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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 246, issue 3, 2015

Editors’ Awards for Excellence in Reviewing 2015 pp. 685-685 Downloads
Roman Słowiński
A classification of the literature on the planning of substitutable products pp. 686-699 Downloads
Hojung Shin, Soohoon Park, Euncheol Lee and W.C. Benton
An iterative algorithm for two level hierarchical time minimization transportation problem pp. 700-707 Downloads
Anuj Sharma, Vanita Verma, Prabhjot Kaur and Kalpana Dahiya
Circumventing the Slater conundrum in countably infinite linear programs pp. 708-720 Downloads
Archis Ghate
An inexact proximal method for quasiconvex minimization pp. 721-729 Downloads
E.A. Papa Quiroz, L. Mallma Ramirez and P.R. Oliveira
The multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with flexible compartment sizes pp. 730-743 Downloads
Tino Henke, M. Grazia Speranza and Gerhard Wäscher
Scheduling for data gathering networks with data compression pp. 744-749 Downloads
Joanna Berlińska
An efficient local search heuristic with row weighting for the unicost set covering problem pp. 750-761 Downloads
Chao Gao, Xin Yao, Thomas Weise and Jinlong Li
Integration of selecting and scheduling urban road construction projects as a time-dependent discrete network design problem pp. 762-771 Downloads
Seyyed-Mohammadreza Hosseininasab and Seyyed-Nader Shetab-Boushehri
High-speed railway scheduling based on user preferences pp. 772-786 Downloads
José Luis Espinosa-Aranda, Ricardo García-Ródenas, María del Carmen Ramírez-Flores, María Luz López-García and Eusebio Angulo
Practical solutions for a dock assignment problem with trailer transportation pp. 787-799 Downloads
Lotte Berghman and Roel Leus
Fast local search for single row facility layout pp. 800-814 Downloads
Gintaras Palubeckis
Innovative menu of contracts for coordinating a supply chain with multiple mean-variance retailers pp. 815-826 Downloads
Chun-Hung Chiu, Tsan-Ming Choi, Gang Hao and Xun Li
The impact of information sharing, random yield, correlation, and lead times in closed loop supply chains pp. 827-836 Downloads
Takamichi Hosoda, Stephen M. Disney and Srinagesh Gavirneni
Demand information and spot price information: Supply chains trading in spot markets pp. 837-849 Downloads
Xuan Zhao, Wei Xing, Liming Liu and Shouyang Wang
Optimal sequence of container ships in a string pp. 850-857 Downloads
Shuaian Wang
A group decision-making approach based on evidential reasoning for multiple criteria sorting problem with uncertainty pp. 858-873 Downloads
Jiapeng Liu, Xiuwu Liao and Jian-bo Yang
Continuous (s, S) policy with MMPP correlated demand pp. 874-885 Downloads
Walid W. Nasr and Bacel Maddah
A group evidential reasoning approach based on expert reliability pp. 886-893 Downloads
Chao Fu, Jian-Bo Yang and Shan-Lin Yang
Step out–Step in sequencing games pp. 894-906 Downloads
M. Musegaas, Peter Borm and Marieke Quant
An optimal plan of zero-defect single-sampling by attributes for incoming inspections in assembly lines pp. 907-915 Downloads
Ruwen Qin, Elizabeth A. Cudney and Zlatan Hamzic
Pulsation in a competitive model of advertising-firm's cost interaction pp. 916-926 Downloads
Hani Ibrahim Mesak, Abdullahel Bari and Qin Lian
Cautious label ranking with label-wise decomposition pp. 927-935 Downloads
Sébastien Destercke, Marie-Hélène Masson and Michael Poss
Identification of the anchor points in FDH models pp. 936-943 Downloads
Majid Soleimani-damaneh and Amin Mostafaee
Risk pricing in a non-expected utility framework pp. 944-948 Downloads
Gebhard Geiger
Consignment contract for mobile apps between a single retailer and competitive developers with different risk attitudes pp. 949-957 Downloads
Tal Avinadav, Tatyana Chernonog and Yael Perlman

Volume 246, issue 2, 2015

The third comprehensive survey on scheduling problems with setup times/costs pp. 345-378 Downloads
Ali Allahverdi
Scheduling resource-constrained projects with a flexible project structure pp. 379-391 Downloads
Carolin Kellenbrink and Stefan Helber
Optimality cuts and a branch-and-cut algorithm for the K-rooted mini-max spanning forest problem pp. 392-399 Downloads
Alexandre Salles da Cunha, Luidi Simonetti and Abilio Lucena
An integrative cooperative search framework for multi-decision-attribute combinatorial optimization: Application to the MDPVRP pp. 400-412 Downloads
Nadia Lahrichi, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Michel Gendreau, Walter Rei, Gloria Cerasela Crişan and Thibaut Vidal
On heuristic solutions for the stochastic flowshop scheduling problem pp. 413-420 Downloads
Jose M. Framinan and Paz Perez-Gonzalez
Bi-Objective Multi-Mode Project Scheduling Under Risk Aversion pp. 421-434 Downloads
Walter J. Gutjahr
Reverse supply chains: Effects of collection network and returns classification on profitability pp. 435-449 Downloads
Christos Zikopoulos and George Tagaras
A frontier measure of U.S. banking competition pp. 450-461 Downloads
Wilko Bolt and David Humphrey
Decentral allocation planning in multi-stage customer hierarchies pp. 462-470 Downloads
Sebastian Vogel and Herbert Meyr
Pricing and sales-effort investment under bi-criteria in a supply chain of virtual products involving risk pp. 471-475 Downloads
Tatyana Chernonog, Tal Avinadav and Tal Ben-Zvi
Commodity derivatives pricing with cointegration and stochastic covariances pp. 476-486 Downloads
Mei Choi Chiu, Hoi Ying Wong and Jing Zhao
A direct search method for unconstrained quantile-based simulation optimization pp. 487-495 Downloads
Kuo-Hao Chang
Stochastic inflow modeling for hydropower scheduling problems pp. 496-504 Downloads
Geoffrey Pritchard
Control of Condorcet voting: Complexity and a Relation-Algebraic approach pp. 505-516 Downloads
Rudolf Berghammer and Henning Schnoor
Elicitation of multiattribute value functions through high dimensional model representations: Monotonicity and interactions pp. 517-527 Downloads
Francesca Beccacece, Emanuele Borgonovo, Greg Buzzard, Alessandra Cillo and Stanley Zionts
On the exact solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for an exponential utility under return predictability pp. 528-542 Downloads
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid
Elicitation of criteria importance weights through the Simos method: A robustness concern pp. 543-553 Downloads
Eleftherios Siskos and Nikos Tsotsolas
A nonparametric methodology for evaluating convergence in a multi-input multi-output setting pp. 554-561 Downloads
Isabel M. Horta and Ana S. Camanho
A systemic method for organisational stakeholder identification and analysis using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) pp. 562-574 Downloads
Wei Wang, Wenbin Liu and John Mingers
On solving matrix games with pay-offs of triangular fuzzy numbers: Certain observations and generalizations pp. 575-581 Downloads
S. Chandra and A. Aggarwal
Methods for solving the mean query execution time minimization problem pp. 582-596 Downloads
Marek Łatuszko and Radosław Pytlak
Exact and heuristic approaches to the airport stand allocation problem pp. 597-608 Downloads
J. Guépet, R. Acuna-Agost, O. Briant and J.P. Gayon
A multi-objective approach with soft constraints for water supply and wastewater coverage improvements pp. 609-618 Downloads
F.S. Pinto, J.R. Figueira and Rc Marques
A moment-matching method to generate arbitrage-free scenarios pp. 619-630 Downloads
Alessandro Staino and Emilio Russo
A multi-step rolled forward chance-constrained model and a proactive dynamic approach for the wheat crop quality control problem pp. 631-640 Downloads
Valeria Borodin, Jean Bourtembourg, Faicel Hnaien and Nacima Labadie
Optimal design of bilateral contracts for energy procurement pp. 641-650 Downloads
François Gilbert, Miguel F. Anjos, Patrice Marcotte and Gilles Savard
The impact of the internet on the pricing strategies of the European low cost airlines pp. 651-660 Downloads
L. Moreno-Izquierdo, A. Ramón-Rodríguez and José Perles Ribes
A model enhancement heuristic for building robust aircraft maintenance personnel rosters with stochastic constraints pp. 661-673 Downloads
Philippe De Bruecker, Jorne Van den Bergh, Jeroen Beliën and Erik Demeulemeester
A multi-criteria Police Districting Problem for the efficient and effective design of patrol sector pp. 674-684 Downloads
M. Camacho-Collados, F. Liberatore and J.M. Angulo

Volume 246, issue 1, 2015

A review of theory and practice in scientometrics pp. 1-19 Downloads
John Mingers and Loet Leydesdorff
Solving stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problems by closed-loop approximate dynamic programming pp. 20-33 Downloads
Haitao Li and Norman Womer
An accelerated branch-and-price algorithm for multiple-runway aircraft sequencing problems pp. 34-43 Downloads
Ahmed Ghoniem, Farbod Farhadi and Mohammad Reihaneh
SOCP relaxation bounds for the optimal subset selection problem applied to robust linear regression pp. 44-50 Downloads
Salvador Flores
An efficient genetic algorithm with a corner space algorithm for a cutting stock problem in the TFT-LCD industry pp. 51-65 Downloads
Hao-Chun Lu and Yao-Huei Huang
Stochastic lot sizing manufacturing under the ETS system for maximisation of shareholder wealth pp. 66-75 Downloads
X.J. Wang and S.H. Choi
Optimal inventory policy for two substitutable products with customer service objectives pp. 76-85 Downloads
Xu Chen, Youyi Feng, Matthew F. Keblis and Jianjun Xu
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the unequal area facility layout problem pp. 86-107 Downloads
José Fernando Gonçalves and Mauricio G.C. Resende
Comments on the EOQ model for deteriorating items with conditional trade credit linked to order quantity in the supply chain management pp. 108-118 Downloads
Pin-Shou Ting
Multivariate control charts based on the James–Stein estimator pp. 119-127 Downloads
Hsiuying Wang, Longcheen Huwang and Jeng Hung Yu
Efficient analysis of the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 priority queue pp. 128-139 Downloads
Gábor Horváth
A noisy principal component analysis for forward rate curves pp. 140-153 Downloads
Márcio Laurini and Alberto Ohashi
Ant colony optimization based binary search for efficient point pattern matching in images pp. 154-169 Downloads
N.K. Sreeja and A. Sankar
Revenue management under customer choice behaviour with cancellations and overbooking pp. 170-185 Downloads
D.D. Sierag, G.M. Koole, R.D. van der Mei, J.I. van der Rest and B. Zwart
Exact and heuristic algorithms for the design of hub networks with multiple lines pp. 186-198 Downloads
Elisangela Martins de Sá, Ivan Contreras and Jean-François Cordeau
Pricing of fluctuations in electricity markets pp. 199-208 Downloads
John N. Tsitsiklis and Yunjian Xu
A generalized equilibrium efficient frontier data envelopment analysis approach for evaluating DMUs with fixed-sum outputs pp. 209-217 Downloads
Min Yang, Yong Jun Li and Liang Liang
E-NAUTILUS: A decision support system for complex multiobjective optimization problems based on the NAUTILUS method pp. 218-231 Downloads
Ana B. Ruiz, Karthik Sindhya, Kaisa Miettinen, Francisco Ruiz and Mariano Luque
Accommodating heterogeneity and nonlinearity in price effects for predicting brand sales and profits pp. 232-241 Downloads
Stefan Lang, Winfried J. Steiner, Anett Weber and Peter Wechselberger
Stowage planning for container ships: A heuristic algorithm to reduce the number of shifts pp. 242-249 Downloads
Ding Ding and Mabel C. Chou
On the estimation of the true demand in call centers with redials and reconnects pp. 250-262 Downloads
Si Ding, G. Koole and R.D. van der Mei
Joint optimization for coordinated configuration of product families and supply chains by a leader-follower Stackelberg game pp. 263-280 Downloads
Dong Yang, Jiao, Jianxin (Roger), Yangjian Ji, Gang Du, Petri Helo and Anna Valente
Optimal firm growth under the threat of entry pp. 281-292 Downloads
Peter Kort and Stefan Wrzaczek
Simulation-optimization approaches for water pump scheduling and pipe replacement problems pp. 293-306 Downloads
Joe Naoum-Sawaya, Bissan Ghaddar, Ernesto Arandia and Bradley Eck
Cost-effectiveness measures on convex and nonconvex technologies pp. 307-319 Downloads
Hirofumi Fukuyama and Rashed Khanjani Shiraz
On the value of exposure and secrecy of defense system: First-mover advantage vs. robustness pp. 320-330 Downloads
Mohammad E. Nikoofal and Jun Zhuang
Tri-criterion modeling for constructing more-sustainable mutual funds pp. 331-338 Downloads
Sebastian Utz, Maximilian Wimmer and Ralph E. Steuer
Optimal shelf-space stocking policy using stochastic dominance under supply-driven demand uncertainty pp. 339-342 Downloads
R.K. Amit, Peeyush Mehta and Rajeev Tripathi
Corrigendum to “An efficient evolutionary algorithm for the ring star problem” [Calvete et al. European J. of Operational Research, 231 (2013), 22–33] pp. 343-343 Downloads
Herminia I. Calvete, Carmen Galé and José A. Iranzo
Page updated 2025-03-28