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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 262, issue 3, 2017

Forty years of the European Journal of Operational Research: A bibliometric overview pp. 803-816 Downloads
Sigifredo Laengle, José M. Merigó, Jaime Miranda, Roman Słowiński, Immanuel Bomze, Emanuele Borgonovo, Robert G. Dyson, José Fernando Oliveira and Ruud Teunter
Optimally solving the joint order batching and picker routing problem pp. 817-834 Downloads
Cristiano Arbex Valle, John Beasley and Alexandre Salles da Cunha
Dynamic constraint and variable aggregation in column generation pp. 835-850 Downloads
Hocine Bouarab, Issmail El Hallaoui, Abdelmoutalib Metrane and François Soumis
Dual control Monte-Carlo method for tight bounds of value function in regime switching utility maximization pp. 851-862 Downloads
Jingtang Ma, Wenyuan Li and Harry Zheng
Minimum Spanning Trees with neighborhoods: Mathematical programming formulations and solution methods pp. 863-878 Downloads
Víctor Blanco, Elena Fernández and Justo Puerto
Pricing strategies for capacitated ring-star problems based on dynamic programming algorithms pp. 879-893 Downloads
Roberto Baldacci, Alessandro Hill, Edna A. Hoshino and Andrew Lim
Exact and superpolynomial approximation algorithms for the densest k-subgraph problem pp. 894-903 Downloads
Nicolas Bourgeois, Aristotelis Giannakos, Giorgio Lucarelli, Ioannis Milis and Vangelis Th. Paschos
Bicriteria order acceptance and scheduling with consideration of fill rate pp. 904-907 Downloads
Jinwen Ou and Xueling Zhong
Extended formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for the Black-and-White Traveling Salesman Problem pp. 908-928 Downloads
Luis Gouveia, Markus Leitner and Mario Ruthmair
A double oracle approach to minmax regret optimization problems with interval data pp. 929-943 Downloads
Hugo Gilbert and Olivier Spanjaard
Reduce shortage with self-reservation policy for a manufacturer paying both fixed and variable stockout expenditure pp. 944-953 Downloads
Boray Huang and Andy Wu
A tabu search heuristic for the uncapacitated single allocation p-hub maximal covering problem pp. 954-965 Downloads
Marcos Roberto Silva and Claudio B. Cunha
Appointment scheduling and routing optimization of attended home delivery system with random customer behavior pp. 966-980 Downloads
Shuihua Han, Ling Zhao, Kui Chen, Zong-wei Luo and Deepa Mishra
Optimization methods for the Train Unit Shunting Problem pp. 981-995 Downloads
Jørgen Thorlund Haahr, Richard M. Lusby and Joris Camiel Wagenaar
Inventory management under price-based and stockout-based substitution pp. 996-1008 Downloads
Sandra Transchel
A two-period model of product cannibalization in an atypical Closed-loop Supply Chain with endogenous returns: The case of DellReconnect pp. 1009-1027 Downloads
Vinay Ramani and Pietro De Giovanni
A Two-echelon joint continuous-discrete location model pp. 1028-1039 Downloads
Prahalad Venkateshan, Ronald H. Ballou, Kamlesh Mathur and Arulanantha P.P. Maruthasalam
A multi-objective facility location problem in the presence of variable gradual coverage performance and cooperative cover pp. 1040-1051 Downloads
Mumtaz Karatas
Combining Wang–Landau sampling algorithm and heuristics for solving the unequal-area dynamic facility layout problem pp. 1052-1063 Downloads
Jingfa Liu, Dawen Wang, Kun He and Yu Xue
Bargaining model of labor disputes considering social mediation and bounded rationalityAuthor-Name: Liu, Dehai pp. 1064-1071 Downloads
Wei Lv, Hongyi Li and Jiafu Tang
A mathematical framework to optimize resilience of interdependent critical infrastructure systems under spatially localized attacks pp. 1072-1084 Downloads
Min Ouyang
Bayesian failure-rate modeling and preventive maintenance optimization pp. 1085-1093 Downloads
Dmitriy Belyi, Elmira Popova, David P. Morton and Paul Damien
Identification of effective implementations of simulated annealing for optimizing thinning schedules for single forest stands pp. 1094-1108 Downloads
Kai Moriguchi, Tatsuhito Ueki and Masashi Saito
Scheduling the South American Qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup by integer programming pp. 1109-1115 Downloads
Guillermo Durán, Mario Guajardo and Denis Sauré
From bond yield to macroeconomic instability: A parsimonious affine model pp. 1116-1135 Downloads
Maria Recchioni and Gabriele Tedeschi
Spare parts classification in industrial manufacturing using the dominance-based rough set approach pp. 1136-1163 Downloads
Qiwei Hu, Salem Chakhar, Sajid Siraj and Ashraf Labib
Asset allocation with correlation: A composite trade-off pp. 1164-1180 Downloads
Rachael Carroll, Thomas Conlon, John Cotter and Enrique Salvador
Subsidy scheme or price discount scheme? Mass adoption of electric vehicles under different market structures pp. 1181-1195 Downloads
Lulu Shao, Jun Yang and Min Zhang
Almost budget balanced mechanisms with scalar bids for allocation of a divisible good pp. 1196-1207 Downloads
Thirumulanathan D, H. Vinay, Srikrishna Bhashyam and Rajesh Sundaresan

Volume 262, issue 2, 2017

Reviewing the role of stakeholders in Operational Research: A stakeholder theory perspectiveAuthor-Name: de Gooyert, Vincent pp. 402-410 Downloads
Etiënne Rouwette, Hans van Kranenburg and Edward Freeman
A novel integer programing formulation for scheduling with family setup times on a single machine to minimize maximum lateness pp. 411-423 Downloads
Oliver Hinder and Andrew J. Mason
Novel time-space network flow formulation and approximate dynamic programming approach for the crane scheduling in a coil warehouse pp. 424-437 Downloads
Yuan Yuan and Lixin Tang
An effective dynamic programming algorithm for the minimum-cost maximal knapsack packing problem pp. 438-448 Downloads
Fabio Furini, Ivana Ljubić and Markus Sinnl
Capacity planning with competitive decision-makers: Trilevel MILP formulation, degeneracy, and solution approaches pp. 449-463 Downloads
Carlos Florensa, Pablo Garcia-Herreros, Pratik Misra, Erdem Arslan, Sanjay Mehta and Ignacio E. Grossmann
Locating names on vertices of a transaction network pp. 464-478 Downloads
David Alcaide-López-de-Pablo, Joaquín Sicilia and Miguel Á. González-Sierra
Joint optimization of condition-based opportunistic maintenance and spare parts provisioning policy in multiunit systems pp. 479-498 Downloads
Xiaohong Zhang and Jianchao Zeng
Optimal control of a production-inventory system with product returns and two disposal options pp. 499-508 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Samuel Vercraene and Simme Douwe P. Flapper
The probabilistic p-center problem: Planning service for potential customers pp. 509-520 Downloads
Luisa I. Martínez-Merino, Maria Albareda-Sambola and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
Sequencing dual-spreader crane operations: Mathematical formulation and heuristic algorithm pp. 521-534 Downloads
Shabnam Lashkari, Yong Wu and Matthew E.H. Petering
Logistics network design for perishable products with heterogeneous quality decay pp. 535-549 Downloads
Marlies de Keizer, Renzo Akkerman, Martin Grunow, Jacqueline Bloemhof-Ruwaard, Rene Haijema and Jack G.A.J. van der Vorst
Parts-to-picker based order processing in a rack-moving mobile robots environment pp. 550-562 Downloads
Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn and Simon Emde
Price and quality-based competition and channel structure with consumer loyalty pp. 563-574 Downloads
Sujuan Wang, Qiying Hu and Weiqi Liu
Sequential design strategies for mean response surface metamodeling via stochastic kriging with adaptive exploration and exploitation pp. 575-585 Downloads
Xi Chen and Qiang Zhou
Approximate stochastic dynamic programming for hydroelectric production planning pp. 586-601 Downloads
Luckny Zéphyr, Pascal Lang, Bernard F. Lamond and Pascal Côté
A multi-station system for reducing congestion in high-variability queues pp. 602-619 Downloads
Bacel Maddah, Walid W. Nasr and Ali Charanek
A two-stage stochastic programming approach for multi-activity tour scheduling pp. 620-635 Downloads
María I. Restrepo, Bernard Gendron and Louis-Martin Rousseau
Robust goal programming using different robustness echelons via norm-based and ellipsoidal uncertainty sets pp. 636-646 Downloads
Robert W. Hanks, Jeffery D. Weir and Brian J. Lunday
The accuracy of carbon emission and fuel consumption computations in green vehicle routing pp. 647-659 Downloads
Marcel Turkensteen
Capacity optimization under uncertainty: The impact of operational time lags pp. 660-672 Downloads
Hettie J. Boonman and Afzal S. Siddiqui
Increasing the efficiency in integer simulation optimization: Reducing the search space through data envelopment analysis and orthogonal arrays pp. 673-681 Downloads
Rafael de Carvalho Miranda, José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi, Aneirson Francisco da Silva and Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
Necessary and sufficient conditions for Pareto efficiency in robust multiobjective optimization pp. 682-692 Downloads
Rasmus Bokrantz and Albin Fredriksson
Heuristics for selecting pair-wise elicitation questions in multiple criteria choice problems pp. 693-707 Downloads
Krzysztof Ciomek, Miłosz Kadziński and Tommi Tervonen
Higher order assortativity in complex networks pp. 708-719 Downloads
Alberto Arcagni, Rosanna Grassi, Silvana Stefani and Anna Torriero
Robust and Pareto optimality of insurance contracts pp. 720-732 Downloads
Alexandru V. Asimit, Valeria Bignozzi, Ka Chun Cheung, Junlei Hu and Eun-Seok Kim
Productivity growth, environmental regulation and win–win opportunities: The case of chemical industry in Italy and Germany pp. 733-743 Downloads
Alessandro Manello
Optimizing the supply chain of biomass and biogas for a single plant considering mass and energy losses pp. 744-758 Downloads
Ida Græsted Jensen, Marie Münster and David Pisinger
Energy efficient scheduling of open-pit coal mine trucks pp. 759-770 Downloads
S.R. Patterson, E. Kozan and P. Hyland
The effect of process management on different types of innovations: An analytical modeling approach pp. 771-779 Downloads
Yongjae Kim
Fuzzy decision fusion approach for loss-given-default modeling pp. 780-791 Downloads
Abdolreza Nazemi, Farnoosh Fatemi Pour, Konstantin Heidenreich and Frank Fabozzi
Modeling joint production of multiple outputs in StoNED: Directional distance function approach pp. 792-801 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen and Andrew Johnson

Volume 262, issue 1, 2017

Dominant-set clustering: A review pp. 1-13 Downloads
Samuel Rota Bulò and Marcello Pelillo
Solving the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem with a column generation approach pp. 14-27 Downloads
Jorge Riera-Ledesma and Juan José Salazar-González
Integer programming techniques for educational timetabling pp. 28-39 Downloads
George H.G. Fonseca, Haroldo G. Santos, Eduardo G. Carrano and Thomas J.R. Stidsen
Impact of deadline intervals on behavior of solutions to the random Sequencing Jobs with Deadlines problem pp. 40-45 Downloads
Krzysztof Szkatuła
Match-up scheduling of mixed-criticality jobs: Maximizing the probability of jobs execution pp. 46-59 Downloads
Yasmina Seddik and Zdenek Hanzálek
Forecasting with temporal hierarchies pp. 60-74 Downloads
George Athanasopoulos, Rob Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes and Fotios Petropoulos
Optimizing a supply network with production smoothing, freight expediting and safety stocks: An analysis of tactical trade-offs pp. 75-88 Downloads
Seyed Mehdi Zahraei and Chee-Chong Teo
Espionage and the optimal standard of the Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program in maritime security pp. 89-107 Downloads
Aniruddha Bagchi and Jomon A. Paul
Pricing and rebate strategies for an e-shop with a cashback website pp. 108-122 Downloads
Yong-Wu Zhou, Bin Cao, Qinshen Tang and Wenhui Zhou
Electric vehicle adoption decisions in a fleet environment pp. 123-135 Downloads
Saravanan Kuppusamy, Michael J. Magazine and Uday Rao
Optimal dynamic pricing for deteriorating items with reference price effects when inventories stimulate demand pp. 136-150 Downloads
Tsu-Pang Hsieh and Chung-Yuan Dye
The demand weighted vehicle routing problem pp. 151-162 Downloads
Jeffrey D. Camm, Michael J. Magazine, Saravanan Kuppusamy and Kipp Martin
Plant location and inventory level decisions in global supply chains: Evidence from Korean firms pp. 163-179 Downloads
Seungrae Lee, Seung Jae Park and Sridhar Seshadri
Nuclear emergency decision support: A behavioural OR perspective pp. 180-193 Downloads
Nikolaos Argyris and Simon French
Multiple criteria mixed-integer programming for incorporating multiple factors into the development of master operating theatre timetables pp. 194-206 Downloads
M.L. Penn, C.N. Potts and P.R. Harper
Joint decisions on product line selection, purchasing, and pricing pp. 207-216 Downloads
Ilkyeong Moon, Kun Soo Park, Jing Hao and Dongwook Kim
Toward an integrated workforce planning framework using structured equations pp. 217-230 Downloads
Marie Doumic, Benoît Perthame, Edouard Ribes, Delphine Salort and Nathan Toubiana
Second order cone programming approach to two-stage network data envelopment analysis pp. 231-238 Downloads
Kun Chen and Joe Zhu
Dual bounds of a service level assignment problem with applications to efficient pricing pp. 239-250 Downloads
J. Michael Pavlin
Comonotonic approximation to periodic investment problems under stochastic drift pp. 251-261 Downloads
Liang Xu, Chunyan Gao, Gang Kou and Qinjun Liu
A hybrid metaheuristic for resource-constrained project scheduling with flexible resource profiles pp. 262-273 Downloads
Martin Tritschler, Anulark Naber and Rainer Kolisch
A buffer control method for top-down project control pp. 274-286 Downloads
Annelies Martens and Mario Vanhoucke
A Benders decomposition-based heuristic for a production and outbound distribution scheduling problem with strict delivery constraints pp. 287-298 Downloads
Y. Kergosien, M. Gendreau and J.-C. Billaut
Robust multiobjective portfolio optimization: A minimax regret approach pp. 299-305 Downloads
Panos Xidonas, George Mavrotas, Christis Hassapis and Constantin Zopounidis
Is there a prison size dilemma? An empirical analysis of output-specific economies of scale pp. 306-321 Downloads
Veerle Hennebel, Richard Simper and Marijn Verschelde
Linear programming-based directed local search for expensive multi-objective optimization problems: Application to drinking water production plants pp. 322-334 Downloads
F. Capitanescu, A. Marvuglia, E. Benetto, A. Ahmadi and L. Tiruta-Barna
Curvature-constrained traveling salesman tours for aerial surveillance in scenarios with obstacles pp. 335-346 Downloads
Luitpold Babel
Corporate failure prediction in the European energy sector: A multicriteria approach and the effect of country characteristics pp. 347-360 Downloads
Michalis Doumpos, Kostas Andriosopoulos, Emilios Galariotis, Georgia Makridou and Constantin Zopounidis
On endogenizing direction vectors in parametric directional distance function-based models pp. 361-369 Downloads
Rolf Färe, Carl Pasurka and Michael Vardanyan
The risk premium that never was: A fair value explanation of the volatility spread pp. 370-380 Downloads
Richard J. McGee and Frank McGroarty
A general framework for discretely sampled realized variance derivatives in stochastic volatility models with jumps pp. 381-400 Downloads
Zhenyu Cui, J. Lars Kirkby and Duy Nguyen
Page updated 2025-03-28