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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 298, issue 3, 2022

Stochastic dynamic vehicle routing in the light of prescriptive analytics: A review pp. 801-820 Downloads
Ninja Soeffker, Marlin W. Ulmer and Dirk C. Mattfeld
Exact and heuristic algorithms for the maximum weighted submatrix coverage problem pp. 821-833 Downloads
Markus Sinnl
Reliable hub-and-spoke systems with multiple capacity levels and flow dependent discount factor pp. 834-854 Downloads
Nader Azizi and Said Salhi
A matheuristic for AGV scheduling with battery constraints pp. 855-873 Downloads
Nitish Singh, Quang-Vinh Dang, Alp Akcay, Ivo Adan and Tugce Martagan
Robust decisions for regulated sustainable manufacturing with partial demand information: Mandatory emission capacity versus emission tax pp. 874-893 Downloads
Qingguo Bai, Jianteng Xu, Yeming Gong and Satyaveer S. Chauhan
Van-based robot hybrid pickup and delivery routing problem pp. 894-914 Downloads
Shaohua Yu, Jakob Puchinger and Shudong Sun
A two-stage robust approach to integrated station location and rebalancing vehicle service design in bike-sharing systems pp. 915-938 Downloads
Chenyi Fu, Ning Zhu, Shoufeng Ma and Ronghui Liu
Deep Q-learning for same-day delivery with vehicles and drones pp. 939-952 Downloads
Xinwei Chen, Marlin W. Ulmer and Barrett W. Thomas
Railway timetabling with integrated passenger distribution pp. 953-966 Downloads
Johann Hartleb and Marie Schmidt
Improving information reliability of non-radial value efficiency analysis: An additive slacks based measure approach pp. 967-978 Downloads
Javad Gerami, Mohammad Reza Mozaffari, Peter F. Wanke and Henrique L. Correa
Learning non-compensatory sorting models using efficient SAT/MaxSAT formulations pp. 979-1006 Downloads
Ali Tlili, Khaled Belahcène, Oumaima Khaled, Vincent Mousseau and Wassila Ouerdane
Efficiency of the principal eigenvector of some triple perturbed consistent matrices pp. 1007-1015 Downloads
Rosário Fernandes and Susana Furtado
Public health interventions in the face of pandemics: Network structure, social distancing, and heterogeneity pp. 1016-1031 Downloads
Mohammad Ghaderi
A differentiable path-following method to compute subgame perfect equilibria in stationary strategies in robust stochastic games and its applications pp. 1032-1050 Downloads
Yiyin Cao, Chuangyin Dang and Zhongdong Xiao
Optimizing consolidation processes in hubs: The hub-arrival-departure problem pp. 1051-1066 Downloads
Johannes Rupp, Nils Boysen and Dirk Briskorn
Combining Dantzig-Wolfe and Benders decompositions to solve a large-scale nuclear outage planning problem pp. 1067-1083 Downloads
Rodolphe Griset, Pascale Bendotti, Boris Detienne, Marc Porcheron, Halil Şen and François Vanderbeck
Exploring the potential of Data Envelopment Analysis for enhancing pay-for-performance programme design in primary health care pp. 1084-1100 Downloads
Olena Kalinichenko, Carla A.F. Amado and Sérgio P. Santos
A simulation and optimisation package for emergency medical services pp. 1101-1113 Downloads
Samuel Ridler, Andrew J. Mason and Andrea Raith
Tri-level mixed-binary linear programming: Solution approaches and application in defending critical infrastructure pp. 1114-1131 Downloads
Ramy Fakhry, Elkafi Hassini, Mohamed Ezzeldin and Wael El-Dakhakhni
Generic improvements to least squares monte carlo methods with applications to optimal stopping problems pp. 1132-1144 Downloads
Wei Wei and Dan Zhu
Smiles & smirks: Volatility and leverage by jumps pp. 1145-1161 Downloads
Laura Ballotta and Grégory Rayée
Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty pp. 1162-1174 Downloads
I. Baltas, L. Dopierala, K. Kolodziejczyk, M. Szczepański, G.-W. Weber and A.N. Yannacopoulos
Strategic information flow under the influence of industry structure pp. 1175-1191 Downloads
Qijun Qiu, Zhongyuan Hao and Li Jiang

Volume 298, issue 2, 2022

Deep reinforcement learning for inventory control: A roadmap pp. 401-412 Downloads
Robert N. Boute, Joren Gijsbrechts, Willem van Jaarsveld and Nathalie Vanvuchelen
Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine: Strongly correlated instances pp. 413-424 Downloads
Lukáš Hejl, Přemysl Šůcha, Antonín Novák and Zdeněk Hanzálek
New bounds for subset selection from conic relaxations pp. 425-438 Downloads
Walid Ben-Ameur and José Neto
Optimal sequence for single server scheduling incorporating a rate-modifying activity under job-dependent linear deterioration pp. 439-450 Downloads
Hyunjoon Kim and Byung-In Kim
Project scheduling with generalized precedence relations: A new method to analyze criticalities and flexibilities pp. 451-462 Downloads
Lucio Bianco, Massimiliano Caramia and Stefano Giordani
Analysis of effective sets of routes for the split-delivery periodic inventory routing problem pp. 463-477 Downloads
Luca Bertazzi, Geoffrey A. Chua, Demetrio Laganà and Rosario Paradiso
An infeasible space exploring matheuristic for the Production Routing Problem pp. 478-495 Downloads
Eleftherios G. Manousakis, Grigoris A. Kasapidis, Chris T. Kiranoudis and Emmanouil E. Zachariadis
Lexicographic multi-objective road pricing optimization considering land use and transportation effects pp. 496-509 Downloads
Shaopeng Zhong, Yu Jiang and Otto Anker Nielsen
An alert-assisted inspection policy for a production process with imperfect condition signals pp. 510-525 Downloads
Alp Akcay
Integrated rolling stock deadhead routing and timetabling in urban rail transit lines pp. 526-559 Downloads
Dian Wang, D’Ariano, Andrea, Jun Zhao, Qingwei Zhong and Qiyuan Peng
Piracy as an entry deterrence strategy in software market pp. 560-572 Downloads
Jiajia Nie, Ling Zhong, Gendao Li and Kuo Cao
Approximations for non-stationary stochastic lot-sizing under (s,Q)-type policy pp. 573-584 Downloads
Xiyuan Ma, Roberto Rossi and Thomas Welsh Archibald
Clonal selection algorithms for optimal product line design: A comparative study pp. 585-595 Downloads
Michail Pantourakis, Stelios Tsafarakis, Konstantinos Zervoudakis, Efthymios Altsitsiadis, Andreas Andronikidis and Vasiliki Ntamadaki
Identifying and visualizing a diverse set of plausible scenarios for strategic planning pp. 596-610 Downloads
Teemu Seeve and Eeva Vilkkumaa
Multicriteria decision support for the evaluation of electricity supply resilience: Exploration of interacting criteria pp. 611-626 Downloads
Eleftherios Siskos and Peter Burgherr
Combining workload balance and patient priority maximisation in operating room planning through hierarchical multi-objective optimisation pp. 627-643 Downloads
Roberto Aringhieri, Davide Duma, Paolo Landa and Simona Mancini
Armchair fans: Modelling audience size for televised football matches pp. 644-655 Downloads
Babatunde Buraimo, David Forrest, Ian G. McHale and Juan de Dios Tena
Modeling risk contagion in the Italian zonal electricity market pp. 656-679 Downloads
Emmanuel Senyo Fianu, Daniel Felix Ahelegbey and Luigi Grossi
Scheduling heterogeneous delivery tasks on a mixed logistics platform pp. 680-698 Downloads
Lu Zhen, Roberto Baldacci, Zheyi Tan, Shuaian Wang and Junyan Lyu
Understanding housing preferences of slum dwellers in India: A community-based operations research approach pp. 699-713 Downloads
Namesh Killemsetty, Michael Johnson and Amit Patel
Interplay of rumor propagation and clarification on social media during crisis events - A game-theoretic approach pp. 714-733 Downloads
Puneet Agarwal, Ridwan Al Aziz and Jun Zhuang
An inter-temporal CAPM based on First order Stochastic Dominance pp. 734-739 Downloads
Moshe Levy
Assessing the impact of jumps in an option pricing model: A gradient estimation approach pp. 740-751 Downloads
Warren Volk-Makarewicz, Svetlana Borovkova and Bernd Heidergott
Satisficing credibility for heterogeneous risks pp. 752-768 Downloads
Ka Chun Cheung, Sheung Chi Phillip Yam and Yiying Zhang
Model risk in the over-the-counter market pp. 769-784 Downloads
Emese Lazar and Shuyuan Qi
New evidence on market response to public announcements in the presence of microstructure noise pp. 785-800 Downloads
Siyu Bian, Teresa Serra, Philip Garcia and Scott Irwin

Volume 298, issue 1, 2022

A survey of scheduling with parallel batch (p-batch) processing pp. 1-24 Downloads
John W. Fowler and Lars Mönch
Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for P*(κ)-linear complementarity problems based on a new type of algebraic equivalent transformation technique pp. 25-35 Downloads
Zsolt Darvay, Tibor Illés and Petra Renáta Rigó
The minimum mean cycle-canceling algorithm for linear programs pp. 36-44 Downloads
Jean Bertrand Gauthier and Jacques Desrosiers
Quasi-convex feasibility problems: Subgradient methods and convergence rates pp. 45-58 Downloads
Yaohua Hu, Gongnong Li, Carisa Kwok Wai Yu and Tsz Leung Yip
A derivative-free trust-region algorithm with copula-based models for probability maximization problems pp. 59-75 Downloads
Emerson Butyn, Elizabeth W. Karas and Welington de Oliveira
Scheduling truck drivers with interdependent routes under European Union regulations pp. 76-88 Downloads
Carlo S. Sartori, Pieter Smet and Greet Vanden Berghe
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem pp. 89-98 Downloads
Krzysztof Fleszar
New formulations and solutions for the strategic berth template problem pp. 99-117 Downloads
Elena Fernández and Manuel Munoz-Marquez
Routing for unmanned aerial vehicles: Touring dimensional sets pp. 118-136 Downloads
Justo Puerto and Carlos Valverde
Betting market equilibrium with heterogeneous beliefs: A prospect theory-based model pp. 137-151 Downloads
Dian Yu, Jianjun Gao and Tongyao Wang
Pareto and Kaldor–Hicks improvements with revenue-sharing and wholesale-price contracts under manufacturer rebate policy pp. 152-168 Downloads
Xiyang Hou, Jianbin Li, Zhixin Liu and Yongjiang Guo
Commercial used apparel collection operations in retail supply chains pp. 169-181 Downloads
Ya-Jun Cai, Tsan-Ming Choi and Ting Zhang
Order batching and batch sequencing in an AMR-assisted picker-to-parts system pp. 182-201 Downloads
Ivan Žulj, Hagen Salewski, Dominik Goeke and Michael Schneider
On the optimality of the earliest due date rule in stochastic scheduling and in queueing pp. 202-212 Downloads
Richard Bryant, Peter Lakner and Michael Pinedo
Discrete conditional-expectation-based simulation optimization: Methodology and applications pp. 213-228 Downloads
Kuo-Hao Chang, Robert Cuckler, Song-Lin Lee and Loo Hay Lee
Sensitivity estimation of conditional value at risk using randomized quasi-Monte Carlo pp. 229-242 Downloads
Zhijian He
Tactical blueprints for surgical weeks – An integrated approach for operating rooms and intensive care units pp. 243-260 Downloads
Sebastian Rachuba, Lisa Imhoff and Brigitte Werners
A limited cost consensus approach with fairness concern and its application pp. 261-275 Downloads
Junliang Du, Sifeng Liu and Yong Liu
Using data envelopment analysis in markovian decision making pp. 276-292 Downloads
Andreas C. Georgiou, Emmanuel Thanassoulis and Alexandra Papadopoulou
A hierarchical interval outranking approach with interacting criteria pp. 293-307 Downloads
Eduardo Fernández, Jorge Navarro and Efrain Solares
Optimizing subscriber migrations for a telecommunication operator in uncertain context pp. 308-321 Downloads
Adrien Cambier, Matthieu Chardy, Rosa Figueiredo, Adam Ouorou and Michael Poss
Dynamic large financial networks via conditional expected shortfalls pp. 322-336 Downloads
Giovanni Bonaccolto, Massimiliano Caporin and Bertrand B. Maillet
Consistent vehicle routing with pickup decisions - Insights from sport academy training transfers pp. 337-350 Downloads
Christian Jost, Alexander Jungwirth, Rainer Kolisch and Sebastian Schiffels
Is normal backwardation normal? Valuing financial futures with a local index-rate covariance pp. 351-367 Downloads
Philippe Raimbourg and Paul Zimmermann
Optimal investment and abandonment decisions for projects with construction uncertainty pp. 368-379 Downloads
Jacco J.J. Thijssen
Simulation methods for robust risk assessment and the distorted mix approach pp. 380-398 Downloads
Sojung Kim and Stefan Weber
Page updated 2025-03-28