Food Policy
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Kydd From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 49, issue P2, 2014
- Policy analysis and advocacy for livestock-based development: The gap between household-level analysis and higher-level models pp. 361-364

- Derek Baker and Dolapo Enahoro
- Integrating livestock feeds and production systems into agricultural multi-market models: The example of IMPACT pp. 365-377

- Siwa Msangi, Dolapo Enahoro, Mario Herrero, Nicholas Magnan, Petr Havlik, An Notenbaert and Signe Nelgen
- From global economic modelling to household level analyses of food security and sustainability: How big is the gap and can we bridge it? pp. 378-388

- Mark T. van Wijk
- How pastoralists perceive and respond to market opportunities: The case of the Horn of Africa pp. 389-397

- Peter D. Little, Dejene Negassa Debsu and Waktole Tiki
- Diversification and sophistication of livestock products: The case of African countries pp. 398-407

- Nadege Yameogo, Tiguéné Nabassaga and Mthuli Ncube
- Measurement of competitiveness in smallholder livestock systems and emerging policy advocacy: An application to Botswana pp. 408-417

- Sirak Bahta and Patrick Malope
- Issues and strategies in ex-post evaluation of intervention against animal disease outbreaks and spread pp. 418-424

- Mohamadou L. Fadiga and Hikuepi B. Katjiuongua
- Introduction to the special section on organic certification systems: Policy issues and research topics pp. 425-428

- Stephan Dabbert, Christian Lippert and Alexander Zorn
- To certify or not to certify? Separating the organic production and certification decisions pp. 429-436

- Michael D. Veldstra, Corinne Alexander and Maria Marshall
- Governmental and private certification labels for organic food: Consumer attitudes and preferences in Germany pp. 437-448

- Meike Janssen and Ulrich Hamm
- Non-compliance in organic farming: A cross-country comparison of Italy and Germany pp. 449-458

- Danilo Gambelli, Francesco Solfanelli, Raffaele Zanoli, Alexander Zorn, Christian Lippert and Stephan Dabbert
Volume 49, issue P1, 2014
- Formal institutions and social capital in value chains: The case of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange pp. 1-12

- Gerdien Meijerink, Erwin Bulte and Dawit Alemu
- One bad apple spoils the bunch? An exploration of broad consumption changes in response to food recalls pp. 13-22

- Whitney O. Peake, Joshua Detre and Clinton C. Carlson
- Developing systems to control food adulteration pp. 23-32

- Louise Manning and Jan Mei Soon
- Nutrition in emergencies: Do we know what works? pp. 33-40

- Patrick Webb, Erin Boyd, Saskia de Pee, Lindsey Lenters, Martin Bloem and Werner Schultink
- Can consumers’ willingness to pay incentivize adoption of environmental impact reducing technologies in meat animal production? pp. 41-49

- Robin R. White and Michael Brady
- Food security policy options for China: Lessons from other countries pp. 50-58

- Kym Anderson and Anna Strutt
- Spatial equilibrium and price transmission between Southern African maize markets connected by informal trade pp. 59-70

- William Burke and Robert J. Myers
- Trade, import competition and productivity growth in the food industry pp. 71-83

- Alessandro Olper, Lucia Pacca and Daniele Curzi
- Monitoring global and national food price crises pp. 84-94

- Jose Cuesta, Aira Htenas and Sailesh Tiwari
- Would strictly enforced forestry regulations affect farmers’ stated intentions to plant indigenous fruits trees? Insights from Cameroon pp. 95-106

- Divine Foundjem-Tita, D’Haese, Marijke, Stjin Speelman, Ann Degrande, Amos Gyau, Patrick Van Damme, Zac Tchoundjeu and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
- Differential impacts of country of origin labeling: COOL econometric evidence from cattle markets pp. 107-116

- Sebastien Pouliot and Daniel Sumner
- Are there systematic gender differences in the adoption of sustainable agricultural intensification practices? Evidence from Kenya pp. 117-127

- Simon Ndiritu, Menale Kassie and Bekele Shiferaw
- The nitrogen footprint of food products and general consumption patterns in Austria pp. 128-136

- Magdalena Pierer, Wilfried Winiwarter, Allison M. Leach and James N. Galloway
- Consumers’ valuation of sustainability labels on meat pp. 137-150

- Ellen Van Loo, Vincenzina Caputo, Rodolfo Nayga and Wim Verbeke
- Localization effects for a fresh vegetable product supply chain: Broccoli in the eastern United States pp. 151-159

- Shady Atallah, Miguel Gomez and Thomas Björkman
- Consumer vs. citizen willingness to pay for restaurant food safety pp. 160-166

- Roselyne Alphonce, Frode Alfnes and Amit Sharma
- Rebound effects due to economic choices when assessing the environmental sustainability of wine pp. 167-173

- Graziella Benedetto, Benedetto Rugani and Ian Vázquez-Rowe
- Heterogeneity in consumer perceptions of the animal friendliness of broiler production systems pp. 174-185

- Janneke de Jonge and Hans van Trijp
- Informational cascades and technology adoption: Evidence from Greek and German organic growers pp. 186-195

- Konstantinos Chatzimichael, Margarita Genius and Vangelis Tzouvelekas
- The welfare effects of health-based food tax policy pp. 196-206

- Tommi Härkänen, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Pirjo Pietinen, Jukka Pirttilä, Heli Reinivuo and Ilpo Suoniemi
- A Q methodology study of stakeholders’ views about accountability for promoting healthy food environments in England through the Responsibility Deal Food Network pp. 207-218

- Vivica I. Kraak, Boyd Swinburn, Mark Lawrence and Paul Harrison
- Does media influence consumer demand? The case of lean finely textured beef in the United States pp. 219-227

- Anita Yadavalli and Keithly Jones
- What shapes food value chains? Lessons from aquaculture in Asia pp. 228-240

- Karen Sau Jespersen, Ingrid Kelling, Stefano Ponte and Froukje Kruijssen
- Is there a relationship between product attributes, nutrition labels and excess weight? Evidence from an Italian region pp. 241-249

- Alessandro Banterle and Alessia Cavaliere
- Adapting to food safety crises: Interpreting success and failure in the Canadian response to BSE pp. 250-258

- Kevin Edson Jones and Debra J. Davidson
- The signaling effect of mandatory labels on genetically engineered food pp. 259-267

- Marco Costanigro and Jayson Lusk
- The role of market forces and food safety institutions in the adoption of sustainable farming practices: The case of the fresh tomato export sector in Morocco and Turkey pp. 268-280

- Jean-Marie Codron, Hakan Adanacioğlu, Magali Aubert, Zouhair Bouhsina, Abdelkader Ait El Mekki, Sylvain Rousset, Selma Tozanli and Murat Yercan
- Does globalization influence protectionism? Empirical evidence from agricultural support pp. 281-293

- Sebastian Garmann
- Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark pp. 294-301

- Afton Halloran, Jesper Clement, Niels Kornum, Camelia Bucatariu and Jakob Magid
- Politics & technology: U.S. polices restricting unmanned aerial systems in agriculture pp. 302-311

- P.K. Freeman and R.S. Freeland
- Food as a human right during disasters in Uganda pp. 312-322

- Peter Milton Rukundo, Per Ole Iversen, Arne Oshaug, Lovise Ribe Omuajuanfo, Byaruhanga Rukooko, Joyce Kikafunda and Bård Anders Andreassen
- Access to variety contributes to dietary diversity in China pp. 323-331

- Jing Liu, Gerald Shively and James K. Binkley
- The political economy of agricultural liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe: An empirical analysis pp. 332-346

- Jeroen Klomp
- Change of competition regime and regional innovative capacities: Evidence from dairy restructuring in France pp. 347-360

- Marie Dervillé and Gilles Allaire
Volume 48, issue C, 2014
- Land pressures, the evolution of farming systems, and development strategies in Africa: A synthesis pp. 1-17

- Thomas Jayne, Jordan Chamberlin and Derek Headey
- Adaptation to land constraints: Is Africa different? pp. 18-33

- Derek Headey and Thomas Jayne
- The geographic and sectoral patterns of large-scale farmland investments in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 34-50

- George Christoffel Schoneveld
- Scarcity amidst abundance? Reassessing the potential for cropland expansion in Africa pp. 51-65

- Jordan Chamberlin, Thomas Jayne and Derek Headey
- High rural population density Africa – What are the growth requirements and who participates? pp. 66-75

- John W. Mellor
- Identifying and addressing land governance constraints to support intensification and land market operation: Evidence from 10 African countries pp. 76-87

- Klaus Deininger, Thea Hilhorst and Vera Songwe
- The roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa pp. 88-97

- Stein Holden and Keijiro Otsuka
- Effects of rising rural population density on smallholder agriculture in Kenya pp. 98-113

- Milu Muyanga and Thomas Jayne
- How does population density influence agricultural intensification and productivity? Evidence from Malawi pp. 114-128

- Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Charles Jumbe and Jordan Chamberlin
- Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-potential areas pp. 129-141

- Derek Headey, Mekdim Dereje and Alemayehu Taffesse
- How does population density influence agricultural intensification and productivity? Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 142-152

- Anna Josephson, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Raymond Florax
- Agricultural intensification in Ghana: Evaluating the optimist’s case for a Green Revolution pp. 153-167

- Alejandro Nin-Pratt and Linden McBride
- Mechanization in Ghana: Emerging demand, and the search for alternative supply models pp. 168-181

- Xinshen Diao, Frances Cossar, Nazaire Houssou and Shashi Kolavalli
- Population density, migration, and the returns to human capital and land: Insights from Indonesia pp. 182-193

- Yanyan Liu and Futoshi Yamauchi
- Structural transformation or elite land capture? The growth of “emergent” farmers in Zambia pp. 194-202

- Nicholas Sitko and Thomas Jayne
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