-profit frontier pp. 263-282 Downloads
Ewart A. C. Thomas
Risk premium with many commodities pp. 283-286 Downloads
Jacob Paroush
Homothetic production functions and the shape of the production possibility locus: Comment pp. 287-288 Downloads
Horst Herberg and Murray Kemp
The real balance effect and the traditional theory of consumer behavior: An annulment pp. 289-291 Downloads
Judith A. Alexander and Cliff Lloyd
Abstentions and majority equilibrium pp. 292-304 Downloads
Steven Slutsky
A note on the budget constraint in a model of borrowing pp. 305-314 Downloads
Duncan Foley and Martin F. Hellwig

Volume 11, issue 1, 1975

Income distribution and effective protection in a multicommodity trade model pp. 1-15 Downloads
Ronald Jones
Separation theorems and expected utilities pp. 16-34 Downloads
Peter C. Fishburn
Oligopoly and entry pp. 35-54 Downloads
Wayne Y. Lee
Bargaining under strike: A differential game view pp. 55-67 Downloads
S. Clemhout, G. Leitmann and Henry Wan
Permanent and transitory income effects in a model of optimal consumption with wage income uncertainty pp. 68-82 Downloads
David S. Sibley
Some theorems on the existence of competitive equilibrium pp. 83-93 Downloads
Wayne Shafer and Hugo Sonnenschein
A revised concept of distributional equity pp. 94-109 Downloads
Terrence E. Daniel
A general possibility theorem for group decision rules with pareto-transitivity pp. 110-118 Downloads
Maurice Salles
Increasing risk pp. 119-132 Downloads
Jack Meyer
Dynamics and comparative statics in the theory of residential location pp. 133-146 Downloads
Takahiro Miyao
Voting equilibrium in a simple tax model pp. 147-154 Downloads
Donald E. Campbell
Some simple remarks on duality and the structure of utility functions pp. 155-160 Downloads
Charles Blackorby, Daniel Primont and R. Robert Russell

Volume 10, issue 3, 1975

The cost of living and taste and quality change pp. 269-283 Downloads
John Muellbauer
Optimism and experts against adverse selection in a competitive economy pp. 284-308 Downloads
Jean-Jacques Laffont
Multivariate constant risk posture pp. 309-332 Downloads
Uriel G. Rothblum
Alternative models of bandit selection pp. 333-342 Downloads
Richard Schmalensee
Competitive inefficiencies in the presence of constrained transactions pp. 343-357 Downloads
Jerry Green and Eytan Sheshinski
On the allocation of effort pp. 358-376 Downloads
Roy Radner and Michael Rothschild
An example in group preference pp. 377-385 Downloads
K. G. Binmore
On the formation of unions in n-person games pp. 386-402 Downloads
A. Charnes and Stephen Littlechild
Maximal elements of acyclic relations on compact sets pp. 403-404 Downloads
Ted Bergstrom

Volume 10, issue 2, 1975

Production of the public sector and taxation in a simple second best model pp. 127-156 Downloads
Roger Guesnerie
Second best and decentralization pp. 157-173 Downloads
M. G. Allingham and G. C. Archibald
Competitive signalling pp. 174-186 Downloads
John Riley
Strategy-proofness and Arrow's conditions: Existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions pp. 187-217 Downloads
Mark Allen Satterthwaite
On persistent disequilibrium pp. 218-228 Downloads
Hal Varian
An extension of Cass' characterization of infinite efficient production programs pp. 229-238 Downloads
Lawrence Benveniste and David Gale
Growth and optimal intertemporal allocation of risks pp. 239-257 Downloads
Jean-Michel Bismut
The Paradox of Universal Externality pp. 258-264 Downloads
Yew-Kwang Ng
Some results on global asymptotic stability of difference equations pp. 265-268 Downloads
William Brock and J. A. Scheinkman

Volume 10, issue 1, 1975

On transitivity of the social preference relation under simple majority rule pp. 1-7 Downloads
Rubin Saposnik
On moral hazard in general equilibrium theory pp. 8-23 Downloads
Elhanan Helpman and Jean-Jacques Laffont
Replacement and the rental value of capital equipment subject to obsolescence pp. 24-41 Downloads
James Malcomson
Resource extraction under the uncertainty about possible nationalization pp. 42-53 Downloads
Ngo Long
A closer look at replacement investment pp. 54-88 Downloads
Stephen Nickell
On the theory of aggregation pp. 89-99 Downloads
Robert Wilson
Further remarks on measures of risk aversion and their uses pp. 100-109 Downloads
Joram Mayshar
Amendments of "An alternative proof of the frobenius theorem" pp. 110-112 Downloads
Yoshio Kimura and Yasuo Murata
A note on modeling the criminal choice problem pp. 113-116 Downloads
J. M. Heineke
A further result on the representation of games by markets pp. 117-122 Downloads
Andreu Mas-Colell
Becker's theory of the allocation of time and the St. Petersburg Paradox pp. 123-126 Downloads
Dagobert Brito
Page updated 2025-03-28