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Food Policy

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): J. Kydd

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Volume 15, issue 6, 1990

Some contrasts between European and US food aid policies pp. 458-460 Downloads
J. Cathie
The green consumer pp. 461-466 Downloads
Dorothy Mackenzie
Does nutrition have a place in agricultural research? pp. 467-474 Downloads
Robert Tripp
Agricultural research and nutrition pp. 475-478 Downloads
Per Pinstrup-Andersen
NGOs, agricultural technology and the rural poor pp. 479-491 Downloads
John Farrington and Stephen D. Biggs
Regional cooperation for food security in South Asia pp. 492-504 Downloads
Narayan Khadka
Food in sub-Saharan Africa: Trends and policy challenges for the 1990s pp. 505-517 Downloads
Joachim von Braun and Leonardo Paulino
Macroeconomic adjustment, food availability and nutrition status in Nigeria: A look at the 1990s pp. 518-524 Downloads
S. O. Igbedioh
Monitor pp. 525-530 Downloads
Ram Saran
North Yemen: from farming to foreign funding pp. 531-535 Downloads
Samar El-Daher and Catherine Geissler
Sugar: by George C. Abbott Routledge, London, UK, 1990, 396 pp, [UK pound]45.00 pp. 535-537 Downloads
Joan Noble
The human food chain: edited by Professor C.R.W. Spedding Elsevier, Barking, Essex, UK, 1989, 330 pp, [UK pound]47.00 pp. 537-537 Downloads
Verner Wheelock
ISNAR agricultural research indicator series: A global data base on national agricultural research systems by Philip G. Pardey and Johannes Roseboom Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1989, 547 pp pp. 537-538 Downloads
Tilo Ulbricht
One-day conference on World Commodity Markets and the Uruguay Round of the GATT: organized by the Centre for Research in Economic Development and International Trade (CREDIT), Department of Economics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 23 April 1990 pp. 538-540 Downloads
A. J. Rayner and R. C. Hine

Volume 15, issue 5, 1990

Administrative underdevelopment of agriculture in Nigeria pp. 370-373 Downloads
Malachy Ezeja Obeta
Traditional food crops in sub-Saharan Africa: Potential and constraints pp. 374-382 Downloads
Richard Pearce
Maize, food self-sufficiency and policy in East and Southern Africa pp. 383-394 Downloads
Malcolm J. Blackie
Shifts from maize to sorghum production: Nutrition effects in four Mexican communities pp. 395-407 Downloads
Kathleen M. DeWalt, Billie R. DeWalt, JoseCarlos Escudero and David Barkin
Household behaviour and nutrition in developing countries pp. 408-417 Downloads
Benjamin Senauer
Agricultural policy making under international pressures: The case of South Korea, a newly industrialized country pp. 418-433 Downloads
Yong S. Lee, Don F. Hadwiger and Chong-Bum Lee
Monitor pp. 434-438 Downloads
Ram Saran
A preliminary analysis of the UK food chain pp. 439-443 Downloads
Neil Ward
US grain policies and the world market: by Ivan Roberts, Graham Love, Heather Field and Nico Klijn published for the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics by the Australian Government Printing Office, Canberra, Australia, 1989, 286 pp pp. 443-444 Downloads
Jared R. Creason
Hungry farmers World food needs and Europe's response: by Clive Robinson Christian Aid, London, UK, 1989, 106 pp pp. 444-445 Downloads
William Crossgrove
The 'greenhouse effect' and UK agriculture: edited by R.M. Bennett CAS Paper 19, Centre for Agricultural Strategy, University of Reading, UK, December 1989, 144 pp pp. 445-446 Downloads
George Allen
Les industries agro-alimentaires: by Jacques Nefussi Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, France, 1989, 127 pp pp. 446-447 Downloads
John Mark
Food irradiation processes: Irradiation and combination treatments organized by IBC Technical Services, London, UK, 1-2 March 1990 pp. 447-452 Downloads
Geoffrey Campbell-Platt

Volume 15, issue 4, 1990

Introduction: halving hunger pp. 274-276 Downloads
Jeanne X. Kasperson and Robert W. Kates
Hunger in the 1980s: Backdrop for policy in the 1990s pp. 277-285 Downloads
Sara Millman
Overcoming hunger: Promising programmes and policies pp. 286-298 Downloads
Brown University Faculty
Responses from below: A tale of two Tanzanian villages pp. 299-305 Downloads
Goran Hyden
Mobilizing Nigeria's grassroots for increased food production: Reaching out from the centre pp. 306-312 Downloads
Akin L. Mabogunje
Mobilizing opinion: Achieving results pp. 313-318 Downloads
Sam Harris
Increasing food aid: Prospects for the 1990s pp. 319-327 Downloads
Raymond F. Hopkins
Disarming debt: We could -- but will we? pp. 328-335 Downloads
Susan George
Trying technology: Neither sure nor soon pp. 336-345 Downloads
Ellen Messer and Peter Heywood
Third annual hunger research briefing and exchange: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 4-6 April 1990 pp. 359-360 Downloads
William Crossgrove
Ending hunger: a strategy for the 1990s: organized by International Development Forum, London, UK, 3 April 1990 pp. 360-361 Downloads
Max Dixon
Hunger and public action: by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 1990 pp. 361-364 Downloads
Shlomo Reutlinger
Hunger in history food shortage, poverty and deprivation: edited by Lucile F. Newman Basil Blackwell, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1990, 409+xi pp pp. 364-366 Downloads
William H. McNeill
Modernising hunger famine, food surplus and farm policy in the EEC and Africa: by Philip Raikes Catholic Institute for International Relations in collaboration with James Currey and Heinemann, London, UK and Portsmouth, NH, USA, 1988 pp. 366-366 Downloads
Richard Longhurst

Volume 15, issue 3, 1990

Nutrition policy and the urban poor in developing countries pp. 186-192 Downloads
M. A. Hussain
The potential impact of liberalizing India's seed laws pp. 193-198 Downloads
Carl E. Pray
US agricultural policy: components, goals and possibilities for change pp. 199-208 Downloads
Robert L. Thompson
The role of the public sector in applied breeding R&D: the case of wheat in the USA pp. 209-217 Downloads
Mary K. Knudson
Donor dilemmas in food aid: the case of wheat in Sudan pp. 218-226 Downloads
J. S. Bickersteth
Food intervention planning: distribution in Brazil's favelas pp. 227-238 Downloads
Luis Chiodo Juve
Subsidized imports, currency devaluation and agricultural decline: impact on food supply and demand balance in Zaire pp. 239-249 Downloads
Glenn C. W. Ames and Yampulu Mukendi
FAO conference on food and agricultural issues pp. 250-254 Downloads
Ram Saran
Benefits to cassava consumers and producers: new market options in Colombia pp. 255-257 Downloads
James H. Cock, John K. Lynam, Christopher W. Wheatley, Carolina Correa and Diego Izquierdo
Chinese famine: an intemperate attack pp. 257-258 Downloads
Terry Cannon
Facts support Sen pp. 258-259 Downloads
Carl Riskin
Author's reply pp. 259-261 Downloads
Erhun Kula
Entitlements and the Chinese famine pp. 261-263 Downloads
Amartya Sen
Fifth annual conference on food security research in Southern Africas: Jointly sponsored by the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Zimbabwe, the Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, and the SADCC Food Security Technical and Administration Unit, Harare, Zimbabwe, 16-18 October 1989 pp. 263-264 Downloads
Malcolm J. Blackie
Anti-oxidant vitamins and beta-carotene in disease prevention: Sponsored by the British Nutrition Foundation and other organizations, Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, London, UK, 2-4 October 1989 pp. 264-265 Downloads
Tilo Ulbricht
Food, policy, and politics a perspective on agriculture and development: Edited by George Norwich and Gerald J. Lynch Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, 1989, 292 pp, $32.95 pp. 266-267 Downloads
Ross B. Talbot
The policy factor agricultural performance in Kenya and Tanzania: Michael F. Lofchie Lynne Rienner, London, UK, 1989, 235 pp, [UK pound]23.50 pp. 268-269 Downloads
Roger Hay
Toward a well-fed world: Don Paarlberg the Henry A. Wallace series on agricultural history and rural studies edited by Richard S. Kirkendall, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, USA, 1988, xviii + 270 pp pp. 269-270 Downloads
William Crossgrove
Acceptance, control of and trade in irradiated food: IAEA, Vienna, 1989, 230 pp pp. 270-271 Downloads
G. Campbell-Platt

Volume 15, issue 2, 1990

Introduction pp. 98-101 Downloads
Alan Swinbank
Implications of 1992 for EEC farm and food policies pp. 102-110 Downloads
Alan Swinbank
Food law and the internal market: Taking stock pp. 111-121 Downloads
Paul Gray
Sugar: the need for an EEC approach to competition policy? pp. 122-131 Downloads
Joan Noble
Milk and milk products: Implications of 1992 for the UK dairy sector pp. 132-144 Downloads
Michael Evanson
The French food industry since the 1950s pp. 145-151 Downloads
Jacques Nefussi
Completion of the internal market: Implications for non-EEC countries pp. 152-160 Downloads
Tim Josling
Trading with our European partners: The UK perspective pp. 161-166 Downloads
Norman Boakes
Wine budget stabilizers: A question of true balance pp. 167-172 Downloads
Pierre Spahni
Will retail wag the dog?: 1992: Agricultural production and the food sector, conference organised by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) under the auspices of the Coun pp. 173-174 Downloads
Richard Arnold
Pan-European perspective: Conference on the European food and drinks arena--key issues and market opportunities, Hilton International, Brussels, Belgium, 25-26 October 1989 pp. 174-175 Downloads
Moira Hilliam
The 'cost of non-Europe' in the foodstuffs industry: Groupe Mac Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1988, 752 pp in two parts, ECU 120 pp. 176-177 Downloads
Alan Swinbank
1992--Planning for the food industry: Eurofi Plc Butterworths, Borough Green, Kent, UK, 1989, 390 pp, [UK pound]80.00 pp. 177-178 Downloads
Stephen J. Fallows
Plan 1992 The single market for food and agriculture: Economics Division, North of Scotland College of Agriculture, February 1989 pp. 178-179 Downloads
Vivienne Kendall
Government and agriculture in Western Europe 1880-1988: Michael Tracy Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 3rd ed, 1989, 382 pp, [UK pound]12.95 pp. 179-183 Downloads
Tilo Ulbricht
British milk marketing and the common agricultural policy The origins of confusion and crisis: Michael A. Hollingham and Richard W. Howarth Avebury (Gower), Aldershot, UK, in association with the Adam Smith Institute, 1989, 220 pp, [UK pound]45 pp. 183-184 Downloads
L. J. Hubbard

Volume 15, issue 1, 1990

Trade in disservices: Environmental regulation and agricultural trade pp. 3-7 Downloads
Carlisle Runge and Richard M. Nolan
Promoting mother and child nutrition in the Arab Gulf pp. 8-12 Downloads
A. O. Musaiger
The economics of triangular food aid transactions pp. 13-26 Downloads
Bertin Martens
Aid for food: Acquisition of commodities in developing countries for food aid in the 1980s pp. 27-43 Downloads
Edward Clay and Charlotte Benson
Biotechnology and agriculture pp. 44-56 Downloads
Allan Buckwell and Andrew Moxey
International donor support for agricultural biotechnology pp. 57-66 Downloads
Joel I. Cohen
Assessing the implications of freer agricultural trade pp. 67-75 Downloads
Vernon O. Roningen and Praveen M. Dixit
Food and the environment pp. 76-81 Downloads
Ram Saram
Commercialization of smallholder agriculture: Policy requirements for the malnourished poor pp. 82-85 Downloads
Joachim von Braun, Eileen Kennedy and Howarth Bouis
South-South cooperation: Cuban technical assistance to developing countries in sugar production pp. 86-89 Downloads
Jorge F. Perez-Lopez
Intervention in child nutrition: Jan Hoorweg and Rudo Niemeijer published for the African studies centre, Leiden, by Kegan Paul Inter-national, London, UK, 1989, [UK pound]20.00 pp. 89-90 Downloads
John G. Haaga
Food subsidies in developing countries: Costs, benefits and policy options edited by per Pinstrup-Andersen published for the International Food Policy Research Institute, by the Johns Hopkins pp. 90-92 Downloads
D. J. Shaw
Principles of agricultural economics markets and prices in less developed countries: David Coleman and Trevor Young Cambridge university press, Cambridge, UK, 1989, 323 pp. [UK pound]37.50/$69.50 hb, [UK pound]12.95/$24.95 pb pp. 92-93 Downloads
Joseph W. Willett
Perfecting science and protecting resources: Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture: Policy alternatives, organized by the national biotechnology council, Ames, IA, USA, 22-24 May 1989 pp. 93-95 Downloads
Glenda Webber
Renewing the effort to overcome hunger: Second annual hunger research briefing and exchange,brown university, Providence, Rhode island, USA, 5-8 April 1989 pp. 95-96 Downloads
Robert S. Chen
Page updated 2025-03-31