Food Policy
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Kydd From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (repec@elsevier.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 10, issue 4, 1985
- Grapevine pp. 300-301

- Robin Sharp
- Food business pp. 302-302

- Sheila Dillon
- The IMF's food financing facility: Much ado about nothing pp. 303-305

- Colin Kirkpatrick
- The right to food in historical perspective pp. 306-316

- Pierre Spitz
- Hungary's meat price and trade policies: Conforming to some economic constraints of a socialist country pp. 317-326

- Bruce F. Hall and Lana L. Hall
- Is rationing socialist?: Cuba's food distribution system pp. 327-336

- Medea Benjamin and Joseph Collins
- Disaggregating food consumption parameters: Designing targeted nutritional interventions pp. 337-351

- Charles Waterfield
- A protectionist foodgrain price policy: The case of rice in Panama pp. 352-364

- Benjamin Senauer
- An improved maize marketing system for African countries: The case of Zimbabwe pp. 365-373

- Brian Child, Kay Muir and Malcolm Blackie
- Pricing milk in Ecuador: the impact of transport costs pp. 374-377

- William L. Park
- Recommendations on food irradiation pp. 377-379

- Lothar Wedekind and Maria Bernardy
- Room for Manoeuvre: An exploration of public policy in agriculture and rural development edited by Edward J. Clay and Bernard B. Schaffer Heinemann, London, UK, 1984, 209pp, [UK pound]7.50 pp. 380-381

- Thomas P. Tomich
- Food grain procurement and consumption in China: Kenneth R. Walker Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1984, 329 pp, [UK pound]25.00, US $49.95 pp. 381-382

- George Allen
Volume 10, issue 3, 1985
- Grapevine pp. 188-189

- Robin Sharp
- Food business pp. 190-190

- Sheila Dillon
- Towards a new Mediterranean policy for the EC: Options and constraints pp. 191-198

- Nicholas Maddock
- Three methods for reducing EEC milk supplies pp. 199-201

- Alfred S. Friedeberg
- The 1974 and 1984 floods in Bangladesh: From famine to food crisis management pp. 202-206

- Edward Clay
- Detecting food emergencies: Lessons from the 1979 Bangladesh crisis pp. 207-224

- Peter Cutler
- Combined price support and fertilizer subsidy policies for food self-sufficiency: A case study of rice in Bangladesh pp. 225-236

- A. M. Bayes, K. A. Parton and R. R. Piggott
- Food additive regulation in the UK pp. 237-252

- Erik Millstone
- Research resource allocation: Determining regional priorities pp. 253-264

- M. von Oppen and James G. Ryan
- Urban cassava markets: The impact of fresh root storage pp. 265-277

- W. Janssen and C. Wheatley
- Assessment of energy intake: Estimates of food supply v measurement of food consumption pp. 278-288

- Elizabeth A. Dowler and Young Ok Seo
- International finance for food insecurity: by Barbara Huddleston, D. Gale Johnson, Shlomo Reutlinger and Alberto Valdes Published for the World Bank by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1984, 101 pp, $15 (hardback) pp. 289-290

- Dimitris Diakosavvas
- State of the world 1985: A worldwatch institute report on progress towards a sustainable society: by Lester Brown, William U. Chandler, Christopher Flavin, Cynthia Pollock, Sandra Postel, Linda Starke and Edward C. Wolf W.W. Norton, New York, NY, 1985, 301 pp, $8.95 pp. 290-291

- Tilo Ulbricht
- The politics of agriculture in tropical Africa: edited by Jonathan Barker Sage series on African Modernisation and Development, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA, USA, 1984, 320 pp, [UK pound]30 (hardback) pp. 291-292

- Richard Longhurst
- The common fisheries policy of the European community: by Mark Wise Methuen, London, 1984, 316 pp, [UK pound]14.95 (hardback), [UK pound]6.95 (paperback) pp. 292-293

- Robin Churchill
- The EEC and the food industries: edited by Alan Swinback and Jim Burns Available from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, University of Reading, UK, 1984, 178 pp pp. 293-295

- Rosalind Warren
- Meeting food needs in a context of change: by Harmut Schneider OECD, Paris, 1984, 150 pp, [UK pound]6.50 pp. 295-295

- Howard Wagstaff
- Food security in the United States: edited by Lawrence Busch and William B. Lacy Westview, Boulder, CO, USA, (distributed in the UK by Bowker, Epping, UK), 1984, 430 pp, [UK pound]27.50 pp. 296-296

- Sandra S. Batie
Volume 10, issue 2, 1985
- Improving the nutritional impact of extension services in rural Africa pp. 92-94

- Gustaaf P. Sevenhuysen
- Nutrition work in socioeconomic development agencies pp. 95-99

- Frank Meissner
- Resource allocation decisions in low-income rural households: Nutritional implications for agricultural and rural development projects pp. 100-108

- David L. Franklin and Marielouise W. Harrell
- Nutritional considerations in project planning: A case study of assessment methods pp. 109-122

- John Mason, Marito Garcia, Janice Mitchell, Karen Test, Clarence Henderson and Hamid Tabatabai
- SAM is dead -- long live SAM: Birth, death and reincarnation in Mexican food policy pp. 123-136

- James E. Austin and Gustavo Esteva
- US sugar protection: how the consumer bears the cost pp. 137-144

- Judson Randolph
- Food standards in Britain: derivation and potential pp. 145-154

- Stephen J. Fallows
- The USA at the 9th World Food Council: Testing the bureaucratic model pp. 155-165

- Ross B. Talbot
- Policies for a prudent diet pp. 166-174

- Linda Marks
- Into their own hands: World Food Assembly (WFA), Rome, 12-15 November 1984 pp. 175-176

- John Madeley
- On the need for a coordinated response: Third IDS seminar on Food Aid and Emergencies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 10-13 December 1984 pp. 176-177

- Deborah Hicks
- Price and market policies in European agriculture: edited by K.J. Thomson and R.M. Warren Proceedings of the sixth symposium of the European association of agricultural economists, held 14-16 September 1983, Newcastle upon Tyne. Copies of the report are available from the Departments of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1984, 485 pp, [UK pound]16.50 (UK), [UK pound]17.50 (Europe) pp. 177-178

- Wilfrid Legg
- The resourseful earth: A response to global 2000: edited by Julian L. Simon and Herman Khan Basil Blackwell, New York, NY, 1984, 585 pp, $14.95 pp. 179-180

- Fred H. Sanderson
- Agricultural development in the third world: edited by Carl K. Eicher and John M. Staatz Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1984, 491 pp pp. 180-182

- Jones J. V. S.
- The politics of food aid pp. 184-184

- Raymond F. Hopkins
- Background readings in food policy: collected by Caroline Hoisington, Joanne Leslie and J. Price Gittinger Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, October 1984, 1170 pp pp. 185-186

- Frank Meissner
Volume 10, issue 1, 1985
- Replinishing IFAD pp. 2-2

- Margaret R. Biswas and Asit K. Biswas
- Grapevine pp. 3-4

- Robin Sharp
- Food business pp. 5-6

- Sheila Dillon
- Breastfeeding versus infant formula: The Kenyan case pp. 7-10

- T. C. Elliott, K. O. Agunda, J. G. Kigondu, S. N. Kinoti and M. C. Latham
- Beer consumption and Third World nutrition pp. 11-13

- Penny Van Esterik and Joel Greer
- US and EEC agricultural trade policies: A long-run view of the present conflict pp. 29-40

- John Cathie
- Economic environment and agricultural development: The importance of macroeconomic policy pp. 41-54

- Tony Killick
- Alcoholic beverage legislation: Harmonizing EEC laws pp. 55-62

- Diana Welch
- Changing food patterns in West Africa: Implications for policy research pp. 63-74

- Christopher L. Delgado and Cornelia P. J. Miller
- Nutritional functional classification study of Panama pp. 75-79

- David L. Franklin, Marielouise W. Harrell and Cutberto Parillon
- On the need for a broader approach pp. 79-80

- Susan George
- Development or national security first? pp. 79-80

- Mitchel B. Wallerstein
- Nutrition programmes, politics and paradigms pp. 80-81

- James Austin and Alan Berg
- Trees and food for a hungry world pp. 82-82

- Nigel Smith
- Confernece on The future of the North American Granary: Adjusting to change in an international setting: organized by the North American Granary Project,a joint enterprices of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs and the Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, University of Minessota, St Paul, MN, USA, 17-19 June 1984 pp. 83-84

- Irirangi C. Bloomfield
- Meeting of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): Paris, 22-26 October 1984 pp. 84-85

- John Madeley
- Agricultural sustainability in a changing world order: edited by Gordon K. Douglas Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, distributed in the UK by Bowker, Epping, UK 1984, 282 pp pp. 87-88

- Tilo Ulbricht
- Famine as a geographical phenomenon: edited by Bruse Currey and Graeme Hugo The Geo Journal Library, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1984, 202 pp pp. 88-88

- Peter Cutler
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