Food Policy
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Kydd From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 5-6, 2007
- Estimating the adoption of Bt eggplant in India: Who Benefits from public-private partnership? pp. 523-543

- Vijesh Krishna and Matin Qaim
- Joint product management strategies for E. coli O157 and feedlot profits pp. 544-565

- William R. Perry, Thomas Marsh, Rodney Jones, M.W. Sanderson, J.M. Sargeant, D.D. Griffin and R.A. Smith
- Demand for coffee in Sweden: The role of prices, preferences and market power pp. 566-584

- Dick Durevall
- Water scarcity and food trade in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries pp. 585-605

- Hong Yang, Lei Wang and Alexander J.B. Zehnder
- Are less-favored environments over-invested? The case of rice research in India pp. 606-623

- Sushil Pandey and Suresh Pal
- Socio-economic characteristics and the effect of taxation as a health policy instrument pp. 624-639

- Sinne Smed, Jorgen Jensen and Sigrid Denver
- A framework to facilitate institutional arrangements for smallholder supply in developing countries: An agribusiness perspective pp. 640-655

- Kurt Sartorius and Johann Kirsten
- Implications for food production, land use and rural development of the European Union's Single Farm Payment: Indications from a survey of farmers' intentions in Germany, Portugal and the UK pp. 656-671

- R.B. Tranter, Alan Swinbank, M.J. Wooldridge, Leonardo Costa, T. Knapp, G.P.J. Little and Miguel Sottomayor
Volume 32, issue 4, 2007
- Food aid, domestic policy and food security: Contrasting experiences from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa pp. 413-435

- Carlo del Ninno, Paul Dorosh and Kalanidhi Subbarao
- Does food aid have disincentive effects on local production? A general equilibrium perspective on food aid in Ethiopia pp. 436-458

- Ayele Gelan
- Genes to feed the world: The weakest link? pp. 459-479

- J. David Reece and Ejnavarzala Haribabu
- Can cooperatives brand? Exploring the interplay between cooperative structure and sustained brand marketing success pp. 480-495

- Michael Beverland
- A choice experiment model for beef: What US consumer responses tell us about relative preferences for food safety, country-of-origin labeling and traceability pp. 496-514

- Maria Loureiro and Wendy Umberger
- Household-level determinants of adoption of improved natural resources management practices among smallholder farmers in western Kenya pp. 515-536

- Paswel P. Marenya and Christopher Barrett
- The dilemma of cheap food and self-sufficiency: The case of wheat in Iran pp. 537-552

- Javad Amid
Volume 32, issue 3, 2007
- Westernization of Asian diets and the transformation of food systems: Implications for research and policy pp. 281-298

- Prabhu Pingali
- Co-regulation as a possible model for food safety governance: Opportunities for public-private partnerships pp. 299-314

- Marian Garcia Martinez, Andrew Fearne, Julie Caswell and Spencer Henson
- High animal welfare standards in the EU and international trade - How to prevent potential `low animal welfare havens'? pp. 315-333

- Harald Grethe
- Wheat markets, food aid and food security in Afghanistan pp. 334-353

- Philippe Chabot and Paul Dorosh
- Plant variety protection in developing countries. A report from the field pp. 354-371

- Robert Tripp, Niels Louwaars and Derek Eaton
- Agricultural technology adoption and poverty reduction: A propensity-score matching analysis for rural Bangladesh pp. 372-393

- Mariapia Mendola
- Targeting agricultural research based on potential impacts on poverty reduction: Strategic program priorities by agro-ecological zone in Nigeria pp. 394-412

- Arega D. Alene, V.M. Manyong, Eric F. Tollens and Steffen Abele
Volume 32, issue 2, 2007
- Putting their money where their mouths are: Consumer willingness to pay for multi-ingredient, processed organic food products pp. 145-159

- Marvin Batte, Neal Hooker, Tim Haab and Jeremy Beaverson
- Do consumers perceive benefits from the implementation of a EU mandatory nutritional labelling program? pp. 160-174

- Azucena Gracia, Maria Loureiro and Rodolfo Nayga
- Quality perceptions under evolving information conditions: Implications for diet, health and consumer satisfaction pp. 175-188

- Nigel D. Poole, Laura Marti'nez-Carrasco Marti'nez and Fernando Vidal Giménez
- Pro-poor agricultural biotechnology: Can the international research system deliver the goods? pp. 189-204

- David Spielman
- Growth options and poverty reduction in Ethiopia - An economy-wide model analysis pp. 205-228

- Xinshen Diao and Alejandro Nin Pratt
- Meat marketing in Burkina Faso after the devaluation of the FCFA: Insights into the functioning of informal market systems pp. 229-245

- Irene Hoffmann and Judith Bernhard
- A game-theoretic approach to behavioral food risks: The case of grain producers pp. 246-265

- Norbert Hirschauer and Oliver Musshoff
- The political economy of a productivist agriculture: New Zealand dairy discourses pp. 266-279

- Mairi Jay
Volume 32, issue 1, 2007
- Biofortification, biodiversity and diet: A search for complementary applications against poverty and malnutrition pp. 1-24

- Timothy Johns and Pablo B. Eyzaguirre
- Farmers' adoption of conservation agriculture: A review and synthesis of recent research pp. 25-48

- Duncan Knowler and Ben Bradshaw
- Genetically modified food labeling: The impacts of message and messenger on consumer perceptions of labels and products pp. 49-66

- Brian Roe and Mario Teisl
- Land inequality, government ideology and agricultural protection pp. 67-83

- Alessandro Olper
- Government regulation and quality in the US beef market pp. 84-97

- Peyton Ferrier and Russell Lamb
- Cheap food policy: Fact or rhetoric? pp. 98-111

- J. Corey Miller and Keith Coble
- Modelling trends in food market integration: Method and an application to Tanzanian maize markets pp. 112-127

- Bjorn Van Campenhout
- Romania's accession to the EU: Short-term welfare effects on food consumers pp. 128-140

- Carmen Hubbard and Kenneth J. Thomson
- Corrigendum to: "The Economics of iron deficiency" [Food Policy 28 (2003) 51-75] pp. 141-143

- Susan Horton and J. Ross
Volume 31, issue 6, 2006
- Viewpoint: "Customized competitiveness" strategies for horticultural exporters - Central America focus with lessons from and for other regions pp. 483-503

- Thomas Reardon and Luis Flores
- Crop biotechnology and the African farmer pp. 504-527

- Carl K. Eicher, Karim Maredia and Idah Sithole-Niang
- Environmental and health benefits of hunting lifestyles and diets for the Innu of Labrador pp. 528-553

- Colin Samson and Jules Pretty
- Technology, transport, globalization and the nutrition transition food policy pp. 554-569

- Barry M. Popkin
- FDA's regulation of genetically engineered foods: Scientific, legal and political dimensions pp. 570-591

- David L. Pelletier
- Reviewers for Food Policy from February 2005 to September 2006 pp. 592-593

- C. Poulton
Volume 31, issue 5, 2006
- Asian development and poverty reduction strategies: Integrating fisheries into the development discourse pp. 385-400

- Andy Thorpe, Chris Reid, Raymon van Anrooy, Cecile Brugere and Denis Becker
- Farming fish for profits: A small step towards food security in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 401-414

- Nathanael Hishamunda and Neil B. Ridler
- Indian farmers' valuation of yield distributions: Will poor farmers value `pro-poor' seeds? pp. 415-441

- Travis Lybbert
- Adoption of improved maize varieties in Southern Ethiopia: Factors and strategy options pp. 442-457

- Shiferaw Feleke and Tesfaye Zegeye
- Can the small dairy farm remain competitive in US agriculture? pp. 458-468

- Loren W. Tauer and Ashok Mishra
- The Thrifty Food Plan and low-income households in the United States: What food groups are being neglected? pp. 469-482

- Hayden Stewart and Noel Blisard
Volume 31, issue 4, 2006
- Managing food price risks and instability in a liberalizing market environment: Overview and policy options pp. 275-287

- Derek Byerlee, Thomas Jayne and Robert Myers
- On the costs of food price fluctuations in low-income countries pp. 288-301

- Robert Myers
- Grain price stabilization experiences in Asia: What have we learned? pp. 302-312

- Ralph Cummings, Shahidur Rashid and Ashok Gulati
- What can we learn from past price stabilization policies and market reform in Mexico? pp. 313-327

- Beatriz Avalos-Sartorio
- Stabilizing food markets in eastern and southern Africa pp. 328-341

- Thomas Jayne, Ballard Zulu and J.J. Nijhoff
- State intervention for food price stabilisation in Africa: Can it work? pp. 342-356

- Colin Poulton, Jonathan Kydd, Steve Wiggins and Andrew Dorward
- Hedging grain price risk in the SADC: Case studies of Malawi and Zambia pp. 357-371

- Julie Dana, Christopher L. Gilbert and Euna Shim
- Countercyclical safety nets for the poor and vulnerable pp. 372-383

- Harold Alderman and Trina Haque
Volume 31, issue 3, 2006
- Evolving dairy markets in Asia: Recent findings and implications pp. 195-200

- John Beghin
- Got milk? The rapid rise of China's dairy sector and its future prospects pp. 201-215

- Frank Fuller, Jikun Huang, Hengyun Ma and Scott Rozelle
- Competitiveness and trade potential of India's dairy industry pp. 216-227

- Manitra Rakotoarisoa and Ashok Gulati
- Dairy food consumption, supply, and policy in Japan pp. 228-237

- Isabelle Schluep Campo and John Beghin
- Consequences of further opening of the Korean dairy market pp. 238-248

- Hyunok Lee, Daniel Sumner and Byeong-il Ahn
- An economic analysis of the impacts of trade liberalization on Asian dairy market pp. 249-259

- Tingjun Peng and Thomas L. Cox
- The outlook for Asian dairy markets: The role of demographics, income, and prices pp. 260-271

- Fengxia Dong
- Professor Sir Hans Singer. A Tribute pp. 272-274

- John Shaw
Volume 31, issue 2, 2006
- Towards a global food aid compact pp. 105-118

- Christopher Barrett and Daniel G. Maxwell
- Food aid tying is the real problem: A response to the Barrett and Maxwell proposal pp. 119-122

- Edward J. Clay
- How useful is the PSE in determining agricultural support? pp. 123-141

- Arie J. Oskam and Gerrit Meester
- Response to the article on "How useful is the PSE in determining agricultural support?" by Arie Oskam and Gerrit Meester pp. 142-147

- Stefan Tangermann
- A preliminary comparison of the retail level effects of genetically modified food labelling policies in Canada and France pp. 148-161

- Guillaume Gruère
- The potential benefits of herbicide-resistant transgenic rice in Uruguay: Lessons for small developing countries pp. 162-179

- Guy G. Hareau, Bradford Mills and George Norton
- Land rights, gender equality and household food security: Exploring the conceptual links in the case of India pp. 180-193

- Nitya Rao
Volume 31, issue 1, 2006
- Private voluntary standards in the food system: The perspective of major food retailers in OECD countries pp. 1-13

- Linda Fulponi
- Postmodern conceptualizations, modernist applications: Rethinking the role of society in food security pp. 14-29

- Edward Carr
- Irrigation, agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China pp. 30-52

- Qiuqiong Huang, Scott Rozelle, Bryan Lohmar, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang
- An assessment of the potential consumption impacts of WHO dietary norms in OECD countries pp. 53-77

- Chittur Srinivasan, Xavier Irz and Bhavani Shankar
- Consumer information, labelling and international trade in agri-food products pp. 78-89

- Jill Hobbs and William Kerr
- Overcoming supply chain failure in the agri-food sector: A case study from Moldova pp. 90-103

- Matthew Gorton, Mikhail Dumitrashko and John White
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