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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 267, issue 3, 2018

Multi-level facility location problems pp. 791-805 Downloads
Camilo Ortiz-Astorquiza, Ivan Contreras and Gilbert Laporte
A Generalized Benders Decomposition based algorithm for an inventory location problem with stochastic inventory capacity constraints pp. 806-817 Downloads
Francisco J. Tapia-Ubeda, Pablo A. Miranda and Marco Macchi
New special cases of the Quadratic Assignment Problem with diagonally structured coefficient matrices pp. 818-834 Downloads
Eranda Çela, Vladimir Deineko and Gerhard J. Woeginger
Moments and distribution of the net present value of a serial project pp. 835-848 Downloads
Stefan Creemers
Joint optimization of dynamic lot and warehouse sizing problems pp. 849-854 Downloads
Jie Fan and Guoqing Wang
Solving semi-open queuing networks with time-varying arrivals: An application in container terminal landside operations pp. 855-876 Downloads
Vibhuti Dhingra, Govind Lal Kumawat, Debjit Roy and René de Koster
Probabilistic forecasting of wave height for offshore wind turbine maintenance pp. 877-890 Downloads
James W. Taylor and Jooyoung Jeon
Multi-objective optimisation models for the travelling salesman problem with horizontal cooperation pp. 891-903 Downloads
Christof Defryn and Kenneth Sörensen
Sustainable multi-echelon inventory control with shipment consolidation and volume dependent freight costs pp. 904-916 Downloads
Olof Stenius, Johan Marklund and Sven Axsäter
Optimal control of a continuous-time W-configuration assemble-to-order system pp. 917-932 Downloads
Mohsen ElHafsi, Jianxin Fang and Herve Camus
Service location grouping and pricing in transportation: Application in air cargo pp. 933-943 Downloads
Farshid Azadian and Alper Murat
Internal and external reference effects in a two-tier supply chain pp. 944-957 Downloads
Samuel N. Kirshner and Lusheng Shao
Order batching in an automated warehouse with several vertical lift modules: Optimization and experiments with real data pp. 958-976 Downloads
Lenoble Nicolas, Frein Yannick and Hammami Ramzi
Stacking outbound barge containers in an automated deep-sea terminal pp. 977-995 Downloads
Amir Gharehgozli and Nima Zaerpour
Benders decomposition for the Hazmat Transport Network Design Problem pp. 996-1002 Downloads
Pirmin Fontaine and Stefan Minner
Expected shortfall: Heuristics and certificates pp. 1003-1013 Downloads
Federico Alessandro Ramponi and Marco C. Campi
Cascade equilibrium strategies in a two-server queueing system with inspection cost pp. 1014-1026 Downloads
Refael Hassin and Ricky Roet-Green
A new state-dependent degradation process and related model misidentification problems pp. 1027-1038 Downloads
Massimiliano Giorgio and Gianpaolo Pulcini
Capacity expansion under uncertainty in an oligopoly using indirect reinforcement-learning pp. 1039-1050 Downloads
Fernando S. Oliveira and Manuel L.G. Costa
Risk management for forestry planning under uncertainty in demand and prices pp. 1051-1074 Downloads
Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard and Andres Weintraub
On the impact of information disclosure on advance reservations: A game-theoretic view pp. 1075-1088 Downloads
Eran Simhon and David Starobinski
Supplier encroachment under nonlinear pricing with imperfect substitutes: Bargaining power versus revenue-sharing pp. 1089-1101 Downloads
Huixiao Yang, Jianwen Luo and Qinhong Zhang
Heuristic policies for the stochastic economic lot sizing problem with remanufacturing under service level constraints pp. 1102-1109 Downloads
Onur A. Kilic, Huseyin Tunc and S. Armagan Tarim
An optimization model for freight transport using urban rail transit pp. 1110-1121 Downloads
Onur Ozturk and Jonathan Patrick
An option contract for vaccine procurement using the SIR epidemic model pp. 1122-1140 Downloads
N. Shamsi G., S. Ali Torabi and H. Shakouri G.
On the operational efficiency of different feature types for telco Churn prediction pp. 1141-1155 Downloads
Sandra Mitrović, Bart Baesens, Wilfried Lemahieu and Jochen De Weerdt
Optimal distribution of operating hours over operating rooms using probabilities pp. 1156-1171 Downloads
Lisa Koppka, Lara Wiesche, Matthias Schacht and Brigitte Werners
Measuring and explaining organizational effectiveness of school districts: Evidence from a robust and conditional Benefit-of-the-Doubt approach pp. 1172-1181 Downloads
Kristof De Witte and Fritz Schiltz
A review of “linear programming computation” by Ping-Qi Pan pp. 1182-1183 Downloads
Yangyang Shi, Lei-Hong Zhang and Wenxing Zhu

Volume 267, issue 2, 2018

The state-of-the-art integrations and applications of the analytic hierarchy process pp. 399-414 Downloads
William Ho and Xin Ma
Time-dependent trip-chain link travel time estimation model with the first-in–first-out constraint pp. 415-427 Downloads
Shiaw-Shyan Luo, Chung-Yung Wang and Yi-Wei Sung
Two-level decomposition-based matheuristic for airline crew rostering problems with fair working time pp. 428-438 Downloads
Tsubasa Doi, Tatsushi Nishi and Stefan Voß
A three-stage mixed integer programming approach for optimizing the skill mix and training schedules for aircraft maintenance pp. 439-452 Downloads
Philippe De Bruecker, Jeroen Beliën, Jorne Van den Bergh and Erik Demeulemeester
Solving the family traveling salesman problem pp. 453-466 Downloads
Raquel Bernardino and Ana Paias
A new binary formulation of the restricted Container Relocation Problem based on a binary encoding of configurations pp. 467-477 Downloads
Virgile Galle, Cynthia Barnhart and Patrick Jaillet
Collaborative mechanism on profit allotment and public health for a sustainable supply chain pp. 478-495 Downloads
Huiping Ding, Li Wang and Lucy Zheng
Hub interdiction problem variants: Models and metaheuristic solution algorithms pp. 496-512 Downloads
Nader Ghaffarinasab and Alireza Motallebzadeh
A value-at-risk approach to optimisation of warranty policy pp. 513-522 Downloads
Ming Luo and Shaomin Wu
Cooperation regarding technology development in a closed-loop supply chain pp. 523-539 Downloads
Cheng-Han Wu and Yi-Jhe Kao
When and what wholesale and retail prices should be set in multi-channel supply chains? pp. 540-554 Downloads
Kenji Matsui
A stochastic multi-stage fixed charge transportation problem: Worst-case analysis of the rolling horizon approach pp. 555-569 Downloads
Luca Bertazzi and Francesca Maggioni
Price competition and technology licensing in a dynamic duopoly pp. 570-584 Downloads
Cheng-Han Wu
Optimal Stackelberg strategies for financing a supply chain through online peer-to-peer lending pp. 585-597 Downloads
Guang-Xin Gao, Zhi-Ping Fan, Xin Fang and Yun Fong Lim
Using multiple reference levels in Multi-Criteria Decision aid: The Generalized-Additive Independence model and the Choquet integral approaches pp. 598-611 Downloads
Christophe Labreuche and Michel Grabisch
Optimizing online recurring promotions for dual-channel retailers: Segmented markets with multiple objectives pp. 612-627 Downloads
Yuanchun Jiang, Yezheng Liu, Jennifer Shang, Pinar Yildirim and Qingfu Zhang
Multi-objective minmax robust combinatorial optimization with cardinality-constrained uncertainty pp. 628-642 Downloads
Andrea Raith, Marie Schmidt, Anita Schöbel and Lisa Thom
Examining the benefits of load shedding strategies using a rolling-horizon stochastic mixed complementarity equilibrium model pp. 643-658 Downloads
Mel T. Devine and Valentin Bertsch
Time-varying ratings for international football teams pp. 659-666 Downloads
Rose D. Baker and Ian G. McHale
Capital allocation à la Aumann–Shapley for non-differentiable risk measures pp. 667-675 Downloads
Francesca Centrone and Emanuela Rosazza Gianin
Co-residence based data vulnerability vs. security in cloud computing system with random server assignment pp. 676-686 Downloads
Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing and Yuanshun Dai
A support vector machine-based ensemble algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis pp. 687-699 Downloads
Haifeng Wang, Bichen Zheng, Sang Won Yoon and Hoo Sang Ko
Serious strategy for the makers of fun: Analyzing the option to switch from pay-to-play to free-to-play in a two-stage optimal control model with quadratic costs pp. 700-715 Downloads
Andrea Seidl, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Richard F. Hartl and Peter Kort
A stochastic program with time series and affine decision rules for the reservoir management problem pp. 716-732 Downloads
Charles Gauvin, Erick Delage and Michel Gendreau
Evaluating battery charging and swapping strategies in a robotic mobile fulfillment system pp. 733-753 Downloads
Bipan Zou, Xianhao Xu, Gong, Yeming (Yale) and René De Koster
When should a retailer invest in brand advertising? pp. 754-764 Downloads
Nikolaos Pnevmatikos, Baris Vardar and Georges Zaccour
Copula based multivariate semi-Markov models with applications in high-frequency finance pp. 765-777 Downloads
D’Amico, Guglielmo and Filippo Petroni
Insurance with multiple insurers: A game-theoretic approach pp. 778-790 Downloads
Vali Asimit and Tim J. Boonen

Volume 267, issue 1, 2018

Designing efficient order picking systems by combining planning problems: State-of-the-art classification and review pp. 1-15 Downloads
Teun van Gils, Katrien Ramaekers, An Caris and René B.M. de Koster
Maximizing the expected net present value of a project with phase-type distributed activity durations: An efficient globally optimal solution procedure pp. 16-22 Downloads
Stefan Creemers
An implicit enumeration algorithm for the hub interdiction median problem with fortification pp. 23-39 Downloads
Nader Ghaffarinasab and Reza Atayi
A dynamic reformulation heuristic for Generalized Interdiction Problems pp. 40-51 Downloads
Matteo Fischetti, Michele Monaci and Markus Sinnl
A tailored two-phase constructive heuristic for the three-dimensional Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints pp. 52-64 Downloads
Célia Paquay, Sabine Limbourg and Michaël Schyns
Strategic introduction of the marketplace channel under spillovers from online to offline sales pp. 65-77 Downloads
Yingchen Yan, Ruiqing Zhao and Zhibing Liu
Dynamic expediting of an urgent order with uncertain progress pp. 78-85 Downloads
Luca Bertazzi and Riccardo Mogre
Valid inequalities for two-period relaxations of big-bucket lot-sizing problems: Zero setup case pp. 86-95 Downloads
Mahdi Doostmohammadi and Kerem Akartunalı
The multivariate bullwhip effect pp. 96-106 Downloads
Chaitra H. Nagaraja and Tucker McElroy
The load planning problem for double-stack intermodal trains pp. 107-119 Downloads
Serena Mantovani, Gianluca Morganti, Nitish Umang, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Emma Frejinger and Eric Larsen
An adapted ant colony optimization algorithm for the minimization of the travel distance of pickers in manual warehouses pp. 120-137 Downloads
Roberta De Santis, Roberto Montanari, Giuseppe Vignali and Eleonora Bottani
Disposal versus rework – Inventory control in a production system with random yield pp. 138-149 Downloads
Danja Sonntag and Gudrun P. Kiesmüller
Dual sourcing in the age of near-shoring: Trading off stochastic capacity limitations and long lead times pp. 150-161 Downloads
M. Jakšič and J.C. Fransoo
Strategic technology licensing in a supply chain pp. 162-175 Downloads
Qiao Zhang, Jianxiong Zhang, Georges Zaccour and Wansheng Tang
An approximation algorithm for a competitive facility location problem with network effects pp. 176-186 Downloads
Ling-Chieh Kung and Wei-Hung Liao
Branch-price-and-cut for the Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem with Time Windows pp. 187-199 Downloads
Claudio Ciancio, Demetrio Laganá and Francesca Vocaturo
Direct data-based decision making under uncertainty pp. 200-211 Downloads
Bogdan Grechuk and Michael Zabarankin
Inconsistency reduction in decision making via multi-objective optimisation pp. 212-226 Downloads
Edward Abel, Ludmil Mikhailov and John Keane
A note on measuring group performance over time with pseudo-panels pp. 227-235 Downloads
Juan Aparicio and Daniel Santín
A stochastic model with interacting managerial operating options and debt rescheduling pp. 236-249 Downloads
Marios Charalambides and Nicos Koussis
Strategic workforce planning in healthcare: A multi-methodology approach pp. 250-263 Downloads
Graham Willis, Siôn Cave and Martin Kunc
The Set Orienteering Problem pp. 264-272 Downloads
Claudia Archetti, Francesco Carrabs and Raffaele Cerulli
Stakeholder interviews with two MAVT preference elicitation philosophies in a Swiss water infrastructure decision: Aggregation using SWING-weighting and disaggregation using UTAGMS pp. 273-287 Downloads
Jun Zheng and Judit Lienert
Itinerary planning with time budget for risk-averse travelers pp. 288-303 Downloads
Yu Zhang and Jiafu Tang
A portfolio model for siting offshore wind farms with economic and environmental objectives pp. 304-314 Downloads
Alexana Cranmer, Erin Baker, Juuso Liesiö and Ahti Salo
Evaluating an alternative draft pick allocation policy to reduce ‘tanking’ in the Australian Football League pp. 315-320 Downloads
Liam Lenten, Aaron C.T. Smith and Noel Boys
A global tolerance approach to sensitivity analysis in linear programming pp. 321-337 Downloads
Emanuele Borgonovo, Gregery T. Buzzard and Richard E. Wendell
Capacity planning with demand uncertainty for outpatient clinics pp. 338-348 Downloads
Thu Ba T. Nguyen, Appa Iyer Sivakumar and Stephen C. Graves
Dimension reduction in nonparametric models of production pp. 349-367 Downloads
Paul Wilson
Multidimensional auctions for long-term procurement contracts with early-exit options: The case of conservation contracts pp. 368-380 Downloads
Luca Di Corato, Cesare Dosi and Michele Moretto
Composite indicators as generalized benefit-of-the-doubt weighted averages pp. 381-392 Downloads
Nicky Rogge
A note on decision making method for product acceptance based on process capability indices Cpk and Cpmk pp. 393-398 Downloads
A. Lepore, B. Palumbo and P. Castagliola
Page updated 2025-03-28