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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 263, issue 3, 2017

Resource constrained routing and scheduling: Review and research prospects pp. 737-754 Downloads
Dimitris C. Paraskevopoulos, Gilbert Laporte, Panagiotis P. Repoussis and Christos D. Tarantilis
Lifted polynomial size formulations for the homogeneous and heterogeneous vehicle routing problems pp. 755-767 Downloads
Valeria Leggieri and Mohamed Haouari
Managing limited retail space for basic products: Space sharing vs. space dedication pp. 768-781 Downloads
Wei Zhang and Kumar Rajaram
On the approximation ratio of the Random Chinese Postman Tour for network search pp. 782-788 Downloads
Thomas Lidbetter
Adaptive Kernel Search: A heuristic for solving Mixed Integer linear Programs pp. 789-804 Downloads
G. Guastaroba, M. Savelsbergh and M.G. Speranza
A branch-and-price algorithm for the Aperiodic Multi-Period Service Scheduling Problem pp. 805-814 Downloads
Elena Fernández, Jörg Kalcsics and Cristina Núñez-del-Toro
Approximation algorithms for scheduling jobs with release times and arbitrary sizes on batch machines with non-identical capacities pp. 815-826 Downloads
Shuguang Li
Collaborative shipping under different cost-sharing agreements pp. 827-837 Downloads
Silvia Valeria Padilla Tinoco, Stefan Creemers and Robert N. Boute
Single-item dynamic lot-sizing problems: An updated survey pp. 838-863 Downloads
Nadjib Brahimi, Nabil Absi, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès and Atle Nordli
A capacity assessment approach for multi-modal transportation systems pp. 864-878 Downloads
Bayan Bevrani, Robert L. Burdett, Ashish Bhaskar and Prasad K.D.V. Yarlagadda
A condition-based maintenance policy for degrading systems with age- and state-dependent operating cost pp. 879-887 Downloads
Bin Liu, Shaomin Wu, Min Xie and Way Kuo
Utilizing individual picker skills to improve order batching in a warehouse pp. 888-899 Downloads
Marek Matusiak, René de Koster and Jari Saarinen
Optimization of safety stocks in models with an order service level objective or constraint pp. 900-909 Downloads
Martin Albrecht
Multi-stage optimization of decision and inhibitory trees for decision tables with many-valued decisions pp. 910-921 Downloads
Mohammad Azad and Mikhail Moshkov
A decision support framework for evaluating revenue performance in sequential purchase contexts pp. 922-934 Downloads
O. Cem Ozturk and Selçuk Karabatı
An approximate dynamic programming approach to attended home delivery management pp. 935-945 Downloads
Xinan Yang and Arne K. Strauss
Multi-objective retrospective optimization using stochastic zigzag search pp. 946-960 Downloads
Honggang Wang
Goal congruence analysis in multi-Division Organizations with shared resources based on data envelopment analysis pp. 961-973 Downloads
Jingjing Ding, Wei Dong, Liang Liang and Joe Zhu
Robust fuzzy quality function deployment based on the mean-end-chain concept: Service station evaluation problem for rail catering services pp. 974-995 Downloads
Xin Wu, Lei Nie and Meng Xu
Optimizing healthcare network design under reference pricing and parameter uncertainty pp. 996-1006 Downloads
Victoire Denoyel, Laurent Alfandari and Aurélie Thiele
Dynamic penalization of fractional directions in the integral simplex using decomposition: Application to aircrew scheduling pp. 1007-1018 Downloads
Samuel Rosat, Frédéric Quesnel, Issmail Elhallaoui and François Soumis
Why did Brexit happen? Using causal mapping to analyse secondary, longitudinal data pp. 1019-1032 Downloads
Duncan Shaw, Chris M. Smith and Judy Scully
Balancing a robotic spot welding manufacturing line: An industrial case study pp. 1033-1048 Downloads
Thiago Cantos Lopes, C.G.S. Sikora, Rafael Gobbi Molina, Daniel Schibelbain, L.C.A. Rodrigues and Leandro Magatão
A customer based supplier selection process that combines quality function deployment, the analytic network process and a Markov chain pp. 1049-1062 Downloads
Mehdi Rajabi Asadabadi
Managing competitive municipal solid waste treatment systems: An agent-based approach pp. 1063-1077 Downloads
Zhou He, Jie Xiong, Tsan Sheng Ng, Bo Fan and Christine A. Shoemaker
Using stochastic frontier analysis to measure the impact of weather on the efficiency of electricity distribution businesses in developing economies pp. 1078-1094 Downloads
Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt
Rational inefficiency, adjustment costs and sequential technologies pp. 1095-1108 Downloads
Benjamin Hampf
Investment strategies, reversibility, and asymmetric information pp. 1109-1122 Downloads
Xue Cui and Takashi Shibata

Volume 263, issue 2, 2017

A survey on risk-averse and robust revenue management pp. 337-348 Downloads
Jochen Gönsch
An LP-based k-means algorithm for balancing weighted point sets pp. 349-355 Downloads
S. Borgwardt, A. Brieden and P. Gritzmann
Nonmonotone gradient methods for vector optimization with a portfolio optimization application pp. 356-366 Downloads
Shaojian Qu, Ying Ji, Jianlin Jiang and Qingpu Zhang
New diagonal bundle method for clustering problems in large data sets pp. 367-379 Downloads
Napsu Karmitsa, Adil M. Bagirov and Sona Taheri
Coordination mechanisms for scheduling games with proportional deterioration pp. 380-389 Downloads
Qianqian Chen, Ling Lin, Zhiyi Tan and Yujie Yan
On biconnected and fragile subgraphs of low diameter pp. 390-400 Downloads
Oleksandra Yezerska, Foad Mahdavi Pajouh and Sergiy Butenko
Competitive two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs on a single parallel-batching machine pp. 401-411 Downloads
Lixin Tang, Xiaoli Zhao, Jiyin Liu and Joseph Y.-T. Leung
Integrated hierarchical forecasting pp. 412-418 Downloads
Clint L.P. Pennings and Jan van Dalen
Order matters – A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Swap-Body Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 419-445 Downloads
Sandra Huber and Martin Josef Geiger
Value of disruption information in an EOQ environment pp. 446-460 Downloads
İsmail Serdar Bakal, Z. Pelin Bayındır and Deniz Esin Emer
Order picking with multiple pickers and due dates – Simultaneous solution of Order Batching, Batch Assignment and Sequencing, and Picker Routing Problems pp. 461-478 Downloads
André Scholz, Daniel Schubert and Gerhard Wäscher
Inventory pooling with environmental constraints using copulas pp. 479-492 Downloads
Lena Silbermayr, Werner Jammernegg and Peter Kischka
Designing granular solution methods for routing problems with time windows pp. 493-509 Downloads
Michael Schneider, Fabian Schwahn and Daniele Vigo
Random orthogonal matrix simulation with exact means, covariances, and multivariate skewness pp. 510-523 Downloads
Michael Hanke, Spiridon Penev, Wolfgang Schief and Alex Weissensteiner
Impact of priority sequencing decisions on on-time probability and expected tardiness of orders in make-to-order production systems with external due-dates pp. 524-539 Downloads
Miray Öner-Közen and Stefan Minner
Reverse adaptive krill herd locally weighted support vector regression for forecasting and trading exchange traded funds pp. 540-558 Downloads
Georgios Sermpinis, Charalampos Stasinakis and Arman Hassanniakalager
Joint signature of two or more systems with applications to multistate systems made up of two-state components pp. 559-570 Downloads
Jean-Luc Marichal, Pierre Mathonet, Jorge Navarro and Christian Paroissin
Additive consistent interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation and likelihood comparison algorithm based group decision making pp. 571-582 Downloads
Shuping Wan, Feng Wang and Jiuying Dong
Towards fully-facilitated discrete event simulation modelling: Addressing the model coding stage pp. 583-595 Downloads
N.C. Proudlove, S. Bisogno, B.S.S. Onggo, A. Calabrese and N. Levialdi Ghiron
Warranty pricing with consumer learning pp. 596-610 Downloads
Yong Lei, Qian Liu and Stephen Shum
Beyond crowd judgments: Data-driven estimation of market value in association football pp. 611-624 Downloads
Oliver Müller, Alexander Simons and Markus Weinmann
Full and fast calibration of the Heston stochastic volatility model pp. 625-638 Downloads
Yiran Cui, Sebastian del Baño Rollin and Guido Germano
The airline long-haul fleet planning problem: The case of TAP service to/from Brazil pp. 639-651 Downloads
Joana S. Carreira, Guglielmo Lulli and António P. Antunes
Container shipping service selection and cargo routing with transshipment limits pp. 652-663 Downloads
Anantaram Balakrishnan and Christian Vad Karsten
A comparison of Monte Carlo tree search and rolling horizon optimization for large-scale dynamic resource allocation problems pp. 664-678 Downloads
Dimitris Bertsimas, J. Daniel Griffith, Vishal Gupta, Mykel J. Kochenderfer and Velibor V. Mišić
Enhancing two-stage modelling methodology for loss given default with support vector machines pp. 679-689 Downloads
Xiao Yao, Jonathan Crook and Galina Andreeva
δ-shock model based on Polya process and its optimal replacement policy pp. 690-697 Downloads
Serkan Eryilmaz
An improved least squares Monte Carlo valuation method based on heteroscedasticity pp. 698-706 Downloads
Frank Fabozzi, Tommaso Paletta and Radu Tunaru
Implications of implicit credit spread volatilities on interest rate modelling pp. 707-718 Downloads
Viviana Fanelli
Multi-objective mean–variance–skewness model for nonconvex and stochastic optimal power flow considering wind power and load uncertainties pp. 719-732 Downloads
J.J. Chen, Q.H. Wu, L.L. Zhang and P.Z. Wu
A note on second order cone programming approach to two-stage network data envelopment analysis pp. 733-735 Downloads
Chuanyin Guo, Fajie Wei and Yao Chen
Page updated 2025-03-28