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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 308, issue 3, 2023

Can accessing much data reshape the theory? Inventory theory under the challenge of data-driven systems pp. 949-959 Downloads
Nesim Kohen Erkip
The travelling salesman problem with positional consistency constraints: An application to healthcare services pp. 960-989 Downloads
Luís Gouveia, Ana Paias and Mafalda Ponte
Deep learning-driven scheduling algorithm for a single machine problem minimizing the total tardiness pp. 990-1006 Downloads
Michal Bouška, Přemysl Šůcha, Antonín Novák and Zdeněk Hanzálek
A large neighborhood search algorithm and lower bounds for the variable-Sized bin packing problem with conflicts pp. 1007-1020 Downloads
Ali Ekici
Finding the most degree-central walks and paths in a graph: Exact and heuristic approaches pp. 1021-1036 Downloads
Dmytro Matsypura, Alexander Veremyev, Eduardo L. Pasiliao and Oleg A. Prokopyev
Tabu search exploiting local optimality in binary optimization pp. 1037-1055 Downloads
Saïd Hanafi, Yang Wang, Fred Glover, Wei Yang and Rick Hennig
The board packing problem pp. 1056-1073 Downloads
Gyula Abraham, Gyorgy Dosa, Lars Magnus Hvattum, Tomas Attila Olaj and Zsolt Tuza
Single-machine scheduling of multiple projects with controllable processing times pp. 1074-1090 Downloads
Zhichao Geng and Jinjiang Yuan
Job scheduling under Time-of-Use energy tariffs for sustainable manufacturing: a survey pp. 1091-1109 Downloads
Daniele Catanzaro, Raffaele Pesenti and Roberto Ronco
Simultaneous operation of next-generation and traditional quay cranes at container terminals pp. 1110-1125 Downloads
Omar Abou Kasm, Ali Diabat and Joseph Y.J. Chow
Optimization of preventive replacements dates and covariate inspections for repairable systems in varying environments pp. 1126-1141 Downloads
Léa Brenière, Laurent Doyen and Christophe Bérenguer
The vehicle routing problem with time windows and flexible delivery locations pp. 1142-1159 Downloads
Christian M.M. Frey, Alexander Jungwirth, Markus Frey and Rainer Kolisch
0-1 mathematical programming models for flexible process planning pp. 1160-1175 Downloads
Kaiping Luo, Guangya Shen, Liheng Li and Jianfei Sun
Production and energy mode control of a production-inventory system pp. 1176-1187 Downloads
Barış Tan, Oktay Karabağ and Siamak Khayyati
When is it wise to use artificial intelligence for platform operations considering consumer returns? pp. 1188-1205 Downloads
Xiaoping Xu, Zhaofu Hong, Yujing Chen and T.C.E. Cheng
Managing strategic inventory under retailer competition pp. 1206-1219 Downloads
Xuxu Liu, Da Zhao, Qingkai Ji, Yinlian Zeng and Xiangpei Hu
Joint condition-based maintenance and spare provisioning policy for a K-out-of-N system with failures during inspection intervals pp. 1220-1232 Downloads
Meimei Zheng, Jie Lin, Tangbin Xia, Yu Liu and Ershun Pan
Small and large neighborhood search for the park-and-loop routing problem with parking selection pp. 1233-1248 Downloads
Théo Le Colleter, Dorian Dumez, Fabien Lehuédé and Olivier Péton
The international timetabling competition on sports timetabling (ITC2021) pp. 1249-1267 Downloads
David Van Bulck and Dries Goossens
Preference change in stakeholder group-decision processes in the public sector: Extent, causes and implications pp. 1268-1285 Downloads
M. Kuller, P. Beutler and J. Lienert
Analyzing the accuracy of variable returns to scale data envelopment analysis models pp. 1286-1301 Downloads
Mansour Zarrin and Jens O. Brunner
Selecting slacks-based data envelopment analysis models pp. 1302-1318 Downloads
Mehdi Toloo, Kaoru Tone and Mohammad Izadikhah
A DEA-based approach to customer value analysis pp. 1319-1331 Downloads
Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock, Bart Dierynck, Pieter Kerstens and Filip Roodhooft
Manufacturer’s product line selling strategy and add-on policy in product sharing pp. 1332-1343 Downloads
Yu Zhang, Min Huang, Lin Tian, Gangshu George Cai, Delong Jin and Zhiping Fan
Siting noxious facilities: Efficiency and majority rule decisions pp. 1344-1354 Downloads
Timothy L. Hamilton and Amit Eynan
Constrained optimization for stratified treatment rules in reducing hospital readmission rates of diabetic patients pp. 1355-1364 Downloads
Haiyan Yu, Ching-Chi Yang and Ping Yu
Sourcing decisions with uncertain time-dependent supply from an unreliable supplier pp. 1365-1379 Downloads
Meimei Zheng, Shuangshuang Dong, Yaoming Zhou and Tsan-Ming Choi
Matching supply and demand for free-floating car sharing: On the value of optimization pp. 1380-1395 Downloads
Felix Weidinger, Szymon Albiński and Nils Boysen

Volume 308, issue 2, 2023

Uncertainty in maritime ship routing and scheduling: A Literature review pp. 499-524 Downloads
Jana Ksciuk, Stefan Kuhlemann, Kevin Tierney and Achim Koberstein
The stochastic pseudo-star degree centrality problem pp. 525-539 Downloads
Mustafa C. Camur, Thomas C. Sharkey and Chrysafis Vogiatzis
A fast tri-individual memetic search approach for the distance-based critical node problem pp. 540-554 Downloads
Yangming Zhou, Gezi Wang, Jin-Kao Hao, Na Geng and Zhibin Jiang
Dendrograms, minimum spanning trees and feature selection pp. 555-567 Downloads
Martine Labbé, Mercedes Landete and Marina Leal
Facility location and pricing problem: Discretized mill price and exact algorithms pp. 568-580 Downloads
Yun Hui Lin and Qingyun Tian
A memetic algorithm for solving rich waste collection problems pp. 581-604 Downloads
Carolien Lavigne, Dirk Inghels, Wout Dullaert and Reginald Dewil
Airline maintenance task rescheduling in a disruptive environment pp. 605-621 Downloads
Paul J. van Kessel, Floris C. Freeman and Bruno F. Santos
Technology licensing strategies for three cost-differential manufacturers pp. 622-635 Downloads
Xu Chen, Xiaojun Wang and Haojie Jing
The impact of capacity information on lexicographical capacity allocation pp. 636-649 Downloads
Salar Ghamat and Hubert Pun
Optimal reconciliation with immutable forecasts pp. 650-660 Downloads
Bohan Zhang, Yanfei Kang, Anastasios Panagiotelis and Feng Li
Replenishment strategies for lost sales inventory systems of perishables under demand and lead time uncertainty pp. 661-675 Downloads
Ole Hansen, Sandra Transchel and Hanno Friedrich
An integer L-shaped algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands pp. 676-695 Downloads
Jonathan De La Vega, Michel Gendreau, Reinaldo Morabito, Pedro Munari and Fernando Ordóñez
Scheduling shuttles in deep-lane shuttle-based storage systems pp. 696-708 Downloads
Jingjing Yang, René B.M. de Koster, Xiaolong Guo and Yugang Yu
Optimal channel strategy of luxury brands in the presence of online marketplace and copycats pp. 709-721 Downloads
Sarah Yini Gao, Wei Shi Lim and Ziqiu Ye
Novel models and algorithms for location assignment for outbound containers in container terminals pp. 722-737 Downloads
Canrong Zhang, Qi Wang and Guoping Yuan
Same-day delivery with fair customer service pp. 738-751 Downloads
Xinwei Chen, Tong Wang, Barrett W. Thomas and Marlin W. Ulmer
Duality and sensitivity analysis of multistage linear stochastic programs pp. 752-767 Downloads
Vincent Guigues, Alexander Shapiro and Yi Cheng
A framework for optimal recruitment of temporary and permanent healthcare workers in highly uncertain environments pp. 768-781 Downloads
Saha Malaki, Navid Izady and Lilian M. de Menezes
The impact of line-sitting on a two-server queueing system pp. 782-800 Downloads
Chen Zhao and Zhongbin Wang
The paired mail carrier problem pp. 801-817 Downloads
Yuchen Luo, Bruce Golden, Stefan Poikonen, Edward Wasil and Rui Zhang
Masking primal and dual models for data privacy in network revenue management pp. 818-831 Downloads
Utku Karaca, Ş. İlker Birbil, Nurşen Aydın and Gizem Mullaoğlu
Interdicting restructuring networks with applications in illicit trafficking pp. 832-851 Downloads
Daniel Kosmas, Thomas C. Sharkey, John E. Mitchell, Kayse Lee Maass and Lauren Martin
Socially responsible product-positioning: Impact of halo/horns spillover on product image pp. 852-863 Downloads
Hannan Sadjady Naeeni, Funda Sahin and E. Powell Robinson
Integrated strategic energy mix and energy generation planning with multiple sustainability criteria and hierarchical stakeholders pp. 864-883 Downloads
Chandra Ade Irawan, Dylan Jones, Peter S. Hofman and Lina Zhang
Manufacturing and procurement outsourcing strategies of competing original equipment manufacturers pp. 884-896 Downloads
Sijing Deng and Jiayan Xu
Strategic investment under uncertainty in a triopoly market: Timing and capacity choice pp. 897-911 Downloads
Farzan Faninam, Huisman, Kuno J.M. and Peter Kort
Examining the dynamics of reactive capacity allocation through a chaos lens pp. 912-928 Downloads
Xuchuan Yuan and H. Brian Hwarng
Partial linear recharging strategy for the electric fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows and recharging stations pp. 929-948 Downloads
Weiquan Wang and Jingyi Zhao

Volume 308, issue 1, 2023

Educational timetabling: Problems, benchmarks, and state-of-the-art results pp. 1-18 Downloads
Sara Ceschia, Luca Di Gaspero and Andrea Schaerf
Single machine scheduling with release dates: A distributionally robust approach pp. 19-37 Downloads
Haimin Lu and Zhi Pei
A stochastic programming approach to the cutting stock problem with usable leftovers pp. 38-53 Downloads
Adriana Cristina Cherri, Luiz Henrique Cherri, Beatriz Brito Oliveira, José Fernando Oliveira and Maria Antónia Carravilla
Multi-project scheduling: A benchmark analysis of metaheuristic algorithms on various optimisation criteria and due dates pp. 54-75 Downloads
Dries Bredael and Mario Vanhoucke
Single machine scheduling with assignable due dates to minimize maximum and total late work pp. 76-83 Downloads
Jan-Erik Justkowiak, Sergey Kovalev, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov and Erwin Pesch
An efficient benders decomposition for the p-median problem pp. 84-96 Downloads
Cristian Duran-Mateluna, Zacharie Ales and Sourour Elloumi
Information sharing in an MTO supply chain with upstream adjustments pp. 97-112 Downloads
Jian Zhang and Barrie R. Nault
Drone location and vehicle fleet planning with trucks and aerial drones pp. 113-130 Downloads
Alexander Rave, Pirmin Fontaine and Heinrich Kuhn
Outsourcing or reshoring? A manufacturer's sourcing strategy in the presence of government subsidy pp. 131-149 Downloads
Lei Xie, Yunping Liu, Hongshuai Han and (Martin) Qiu, Chun
Imperfect maintenance policies for warranted products under stochastic performance degradation pp. 150-165 Downloads
Xiujie Zhao, Bin Liu, Jianyu Xu and Xiao-Lin Wang
Economic lot sizing problem with tank scheduling pp. 166-182 Downloads
Mehmet Önal, Wilco van den Heuvel, Meryem Merve Dereli and Erinç Albey
Co-creation of mobile app quality in a two-platform supply chain when platforms are asymmetric pp. 183-200 Downloads
Tatyana Chernonog and Priel Levy
Two-part tariffs, inventory stockpiling, and the bullwhip effect pp. 201-214 Downloads
Zhan Qu and Horst Raff
Finding preferred solutions under weighted Tchebycheff preference functions for multi-objective integer programs pp. 215-228 Downloads
G. Karakaya and M. Köksalan
MSD-space: Visualizing the inner-workings of TOPSIS aggregations pp. 229-242 Downloads
Robert Susmaga, Izabela Szczȩch, Piotr Zielniewicz and Dariusz Brzezinski
Combinatorial multi-criteria acceptability analysis: A decision analysis and consensus-building approach for cooperative groups pp. 243-254 Downloads
Jana Goers and Graham Horton
Divide and conquer: A granular concept-cognitive computing system for dynamic classification decision making pp. 255-273 Downloads
Yunlong Mi, Zongrun Wang, Hui Liu, Yi Qu, Gaofeng Yu and Yong Shi
Multicomponent production technologies with restricted allocations of shared inputs and outputs pp. 274-289 Downloads
Grammatoula Papaioannou and Victor V. Podinovski
Selfish-dilemma consensus analysis for group decision making in the perspective of cooperative game theory pp. 290-305 Downloads
Fan-Yong Meng, Zai-Wu Gong, Witold Pedrycz and Jun-Fei Chu
A transformer-based model for default prediction in mid-cap corporate markets pp. 306-320 Downloads
Kamesh Korangi, Christophe Mues and Cristián Bravo
Value function gradient learning for large-scale multistage stochastic programming problems pp. 321-335 Downloads
Jinkyu Lee, Sanghyeon Bae, Woo Chang Kim and Yongjae Lee
Modeling soft unloading constraints in the multi-drop container loading problem pp. 336-352 Downloads
Guillem Bonet Filella, Alessio Trivella and Francesco Corman
Data-driven support for policy and decision-making in university research management: A case study from Germany pp. 353-368 Downloads
Alona Zharova, Wolfgang Karl Härdle and Stefan Lessmann
Integrated reinforcement and repair of interdependent infrastructure networks under disaster-related uncertainties pp. 369-384 Downloads
Tuğçe Canbilen Sütiçen, Sakine Batun and Melih Çelik
A metaheuristic algorithm for a locomotive routing problem arising in the steel industry pp. 385-399 Downloads
Baobin Huang, Lixin Tang, Roberto Baldacci, Gongshu Wang and Defeng Sun
Stochastic optimization of trading strategies in sequential electricity markets pp. 400-421 Downloads
Emil Kraft, Marianna Russo, Dogan Keles and Valentin Bertsch
On the impact of resource relocation in facing health emergencies pp. 422-435 Downloads
Michele Barbato, Alberto Ceselli and Marco Premoli
Incorporating slot valuation in making airport slot scheduling decisions pp. 436-454 Downloads
Fotios A. Katsigiannis and Konstantinos G. Zografos
Copula sensitivity analysis for portfolio credit derivatives pp. 455-466 Downloads
Lei Lei, Yijie Peng, Michael C. Fu and Jian-Qiang Hu
Economic foundations of generalized games with shared constraint: Do binding agreements lead to less Nash equilibria? pp. 467-479 Downloads
Yann Braouezec and Keyvan Kiani
Strategic trading with information acquisition and long-memory stochastic liquidity pp. 480-495 Downloads
Jinhui Han, Xiaolong Li, Guiyuan Ma and Adrian Patrick Kennedy
Page updated 2025-03-28