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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 224, issue 3, 2013

Rich routing problems arising in supply chain management pp. 435-448 Downloads
Verena Schmid, Karl F. Doerner and Gilbert Laporte
On accuracy, robustness and tolerances in vector Boolean optimization pp. 449-457 Downloads
Y. Nikulin, O. Karelkina and M.M. Mäkelä
The accessibility arc upgrading problem pp. 458-465 Downloads
Pablo A. Maya Duque, Sofie Coene, Peter Goos, Kenneth Sörensen and Frits Spieksma
The rollon–rolloff waste collection vehicle routing problem with time windows pp. 466-476 Downloads
Juyoung Wy, Byung-In Kim and Seongbae Kim
New variations of the maximum coverage facility location problem pp. 477-485 Downloads
Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya and Subhas C. Nandy
A reduction approach for solving the rectangle packing area minimization problem pp. 486-496 Downloads
Andreas Bortfeldt
Inventory sharing in integrated network design and inventory optimization with low-demand parts pp. 497-506 Downloads
Ilyas Mohamed Iyoob and Erhan Kutanoglu
Pricing decisions for complementary products with firms’ different market powers pp. 507-519 Downloads
Jie Wei, Jing Zhao and Yongjian Li
A single-period inventory placement problem for a supply system with the satisficing objective pp. 520-529 Downloads
Chia-Shin Chung, James Flynn, Roelof Kuik and Piotr Staliński
Project scheduling in optimizing integrated supply chain operations pp. 530-541 Downloads
A.A. Elimam and B. Dodin
Pricing policies for substitutable products in a supply chain with Internet and traditional channels pp. 542-551 Downloads
Yun Chu Chen, Shu-Cherng Fang and Ue-Pyng Wen
Hit-And-Run enables efficient weight generation for simulation-based multiple criteria decision analysis pp. 552-559 Downloads
Tommi Tervonen, Gert van Valkenhoef, Nalan Baştürk and Douwe Postmus
An incremental least squares algorithm for large scale linear classification pp. 560-565 Downloads
A. Cassioli, A. Chiavaioli, C. Manes and M. Sciandrone
Consistency for the additive efficient normalization of semivalues pp. 566-571 Downloads
Genjiu Xu, Theo S.H. Driessen, Hao Sun and Jun Su
Step by step. The benefits of stage-based R&D licensing contracts pp. 572-582 Downloads
Pascale Crama, Bert De Reyck and Zeger Degraeve
A dual bin-packing approach to scheduling surgical cases at a publicly-funded hospital pp. 583-591 Downloads
Bharathwaj Vijayakumar, Pratik J. Parikh, Rosalyn Scott, April Barnes and Jennie Gallimore
Citizen coproduction and efficient public good provision: Theory and evidence from local public libraries pp. 592-602 Downloads
Kristof De Witte and Benny Geys
Using a multi-criteria decision aid methodology to implement sustainable development principles within an organization pp. 603-613 Downloads
Myriam Merad, Nicolas Dechy, Lisa Serir, Michel Grabisch and Frédéric Marcel
Metaheuristic hybridizations for the regenerator placement and dimensioning problem in sub-wavelength switching optical networks pp. 614-624 Downloads
Oscar Pedrola, Davide Careglio, Miroslaw Klinkowski, Luis Velasco, Keren Bergman and Josep Solé-Pareta

Volume 224, issue 2, 2013

Planning of capacities and orders in build-to-order automobile production: A review pp. 240-260 Downloads
Thomas Volling, Andreas Matzke, Martin Grunewald and Thomas S. Spengler
Inventory control of supply chains: Mitigating the bullwhip effect by centralized and decentralized Internal Model Control approaches pp. 261-272 Downloads
Carlos Andres Garcia Salcedo, Asier Ibeas Hernandez, Ramón Vilanova and Jorge Herrera Cuartas
Competitive food supply chain networks with application to fresh produce pp. 273-282 Downloads
Min Yu and Anna Nagurney
Optimal policies for inventory systems with two types of product sharing common hardware platforms: Single period and finite horizon pp. 283-292 Downloads
Mabel Chou, Chee-Khian Sim and Xue-Ming Yuan
Concepts for safety stock determination under stochastic demand and different types of random production yield pp. 293-301 Downloads
Karl Inderfurth and Stephanie Vogelgesang
Last time buy decisions for products sold under warranty pp. 302-312 Downloads
Matthieu van der Heijden and Bermawi P. Iskandar
Control and system-theoretic identification of the supply chain dynamics domain for planning, analysis and adaptation of performance under uncertainty pp. 313-323 Downloads
Dmitry Ivanov and Boris Sokolov
A semi-preemptive priority scheduling discipline: Performance analysis pp. 324-332 Downloads
Joris Walraevens, Tom Maertens and Herwig Bruneel
A basic formula for performance gradient estimation of semi-Markov decision processes pp. 333-339 Downloads
Yanjie Li and Fang Cao
Efficient comparison of constrained systems using dormancy pp. 340-352 Downloads
Christopher M. Healey, Sigrún Andradóttir and Seong-Hee Kim
Absolute optimal solution for a compact and convex game pp. 353-361 Downloads
Rabia Nessah and Tazdaı¨t, Tarik
The Vessel Schedule Recovery Problem (VSRP) – A MIP model for handling disruptions in liner shipping pp. 362-374 Downloads
Berit D. Brouer, Jakob Dirksen, David Pisinger, Christian E.M. Plum and Bo Vaaben
Risk neutral and risk averse Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming method pp. 375-391 Downloads
Alexander Shapiro, Wajdi Tekaya, Joari Paulo da Costa and Murilo Pereira Soares
Supply chains in the presence of store brands pp. 392-403 Downloads
Xiang Fang, Srinagesh Gavirneni and Vithala Rao
Contingent payment auction mechanism in multidimensional procurement auctions pp. 404-413 Downloads
Hong Wang
Inferring the incidence of industry inefficiency from DEA estimates pp. 414-424 Downloads
Daniel Friesner, Ron Mittelhammer and Robert Rosenman
Developing a measure of risk adjusted revenue (RAR) in credit cards market: Implications for customer relationship management pp. 425-434 Downloads
Shweta Singh, B.P.S. Murthi and Erin Steffes

Volume 224, issue 1, 2013

The effects of triangle inequality on the vehicle routing problem pp. 1-7 Downloads
Christopher L. Fleming, Stanley E. Griffis and John E. Bell
Carryover sequence-dependent group scheduling with the integration of internal and external setup times pp. 8-22 Downloads
M.T. Yazdani Sabouni and Rasaratnam Logendran
Deterministic and stochastic global optimization techniques for planar covering with ellipses problems pp. 23-40 Downloads
M. Andretta and E.G. Birgin
New developments in the primal–dual column generation technique pp. 41-51 Downloads
Jacek Gondzio, Pablo González-Brevis and Pedro Munari
A computational approach for eliminating error in the solution of the location set covering problem pp. 52-64 Downloads
Alan T. Murray and Ran Wei
The Capacitated Team Orienteering Problem: A Bi-level Filter-and-Fan method pp. 65-78 Downloads
C.D. Tarantilis, F. Stavropoulou and P.P. Repoussis
Aggregate-level demand management in evacuation planning pp. 79-92 Downloads
Douglas R. Bish and Hanif D. Sherali
Tabu search for the single row facility layout problem using exhaustive 2-opt and insertion neighborhoods pp. 93-100 Downloads
Ravi Kothari and Diptesh Ghosh
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the discrete (r∣p)-centroid problem pp. 101-109 Downloads
Marcos Costa Roboredo and Artur Alves Pessoa
A goal-driven approach to the 2D bin packing and variable-sized bin packing problems pp. 110-121 Downloads
Lijun Wei, Wee-Chong Oon, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim
Multi-criteria analysis and the resolution of sustainable development dilemmas: A stakeholder management approach pp. 122-131 Downloads
Klaas De Brucker, Cathy Macharis and Alain Verbeke
Shortest path games pp. 132-140 Downloads
Edward C. Rosenthal
A technological, organisational, and environmental analysis of decision making methodologies and satisfaction in the context of IT induced business transformations pp. 141-153 Downloads
Edward W.N. Bernroider and Patrick Schmöllerl
Simulation-based framework to improve patient experience in an emergency department pp. 154-166 Downloads
Waleed Abo-Hamad and Amr Arisha
Share functions for cooperative games with levels structure of cooperation pp. 167-179 Downloads
Mikel Álvarez-Mozos, Rene van den Brink, Gerard van der Laan and Oriol Tejada
A new methodology for sensitivity and stability analysis of analytic network models pp. 180-188 Downloads
Jerrold H. May, Jennifer Shang, Youxu Cai Tjader and Luis G. Vargas
Lower and upper bounds for location-arc routing problems with vehicle capacity constraints pp. 189-208 Downloads
Seyed Hossein Hashemi Doulabi and Abbas Seifi
Using the Viable System Model (VSM) to structure information processing complexity in disaster response pp. 209-218 Downloads
Gary Preece, Duncan Shaw and Haruo Hayashi
High-order computational methods for option valuation under multifactor models pp. 219-226 Downloads
N. Rambeerich, D.Y. Tangman, M.R. Lollchund and M. Bhuruth
Scheduling electric power production at a wind farm pp. 227-238 Downloads
Zijun Zhang, Andrew Kusiak and Zhe Song
Page updated 2025-03-28