European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 238, issue 3, 2014
- Integrating deterioration and lifetime constraints in production and supply chain planning: A survey pp. 654-674

- Julia Pahl and Stefan Voß
- Incremental network design with shortest paths pp. 675-684

- Matthew Baxter, Tarek Elgindy, Andreas T. Ernst, Thomas Kalinowski and Martin W.P. Savelsbergh
- Branch-and-cut algorithms for the split delivery vehicle routing problem pp. 685-698

- Claudia Archetti, Nicola Bianchessi and M. Grazia Speranza
- A multicut L-shaped based algorithm to solve a stochastic programming model for the mobile facility routing and scheduling problem pp. 699-710

- Chao Lei, Wei-Hua Lin and Lixin Miao
- Single-commodity robust network design problem: Complexity, instances and heuristic solutions pp. 711-723

- Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Valentina Cacchiani, Andrea Lodi, Tiziano Parriani and Daniel R. Schmidt
- Total completion time with makespan constraint in no-wait flowshops with setup times pp. 724-734

- Ali Allahverdi and Harun Aydilek
- Optimal deterministic algorithms for some variants of Online Quota Traveling Salesman Problem pp. 735-740

- Wei Yu, Zhaohui Liu and Xiaoguang Bao
- An integrated approach for earthwork allocation, sequencing and routing pp. 741-759

- R.L. Burdett and E. Kozan
- New results for the Directed Profitable Rural Postman Problem pp. 760-773

- Marco Colombi and Renata Mansini
- Aggregation of Malmquist productivity indexes allowing for reallocation of resources pp. 774-785

- Andreas Mayer and Valentin Zelenyuk
- Order monotonic solutions for generalized characteristic functions pp. 786-796

- Rene van den Brink, Enrique González-Arangüena, Conrado Manuel and Mónica del Pozo
- Bidding in sequential electricity markets: The Nordic case pp. 797-809

- Trine Krogh Boomsma, Nina Juul and Stein-Erik Fleten
- Fast computation of bounds for two-terminal network reliability pp. 810-823

- Stefano Sebastio, Kishor S. Trivedi, Dazhi Wang and Xiaoyan Yin
- Consumption–investment strategies with non-exponential discounting and logarithmic utility pp. 824-835

- Qian Zhao, Yang Shen and Jiaqin Wei
- Survivable network design with shared-protection routing pp. 836-845

- Y.K. Agarwal and Prahalad Venkateshan
- Cure events in default prediction pp. 846-857

- Marcus Wolter and Daniel Rösch
- Distribution-free vessel deployment for liner shipping pp. 858-862

- ManWo Ng
- An implicit enumeration algorithm for the passenger service planning problem: Application to the Taiwan Railways Administration line pp. 863-875

- Dung-Ying Lin and Yu-Hsiung Ku
- A robust-CVaR optimization approach with application to breast cancer therapy pp. 876-885

- Timothy C.Y. Chan, Houra Mahmoudzadeh and Thomas G. Purdie
- Decomposition and local search based methods for the traveling umpire problem pp. 886-898

- Tony Wauters, Sam Van Malderen and Greet Vanden Berghe
- Estimating the technical efficiency of health care systems: A cross-country comparison using the directional distance function pp. 899-910

- Gang Cheng and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
Volume 238, issue 2, 2014
- Regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis for multiblock or multigroup data analysis pp. 391-403

- Arthur Tenenhaus and Michel Tenenhaus
- The Clustered Orienteering Problem pp. 404-414

- E. Angelelli, C. Archetti and M. Vindigni
- The shortest-path problem with resource constraints with (k,2)-loop elimination and its application to the capacitated arc-routing problem pp. 415-426

- Claudia Bode and Stefan Irnich
- Hybrid large neighborhood search for the bus rapid transit route design problem pp. 427-437

- Verena Schmid
- A heuristic for BILP problems: The Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem pp. 438-450

- G. Guastaroba and M.G. Speranza
- The static bicycle relocation problem with demand intervals pp. 451-457

- Güneş Erdoğan, Gilbert Laporte and Roberto Wolfler Calvo
- Solving the dynamic capacitated location-routing problem with fuzzy demands by hybrid heuristic algorithm pp. 458-470

- Ali Nadizadeh and Hasan Hosseini Nasab
- The two-machine no-wait general and proportionate open shop makespan problem pp. 471-475

- S.S. Panwalkar and Christos Koulamas
- Construction of asymmetric copulas and its application in two-dimensional reliability modelling pp. 476-485

- Shaomin Wu
- Convergence of controlled models and finite-state approximation for discounted continuous-time Markov decision processes with constraints pp. 486-496

- Xianping Guo and Wenzhao Zhang
- Random sampling: Billiard Walk algorithm pp. 497-504

- Elena Gryazina and Boris Polyak
- Development and application of consumer credit scoring models using profit-based classification measures pp. 505-513

- Thomas Verbraken, Cristián Bravo, Richard Weber and Bart Baesens
- Multi-stage stochastic fluid models for congestion control pp. 514-526

- O’Reilly, Małgorzata M.
- Demand seasonality in retail inventory management pp. 527-539

- J.C.F. Ehrenthal, D. Honhon and Tom van Woensel
- A synergy of multicriteria techniques to assess additive value models pp. 540-551

- Christian Hurson and Yannis Siskos
- The analytic hierarchy process with stochastic judgements pp. 552-559

- Ian Durbach, Risto Lahdelma and Pekka Salminen
- Monotonicity and the Aumann–Shapley cost-sharing method in the discrete case pp. 560-565

- M.J. Albizuri, H. Díez and A. Sarachu
- The SEXTANT software: A tool for automating the comparative analysis of mental models of dynamic systems pp. 566-578

- Martin F.G. Schaffernicht and Stefan N. Groesser
- A mathematical model proposal for cost-effective course planning in large hierarchical organizations pp. 579-595

- Levent Karamalak, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu and Altan Ozkil
- Fast and fine quickest path algorithm pp. 596-606

- Antonio Sedeño-Noda and Jonathan D. González-Barrera
- An Activity-Based Costing decision model for life cycle assessment in green building projects pp. 607-619

- Wen-Hsien Tsai, Chih-Hao Yang, Jui-Chu Chang and Hsiu-Li Lee
- Reducing patient-flow delays in surgical suites through determining start-times of surgical cases pp. 620-629

- Sangbok Lee and Yuehwern Yih
- Robust competence assessment for job assignment pp. 630-644

- Romain Guillaume, Raymond Houé and Bernard Grabot
- Hierarchical differential evolution for minimal cut sets identification: Application to nuclear safety systems pp. 645-652

- Francesco Di Maio, Samuele Baronchelli and Enrico Zio
Volume 238, issue 1, 2014
- A survey of recent research on location-routing problems pp. 1-17

- Caroline Prodhon and Christian Prins
- Integrating stochastic time-dependent travel speed in solution methods for the dynamic dial-a-ride problem pp. 18-30

- M. Schilde, K.F. Doerner and R.F. Hartl
- The Share-a-Ride Problem: People and parcels sharing taxis pp. 31-40

- Baoxiang Li, Dmitry Krushinsky, Hajo A. Reijers and Tom van Woensel
- Robust optimization for interactive multiobjective programming with imprecise information applied to R&D project portfolio selection pp. 41-53

- Farhad Hassanzadeh, Hamid Nemati and Minghe Sun
- Fast approximation algorithms for bi-criteria scheduling with machine assignment costs pp. 54-64

- Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Zhao-hong Jia, Wenhua Li, Michael L. Pinedo and Bertrand M.T. Lin
- The relevance of the “alphorn of uncertainty” to the financial management of projects under uncertainty pp. 65-76

- Jingwen Zhang and Salah E. Elmaghraby
- Effective learning hyper-heuristics for the course timetabling problem pp. 77-86

- Jorge A. Soria-Alcaraz, Gabriela Ochoa, Jerry Swan, Martin Carpio, Hector Puga and Edmund K. Burke
- On the empirical scaling of run-time for finding optimal solutions to the travelling salesman problem pp. 87-94

- Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle
- A hybrid heuristic algorithm for the 2D variable-sized bin packing problem pp. 95-103

- Shaohui Hong, Defu Zhang, Hoong Chuin Lau, XiangXiang Zeng and Yain-Whar Si
- A multi-start algorithm for a balanced real-world Open Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 104-113

- A.D. López-Sánchez, A.G. Hernández-Díaz, D. Vigo, R. Caballero and J. Molina
- Hybrid algorithm for a vendor managed inventory system in a two-echelon supply chain pp. 114-121

- Ali Diabat
- Production planning and pricing policy in a make-to-stock system with uncertain demand subject to machine breakdowns pp. 122-129

- Xiutian Shi, Houcai Shen, Ting Wu and T.C.E. Cheng
- Coordination of production and interstage batch delivery with outsourced distribution pp. 130-142

- Alessandro Agnetis, Mohamed Ali Aloulou and Liang-Liang Fu
- Optimisation of integrated reverse logistics networks with different product recovery routes pp. 143-154

- A. Niknejad and D. Petrovic
- Conservative allocation models for outbound containers in container terminals pp. 155-165

- Canrong Zhang, Tao Wu, Kap Hwan Kim and Lixin Miao
- The Quintile Share Ratio in location analysis pp. 166-174

- Tammy Drezner, Zvi Drezner and Beat Hulliger
- Take back costs and product durability pp. 175-184

- Michael S. Pangburn and Euthemia Stavrulaki
- Measurement of preferences with self-explicated approaches: A classification and merge of trade-off- and non-trade-off-based evaluation types pp. 185-198

- Christian Schlereth, Christine Eckert, René Schaaf and Bernd Skiera
- On the student evaluation of university courses and faculty members’ teaching performance pp. 199-207

- Yiannis Nikolaidis and Sotirios G. Dimitriadis
- The partial adjustment valuation approach with dynamic and variable speeds of adjustment to evaluating and measuring the business value of information technology pp. 208-220

- Winston T. Lin and Kao, Ta-Wei (Daniel)
- Vertical integration with endogenous contract leadership: Stability and fair profit allocation pp. 221-232

- Yuki Kumoi and Nobuo Matsubayashi
- Lease expiration management for a single lease term in the apartment industry pp. 233-244

- Jing Chen, Jian Wang and Peter C. Bell
- A new nonlinear interval programming method for uncertain problems with dependent interval variables pp. 245-253

- C. Jiang, Z.G. Zhang, Q.F. Zhang, X. Han, H.C. Xie and John Liu
- Impact of productivity on cross-training configurations and optimal staffing decisions in hospitals pp. 254-269

- Adelina Gnanlet and Wendell G. Gilland
- An intelligent decomposition of pairwise comparison matrices for large-scale decisions pp. 270-280

- Eugene Rex Jalao, Teresa Wu and Dan Shunk
- Subgroup additivity in the queueing problem pp. 281-289

- Youngsub Chun and Manipushpak Mitra
- Systemic risk elicitation: Using causal maps to engage stakeholders and build a comprehensive view of risks pp. 290-299

- Fran Ackermann, Susan Howick, John Quigley, Lesley Walls and Tom Houghton
- Branch-and-price and constraint programming for solving a real-life technician dispatching problem pp. 300-312

- Cristián E. Cortés, Michel Gendreau, Louis Martin Rousseau, Sebastián Souyris and Andrés Weintraub
- Using a partially observable Markov chain model to assess colonoscopy screening strategies – A cohort study pp. 313-326

- Y. Li, M. Zhu, R. Klein and N. Kong
- An automated planning engine for biopharmaceutical production pp. 327-338

- Robert C. Leachman, Lenrick Johnston, Shan Li and Zuo-Jun Shen
- A new mixed integer programming model for curriculum balancing: Application to a Turkish university pp. 339-347

- Yusuf Ziya Ünal and Özgür Uysal
- Online stochastic UAV mission planning with time windows and time-sensitive targets pp. 348-362

- Lanah Evers, Ana Isabel Barros, Herman Monsuur and Albert Wagelmans
- Mass-casualty triage: Distribution of victims to multiple hospitals using the SAVE model pp. 363-373

- Matthew D. Dean and Suresh K. Nair
- Solving real-world cutting stock-problems in the paper industry: Mathematical approaches, experience and challenges pp. 374-389

- Julia Kallrath, Steffen Rebennack, Josef Kallrath and Rüdiger Kusche
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