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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 239, issue 3, 2014

Synchronization in cross-docking networks: A research classification and framework pp. 593-608 Downloads
Paul Buijs, Iris F.A. Vis and Héctor J. Carlo
Retail store scheduling for profit pp. 609-624 Downloads
Nicolas Chapados, Marc Joliveau, L’Ecuyer, Pierre and Louis-Martin Rousseau
An adaptive stochastic knapsack problem pp. 625-635 Downloads
Kai Chen and Sheldon M. Ross
Minmax regret 1-facility location on uncertain path networks pp. 636-643 Downloads
Haitao Wang
Modeling lotsizing and scheduling problems with sequence dependent setups pp. 644-662 Downloads
Luis Guimarães, Diego Klabjan and Bernardo Almada-Lobo
Buyback contracts with price-dependent demands: Effects of demand uncertainty pp. 663-673 Downloads
Yingxue Zhao, Tsan-Ming Choi, T.C.E. Cheng, Suresh P. Sethi and Shouyang Wang
Confidence-based optimisation for the newsvendor problem under binomial, Poisson and exponential demand pp. 674-684 Downloads
Roberto Rossi, Steven Prestwich, S. Armagan Tarim and Brahim Hnich
Managing raw material in supply chains pp. 685-698 Downloads
Anupam Agrawal
More than a second channel? Supply chain strategies in B2B spot markets pp. 699-710 Downloads
Wei Xing, Liming Liu and Shouyang Wang
Robust ordinal regression for value functions handling interacting criteria pp. 711-730 Downloads
Salvatore Greco, Vincent Mousseau and Roman Słowiński
Distributed localized bi-objective search pp. 731-743 Downloads
Bilel Derbel, Jérémie Humeau, Arnaud Liefooghe and Sébastien Verel
Environmental implications for online retailing pp. 744-755 Downloads
Janice E. Carrillo, Asoo J. Vakharia and Ruoxuan Wang
Sufficient conditions under which SSD- and MR-efficient sets are identical pp. 756-763 Downloads
Frank Schuhmacher and Benjamin R. Auer
Mean-risk analysis with enhanced behavioral content pp. 764-775 Downloads
Alessandra Cillo and Philippe Delquié
Decomposing technical inefficiency using the principle of least action pp. 776-785 Downloads
Juan Aparicio, Bernhard Mahlberg, Jesus Pastor and Biresh K. Sahoo
Investment under duality risk measure pp. 786-793 Downloads
Zuo Quan Xu
Analytic hierarchy process-hesitant group decision making pp. 794-801 Downloads
Bin Zhu and Zeshui Xu
The stochastic ordering of mean-preserving transformations and its applications pp. 802-809 Downloads
Wanshan Zhu and Zhengping Wu
Impulse control of pension fund contributions, in a regime switching economy pp. 810-819 Downloads
Donatien Hainaut
Scheduling the part supply of mixed-model assembly lines in line-integrated supermarkets pp. 820-829 Downloads
Nils Boysen and Simon Emde
Spanning trees with variable degree bounds pp. 830-841 Downloads
L. Gouveia, P. Moura, M. Ruthmair and A. Sousa
Robust option pricing pp. 842-853 Downloads
Chaithanya Bandi and Dimitris Bertsimas
The design of simple subcontracting rules for make-to-order shops: An assessment by simulation pp. 854-864 Downloads
Matthias Thürer, Mark Stevenson, Ting Qu and Moacir Godinho Filho
Notes on ‘Hit-And-Run enables efficient weight generation for simulation-based multiple criteria decision analysis’ pp. 865-867 Downloads
Gert van Valkenhoef, Tommi Tervonen and Douwe Postmus
A note on “Seller’s optimal credit period and cycle time in a supply chain for deteriorating items with maximum lifetime” pp. 868-871 Downloads
Chung-Yuan Dye, Chih-Te Yang and Fang-Cheng Kung

Volume 239, issue 2, 2014

Loading, unloading and premarshalling of stacks in storage areas: Survey and classification pp. 297-312 Downloads
Jana Lehnfeld and Sigrid Knust
A “reduce and solve” approach for the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack problem pp. 313-322 Downloads
Yuning Chen and Jin-Kao Hao
A scatter search algorithm for the distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem pp. 323-334 Downloads
Bahman Naderi and Rubén Ruiz
MIP models for resource-constrained project scheduling with flexible resource profiles pp. 335-348 Downloads
Anulark Naber and Rainer Kolisch
Finding maximum subgraphs with relatively large vertex connectivity pp. 349-362 Downloads
Alexander Veremyev, Oleg A. Prokopyev, Vladimir Boginski and Eduardo L. Pasiliao
Qualifying for a government’s scrappage program to stimulate consumers’ trade-in transactions? Analysis of an automobile supply chain involving a manufacturer and a retailer pp. 363-376 Downloads
Jian Huang, Mingming Leng, Liping Liang and Chunlin Luo
Make-or-buy service capacity decision in a supply chain providing after-sales service pp. 377-388 Downloads
Gang Li, Feng Feng Huang, T.C.E. Cheng, Quan Zheng and Ping Ji
Reciprocal supply chain with intention pp. 389-402 Downloads
Shaofu Du, Tengfei Nie, Chengbin Chu and Yugang Yu
Sensitivity analysis of the newsvendor model pp. 403-412 Downloads
Avijit Khanra, Chetan Soman and Tathagata Bandyopadhyay
An adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for a selective and periodic inventory routing problem pp. 413-426 Downloads
Deniz Aksen, Onur Kaya, F. Sibel Salman and Özge Tüncel
A stochastic appointment scheduling system on multiple resources with dynamic call-in sequence and patient no-shows for an outpatient clinic pp. 427-436 Downloads
Pei-Fang Jennifer Tsai and Guei-Yu Teng
Applying oracles of on-demand accuracy in two-stage stochastic programming – A computational study pp. 437-448 Downloads
Christian Wolf, Csaba I. Fábián, Achim Koberstein and Leena Suhl
Generalized moment-independent importance measures based on Minkowski distance pp. 449-455 Downloads
Qingqing Zhai, Jun Yang, Min Xie and Yu Zhao
Equilibrium arrival times to a queue with order penalties pp. 456-468 Downloads
Liron Ravner
Infrastructure security games pp. 469-478 Downloads
Melike Baykal-Gürsoy, Zhe Duan, H. Vincent Poor and Andrey Garnaev
An equilibrium efficiency frontier data envelopment analysis approach for evaluating decision-making units with fixed-sum outputs pp. 479-489 Downloads
Min Yang, Yongjun Li, Ya Chen and Liang Liang
Decision-network polynomials and the sensitivity of decision-support models pp. 490-503 Downloads
Emanuele Borgonovo and Fabio Tonoli
Combining the assumptions of variable and constant returns to scale in the efficiency evaluation of secondary schools pp. 504-513 Downloads
Victor V. Podinovski, Ihsan Ismail, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva and Wenjuan Zhang
The SMAA-PROMETHEE method pp. 514-522 Downloads
Salvatore Corrente, José Rui Figueira and Salvatore Greco
Newsvendor models for innovative products with one-shot decision theory pp. 523-536 Downloads
Peijun Guo and Xiuyan Ma
Decision making under uncertainty with unknown utility function and rank-ordered probabilities pp. 537-541 Downloads
Vladislav V. Podinovski
Licensing radical product innovations to speed up the diffusion pp. 542-555 Downloads
Vardan Avagyan, Mercedes Esteban-Bravo and Jose Vidal-Sanz
Likelihood estimation of consumer preferences in choice-based conjoint analysis pp. 556-564 Downloads
Merja Halme and Markku Kallio
Optimal exercise of jointly held real options: A Nash bargaining approach with value diversion pp. 565-578 Downloads
Shantanu Banerjee, Ufuk Güçbilmez and Grzegorz Pawlina
All-pay auctions with pre- and post-bidding options pp. 579-592 Downloads
Fredrik Ødegaard and Chris K. Anderson

Volume 239, issue 1, 2014

Network data envelopment analysis: A review pp. 1-16 Downloads
Chiang Kao
Minmax robustness for multi-objective optimization problems pp. 17-31 Downloads
Matthias Ehrgott, Jonas Ide and Anita Schöbel
Optimistic MILP modeling of non-linear optimization problems pp. 32-45 Downloads
Riccardo Rovatti, D’Ambrosio, Claudia, Andrea Lodi and Silvano Martello
Exploring trust region method for the solution of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem pp. 46-57 Downloads
Bojian Zhou, Xuhong Li and Jie He
A block-based layer building approach for the 2D guillotine strip packing problem pp. 58-69 Downloads
Lijun Wei, Tian Tian, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim
A priori orienteering with time windows and stochastic wait times at customers pp. 70-79 Downloads
Shu Zhang, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann and Barrett W. Thomas
Approximation algorithms for solving the constrained arc routing problem in mixed graphs pp. 80-88 Downloads
Honglin Ding, Jianping Li and Ko-Wei Lih
Multiobjective shortest path problems with lexicographic goal-based preferences pp. 89-101 Downloads
Francisco Javier Pulido, Lawrence Mandow and José Luis Pérez de la Cruz
Efficient elementary and restricted non-elementary route pricing pp. 102-111 Downloads
Rafael Martinelli, Diego Pecin and Marcus Poggi
Solving the logit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem with elastic demand based on the extended traffic network model pp. 112-118 Downloads
Qian Yu, Debin Fang and Wei Du
How should process capabilities be combined to leverage supplier relationships competitively? pp. 119-129 Downloads
Xinlin Tang and Arun Rai
Supply chain performance and consumer surplus under alternative structures of channel dominance pp. 130-145 Downloads
Weili Xue, Ozgun Caliskan Demirag and Baozhuang Niu
A heuristic solution technique to attain the minimal total cost bounds of transporting a homogeneous product with varying demands and supplies pp. 146-156 Downloads
Z.A.M.S. Juman and M.A. Hoque
Measuring and rewarding flexibility in collaborative distribution, including two-partner coalitions pp. 157-165 Downloads
Christine Vanovermeire and Kenneth Sörensen
Risk averse decision making under catastrophic risk pp. 166-176 Downloads
Bogdan Grechuk and Michael Zabarankin
Three-level warranty service contract among manufacturer, agent and customer: A game-theoretical approach pp. 177-186 Downloads
M. Esmaeili, N. Shamsi Gamchi and E. Asgharizadeh
Optimal cost sharing for capacitated facility location games pp. 187-198 Downloads
Tobias Harks and Philipp von Falkenhausen
Robust decomposable Markov decision processes motivated by allocating school budgets pp. 199-213 Downloads
Nedialko B. Dimitrov, Stanko Dimitrov and Stefanka Chukova
A branch and bound based heuristic for makespan minimization of washing operations in hospital sterilization services pp. 214-226 Downloads
Onur Ozturk, Mehmet A. Begen and Gregory S. Zaric
Master surgery scheduling with consideration of multiple downstream units pp. 227-236 Downloads
Andreas Fügener, Erwin W. Hans, Rainer Kolisch, Nikky Kortbeek and Peter T. Vanberkel
Measuring the impacts of production risk on technical efficiency: A state-contingent conditional order-m approach pp. 237-242 Downloads
Teresa Serra and Alfons Oude Lansink
Optimized appointment scheduling pp. 243-255 Downloads
Benjamin Kemper, Chris A.J. Klaassen and Michel Mandjes
The Terminal-Oriented Ship Stowage Planning Problem pp. 256-265 Downloads
Maria Flavia Monaco, Marcello Sammarra and Gregorio Sorrentino
Technology adoption with limited foresight and uncertain technological learning pp. 266-275 Downloads
Huayi Chen and Tieju Ma
A methodology based on profitability criteria for defining the partial defection of customers in non-contractual settings pp. 276-285 Downloads
M. Clemente-Císcar, S. San Matías and V. Giner-Bosch
Efficient firm groups: Allocative efficiency in cooperative games pp. 286-296 Downloads
Walter Briec and Stéphane Mussard
Page updated 2025-03-28