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Food Policy

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): J. Kydd

From Elsevier
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Volume 49, issue P2, 2014

Policy analysis and advocacy for livestock-based development: The gap between household-level analysis and higher-level models pp. 361-364 Downloads
Derek Baker and Dolapo Enahoro
Integrating livestock feeds and production systems into agricultural multi-market models: The example of IMPACT pp. 365-377 Downloads
Siwa Msangi, Dolapo Enahoro, Mario Herrero, Nicholas Magnan, Petr Havlik, An Notenbaert and Signe Nelgen
From global economic modelling to household level analyses of food security and sustainability: How big is the gap and can we bridge it? pp. 378-388 Downloads
Mark T. van Wijk
How pastoralists perceive and respond to market opportunities: The case of the Horn of Africa pp. 389-397 Downloads
Peter D. Little, Dejene Negassa Debsu and Waktole Tiki
Diversification and sophistication of livestock products: The case of African countries pp. 398-407 Downloads
Nadege Yameogo, Tiguéné Nabassaga and Mthuli Ncube
Measurement of competitiveness in smallholder livestock systems and emerging policy advocacy: An application to Botswana pp. 408-417 Downloads
Sirak Bahta and Patrick Malope
Issues and strategies in ex-post evaluation of intervention against animal disease outbreaks and spread pp. 418-424 Downloads
Mohamadou L. Fadiga and Hikuepi B. Katjiuongua
Introduction to the special section on organic certification systems: Policy issues and research topics pp. 425-428 Downloads
Stephan Dabbert, Christian Lippert and Alexander Zorn
To certify or not to certify? Separating the organic production and certification decisions pp. 429-436 Downloads
Michael D. Veldstra, Corinne Alexander and Maria Marshall
Governmental and private certification labels for organic food: Consumer attitudes and preferences in Germany pp. 437-448 Downloads
Meike Janssen and Ulrich Hamm
Non-compliance in organic farming: A cross-country comparison of Italy and Germany pp. 449-458 Downloads
Danilo Gambelli, Francesco Solfanelli, Raffaele Zanoli, Alexander Zorn, Christian Lippert and Stephan Dabbert

Volume 49, issue P1, 2014

Formal institutions and social capital in value chains: The case of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange pp. 1-12 Downloads
Gerdien Meijerink, Erwin Bulte and Dawit Alemu
One bad apple spoils the bunch? An exploration of broad consumption changes in response to food recalls pp. 13-22 Downloads
Whitney O. Peake, Joshua Detre and Clinton C. Carlson
Developing systems to control food adulteration pp. 23-32 Downloads
Louise Manning and Jan Mei Soon
Nutrition in emergencies: Do we know what works? pp. 33-40 Downloads
Patrick Webb, Erin Boyd, Saskia de Pee, Lindsey Lenters, Martin Bloem and Werner Schultink
Can consumers’ willingness to pay incentivize adoption of environmental impact reducing technologies in meat animal production? pp. 41-49 Downloads
Robin R. White and Michael Brady
Food security policy options for China: Lessons from other countries pp. 50-58 Downloads
Kym Anderson and Anna Strutt
Spatial equilibrium and price transmission between Southern African maize markets connected by informal trade pp. 59-70 Downloads
William Burke and Robert J. Myers
Trade, import competition and productivity growth in the food industry pp. 71-83 Downloads
Alessandro Olper, Lucia Pacca and Daniele Curzi
Monitoring global and national food price crises pp. 84-94 Downloads
Jose Cuesta, Aira Htenas and Sailesh Tiwari
Would strictly enforced forestry regulations affect farmers’ stated intentions to plant indigenous fruits trees? Insights from Cameroon pp. 95-106 Downloads
Divine Foundjem-Tita, D’Haese, Marijke, Stjin Speelman, Ann Degrande, Amos Gyau, Patrick Van Damme, Zac Tchoundjeu and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Differential impacts of country of origin labeling: COOL econometric evidence from cattle markets pp. 107-116 Downloads
Sebastien Pouliot and Daniel Sumner
Are there systematic gender differences in the adoption of sustainable agricultural intensification practices? Evidence from Kenya pp. 117-127 Downloads
Simon Ndiritu, Menale Kassie and Bekele Shiferaw
The nitrogen footprint of food products and general consumption patterns in Austria pp. 128-136 Downloads
Magdalena Pierer, Wilfried Winiwarter, Allison M. Leach and James N. Galloway
Consumers’ valuation of sustainability labels on meat pp. 137-150 Downloads
Ellen Van Loo, Vincenzina Caputo, Rodolfo Nayga and Wim Verbeke
Localization effects for a fresh vegetable product supply chain: Broccoli in the eastern United States pp. 151-159 Downloads
Shady Atallah, Miguel Gomez and Thomas Björkman
Consumer vs. citizen willingness to pay for restaurant food safety pp. 160-166 Downloads
Roselyne Alphonce, Frode Alfnes and Amit Sharma
Rebound effects due to economic choices when assessing the environmental sustainability of wine pp. 167-173 Downloads
Graziella Benedetto, Benedetto Rugani and Ian Vázquez-Rowe
Heterogeneity in consumer perceptions of the animal friendliness of broiler production systems pp. 174-185 Downloads
Janneke de Jonge and Hans van Trijp
Informational cascades and technology adoption: Evidence from Greek and German organic growers pp. 186-195 Downloads
Konstantinos Chatzimichael, Margarita Genius and Vangelis Tzouvelekas
The welfare effects of health-based food tax policy pp. 196-206 Downloads
Tommi Härkänen, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Pirjo Pietinen, Jukka Pirttilä, Heli Reinivuo and Ilpo Suoniemi
A Q methodology study of stakeholders’ views about accountability for promoting healthy food environments in England through the Responsibility Deal Food Network pp. 207-218 Downloads
Vivica I. Kraak, Boyd Swinburn, Mark Lawrence and Paul Harrison
Does media influence consumer demand? The case of lean finely textured beef in the United States pp. 219-227 Downloads
Anita Yadavalli and Keithly Jones
What shapes food value chains? Lessons from aquaculture in Asia pp. 228-240 Downloads
Karen Sau Jespersen, Ingrid Kelling, Stefano Ponte and Froukje Kruijssen
Is there a relationship between product attributes, nutrition labels and excess weight? Evidence from an Italian region pp. 241-249 Downloads
Alessandro Banterle and Alessia Cavaliere
Adapting to food safety crises: Interpreting success and failure in the Canadian response to BSE pp. 250-258 Downloads
Kevin Edson Jones and Debra J. Davidson
The signaling effect of mandatory labels on genetically engineered food pp. 259-267 Downloads
Marco Costanigro and Jayson Lusk
The role of market forces and food safety institutions in the adoption of sustainable farming practices: The case of the fresh tomato export sector in Morocco and Turkey pp. 268-280 Downloads
Jean-Marie Codron, Hakan Adanacioğlu, Magali Aubert, Zouhair Bouhsina, Abdelkader Ait El Mekki, Sylvain Rousset, Selma Tozanli and Murat Yercan
Does globalization influence protectionism? Empirical evidence from agricultural support pp. 281-293 Downloads
Sebastian Garmann
Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark pp. 294-301 Downloads
Afton Halloran, Jesper Clement, Niels Kornum, Camelia Bucatariu and Jakob Magid
Politics & technology: U.S. polices restricting unmanned aerial systems in agriculture pp. 302-311 Downloads
P.K. Freeman and R.S. Freeland
Food as a human right during disasters in Uganda pp. 312-322 Downloads
Peter Milton Rukundo, Per Ole Iversen, Arne Oshaug, Lovise Ribe Omuajuanfo, Byaruhanga Rukooko, Joyce Kikafunda and Bård Anders Andreassen
Access to variety contributes to dietary diversity in China pp. 323-331 Downloads
Jing Liu, Gerald Shively and James K. Binkley
The political economy of agricultural liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe: An empirical analysis pp. 332-346 Downloads
Jeroen Klomp
Change of competition regime and regional innovative capacities: Evidence from dairy restructuring in France pp. 347-360 Downloads
Marie Dervillé and Gilles Allaire

Volume 48, issue C, 2014

Land pressures, the evolution of farming systems, and development strategies in Africa: A synthesis pp. 1-17 Downloads
Thomas Jayne, Jordan Chamberlin and Derek Headey
Adaptation to land constraints: Is Africa different? pp. 18-33 Downloads
Derek Headey and Thomas Jayne
The geographic and sectoral patterns of large-scale farmland investments in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 34-50 Downloads
George Christoffel Schoneveld
Scarcity amidst abundance? Reassessing the potential for cropland expansion in Africa pp. 51-65 Downloads
Jordan Chamberlin, Thomas Jayne and Derek Headey
High rural population density Africa – What are the growth requirements and who participates? pp. 66-75 Downloads
John W. Mellor
Identifying and addressing land governance constraints to support intensification and land market operation: Evidence from 10 African countries pp. 76-87 Downloads
Klaus Deininger, Thea Hilhorst and Vera Songwe
The roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa pp. 88-97 Downloads
Stein Holden and Keijiro Otsuka
Effects of rising rural population density on smallholder agriculture in Kenya pp. 98-113 Downloads
Milu Muyanga and Thomas Jayne
How does population density influence agricultural intensification and productivity? Evidence from Malawi pp. 114-128 Downloads
Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Charles Jumbe and Jordan Chamberlin
Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-potential areas pp. 129-141 Downloads
Derek Headey, Mekdim Dereje and Alemayehu Taffesse
How does population density influence agricultural intensification and productivity? Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 142-152 Downloads
Anna Josephson, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Raymond Florax
Agricultural intensification in Ghana: Evaluating the optimist’s case for a Green Revolution pp. 153-167 Downloads
Alejandro Nin-Pratt and Linden McBride
Mechanization in Ghana: Emerging demand, and the search for alternative supply models pp. 168-181 Downloads
Xinshen Diao, Frances Cossar, Nazaire Houssou and Shashi Kolavalli
Population density, migration, and the returns to human capital and land: Insights from Indonesia pp. 182-193 Downloads
Yanyan Liu and Futoshi Yamauchi
Structural transformation or elite land capture? The growth of “emergent” farmers in Zambia pp. 194-202 Downloads
Nicholas Sitko and Thomas Jayne
Page updated 2025-03-31