European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 232, issue 3, 2014
- Soft OR in China: A critical report pp. 427-434

- Ya Li and Zhichang Zhu
- Order acceptance and scheduling with machine availability constraints pp. 435-441

- Xueling Zhong, Jinwen Ou and Guoqing Wang
- Relations, models and a memetic approach for three degree-dependent spanning tree problems pp. 442-453

- C. Cerrone, R. Cerulli and A. Raiconi
- Tabu-enhanced iterated greedy algorithm: A case study in the quadratic multiple knapsack problem pp. 454-463

- C. García-Martínez, F.J. Rodriguez and M. Lozano
- The bi-objective Pollution-Routing Problem pp. 464-478

- Emrah Demir, Tolga Bektaş and Gilbert Laporte
- A new algorithm for generating all nondominated solutions of multiobjective discrete optimization problems pp. 479-488

- Gokhan Kirlik and Serpil Sayın
- An analytical comparison of the LP relaxations of integer models for the k-club problem pp. 489-498

- Maria Teresa Almeida and Filipa D. Carvalho
- Minimum vertex cover problem for coupled interdependent networks with cascading failures pp. 499-511

- Alexander Veremyev, Alexey Sorokin, Vladimir Boginski and Eduardo L. Pasiliao
- Multi-period efficiency and Malmquist productivity index in two-stage production systems pp. 512-521

- Chiang Kao and Shiuh-Nan Hwang
- Integrated inventory management and supplier base reduction in a supply chain with multiple uncertainties pp. 522-536

- Dong-Ping Song, Jing-Xin Dong and Jingjing Xu
- Proactive data envelopment analysis: Effective production and capacity expansion in stochastic environments pp. 537-548

- Chia-Yen Lee and Andrew Johnson
- A comparison of regime-switching temperature modeling approaches for applications in weather derivatives pp. 549-560

- R.S. Elias, M.I.M. Wahab and L. Fang
- Dynamic network reliability modeling under nonhomogeneous Poisson processes pp. 561-571

- S. Zarezadeh, M. Asadi and N. Balakrishnan
- Stochastically weighted stochastic dominance concepts with an application in capital budgeting pp. 572-583

- Jian Hu, Tito Homem-de-Mello and Sanjay Mehrotra
- Empirical properties of group preference aggregation methods employed in AHP: Theory and evidence pp. 584-592

- Michele Bernasconi, Christine Choirat and Raffaello Seri
- Predicting retailer orders with POS and order data: The inventory balance effect pp. 593-600

- Brent D. Williams, Matthew A. Waller, Sanjay Ahire and Gary Ferrier
- Equilibrium existence and uniqueness in network games with additive preferences pp. 601-606

- Yann Rébillé and Lionel Richefort
- Preference inference with general additive value models and holistic pair-wise statements pp. 607-612

- Remy Spliet and Tommi Tervonen
- New results on the relationship among risk aversion, prudence and temperance pp. 613-617

- Mario Menegatti
- Approximate decomposition methods for the analysis of multicommodity flow routing in generalized queuing networks pp. 618-629

- Reinaldo Morabito, Mauricio C. de Souza and Mariana Vazquez
- A computational analysis of multidimensional piecewise-linear models with applications to oil production optimization pp. 630-642

- Thiago Lima Silva and Eduardo Camponogara
- A multiple criteria decision making approach to manure management systems in the Netherlands pp. 643-653

- Solomie A. Gebrezgabher, Miranda P.M. Meuwissen and Alfons Oude Lansink
- Bank branch sales evaluation using extended value efficiency analysis pp. 654-663

- Juha Eskelinen, Merja Halme and Markku Kallio
- Measurement of returns to scale using non-radial DEA models pp. 664-670

- Vladimir E. Krivonozhko, Finn Førsund and Andrey V. Lychev
- Nonparametric quantile frontier estimation under shape restriction pp. 671-678

- Yongqiao Wang, Shouyang Wang, Chuangyin Dang and Wenxiu Ge
- A generalized multiplicative directional distance function for efficiency measurement in DEA pp. 679-688

- Mahmood Mehdiloozad, Biresh K. Sahoo and Israfil Roshdi
- A comparison of linear reformulations for multinomial logit choice probabilities in facility location models pp. 689-691

- Knut Haase and Sven Müller
Volume 232, issue 2, 2014
- Zero duality gap in surrogate constraint optimization: A concise review of models pp. 241-248

- Bahram Alidaee
- An approach for solving a fuzzy multiobjective programming problem pp. 249-255

- M.K. Luhandjula and M.J. Rangoaga
- A new local search for continuous location problems pp. 256-265

- Jack Brimberg, Zvi Drezner, Nenad Mladenović and Said Salhi
- A solution algorithm for non-convex mixed integer optimization problems with only few continuous variables pp. 266-275

- Anita Schöbel and Daniel Scholz
- An iterative three-component heuristic for the team orienteering problem with time windows pp. 276-286

- Qian Hu and Andrew Lim
- Adaptive linear combination of heuristic orderings in constructing examination timetables pp. 287-297

- Syariza Abdul Rahman, Andrzej Bargiela, Edmund K. Burke, Ender Özcan, Barry McCollum and Paul McMullan
- A post-optimization method for the routing and wavelength assignment problem applied to scheduled lightpath demands pp. 298-306

- Lucile Belgacem, Irène Charon and Olivier Hudry
- Approximation algorithms for constructing some required structures in digraphs pp. 307-314

- Jianping Li, Yu Ge, Shuai He and Junran Lichen
- Seller’s optimal credit period and cycle time in a supply chain for deteriorating items with maximum lifetime pp. 315-321

- Wan-Chih Wang, Jinn-Tsair Teng and Kuo-Ren Lou
- Heuristics with guaranteed performance bounds for a manufacturing system with product recovery pp. 322-329

- Yan Feng and S. Viswanathan
- Joint optimization of product family configuration and scaling design by Stackelberg game pp. 330-341

- Gang Du, Roger J. Jiao and Mo Chen
- Determining near optimal base-stock levels in two-stage general inventory systems pp. 342-349

- Martin Albrecht
- A semiparametric Bayesian approach to the analysis of financial time series with applications to value at risk estimation pp. 350-358

- M. Concepción Ausín, Pedro Galeano and Pulak Ghosh
- A stochastic multiscale model for electricity generation capacity expansion pp. 359-374

- Panos Parpas and Mort Webster
- Measuring rank correlation coefficients between financial time series: A GARCH-copula based sequence alignment algorithm pp. 375-382

- Yih-Wenn Laih
- Cash demand forecasting in ATMs by clustering and neural networks pp. 383-392

- Kamini Venkatesh, Vadlamani Ravi, Anita Prinzie and Dirk Van den Poel
- Cooperative game analysis of retail space-exchange problems pp. 393-404

- Mingming Leng, Mahmut Parlar and Dengfeng Zhang
- A novel optimal preventive maintenance policy for a cold standby system based on semi-Markov theory pp. 405-411

- Chongquan Zhong and Haibo Jin
- A spatial optimisation model for multi-period landscape level fuel management to mitigate wildfire impacts pp. 412-422

- James P. Minas, John W. Hearne and David L. Martell
- A note on: Optimal ordering policy for stock-dependent demand under progressive payment scheme pp. 423-426

- Christoph H. Glock, Jörg M. Ries and Kurt Schwindl
Volume 232, issue 1, 2014
- OR analysis of sporting rules – A survey pp. 1-8

- Mike Wright
- Steady-state skill levels of workers in learning and forgetting environments: A dynamical system analysis pp. 9-21

- Sunantha Teyarachakul, Doğan Çömez and Hakan Tarakci
- A two-period game of a closed-loop supply chain pp. 22-40

- Pietro De Giovanni and Georges Zaccour
- Impacts of supplier knowledge sharing competences and production capacities on radical innovative product sourcing pp. 41-51

- Shao Wei Lester Eng, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee
- Coordinating lead times and safety stocks under autocorrelated demand pp. 52-63

- Robert N. Boute, Stephen M. Disney, Marc R. Lambrecht and Benny Van Houdt
- Reserve stock models: Deterioration and preventive replenishment pp. 64-71

- Bacel Maddah, Ali A. Yassine, Moueen K. Salameh and Lama Chatila
- The relationship between exploration and exploitation strategies, manufacturing flexibility and organizational learning: An empirical comparison between Non-ISO and ISO certified firms pp. 72-86

- Javier Tamayo-Torres, Leopoldo Gutierrez-Gutierrez and Antonia Ruiz-Moreno
- Mixed-width aisle configurations for order picking in distribution centers pp. 87-97

- Corinne H. Mowrey and Pratik J. Parikh
- Outranking under uncertainty using scenarios pp. 98-108

- Ian N. Durbach
- A proportional approach to claims problems with a guaranteed minimum pp. 109-116

- José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez and Josep E. Peris
- Efficiency decomposition for general multi-stage systems in data envelopment analysis pp. 117-124

- Chiang Kao
- Technology selection and capacity investment under uncertainty pp. 125-136

- Tiago Pascoal Filomena, Enrique Campos-Náñez and Michael Robert Duffey
- Allocation of information granularity in optimization and decision-making models: Towards building the foundations of Granular Computing pp. 137-145

- Witold Pedrycz
- Interpretable support vector machines for functional data pp. 146-155

- Belen Martin-Barragan, Rosa Lillo and Juan Romo
- On the decisiveness of a game in a tournament pp. 156-168

- Gery Geenens
- Multistage decision-making fuzzy methodology for optimal investments based on experts’ evaluations pp. 169-177

- Gia Sirbiladze, Irina Khutsishvili and Bezhan Ghvaberidze
- Capacity planning of a perinatal network with generalised loss network model with overflow pp. 178-185

- Md Asaduzzaman and Thierry J. Chaussalet
- Optimal policies for a delay time model with postponed replacement pp. 186-197

- C.D. van Oosterom, A.H. Elwany, D. Çelebi and G.J. van Houtum
- An effective mathematical formulation for the unidirectional cluster-based quay crane scheduling problem pp. 198-208

- Jiang Hang Chen, Der-Horng Lee and Mark Goh
- Breakout local search for the Steiner tree problem with revenue, budget and hop constraints pp. 209-220

- Zhang-Hua Fu and Jin-Kao Hao
- Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches for the Corridor Allocation Problem pp. 221-233

- H. Ahonen, A.G. de Alvarenga and A.R.S. Amaral
- A minimax distribution-free procedure for a newsvendor problem with free shipping pp. 234-240

- Kysang Kwon and Taesu Cheong
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