European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 269, issue 3, 2018
- Applications of agent-based modelling and simulation in the agri-food supply chains pp. 794-805

- Dhanan Sarwo Utomo, Bhakti Stephan Onggo and Stephen Eldridge
- A perturbation matheuristic for the integrated personnel shift and task re-scheduling problem pp. 806-823

- Broos Maenhout and Mario Vanhoucke
- New valid inequalities and facets for the Simple Plant Location Problem pp. 824-833

- Laura Galli, Adam N. Letchford and Sebastian J. Miller
- Towards effective exact methods for the Maximum Balanced Biclique Problem in bipartite graphs pp. 834-843

- Yi Zhou, André Rossi and Jin-Kao Hao
- A traveling salesman problem with pickups and deliveries and stochastic travel times: An application from chemical shipping pp. 844-859

- Aurora Smith Elgesem, Eline Sophie Skogen, Xin Wang and Kjetil Fagerholt
- A greedy aggregation–decomposition method for intermittent demand forecasting in fashion retailing pp. 860-869

- Chongshou Li and Andrew Lim
- Competition and coordination in a three-tier supply chain with differentiated channels pp. 870-882

- Yongquan Lan, Yanzhi Li and Felix Papier
- Value function approximation for dynamic multi-period vehicle routing pp. 883-899

- Marlin W. Ulmer, Ninja Soeffker and Dirk C. Mattfeld
- A base-stock inventory model with service differentiation and response time guarantees pp. 900-908

- Adriana F. Gabor, Lars A. van Vianen, Guangyuan Yang and Sven Axsäter
- Markov-modulated analysis of a spare parts system with random lead times and disruption risks pp. 909-922

- Mustafa Hekimoğlu, Erwin van der Laan and Rommert Dekker
- An integrated approach for production lot sizing and raw material purchasing pp. 923-938

- Artur Lovato Cunha, Maristela Oliveira Santos, Reinaldo Morabito and Ana Barbosa-Póvoa
- Managing the misbehaving retailer under demand uncertainty and imperfect information pp. 939-954

- Vinay Kumar Kalakbandi
- A typology and literature review on stochastic multi-echelon inventory models pp. 955-983

- Ton de Kok, Christopher Grob, Marco Laumanns, Stefan Minner, Jörg Rambau and Konrad Schade
- Integer programming models for mid-term production planning for high-tech low-volume supply chains pp. 984-997

- Joost T. de Kruijff, Cor A.J. Hurkens and Ton G. de Kok
- Impact of storage competition on energy markets pp. 998-1012

- James R. Cruise, Lisa Flatley and Stan Zachary
- Aggregation of metafrontier technology gap ratios: the case of European sectors in 1995–2015 pp. 1013-1026

- Barnabé Walheer
- On the robustness of the consumer homogeneity assumption with respect to the discount factor for remanufactured products pp. 1027-1040

- Rainer Kleber, Marc Reimann, Gilvan C. Souza and Weihua Zhang
- An analysis of the generalized TODIM method pp. 1041-1049

- Bonifacio Llamazares
- An effective two-stage stochastic multi-trip location-transportation model with social concerns in relief supply chains pp. 1050-1071

- Alfredo Moreno, Douglas Alem, Deisemara Ferreira and Alistair Clark
- Student and school performance across countries: A machine learning approach pp. 1072-1085

- Chiara Masci, Geraint Johnes and Tommaso Agasisti
- Fiber cable network design in tree networks pp. 1086-1106

- Vincent Angilella, Matthieu Chardy and Walid Ben-Ameur
- Multivariate dependence analysis via tree copula models: An application to one-year forward energy contracts pp. 1107-1121

- Federico Bassetti, Maria Elena De Giuli, Enrica Nicolino and Claudia Tarantola
- Bi-objective safe and resilient urban evacuation planning pp. 1122-1136

- A. Kimms and M. Maiwald
- Liquidity tail risk and credit default swap spreads pp. 1137-1153

- Felix Irresberger, Gregor N.F. Weiß, Janet Gabrysch and Sandra Gabrysch
- Disentangling wrong-way risk: pricing credit valuation adjustment via change of measures pp. 1154-1164

- Damiano Brigo and Frédéric Vrins
- Why do consumers prefer static instead of dynamic pricing plans? An empirical study for a better understanding of the low preferences for time-variant pricing plans pp. 1165-1179

- Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera and Fabian Schulz
- Comment on “An algorithm for moment-matching scenario generation with application to financial portfolio optimization” pp. 1180-1184

- Juan Pablo Contreras, Paul Bosch and Mauricio Herrera
Volume 269, issue 2, 2018
- Improving post-disaster road network accessibility by strengthening links against failures pp. 406-422

- E. Yücel, F.S. Salman and I. Arsik
- Disaster preparedness using risk-assessment methods from earthquake engineering pp. 423-435

- Maria Battarra, Burcu Balcik and Huifu Xu
- Humanitarian transportation planning: Evaluation of practice-based heuristics and recommendations for improvement pp. 436-450

- Erica Gralla and Jarrod Goentzel
- Exploring communication media options in an inter-organizational disaster response coordination network using agent-based simulation pp. 451-465

- Susan K. Aros and Deborah E. Gibbons
- Incomplete information imputation in limited data environments with application to disaster response pp. 466-485

- Kezban Yagci Sokat, Irina S. Dolinskaya, Karen Smilowitz and Ryan Bank
- A general framework for assessing the value of social data for disaster response logistics planning pp. 486-500

- Emre Kirac and Ashlea Bennett Milburn
- Multi-criteria optimization for last mile distribution of disaster relief aid: Test cases and applications pp. 501-515

- José M. Ferrer, F. Javier Martín-Campo, M. Teresa Ortuño, Alfonso J. Pedraza-Martínez, Gregorio Tirado and Begoña Vitoriano
- Robust optimization approaches for the equitable and effective distribution of donated food pp. 516-531

- Irem Sengul Orgut, Julie S. Ivy, Reha Uzsoy and Charlie Hale
- Modeling the values of private sector agents in multi-echelon humanitarian supply chains pp. 532-543

- Corinne Carland, Jarrod Goentzel and Gilberto Montibeller
- Compromise solutions for robust combinatorial optimization with variable-sized uncertainty pp. 544-555

- André Chassein and Marc Goerigk
- Robust VaR and CVaR optimization under joint ambiguity in distributions, means, and covariances pp. 556-576

- Somayyeh Lotfi and Stavros Zenios
- Single-facility location problems in two regions with ℓ1- and ℓq-norms separated by a straight line pp. 577-589

- L. Franco, F. Velasco, L. Gonzalez-Abril and Juan A. Mesa
- No-wait flowshop scheduling problem with two criteria; total tardiness and makespan pp. 590-601

- Ali Allahverdi, Harun Aydilek and Asiye Aydilek
- Dealing with residual energy when transmitting data in energy-constrained capacitated networks pp. 602-620

- Herminia I. Calvete, Lourdes del-Pozo and José A. Iranzo
- Resource cost aware scheduling pp. 621-632

- Rodrigo A. Carrasco, Garud Iyengar and Cliff Stein
- Comparing sequential and integrated approaches for the production routing problem pp. 633-646

- Nabil Absi, Claudia Archetti, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, Dominique Feillet and M. Grazia Speranza
- An asynchronous parallel disassembly planning based on genetic algorithm pp. 647-660

- Yaping Ren, Chaoyong Zhang, Fu Zhao, Huajun Xiao and Guangdong Tian
- Optimal return and rebate mechanism in a closed-loop supply chain game pp. 661-681

- Talat Genc and Pietro De Giovanni
- Vehicle selection for a multi-compartment vehicle routing problem pp. 682-694

- Manuel Ostermeier and Alexander Hübner
- The price-setting newsvendor problem with nonnegative linear additive demand pp. 695-698

- George J. Kyparisis and Christos Koulamas
- Robust decision making using a general utility set pp. 699-714

- Jian Hu, Manish Bansal and Sanjay Mehrotra
- Transshipments in supply chains: A behavioral investigation pp. 715-729

- Sebastián Villa and Jaime Andrés Castañeda
- The Stochastic Queue Core problem, evacuation networks, and state-dependent queues pp. 730-748

- Mehrdad Moshtagh, Jafar Fathali and J. MacGregor Smith
- Effect of exit placement on evacuation plans pp. 749-759

- Heba A. Kurdi, Shiroq Al-Megren, Reham Althunyan and Asma Almulifi
- A new hybrid classification algorithm for customer churn prediction based on logistic regression and decision trees pp. 760-772

- Arno De Caigny, Kristof Coussement and Koen W. De Bock
- Open shop cyclic scheduling pp. 773-781

- Jaroslaw Pempera and Czeslaw Smutnicki
- Effects of multipurpose shopping trips on retail store location in a duopoly pp. 782-792

- Vladimir Marianov, H.A. Eiselt and Armin Lüer-Villagra
Volume 269, issue 1, 2018
- Sustainable allocation of greenhouse gas emission permits for firms with Leontief technologies pp. 5-15

- E. Gutiérrez, N. Llorca, J. Sánchez-Soriano and M. Mosquera
- The impacts of public sustainability concerns on length of product line pp. 16-23

- Xiang Ji, Jie Wu, Liang Liang and Qingyuan Zhu
- Water pollution in wastewater treatment plants: An efficiency analysis with undesirable output pp. 24-34

- D’Inverno, Giovanna, Laura Carosi, Giulia Romano and Andrea Guerrini
- Environmental efficiency and abatement efficiency measurements of China's thermal power industry: A data envelopment analysis based materials balance approach pp. 35-50

- Ke Wang, Yi-Ming Wei and Zhimin Huang
- Environmental efficiency and economic growth of China: A Ray slack-based model analysis pp. 51-63

- Malin Song, Jun Peng, Jianlin Wang and Jiajia Zhao
- Evaluating the dynamic performance of energy portfolios: Empirical evidence from the DEA directional distance function pp. 64-78

- Yue-Jun Zhang and Ming-Ying Chen
- A multicriteria optimization model for sustainable forest management under climate change uncertainty: An application in Portugal pp. 79-98

- Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, Felipe Ulloa-Fierro, Andrés Weintraub and Susana Barreiro
- Data envelopment analysis cross-like efficiency model for non-homogeneous decision-making units: The case of United States companies’ low-carbon investment to attain corporate sustainability pp. 99-110

- Weiwei Zhu, Yu Yu and Panpan Sun
- DEA frontier improvement and portfolio rebalancing: An application of China mutual funds on considering sustainability information disclosure pp. 111-131

- Zhongbao Zhou, Helu Xiao, Qianying Jin and Wenbin Liu
- Managing risks from climate impacted hazards – The value of investment flexibility under uncertainty pp. 132-145

- Chi Truong, Stefan Trück and Supriya Mathew
- Retail location competition under carbon penalty pp. 146-158

- Hande Dilek, Özgen Karaer and Emre Nadar
- An efficient heuristic algorithm for the alternative-fuel station location problem pp. 159-170

- Trung Hieu Tran, Gábor Nagy, Thu Ba T. Nguyen and Niaz A. Wassan
- A Modified Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index: Assessing Environmental Productivity Performance in China pp. 171-187

- Juan Du, Yao Chen and Ying Huang
- A quantitative model for environmentally sustainable supply chain performance measurement pp. 188-205

- Adolf Acquaye, Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed, Andrea Genovese, Godfred A Afrifa, Fred A Yamoah and Eunice Oppon
- A differential oligopoly game for optimal production planning and water savings pp. 206-217

- Baogui Xin and Minghe Sun
- Sustainable endogenous growth model of multiple regions: Reconciling OR and economic perspectives pp. 218-226

- Tao Wu, Ning Zhang, Lin Gui and Wenjie Wu
- Water-integrated scheduling of batch process plants: Modelling approach and application in technology selection pp. 227-243

- Sai Jishna Pulluru and Renzo Akkerman
- Capacitated disassembly scheduling under stochastic yield and demand pp. 244-257

- Kanglin Liu and Zhi-Hai Zhang
- Improving supply chain sustainability using exergy analysis pp. 258-271

- Hussam Jawad, Mohamad Y. Jaber and Rida Y. Nuwayhid
- Promoting sustainability of automotive products through strategic assortment planning pp. 272-285

- Edward Lawrence Umpfenbach, Evrim Dalkiran, Ratna Babu Chinnam and Alper Ekrem Murat
- A multi-agent systems approach for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation in a partnership supply chain pp. 286-301

- Pezhman Ghadimi, Farshad Ghassemi Toosi and Cathal Heavey
- Robust and sustainable supply chains under market uncertainties and different risk attitudes – A case study of the German biodiesel market pp. 302-312

- Laura Elisabeth Hombach, Christina Büsing and Grit Walther
- A unified theory of the dynamics of closed-loop supply chains pp. 313-326

- Takamichi Hosoda and Stephen M. Disney
- Reducing emissions in transportation and inventory management: (R, Q) Policy with considerations of carbon reduction pp. 327-340

- Shaolong Tang, Wenjie Wang, Stella Cho and Hong Yan
- A hybrid Constraint Programming/Mixed Integer Programming framework for the preventive signaling maintenance crew scheduling problem pp. 341-352

- Shahrzad M. Pour, John H. Drake, Lena Secher Ejlertsen, Kourosh Marjani Rasmussen and Edmund K. Burke
- The multi-pickup and delivery problem with time windows pp. 353-362

- Salma Naccache, Jean-François Côté and Leandro C. Coelho
- Risk management of time varying floors for dynamic portfolio insurance pp. 363-381

- H. Ben Ameur and Jean-Luc Prigent
- A branch-and-price algorithm for the scheduling of customer visits in the context of multi-period service territory design pp. 382-396

- Matthias Bender, Jörg Kalcsics, Stefan Nickel and Martin Pouls
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