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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 247, issue 3, 2015

Service supply chain management: A review of operational models pp. 685-698 Downloads
Yulan Wang, Stein Wallace, Bin Shen and Tsan-Ming Choi
Mixed network design using hybrid scatter search pp. 699-710 Downloads
Zohreh Khooban, Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Elnaz Miandoabchi and W.Y. Szeto
A multi-layer line search method to improve the initialization of optimization algorithms pp. 711-720 Downloads
Benjamin Ivorra, Bijan Mohammadi and Angel Manuel Ramos
Mixed integer second-order cone programming formulations for variable selection in linear regression pp. 721-731 Downloads
Ryuhei Miyashiro and Yuichi Takano
A novel multi-objective particle swarm optimization with multiple search strategies pp. 732-744 Downloads
Qiuzhen Lin, Jianqiang Li, Zhihua Du, Jianyong Chen and Zhong Ming
The Partitioning Min–Max Weighted Matching Problem pp. 745-754 Downloads
Dominik Kress, Sebastian Meiswinkel and Erwin Pesch
Integrated production and delivery on parallel batching machines pp. 755-763 Downloads
Kai Li, Zhao-hong Jia and Joseph Y.-T. Leung
The disruptive anti-covering location problem pp. 764-773 Downloads
Matthew R. Niblett and Richard L. Church
The inverse convex ordered 1-median problem on trees under Chebyshev norm and Hamming distance pp. 774-781 Downloads
Kien Trung Nguyen and André Chassein
A speed and departure time optimization algorithm for the pollution-routing problem pp. 782-787 Downloads
Raphael Kramer, Nelson Maculan, Anand Subramanian and Thibaut Vidal
Coordinating decentralized linear programs by exchange of primal information pp. 788-796 Downloads
Martin Albrecht and Hartmut Stadtler
Complexity of routing problems with release dates pp. 797-803 Downloads
Claudia Archetti, Dominique Feillet and M. Grazia Speranza
Supply chain design for unlocking the value of remanufacturing under uncertainty pp. 804-819 Downloads
Wenyi Chen, Beste Kucukyazici, Vedat Verter and María Jesús Sáenz
Non-Gaussian GARCH option pricing models and their diffusion limits pp. 820-830 Downloads
Alexandru Badescu, Robert J. Elliott and Juan-Pablo Ortega
Modeling, forecasting and trading the EUR exchange rates with hybrid rolling genetic algorithms—Support vector regression forecast combinations pp. 831-846 Downloads
Georgios Sermpinis, Charalampos Stasinakis, Konstantinos Theofilatos and Andreas Karathanasopoulos
Optimal dynamic procurement policies for a storable commodity with Lévy prices and convex holding costs pp. 847-858 Downloads
Maria B. Chiarolla, Giorgio Ferrari and Gabriele Stabile
A method for the updating of stochastic kriging metamodels pp. 859-866 Downloads
Bogumił Kamiński
A note on “A goal programming model for incomplete interval multiplicative preference relations and its application in group decision-making” pp. 867-871 Downloads
Zhou-Jing Wang
A linearized value-at-risk model with transaction costs and short selling pp. 872-878 Downloads
Jing-Rung Yu, Wan-Jiun Paul Chiou and Da-Ren Mu
Resource allocation in multi-class dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity pp. 879-894 Downloads
Saeed Yaghoubi, Siamak Noori, Amir Azaron and Brian Fynes
Customers’ strategic behavior in batch arrivals M2/M/1 queue pp. 895-903 Downloads
Sofiane Ziani, Fazia Rahmoune and Mohammed Said Radjef
Product differentiation and entry timing in a continuous time spatial competition model pp. 904-913 Downloads
Takeshi Ebina, Noriaki Matsushima and Daisuke Shimizu
Tracking the market: Dynamic pricing and learning in a changing environment pp. 914-927 Downloads
Arnoud V. den Boer
Tactical berth allocation under uncertainty pp. 928-944 Downloads
Lu Zhen
Scheduling pumpoff operations in onshore oilfields under electric-power constraints pp. 945-956 Downloads
Eduardo Camponogara, Mateus Dubiela Oliveira and Marco Aurélio Schmitz de Aguiar
Second order conic approximation for disassembly line design with joint probabilistic constraints pp. 957-967 Downloads
Mohand Lounes Bentaha, Olga Battaïa, Alexandre Dolgui and S. Jack Hu
Six Sigma performance for non-normal processesAuthor-Name: Aldowaisan, Tariq pp. 968-977 Downloads
Mustapha Nourelfath and Jawad Hassan
Ranking trade resistance variables using data envelopment analysis pp. 978-986 Downloads
Flavius Badau
Procurement auctions with capacity constrained suppliers pp. 987-995 Downloads
Aadhaar Chaturvedi
Cost constrained industry inefficiency pp. 996-1002 Downloads
Antonio Peyrache
Analysis on China's eco-innovations: Regulation context, intertemporal change and regional differences pp. 1003-1012 Downloads
Fuxia Yang and Mian Yang
Multi-level facility location as the maximization of a submodular set function pp. 1013-1016 Downloads
Camilo Ortiz-Astorquiza, Ivan Contreras and Gilbert Laporte

Volume 247, issue 1, 2015

Quantitative models for managing supply chain risks: A reviewAuthor-Name: Fahimnia, Behnam pp. 1-15 Downloads
Christopher S. Tang, Hoda Davarzani and Joseph Sarkis
Minimum edge blocker dominating set problem pp. 16-26 Downloads
Foad Mahdavi Pajouh, Jose L. Walteros, Vladimir Boginski and Eduardo L. Pasiliao
A minimum cost network flow model for the maximum covering and patrol routing problem pp. 27-36 Downloads
R. Dewil, P. Vansteenwegen, D. Cattrysse and D. Van Oudheusden
Improved branching disjunctions for branch-and-bound: An analytic center approach pp. 37-45 Downloads
Samir Elhedhli and Joe Naoum-Sawaya
A bicriterion algorithm for the allocation of cross-trained workers based on operational and human resource objectives pp. 46-59 Downloads
Michael J. Brusco
A comparison of column-generation approaches to the Synchronized Pickup and Delivery Problem pp. 60-71 Downloads
Timo Gschwind
Bounded growth of the bullwhip effect under a class of nonlinear ordering policies pp. 72-82 Downloads
Zhaodong Wang, Xin Wang and Yanfeng Ouyang
Determining the retailer's replenishment policy considering multiple capacitated suppliers and price-sensitive demand pp. 83-92 Downloads
Hamza Adeinat and José A. Ventura
An optimal (r, Q) policy in a stochastic inventory system with all-units quantity discount and limited sharable resource pp. 93-100 Downloads
Shahrzad Tamjidzad and S. Hamid Mirmohammadi
Integrated optimization of safety stock and transportation capacity pp. 101-112 Downloads
Horst Tempelmeier and Oliver Bantel
Integrated production and logistics planning: Contract manufacturing and choice of air/surface transportation pp. 113-123 Downloads
Farshid Azadian, Alper Murat and Ratna Babu Chinnam
Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring: An update of research pp. 124-136 Downloads
Stefan Lessmann, Bart Baesens, Hsin-Vonn Seow and Lyn C. Thomas
Optimal loading of system with random repair time pp. 137-143 Downloads
Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing and Yuanshun Dai
Electricity futures price models: Calibration and forecasting pp. 144-154 Downloads
Suren Islyaev and Paresh Date
The effect of the autocorrelation on the performance of the T2 chart pp. 155-165 Downloads
Roberto Campos Leoni, Antonio Fernando Branco Costa and Marcela Aparecida Guerreiro Machado
Optimizing mining complexes with multiple processing and transportation alternatives: An uncertainty-based approach pp. 166-178 Downloads
Luis Montiel and Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Achieving customer satisfaction through product–service systems pp. 179-190 Downloads
Jeh-Nan Pan and Hung Thi Ngoc Nguyen
National-strategic investment in European power transmission capacity pp. 191-203 Downloads
Daniel Huppmann and Jonas Egerer
Heterogeneous beliefs, regret, and uncertainty: The role of speculation in energy price dynamics pp. 204-215 Downloads
Marc Joëts
Multi-criteria decision analysis for supporting the selection of medical devices under uncertainty pp. 216-228 Downloads
Ilya Ivlev, Jakub Vacek and Peter Kneppo
Capacitated p-center problem with failure foresight pp. 229-244 Downloads
Inmaculada Espejo, Alfredo Marín and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
Dependence among single stations in series and its applications in productivity improvement pp. 245-258 Downloads
Kan Wu and Ning Zhao
Joining the CCS club! The economics of CO2 pipeline projects pp. 259-275 Downloads
Olivier Massol, Stephane Tchung-Ming and Albert Banal-Estanol
A system dynamics view of the acute bed blockage problem in the Irish healthcare system pp. 276-293 Downloads
Wael Rashwan, Waleed Abo-Hamad and Amr Arisha
A simulation model to enable the optimization of ambulance fleet allocation and base station location for increased patient survival pp. 294-309 Downloads
Richard McCormack and Graham Coates
Defining line replaceable units pp. 310-320 Downloads
J.E. Parada Puig and R.J.I. Basten
An integrated approach for planning a long-term care network with uncertainty, strategic policy and equity considerations pp. 321-334 Downloads
Teresa Cardoso, Monica Oliveira, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa and Stefan Nickel
Decomposing profit efficiency using a slack-based directional distance function pp. 335-337 Downloads
Rolf Färe, Hirofumi Fukuyama, Shawna Grosskopf and Valentin Zelenyuk
Corrigendum to ‘‘Solving mixed model sequencing problem in assembly lines with serial workstations with work overload minimisation and interruption rules’’ [Eur. J. Oper. Res. 210 (2011) 495–513] pp. 338-338 Downloads
Joaquín Bautista and Alberto Cano
Page updated 2025-03-28