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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 260, issue 3, 2017

Feature cluster: Recent advances in exact methods for multi-objective optimisation pp. 805-806 Downloads
Matthias Ehrgott, Ivana Ljubić and Sophie N. Parragh
The vector linear program solver Bensolve – notes on theoretical background pp. 807-813 Downloads
Andreas Löhne and Benjamin Weißing
Discrete representation of the non-dominated set for multi-objective optimization problems using kernels pp. 814-827 Downloads
Cristina Bazgan, Florian Jamain and Daniel Vanderpooten
Re. ``Discrete Representation of Non-dominated Sets in Multi-objective Linear Programming'' [European Journal of Operational Research 255 (2016) 687–698] pp. 828-828 Downloads
Lizhen Shao and Matthias Ehrgott
Reference points and approximation algorithms in multicriteria discrete optimization pp. 829-840 Downloads
Christina Büsing, Kai-Simon Goetzmann, Jannik Matuschke and Sebastian Stiller
Efficient computation of the search region in multi-objective optimization pp. 841-855 Downloads
Kerstin Dächert, Kathrin Klamroth, Renaud Lacour and Daniel Vanderpooten
Multi-objective branch and bound pp. 856-872 Downloads
Anthony Przybylski and Xavier Gandibleux
The Quadrant Shrinking Method: A simple and efficient algorithm for solving tri-objective integer programs pp. 873-885 Downloads
Natashia Boland, Hadi Charkhgard and Martin Savelsbergh
Ordered Weighted Average optimization in Multiobjective Spanning Tree Problem pp. 886-903 Downloads
Elena Fernández, Miguel A. Pozo, Justo Puerto and Andrea Scozzari
A new method for optimizing a linear function over the efficient set of a multiobjective integer program pp. 904-919 Downloads
Natashia Boland, Hadi Charkhgard and Martin Savelsbergh
A branch-and-bound based heuristic algorithm for convex multi-objective MINLPs pp. 920-933 Downloads
Valentina Cacchiani and D’Ambrosio, Claudia
Constraint propagation using dominance in interval Branch & Bound for nonlinear biobjective optimization pp. 934-948 Downloads
Benjamin Martin, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Laurent Granvilliers and Christophe Jermann
Changeover formulations for discrete-time mixed-integer programming scheduling models pp. 949-963 Downloads
Sara Velez, Yachao Dong and Christos T. Maravelias
An efficient bicriteria algorithm for stable robotic flow shop scheduling pp. 964-971 Downloads
Ada Che, Vladimir Kats and Eugene Levner
A methodology for determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics pp. 972-983 Downloads
Jorge A. Soria-Alcaraz, Gabriela Ochoa, Marco A. Sotelo-Figeroa and Edmund K. Burke
Supply chain forecasting when information is not shared pp. 984-994 Downloads
Mohammad M. Ali, Mohamed Zied Babai, John E. Boylan and A.A. Syntetos
The electric location routing problem with time windows and partial recharging pp. 995-1013 Downloads
Maximilian Schiffer and Grit Walther
Flexible lot sizing in hybrid make-to-order/make-to-stock production planning pp. 1014-1023 Downloads
Bart Beemsterboer, Martin Land and Ruud Teunter
Stochastic impulse control with regime-switching dynamics pp. 1024-1042 Downloads
Ralf Korn, Yaroslav Melnyk and Frank Thomas Seifried
Circulation network design for urban rail transit station using a PH(n)/PH(n)/C/C queuing network model pp. 1043-1068 Downloads
Juanxiu Zhu, Lu Hu, Yangsheng Jiang and Afaq Khattak
An interdiction game on a queueing network with multiple intruders pp. 1069-1080 Downloads
Corine M. Laan, Tom van der Mijden, Ana Isabel Barros, Richard J. Boucherie and Herman Monsuur
Supporting strategy using system dynamics pp. 1081-1094 Downloads
Juan Pablo Torres, Martin Kunc and Frances O'Brien
Strategic facility location, capacity acquisition, and technology choice decisions under demand uncertainty: Robust vs. non-robust optimization approaches pp. 1095-1104 Downloads
Aldis Jakubovskis
When and how much to invest? Investment and capacity choice under product life cycle uncertainty pp. 1105-1114 Downloads
Elmar Lukas, Thomas Stefan Spengler, Stefan Kupfer and Karsten Kieckhäfer
Effects of process and outcome controls on business process outsourcing performance: Moderating roles of vendor and client capability risks pp. 1115-1128 Downloads
Shan Liu, Lin Wang and Huang, Wei (Wayne)
Technical efficiency, unions and decentralized labor contracts pp. 1129-1141 Downloads
Francesco Devicienti, Alessandro Manello and Davide Vannoni
Equilibrium joining strategies in batch service queueing systems pp. 1142-1151 Downloads
Olga Bountali and Antonis Economou
Optimization of hospital ward resources with patient relocation using Markov chain modeling pp. 1152-1163 Downloads
Anders Reenberg Andersen, Bo Friis Nielsen and Line Blander Reinhardt
Procurement auctions with ex post cooperation between capacity constrained bidders pp. 1164-1174 Downloads
Jiayan Xu, Yinbo Feng and Wen He
The denominator rule for share-weighting aggregation pp. 1175-1180 Downloads
Rolf Färe and Giannis Karagiannis
Multivariate FX models with jumps: Triangles, Quantos and implied correlation pp. 1181-1199 Downloads
Laura Ballotta, Griselda Deelstra and Grégory Rayée

Volume 260, issue 2, 2017

A unified approach to uncertain optimization pp. 403-420 Downloads
Kathrin Klamroth, Elisabeth Köbis, Anita Schöbel and Christiane Tammer
Cell-and-bound algorithm for chance constrained programs with discrete distributions pp. 421-431 Downloads
Xiaojin Zheng, Baiyi Wu and Xueting Cui
Medium-term power planning in electricity markets with pool and bilateral contracts pp. 432-443 Downloads
L. Marí, N. Nabona and A. Pagès-Bernaus
Solving the maximum min-sum dispersion by alternating formulations of two different problems pp. 444-459 Downloads
Zhazira Amirgaliyeva, Nenad Mladenović, Raca Todosijević and Dragan Urošević
Identification of unidentified equality constraints for integer programming problems pp. 460-467 Downloads
Asghar. Moeini
Competitive algorithms for multistage online scheduling pp. 468-481 Downloads
Michael Hopf, Clemens Thielen and Oliver Wendt
Models and matheuristics for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources pp. 482-493 Downloads
Luis Fanjul-Peyro, Federico Perea and Rubén Ruiz
Markov Chain methods for the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem pp. 494-506 Downloads
Daniel Karapetyan, Abraham P. Punnen and Andrew J. Parkes
Fast approximation algorithms for uniform machine scheduling with processing set restrictions pp. 507-513 Downloads
Joseph Y-T. Leung and C.T. Ng
Two-agent parallel machine scheduling with a restricted number of overlapped reserved tasks pp. 514-519 Downloads
Byung-Cheon Choi and Myoung-Ju Park
Impact of coordination on costs and carbon emissions for a two-echelon serial economic order quantity problem pp. 520-533 Downloads
Yann Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Zied Jemai and Tarkan Tan
Order picking along a crane-supplied pick face: The SKU switching problem pp. 534-545 Downloads
Stefan Schwerdfeger and Nils Boysen
Optimal dynamic pricing and ordering of a perishable product under additive effects of price and time on demand pp. 546-556 Downloads
Avi Herbon and Eugene Khmelnitsky
Integrated operational and financial hedging with capacity reshoring pp. 557-570 Downloads
Lima Zhao and Arnd Huchzermeier
To collaborate or not to collaborate: Prompting upstream eco-efficient innovation in a supply chain pp. 571-587 Downloads
Arda Yenipazarli
Multifirm models of cybersecurity investment competition vs. cooperation and network vulnerability pp. 588-600 Downloads
Anna Nagurney and Shivani Shukla
Strategic planning: Design and coordination for dual-recycling channel reverse supply chain considering consumer behavior pp. 601-612 Downloads
Lipan Feng, Kannan Govindan and Chunfa Li
The study of the unidirectional quay crane scheduling problem: complexity and risk-aversion pp. 613-624 Downloads
Jiang Hang Chen and Michel Bierlaire
A note on “A multi-period profit maximizing model for retail supply chain management” pp. 625-630 Downloads
Wilco van den Heuvel and Albert P.M. Wagelmans
Optimal production, pricing, and substitution policies in continuous review production-inventory systems pp. 631-649 Downloads
Yimin Yu, Biying Shou, Yaodong Ni and Li Chen
Measuring and decomposing profit inefficiency through the Slacks-Based Measure pp. 650-654 Downloads
Juan Aparicio, Lidia Ortiz and Jesus T. Pastor
Semi-disposability of undesirable outputs in data envelopment analysis for environmental assessments pp. 655-664 Downloads
Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang and Fujun Lai
Weighted sum model with partial preference information: Application to multi-objective optimization pp. 665-679 Downloads
Sami Kaddani, Daniel Vanderpooten, Jean-Michel Vanpeperstraete and Hassene Aissi
A retail store SKU promotions optimization model for category multi-period profit maximization pp. 680-692 Downloads
Shaohui Ma and Robert Fildes
A utility-based link prediction method in social networks pp. 693-705 Downloads
Yongli Li, Peng Luo, Zhi-ping Fan, Kun Chen and Jiaguo Liu
Project rankings for participatory budget based on the fuzzy TOPSIS method pp. 706-714 Downloads
Dariusz Walczak and Aleksandra Rutkowska
Crowd performance in prediction of the World Cup 2014 pp. 715-724 Downloads
Daniel O'Leary
The block-information-sharing strategy for task allocation: A case study for structure assembly with aerial robots pp. 725-738 Downloads
L.E. Caraballo, J.M. Díaz-Báñez, I. Maza and A. Ollero
Capacity planning with technology replacement by stochastic dynamic programming pp. 739-750 Downloads
Kung-Jeng Wang and Phuc Hong Nguyen
Mean-VaR portfolio optimization: A nonparametric approach pp. 751-766 Downloads
Khin T. Lwin, Rong Qu and Bart L. MacCarthy
Truthfulness with value-maximizing bidders: On the limits of approximation in combinatorial markets pp. 767-777 Downloads
Salman Fadaei and Martin Bichler
Attributing credit to coauthors in academic publishing: The 1/n rule, parallelization, and team bonuses pp. 778-788 Downloads
Louis de Mesnard
Economies of scale, technical change and persistent and time-varying cost efficiency in Indian banking: Do ownership, regulation and heterogeneity matter? pp. 789-803 Downloads
Oleg Badunenko and Subal Kumbhakar

Volume 260, issue 1, 2017

An iterative pseudo-gap enumeration approach for the Multidimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem pp. 1-11 Downloads
Chao Gao, Guanzhou Lu, Xin Yao and Jinlong Li
Parallel batch scheduling with inclusive processing set restrictions and non-identical capacities to minimize makespan pp. 12-20 Downloads
Shuguang Li
Two-stage robust optimization approach to elective surgery and downstream capacity planning pp. 21-40 Downloads
Saba Neyshabouri and Bjorn P. Berg
The generalized independent set problem: Polyhedral analysis and solution approaches pp. 41-55 Downloads
Marco Colombi, Renata Mansini and Martin Savelsbergh
A new exact approach for the 0–1 Collapsing Knapsack Problem pp. 56-69 Downloads
Federico Della Croce, Fabio Salassa and Rosario Scatamacchia
A branch-and-price algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem with piecewise linear cost function pp. 70-80 Downloads
Qian Hu, Wenbin Zhu, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim
Dynamic lot-sizing models with pricing for new products pp. 81-92 Downloads
Xiang Wu, (Yale) Gong, Yeming, Haoxuan Xu, Chengbin Chu and Jinlong Zhang
Order variability in perishable product supply chains pp. 93-107 Downloads
Stefan Minner and Sandra Transchel
A general approach for the location of transfer points on a network with a trip covering criterion and mixed distances pp. 108-121 Downloads
M.C. López-de-los-Mozos, Juan A. Mesa and Anita Schöbel
Strategic ambulance location for heterogeneous regions pp. 122-133 Downloads
Håkon Leknes, Eirik Skorge Aartun, Henrik Andersson, Marielle Christiansen and Tobias Andersson Granberg
A goal programming approach to solve the multiple criteria DEA model pp. 134-139 Downloads
Ana Paula dos Santos Rubem, João Carlos C.B. Soares de Mello and Lidia Angulo Meza
Tax/subsidy and capacity decisions in a two-tier health system with welfare redistributive objective pp. 140-151 Downloads
Qu Qian and Weifen Zhuang
A modified TOPSIS with a different ranking index pp. 152-160 Downloads
Ting Kuo
Characterizations of highway toll pricing methods pp. 161-170 Downloads
Peter Sudhölter and José M. Zarzuelo
Factors that affect the improvement of demand forecast accuracy through point-of-sale reporting pp. 171-182 Downloads
Kathleen S. Hartzel and Charles A. Wood
Financial risk, inventory decision and process improvement for a firm with random capacity pp. 183-194 Downloads
Bo Li and Antonio Arreola-Risa
Risk-averse stochastic path detection pp. 195-211 Downloads
Ricardo Collado, Stephan Meisel and Laura Priekule
Linear models for stockpiling in open-pit mine production scheduling problems pp. 212-221 Downloads
Eduardo Moreno, Mojtaba Rezakhah, Alexandra Newman and Felipe Ferreira
Search for optimal sailing policy pp. 222-231 Downloads
Shaul P. Ladany and Ofer Levi
Monotonicity of minimum distance inefficiency measures for Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 232-243 Downloads
Kazutoshi Ando, Masato Minamide, Kazuyuki Sekitani and Jianming Shi
Binary decision diagrams for generating and storing non-dominated project portfolios with interval-valued project scores pp. 244-254 Downloads
Antti Toppila and Ahti Salo
Scheduling in-house transport vehicles to feed parts to automotive assembly lines pp. 255-267 Downloads
Simon Emde and Michel Gendreau
Matching with indifferences: A comparison of algorithms in the context of course allocation pp. 268-282 Downloads
Franz Diebold and Martin Bichler
Mixed-integer nonlinear programming for aircraft conflict avoidance by sequentially applying velocity and heading angle changes pp. 283-290 Downloads
Sonia Cafieri and Riadh Omheni
A column generation heuristic for optimal wireless sensor network design with mobile sinks pp. 291-304 Downloads
Muhammed Emre Keskin
Effect of element separation in series-parallel systems exposed to random shocks pp. 305-315 Downloads
Gregory Levitin and Maxim Finkelstein
A column generation approach for the integrated shift and task scheduling problem of logistics assistants in hospitals pp. 316-334 Downloads
Jonas Volland, Andreas Fügener and Jens O. Brunner
A multi-objective decision model for investment in energy savings and emission reductions in coal mining pp. 335-347 Downloads
Shiwei Yu, Shuhong Zheng, Shiwei Gao and Juan Yang
Nonstationary Z-Score measures pp. 348-358 Downloads
Davide Salvatore Mare, Fernando Moreira and Roberto Rossi
Decomposing the Luenberger–Hicks–Moorsteen Total Factor Productivity indicator: An application to U.S. agriculture pp. 359-375 Downloads
Frederic Ang and Pieter Kerstens
Endogenous bank risk and efficiency pp. 376-387 Downloads
Manthos Delis, Maria Iosifidi and Mike Tsionas
Using PageRank for non-personalized default rankings in dynamic markets pp. 388-401 Downloads
Michael Scholz, Jella Pfeiffer and Franz Rothlauf
Page updated 2025-03-28