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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 250, issue 3, 2016

The bullwhip effect: Progress, trends and directions pp. 691-701 Downloads
Xun Wang and Stephen M. Disney
An effective co-evolutionary artificial bee colony algorithm for steelmaking-continuous casting scheduling pp. 702-714 Downloads
Quan-Ke Pan
The bipartite quadratic assignment problem and extensions pp. 715-725 Downloads
Abraham P. Punnen and Yang Wang
A heuristic for emergency operations scheduling with lead times and tardiness penalties pp. 726-736 Downloads
Lei Lei, Kangbok Lee and Hui Dong
Branch-and-bound with decomposition-based lower bounds for the Traveling Umpire Problem pp. 737-744 Downloads
Túlio A.M. Toffolo, Tony Wauters, Sam Van Malderen and Greet Vanden Berghe
Improved algorithms for joint optimization of facility locations and network connections pp. 745-753 Downloads
Xiaofan Lai and Zhou Xu
A new lower bound for online strip packing pp. 754-759 Downloads
Guosong Yu, Yanling Mao and Jiaoliao Xiao
Hybrid metaheuristics for the Accessibility Windows Assembly Line Balancing Problem Level 2 (AWALBP-L2) pp. 760-772 Downloads
Gema Calleja, Albert Corominas, Alberto García-Villoria and Rafael Pastor
The weighted uncapacitated planned maintenance problem: Complexity and polyhedral properties pp. 773-781 Downloads
Torben Kuschel and Stefan Bock
Branch-price-and-cut algorithms for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and multiple stacks pp. 782-793 Downloads
Marilène Cherkesly, Guy Desaulniers, Stefan Irnich and Gilbert Laporte
Procedures for the bin packing problem with precedence constraints pp. 794-806 Downloads
Jordi Pereira
Robust optimization policy benchmarks and modeling errors in natural gas pp. 807-815 Downloads
Tarik Aouam, Kumar Muthuraman and Ronal L. Rardin
Selective majority additive ordered weighting averaging operatorAuthor-Name: Karanik, Marcelo pp. 816-826 Downloads
José Ignacio Peláez and Rubén Bernal
Better than pre-commitment mean-variance portfolio allocation strategies: A semi-self-financing Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation approach pp. 827-841 Downloads
D.M. Dang and P.A. Forsyth
Robust optimization of the 0–1 knapsack problem: Balancing risk and return in assortment optimization pp. 842-854 Downloads
Robert P. Rooderkerk and Harald J. van Heerde
A two-stage resource allocation model for lifeline systems quick response with vulnerability analysis pp. 855-864 Downloads
Chengsi Zhang, X. Liu, Yp. Jiang, B. Fan and X. Song
Competitive analysis of the online financial lease problem pp. 865-873 Downloads
Wenqiang Dai, Yucheng Dong and Xiaotian Zhang
A functional Itô’s calculus approach to convex risk measures with jump diffusion pp. 874-883 Downloads
Tak Kuen Siu
Using Choquet integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization pp. 884-901 Downloads
Juergen Branke, Salvatore Corrente, Salvatore Greco, Roman Słowiński and Piotr Zielniewicz
Contract designs for energy-saving product development in a monopoly pp. 902-913 Downloads
Wenhui Zhou and Weixiang Huang
Risk induced resource dependency in capacity investments pp. 914-924 Downloads
Janne Kettunen and Derek W. Bunn
A hierarchical Markov decision process modeling feeding and marketing decisions of growing pigs pp. 925-938 Downloads
Reza Pourmoayed, Lars Relund Nielsen and Anders Ringgaard Kristensen
Location and reorganization problems: The Calabrian health care system case pp. 939-954 Downloads
Francesca Guerriero, Giovanna Miglionico and Filomena Olivito
Nash equilibria of Over-The-Counter bargaining for insurance risk redistributions: The role of a regulator pp. 955-965 Downloads
Tim J. Boonen
Exploring supplier performance risk and the buyer's role using chance-constrained data envelopment analysisAuthor-Name: Ross, Anthony D pp. 966-978 Downloads
Kaan Kuzu and Wanxi Li
Risk neutral and risk averse approaches to multistage renewable investment planning under uncertainty pp. 979-989 Downloads
Sergio Bruno, Shabbir Ahmed, Alexander Shapiro and Alexandre Street
Near optimal design of wavelength routed optical networks pp. 990-1000 Downloads
Y.K. Agarwal and Prahalad Venkateshan
A Set-Partitioning-based model for the Berth Allocation Problem under Time-Dependent Limitations pp. 1001-1012 Downloads
Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Christopher Expósito-Izquierdo, Belén Melián-Batista and J. Marcos Moreno-Vega
The effects of an undisclosed regular price and a positive leadtime in a presale mechanism pp. 1013-1025 Downloads
Wanxia Mei, Li Du, Baozhuang Niu, Jincheng Wang and Jiejian Feng
Changes in technical efficiency after quality management certification: A DEA approach using difference-in-difference estimation with genetic matching in the hospital industry pp. 1026-1036 Downloads
Ivonne Lindlbauer, Jonas Schreyögg and Vera Winter

Volume 250, issue 2, 2016

Modelling pollution-generating technologies in performance benchmarking: Recent developments, limits and future prospects in the nonparametric frameworkAuthor-Name: Dakpo, K. Hervé pp. 347-359 Downloads
Philippe Jeanneaux and Laure Latruffe
Minimax regret 1-sink location problem with accessibility in dynamic general networks pp. 360-366 Downloads
Hongmei Li and Yinfeng Xu
An ILS-based algorithm to solve a large-scale real heterogeneous fleet VRP with multi-trips and docking constraints pp. 367-376 Downloads
V.N. Coelho, A. Grasas, H. Ramalhinho, I.M. Coelho, M.J.F. Souza and R.C. Cruz
MEALS: A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm with local search for solving the bi-objective ring star problem pp. 377-388 Downloads
Herminia I. Calvete, Carmen Galé and José A. Iranzo
Integer programming models for feature selection: New extensions and a randomized solution algorithm pp. 389-399 Downloads
P. Bertolazzi, G. Felici, P. Festa, G. Fiscon and E. Weitschek
The selective vehicle routing problem in a collaborative environment pp. 400-411 Downloads
Christof Defryn, Kenneth Sörensen and Trijntje Cornelissens
An enhanced branch-and-bound algorithm for the talent scheduling problem pp. 412-426 Downloads
Hu Qin, Zizhen Zhang, Andrew Lim and Xiaocong Liang
Application of the cohort-intelligence optimization method to three selected combinatorial optimization problems pp. 427-447 Downloads
Anand J. Kulkarni, M.F. Baki and Ben A. Chaouch
Durable goods leasing in the presence of exporting used products to an international secondary market pp. 448-456 Downloads
Paul Lacourbe
Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage pp. 457-469 Downloads
Hongyan Dai, Jianbin Li, Nina Yan and Weihua Zhou
Upgrade auctions in build-to-order manufacturing with loss-averse customers pp. 470-479 Downloads
Andreas Matzke, Thomas Volling and Thomas S. Spengler
Inter-dependent, heterogeneous, and time-varying service-time distributions in call centers pp. 480-492 Downloads
Rouba Ibrahim, L’Ecuyer, Pierre, Haipeng Shen and Mamadou Thiongane
Dynamic speculation and hedging in commodity futures markets with a stochastic convenience yield pp. 493-504 Downloads
Constantin Mellios, Pierre Six and Anh Lai
An efficient algorithm for capacitated assortment planning with stochastic demand and substitution pp. 505-520 Downloads
Alexander Hübner, Heinrich Kuhn and Sandro Kühn
A peer-to-peer dynamic adaptive consensus reaching model for the group AHP decision making pp. 521-530 Downloads
Qingxing Dong and Orrin Cooper
Strategic decentralization in binary choice composite congestion games pp. 531-542 Downloads
Cheng Wan
Frontier projection and efficiency decomposition in two-stage processes with slacks-based measures pp. 543-554 Downloads
Ya Chen, Yongjun Li, Liang Liang, Ahti Salo and Huaqing Wu
Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation pp. 555-565 Downloads
J.R. Fernández, I. Gallego, A. Jiménez-Losada and M. Ordóñez
The use of a GERT based method to model concurrent product development processes pp. 566-578 Downloads
Richard Graham Nelson, Amir Azaron and Samin Aref
Investigating the effects of mailing variables and endogeneity on mailing decisions pp. 579-589 Downloads
Nadine Schröder and Harald Hruschka
Pricing and timing of consolidated deliveries in the presence of an express alternative: Financial and environmental analysis pp. 590-601 Downloads
Peter Berling and Fredrik Eng-Larsson
Hesitant analytic hierarchy process pp. 602-614 Downloads
Bin Zhu, Zeshui Xu, Ren Zhang and Mei Hong
Iterated Tabu Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for packing unequal circles into a circular container pp. 615-627 Downloads
Zhizhong Zeng, Xinguo Yu, Kun He, Wenqi Huang and Zhanghua Fu
Acceptability analysis and priority weight elicitation for interval multiplicative comparison matrices pp. 628-638 Downloads
Kevin W. Li, Zhou-Jing Wang and Xiayu Tong
Hidden Markov model for municipal waste generation forecasting under uncertainties pp. 639-651 Downloads
P. Jiang and X. Liu
A GLNPSO for multi-level capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem in the poultry industry pp. 652-665 Downloads
Atiwat Boonmee and Kanchana Sethanan
Good deals and benchmarks in robust portfolio selection pp. 666-678 Downloads
Alejandro Balbás, Beatriz Balbás and Raquel Balbás
Mean-variance analysis of sourcing decision under disruption risk pp. 679-689 Downloads
Pritee Ray and Mamata Jenamani

Volume 250, issue 1, 2016

ELECTRE: A comprehensive literature review on methodologies and applications pp. 1-29 Downloads
Kannan Govindan and Martin Brandt Jepsen
A differential evolution algorithm with self-adaptive strategy and control parameters based on symmetric Latin hypercube design for unconstrained optimization problems pp. 30-45 Downloads
Zhiwei Zhao, Jingming Yang, Ziyu Hu and Haijun Che
Fundamental properties and pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm for network containership sailing speed optimization pp. 46-55 Downloads
Shuaian Wang
Continuous multifacility ordered median location problems pp. 56-64 Downloads
Víctor Blanco, Justo Puerto and Safae El-Haj Ben-Ali
A mean-shift algorithm for large-scale planar maximal covering location problems pp. 65-76 Downloads
Zhou He, Bo Fan, T.C.E. Cheng, Shou-Yang Wang and Chin-Hon Tan
An iterated multi-stage selection hyper-heuristic pp. 77-90 Downloads
Ahmed Kheiri and Ender Özcan
Obtaining cell counts for contingency tables from rounded conditional frequencies pp. 91-100 Downloads
Andrew J. Sage and Stephen E. Wright
The vehicle-routing problem with time windows and driver-specific times pp. 101-119 Downloads
Michael Schneider
A comprehensive annual delivery program for upstream liquefied natural gas supply chain pp. 120-130 Downloads
Fatih Mutlu, Mohamed K. Msakni, Hakan Yildiz, Erkut Sönmez and Shaligram Pokharel
Outsource planning through option contracts with demand and cost uncertaintyAuthor-Name: Nosoohi, Iman pp. 131-142 Downloads
Ali Shahandeh Nookabadi
Control and enforcement in order to increase supplier inventory in a JIT contract pp. 143-154 Downloads
Matan Shnaiderman and Liron Ben-Baruch
Constant approximation algorithms for the one warehouse multiple retailers problem with backlog or lost-sales pp. 155-163 Downloads
J.-P. Gayon, G. Massonnet, C. Rapine and G. Stauffer
Cyclic inventory routing in a line-shaped network pp. 164-178 Downloads
Michael Zenker, Simon Emde and Nils Boysen
A new method for elicitation of criteria weights in additive models: Flexible and interactive tradeoffAuthor-Name: de Almeida, Adiel Teixeira pp. 179-191 Downloads
Jonatas Araujo de Almeida, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa and Adiel Teixeira de Almeida-Filho
Opening the technological innovation black box: The case of the electronics industry in Korea pp. 192-203 Downloads
Kanghwa Choi, Ram Narasimhan and Soo Wook Kim
Solving hard control problems in voting systems via integer programming pp. 204-213 Downloads
S. Polyakovskiy, R. Berghammer and F. Neumann
Hub location under competition pp. 214-225 Downloads
Ali Irfan Mahmutogullari and Bahar Y. Kara
Dual sourcing under disruption risk and cost improvement through learning pp. 226-238 Downloads
Lena Silbermayr and Stefan Minner
Humanitarian logistics network design under mixed uncertainty pp. 239-250 Downloads
S. Tofighi, S.A. Torabi and S.A. Mansouri
Sparse and robust normal and t- portfolios by penalized Lq-likelihood minimization pp. 251-261 Downloads
Margherita Giuzio, Davide Ferrari and Sandra Paterlini
Performance measurement with multiple interrelated variables and threshold target levels: Evidence from retail firms in the US pp. 262-272 Downloads
Panagiotis Zervopoulos, Theodora S. Brisimi, Ali Emrouznejad and Gang Cheng
Network-flow based algorithms for scheduling production in multi-processor open-pit mines accounting for metal uncertainty pp. 273-290 Downloads
Amina Lamghari and Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Parameters measuring bank risk and their estimation pp. 291-304 Downloads
Mike Tsionas
Venture capital, staged financing and optimal funding policies under uncertainty pp. 305-313 Downloads
Elmar Lukas, Sascha Mölls and Andreas Welling
Accounting for externalities and disposability: A directional economic environmental distance function pp. 314-327 Downloads
Nicole Adler and Nicola Volta
Are targets for renewable portfolio standards too low? The impact of market structure on energy policy pp. 328-341 Downloads
Afzal S. Siddiqui, Makoto Tanaka and Yihsu Chen
Environmental efficiency measurement and the materials balance condition reconsidered pp. 342-346 Downloads
Kenneth Løvold Rødseth
Page updated 2025-03-28