European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 274, issue 3, 2019
- The role of operational research in green freight transportation pp. 807-823

- Tolga Bektaş, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Harilaos N. Psaraftis and Jakob Puchinger
- Quadratic convex reformulation for quadratic programming with linear on–off constraints pp. 824-836

- Baiyi Wu, Duan Li and Rujun Jiang
- Power transmission network expansion planning: A semidefinite programming branch-and-bound approach pp. 837-844

- Bissan Ghaddar and Rabih A. Jabr
- Robust multicovers with budgeted uncertainty pp. 845-857

- Sven O. Krumke, Eva Schmidt and Manuel Streicher
- Preprocessing and cut generation techniques for multi-objective binary programming pp. 858-875

- Natashia Boland, Hadi Charkhgard and Martin Savelsbergh
- Sequential testing of n-out-of-n systems: Precedence theorems and exact methods pp. 876-885

- Salim Rostami, Stefan Creemers, Wenchao Wei and Roel Leus
- Mathematical models and decomposition methods for the multiple knapsack problem pp. 886-899

- Dell’Amico, Mauro, Maxence Delorme, Manuel Iori and Silvano Martello
- Scheduling with time-of-use costs pp. 900-908

- Bo Chen and Xiandong Zhang
- A probabilistic approach to pickup and delivery problems with time window uncertainty pp. 909-923

- Péter Györgyi and Tamás Kis
- Tank Container Operators’ profit maximization through dynamic operations planning integrated with the quotation-booking process under multiple uncertainties pp. 924-946

- Xinjie Xing, Paul R. Drake, Dongping Song and Yang Zhou
- Integrated storage-order picking systems: Technology, performance models, and design insights pp. 947-965

- Elena Tappia, Debjit Roy, Marco Melacini and René De Koster
- A two-phase preventive maintenance policy considering imperfect repair and postponed replacement pp. 966-977

- Li Yang, Zhi-sheng Ye, Chi-Guhn Lee, Su-fen Yang and Rui Peng
- Key quality characteristics selection for imbalanced production data using a two-phase bi-objective feature selection method pp. 978-989

- An-Da Li, Zhen He, Qing Wang and Yang Zhang
- A Generalized Bin Packing Problem for parcel delivery in last-mile logistics pp. 990-999

- Mauro Maria Baldi, Daniele Manerba, Guido Perboli and Roberto Tadei
- Performance improvement of a service system via stocking perishable preliminary services pp. 1000-1011

- Gabi Hanukov, Tal Avinadav, Tatyana Chernonog and Uri Yechiali
- Bounds for the solution to the single-period inventory model with compound renewal process input: An application to setting credit card limits pp. 1012-1018

- J.K. Budd and P.G. Taylor
- Optimizing joint location-scale monitoring – An adaptive distribution-free approach with minimal loss of information pp. 1019-1036

- Zhi Song, Amitava Mukherjee, Yanchun Liu and Jiujun Zhang
- Computational tractability of chance constrained data envelopment analysis pp. 1037-1046

- Kun Chen and Joe Zhu
- Data envelopment analysis and big data pp. 1047-1054

- Dariush Khezrimotlagh, Joe Zhu, Wade D. Cook and Mehdi Toloo
- Recycling common materials: Effectiveness, optimal decisions, and coordination mechanisms pp. 1055-1068

- Hailong Cui and Greys Sošić
- An optimization approach to epistasis detection pp. 1069-1076

- Lizhi Wang and Maryam Nikouei Mehr
- A multi-stage stochastic optimization model of a pastoral dairy farm pp. 1077-1089

- Oscar Dowson, Andy Philpott, Andrew Mason and Anthony Downward
- Solving the geometric firefighter routing problem via integer programming pp. 1090-1101

- Mauricio J. O. Zambon, Pedro J. de Rezende and Cid C. de Souza
- Communication and personal selection of pension saver’s financial risk pp. 1102-1111

- Russell Gerrard, Munir Hiabu, Ioannis Kyriakou and Jens Perch Nielsen
- A Bayesian approach to modeling mortgage default and prepayment pp. 1112-1124

- Arnab Bhattacharya, Simon P. Wilson and Refik Soyer
- Integer programming for urban design pp. 1125-1137

- Hao Hua, Ludger Hovestadt, Peng Tang and Biao Li
- Glider Routing and Trajectory Optimisation in disaster assessment pp. 1138-1154

- Walton Pereira Coutinho, Jörg Fliege and Maria Battarra
- On the effectiveness of emission penalties in decentralized supply chains pp. 1155-1167

- Xi Chen, Saif Benjaafar and Adel Elomri
- Exploring health outcomes by stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis: An application to Italian regions pp. 1168-1179

- Raffaele Lagravinese, Paolo Liberati and Giuliano Resce
- Strategic fire-sales and price-mediated contagion in the banking system pp. 1180-1197

- Yann Braouezec and Lakshithe Wagalath
- A question of interpretation: The Viable System Model (VSM) pp. 1198-1201

- Stephen A. Harwood
Volume 274, issue 2, 2019
- The characteristics of problem structuring methods: A literature review pp. 403-416

- Chris M. Smith and Duncan Shaw
- Service system design for managing interruption risks: A backup-service risk-mitigation strategy pp. 417-431

- Amir Ahmadi-Javid and Pooya Hoseinpour
- An approximation framework for two-stage ambiguous stochastic integer programs under mean-MAD information pp. 432-444

- Krzysztof Postek, Ward Romeijnders, Dick den Hertog and Maarten H. van der Vlerk
- A revised Variable Neighborhood Search for the Discrete Ordered Median Problem pp. 445-465

- Paweł Olender and Wlodzimierz Ogryczak
- The stability radius of an optimal line balance with maximum efficiency for a simple assembly line pp. 466-481

- Tsung-Chyan Lai, Yuri N. Sotskov and Alexandre Dolgui
- A local search-based method for sphere packing problems pp. 482-500

- Mhand Hifi and Labib Yousef
- Picker routing in the mixed-shelves warehouses of e-commerce retailers pp. 501-515

- Felix Weidinger, Nils Boysen and Michael Schneider
- A stochastic program to evaluate disruption mitigation investments in the supply chain pp. 516-530

- André Snoeck, Maximiliano Udenio and Jan C. Fransoo
- Optimal inventory management using retail prepacks pp. 531-544

- Narendra Agrawal and Stephen A. Smith
- Solving urban transit route design problem using selection hyper-heuristics pp. 545-559

- Leena Ahmed, Christine Mumford and Ahmed Kheiri
- The line planning routing game pp. 560-573

- Alexander Schiewe, Philine Schiewe and Marie Schmidt
- The human factor in supply chain forecasting: A systematic review pp. 574-600

- H. Niles Perera, Jason Hurley, Behnam Fahimnia and Mohsen Reisi
- A mechanism to promote product recovery and environmental performance pp. 601-614

- Mostafa Pazoki and Georges Zaccour
- Top-κ selection with pairwise comparisons pp. 615-626

- Matthew Groves and Juergen Branke
- Incorporating monitoring technology and on-site inspections into an n-person inspection game pp. 627-637

- Yael Deutsch, Noam Goldberg and Yael Perlman
- Resilience in information stewardship pp. 638-653

- Christos Ioannidis, David Pym, Julian Williams and Iffat Gheyas
- Reverse sensitivity testing: What does it take to break the model? pp. 654-670

- Silvana M. Pesenti, Pietro Millossovich and Andreas Tsanakas
- Algorithms and uncertainty sets for data-driven robust shortest path problems pp. 671-686

- André Chassein, Trivikram Dokka and Marc Goerigk
- Resource allocation when planning for simultaneous disasters pp. 687-709

- Xuan Vinh Doan and Duncan Shaw
- Heuristics for the Constrained Incremental Graph Drawing Problem pp. 710-729

- Antonio Napoletano, Anna Martínez-Gavara, Paola Festa, Tommaso Pastore and Rafael Martí
- Designing robust rollout plan for better rural perinatal care system in Korea pp. 730-742

- Hoon Jang, Kyosang Hwang, Taeho Lee and Taesik Lee
- Deep learning models for bankruptcy prediction using textual disclosures pp. 743-758

- Feng Mai, Shaonan Tian, Chihoon Lee and Ling Ma
- An importance sampling-based smoothing approach for quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of discrete barrier options pp. 759-772

- Fei Xie, Zhijian He and Xiaoqun Wang
- Informative advertising in a distribution channel pp. 773-787

- Hongyan Shi, Yunchuan Liu and Nicholas C. Petruzzi
- Nonlinear valuation under credit, funding, and margins: Existence, uniqueness, invariance, and disentanglement pp. 788-805

- Damiano Brigo, Marco Francischello and Andrea Pallavicini
Volume 274, issue 1, 2019
- Operations research for sustainability assessment of products: A review pp. 1-21

- Christian Thies, Karsten Kieckhäfer, Thomas S. Spengler and Manbir S. Sodhi
- A hybrid metaheuristic for the minimum labeling spanning tree problem pp. 22-34

- Thiago Gouveia da Silva, Eduardo Queiroga, Luiz Satoru Ochi, Lucídio dos Anjos Formiga Cabral, Serigne Gueye and Philippe Michelon
- Two-stage solution-based tabu search for the multidemand multidimensional knapsack problem pp. 35-48

- Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao and Dong Yue
- Lower bounds for a bin packing problem with linear usage cost pp. 49-64

- Roland Braune
- Downstream Demand Inference in decentralized supply chains pp. 65-77

- Y. Tliche, A. Taghipour and B. Canel-Depitre
- An efficient ant colony optimization algorithm for the blocks relocation problem pp. 78-90

- Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba and Stefan Voß
- On risk management of a two-stage stochastic mixed 0–1 model for the closed-loop supply chain design problem pp. 91-107

- Susana Baptista, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa, Laureano F. Escudero, Maria Isabel Gomes and Celeste Pizarro
- Supply location and transportation planning for hurricanes: A two-stage stochastic programming framework pp. 108-125

- Jomon A. Paul and Minjiao Zhang
- How to increase the impact of disaster relief: A study of transportation rates, framework agreements and product distribution pp. 126-141

- Timo Gossler, Tina Wakolbinger, Anna Nagurney and Patrizia Daniele
- Integer programming models for the pre-marshalling problem pp. 142-154

- Consuelo Parreño-Torres, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes and Rubén Ruiz
- Responsible sourcing by improving workplace safety through buyer–supplier collaboration pp. 155-164

- Prakash Awasthy and Jishnu Hazra
- Entry deterrence by timing rather than overinvestment in a strategic real options framework pp. 165-185

- N.F.D. Huberts, H. Dawid, K.J.M. Huisman and Peter Kort
- Weak disposability in nonparametric production analysis: A new taxonomy of reference technology sets pp. 186-198

- Manh D. Pham and Valentin Zelenyuk
- Impact of capacity flexibility on the use of booking limits pp. 199-213

- Wen He
- Price Trends and Dynamic Pricing in Perishable Product Market Consisting of Superior and Inferior Firms pp. 214-226

- Kimitoshi Sato
- Optimizing a mineral value chain with market uncertainty using benders decomposition pp. 227-239

- Jian Zhang, Barrie R. Nault and Roussos G. Dimitrakopoulos
- Combining uncertainty with uncertainty to get certainty? Efficiency analysis for regulation purposes pp. 240-252

- Mark Andor, Christopher Parmeter and Stephan Sommer
- Scheduling medical residents’ training at university hospitals pp. 253-266

- Claus-Henning Brech, Andreas Ernst and Rainer Kolisch
- The impact of customer returns and bidirectional option contract on refund price and order decisions pp. 267-279

- Chong Wang, Jing Chen and Xu Chen
- Platform Competition in Peer-to-Peer Lending Considering Risk Control Ability pp. 280-290

- He Liu, Han Qiao, Shouyang Wang and Yuze Li
- Managing projects with uncertain deadlines pp. 291-302

- Robert F. Bordley, Jeffrey M. Keisler and Tom M. Logan
- On the scheduling of operations in a chat contact center pp. 303-316

- Benjamin Legros and Oualid Jouini
- A game-theoretic analysis of transmission-distribution system operator coordination pp. 317-339

- Hélène Le Cadre, Ilyès Mezghani and Anthony Papavasiliou
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits and consistency constraints pp. 340-356

- F. Stavropoulou, P.P. Repoussis and C.D. Tarantilis
- Macroeconomic environment, money demand and portfolio choice pp. 357-374

- Abraham Lioui and Andrea Tarelli
- A bi-level programming approach for global investment strategies with financial intermediation pp. 375-390

- Francisco Benita, Francisco López-Ramos and Stefano Nasini
- A Bayesian semiparametric approach to stochastic frontiers and productivity pp. 391-402

- Mike Tsionas and Sushanta Mallick
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