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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 310, issue 3, 2023

The synergistic effect of operational research and big data analytics in greening container terminal operations: A review and future directions pp. 943-973 Downloads
Ramin Raeesi, Navid Sahebjamnia and S. Afshin Mansouri
The generalized close enough traveling salesman problem pp. 974-991 Downloads
Andrea Di Placido, Claudia Archetti, Carmine Cerrone and Bruce Golden
Energy cost efficient scheduling in flexible job-shop manufacturing systems pp. 992-1016 Downloads
Liji Shen, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès and Söhnke Maecker
Parallel-batch scheduling with rejection: Structural properties and approximation algorithms pp. 1017-1032 Downloads
Jinwen Ou, Lingfa Lu and Xueling Zhong
Multi-plant manufacturing assortment planning in the presence of transshipments pp. 1033-1050 Downloads
Nagihan Çömez-Dolgan, Hilal Dağ, Nilgun Fescioglu-Unver and Alper Şen
Optimizing integrated aircraft assignment and turnaround handling pp. 1051-1071 Downloads
Lukas Glomb, Frauke Liers and Florian Rösel
An alternating direction method of multipliers for solving user equilibrium problem pp. 1072-1084 Downloads
Zhiyuan Liu, Xinyuan Chen, Jintao Hu, Shuaian Wang, Kai Zhang and Honggang Zhang
Risk-based allocation of COVID-19 personal protective equipment under supply shortages pp. 1085-1100 Downloads
Gohram Baloch, Fatma Gzara and Samir Elhedhli
Design of fork-join networks of First-In-First-Out and infinite-server queues applied to clinical chemistry laboratories pp. 1101-1117 Downloads
Eline R. Tsai, Derya Demirtas, Andrei N. Tintu, Robert de Jonge, Yolanda B. de Rijke and Richard J. Boucherie
Bettors’ reaction to match dynamics: Evidence from in-game betting pp. 1118-1127 Downloads
Rouven Michels, Marius Ötting and Roland Langrock
Robust maximum capture facility location under random utility maximization models pp. 1128-1150 Downloads
Tien Thanh Dam, Thuy Anh Ta and Tien Mai
Risk-averse dynamic pricing using mean-semivariance optimization pp. 1151-1163 Downloads
Rainer Schlosser and Jochen Gönsch
Production technologies with ratio inputs and outputs pp. 1164-1178 Downloads
Grammatoula Papaioannou and Victor V. Podinovski
Navigational guidance – A deep learning approach pp. 1179-1191 Downloads
Benjamin P.-C. Yen and Yu Luo
Technology heterogeneity and sustainability efficiency: Empirical evidence from Peruvian coffee production pp. 1192-1200 Downloads
Theodoros Skevas and Jorge C. Martinez-Palomares
Capturing complexity over space and time via deep learning: An application to real-time delay prediction in railways pp. 1201-1217 Downloads
Léon Sobrie, Marijn Verschelde, Veerle Hennebel and Bart Roets
An online reinforcement learning approach to charging and order-dispatching optimization for an e-hailing electric vehicle fleet pp. 1218-1233 Downloads
Pengyu Yan, Kaize Yu, Xiuli Chao and Zhibin Chen
A stochastic-robust optimization model for inter-regional power system planning pp. 1234-1248 Downloads
Jidong Kang, Zhuochun Wu, Tsan Sheng Ng and Bin Su
Fair-split distribution of multi-dose vaccines with prioritized age groups and dynamic demand: The case study of COVID-19 pp. 1249-1272 Downloads
Behnam Vahdani, Mehrdad Mohammadi, Simon Thevenin, Michel Gendreau, Alexandre Dolgui and Patrick Meyer
A nested Benders decomposition-based algorithm to solve the three-stage stochastic optimisation problem modeling population-based breast cancer screening pp. 1273-1293 Downloads
Tine Meersman, Broos Maenhout and Koen Van Herck
A defined benefit pension plan game with Brownian and Poisson jumps uncertainty pp. 1294-1311 Downloads
Ricardo Josa-Fombellida and Paula López-Casado
A framework for inherently interpretable optimization models pp. 1312-1324 Downloads
Marc Goerigk and Michael Hartisch
Robust regression under the general framework of bounded loss functions pp. 1325-1339 Downloads
Saiji Fu, Yingjie Tian and Long Tang

Volume 310, issue 2, 2023

Optimization under uncertainty and risk: Quadratic and copositive approaches pp. 449-476 Downloads
Immanuel M. Bomze and Markus Gabl
A generalised approach for efficient computation of look ahead security constrained optimal power flow pp. 477-494 Downloads
Lamia Varawala, György Dán, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh and Ross Baldick
Revisiting degeneracy, strict feasibility, stability, in linear programming pp. 495-510 Downloads
Haesol Im and Henry Wolkowicz
The smallest mono-unstable convex polyhedron with point masses has 8 faces and 11 vertices pp. 511-517 Downloads
Dávid Papp, Krisztina Regős, Gábor Domokos and Sándor Bozóki
Application of quantum approximate optimization algorithm to job shop scheduling problem pp. 518-528 Downloads
Krzysztof Kurowski, Tomasz Pecyna, Mateusz Slysz, Rafał Różycki, Grzegorz Waligóra and Jan Wȩglarz
Optimal scenario reduction for one- and two-stage robust optimization with discrete uncertainty in the objective pp. 529-551 Downloads
Marc Goerigk and Mohammad Khosravi
Complexity, algorithmic, and computational aspects of a dial-a-ride type problem pp. 552-565 Downloads
Mourad Baïou, Rafael Colares and Hervé Kerivin
Extended formulations for perfect domination problems and their algorithmic implications pp. 566-581 Downloads
Vinicius L. do Forte, Saïd Hanafi and Abilio Lucena
Robotized sorting systems: Large-scale scheduling under real-time conditions with limited lookahead pp. 582-596 Downloads
Nils Boysen, Stefan Schwerdfeger and Ulmer, Marlin W.
An asymmetric traveling salesman problem based matheuristic algorithm for flowshop group scheduling problem pp. 597-610 Downloads
Xuan He, Quan-Ke Pan, Liang Gao and Janis S. Neufeld
Two-period pricing and inventory decisions of perishable products with partial lost sales pp. 611-626 Downloads
Haijie Zhou, Kebing Chen and Shengbin Wang
The value of time and temperature history information for the distribution of perishables pp. 627-639 Downloads
Gary M. Gaukler, Rob A. Zuidwijk and Michael E. Ketzenberg
Supporting platelet inventory management decisions: What is the effect of extending platelets’ shelf life? pp. 640-654 Downloads
Mary Dillon, Ilmari Vauhkonen, Mikko Arvas, Jarkko Ihalainen, Eeva Vilkkumaa and Fabricio Oliveira
Remanufacturing with innovative features: A strategic analysis pp. 655-669 Downloads
Can Baris Cetin and Georges Zaccour
Mixed-integer nonlinear and continuous optimization formulations for aircraft conflict avoidance via heading and speed deviations pp. 670-679 Downloads
Sonia Cafieri, Andrew R. Conn and Marcel Mongeau
The multi-vehicle truck-and-robot routing problem for last-mile delivery pp. 680-697 Downloads
Manuel Ostermeier, Andreas Heimfarth and Alexander Hübner
Managing production-inventory-maintenance systems with condition monitoring pp. 698-711 Downloads
Haofang Feng, Sheng Hao Zhang and Yong Zhang
Traffic signal control under stochastic traffic demand and vehicle turning via decentralized decomposition approaches pp. 712-736 Downloads
Xinyu Fei, Xingmin Wang, Xian Yu, Yiheng Feng, Henry Liu, Siqian Shen and Yafeng Yin
A tractable online learning algorithm for the multinomial logit contextual bandit pp. 737-750 Downloads
Priyank Agrawal, Theja Tulabandhula and Vashist Avadhanula
Identifying the most important set of weights when modelling bad outputs with the weak disposability approach pp. 751-759 Downloads
Lorenz Aigner and Mette Asmild
The joint impact of environmental awareness and system infrastructure on e-waste collection pp. 760-772 Downloads
Jianmai Shi, Wenyi Chen and Vedat Verter
Portfolio selection with exploration of new investment assets pp. 773-792 Downloads
Luca De Gennaro Aquino, Didier Sornette and Moris S. Strub
Behavioral analytics for myopic agents pp. 793-811 Downloads
Yonatan Mintz, Anil Aswani, Philip Kaminsky, Elena Flowers and Yoshimi Fukuoka
The interplay between logistics strategy and platform’s channel structure design in B2C platform market pp. 812-833 Downloads
He Liu, Tianting Xu, Shuai Jing, Zhidong Liu and Shouyang Wang
The follower competitive facility location problem under the nested logit choice rule pp. 834-846 Downloads
Gonzalo Méndez-Vogel, Vladimir Marianov and Armin Lüer-Villagra
To outsource or not: Bike-share rebalancing strategies under the service quality deviation of a third party pp. 847-859 Downloads
Wei Gu, Xiaoru Yu, Shichen Zhang, Xiangbin Yan and Chen Wang
Joint models of multivariate longitudinal outcomes and discrete survival data with INLA: An application to credit repayment behaviour pp. 860-873 Downloads
Victor Medina-Olivares, Finn Lindgren, Raffaella Calabrese and Jonathan Crook
An optimization approach for hybrid workflows in platform-enabled private service marketplaces pp. 874-890 Downloads
Su Dong, Monica S. Johar and Ram L. Kumar
Marginal abatement cost of carbon dioxide emissions: The role of abatement options pp. 891-901 Downloads
F. Wu, S.Y. Wang and Peng Zhou
The stable gain splitting rule for sequencing situations pp. 902-913 Downloads
Marco Slikker
Generalized quantile and expectile properties for shape constrained nonparametric estimation pp. 914-927 Downloads
Sheng Dai, Timo Kuosmanen and Xun Zhou
Reinsurance games with two reinsurers: Tree versus chain pp. 928-941 Downloads
Jingyi Cao, Dongchen Li, Virginia R. Young and Bin Zou

Volume 310, issue 1, 2023

A state-of-the-art survey on multi-scenario scheduling pp. 3-23 Downloads
Dvir Shabtay and Miri Gilenson
Integer programming models for round robin tournaments pp. 24-33 Downloads
Jasper van Doornmalen, Christopher Hojny, Roel Lambers and Frits C.R. Spieksma
Tabu search for dedicated resource-constrained multiproject scheduling to minimise the maximal cash flow gap under uncertainty pp. 34-52 Downloads
Yukang He, Tao Jia and Weibo Zheng
Multi-period single-allocation hub location-routing: Models and heuristic solutions pp. 53-70 Downloads
Afaf Aloullal, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama and Raca Todosijević
Efficient approximation algorithms for scheduling moldable tasks pp. 71-83 Downloads
Xiaohu Wu and Patrick Loiseau
Benders-type branch-and-cut algorithms for capacitated facility location with single-sourcing pp. 84-99 Downloads
Dieter Weninger and Laurence A. Wolsey
Dynamic scheduling of patients in emergency departments pp. 100-116 Downloads
Thiago Alves de Queiroz, Manuel Iori, Arthur Kramer and Yong-Hong Kuo
Drones for relief logistics under uncertainty after an earthquake pp. 117-132 Downloads
Okan Dukkanci, Achim Koberstein and Bahar Y. Kara
Efficient feasibility checks and an adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the time-dependent green vehicle routing problem with time windows pp. 133-155 Downloads
Yiming Liu, Baldacci Roberto, Jianwen Zhou, Yang Yu, Yu Zhang and Wei Sun
The stochastic inventory routing problem on electric roads pp. 156-167 Downloads
Alejandro Gutierrez-Alcoba, Roberto Rossi, Belen Martin-Barragan and Tim Embley
Dynamic multi-period vehicle routing with touting pp. 168-184 Downloads
Merve Keskin, Juergen Branke, Vladimir Deineko and Arne K. Strauss
The role of part failure rates asymmetry and spare part proprietariness on remanufacturing decision making pp. 185-200 Downloads
Rainer Kleber, João Quariguasi Frota Neto and Marc Reimann
Valid inequalities and extended formulations for lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setups pp. 201-216 Downloads
Younsoo Lee and Kyungsik Lee
The impact of retail pricing leadership under manufacturer encroachment pp. 217-237 Downloads
Xing Wan, Jing Chen and Wei Li
Stochastic simulation uncertainty analysis to accelerate flexible biomanufacturing process development pp. 238-248 Downloads
Wei Xie, Russell R. Barton, Barry L. Nelson and Keqi Wang
Approximate solutions to constrained risk-sensitive Markov decision processes pp. 249-267 Downloads
Uday M Kumar, Sanjay P. Bhat, Veeraruna Kavitha and Nandyala Hemachandra
On solving large-scale multistage stochastic optimization problems with a new specialized interior-point approach pp. 268-285 Downloads
Jordi Castro, Laureano F. Escudero and Juan F. Monge
Vertical integration of an online secondhand platform and a recycling platform under different power structures pp. 286-301 Downloads
Ruozhen Qiu, Xuge Li and Minghe Sun
Portfolio selection: A target-distribution approach pp. 302-314 Downloads
Nathan Lassance and Frédéric Vrins
Advancements in the computation of enclosures for multi-objective optimization problems pp. 315-327 Downloads
Gabriele Eichfelder and Leo Warnow
Approximate dynamic programming for container stacking pp. 328-342 Downloads
René Boschma, Martijn R.K. Mes and Leon R. de Vries
The multi-trip container drayage problem with synchronization for efficient empty containers re-usage pp. 343-359 Downloads
Stefano Fazi, Sourabh Kumar Choudhary and Jing-Xin Dong
A shift-based model to solve the integrated staff rostering and task assignment problem with real-world requirements pp. 360-378 Downloads
Wenshu Wang, Kexin Xie, Siqi Guo, Weixing Li, Fan Xiao and Zhe Liang
Day-ahead aircraft routing with data-driven primary delay predictions pp. 379-396 Downloads
Sebastian Birolini and Alexandre Jacquillat
Trade-in operations under retail competition: Effects of brand loyalty pp. 397-414 Downloads
Fei Tang, Ying Dai, Zu-Jun Ma and Tsan-Ming Choi
Loss function-based change point detection in risk measures pp. 415-431 Downloads
Emese Lazar, Shixuan Wang and Xiaohan Xue
On distinguishing the direct causal effect of an intervention from its efficiency-enhancing effects pp. 432-447 Downloads
Oleg Badunenko, D’Inverno, Giovanna and Kristof De Witte
Page updated 2025-03-28