European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 300, issue 3, 2022
- OR for entrepreneurial ecosystems: A problem-oriented review and agenda pp. 791-808

- Elias G. Carayannis, Evangelos Grigoroudis and Bernd Wurth
- A fast and scalable bottom-left-fill algorithm to solve nesting problems using a semi-discrete representation pp. 809-826

- Sahar Chehrazad, Dirk Roose and Tony Wauters
- Network flow methods for the minimum covariate imbalance problem pp. 827-836

- Dorit S. Hochbaum, Xu Rao and Jason Sauppe
- The min-max close-enough arc routing problem pp. 837-851

- Nicola Bianchessi, Ángel Corberán, Isaac Plana, Miguel Reula and José M. Sanchis
- Reliability in public transit networks considering backup itineraries pp. 852-864

- Michael Redmond, Ann Melissa Campbell and Jan Fabian Ehmke
- Impact of the arm’s length regulation on a supply chain with asymmetric retailers pp. 865-883

- Se-Youn Jung, Woonghee Tim Huh and Kun Soo Park
- Time- and price-based product differentiation in hybrid distribution with stockout-based substitution pp. 884-901

- Ramzi Hammami, Erfan Asgari, Yannick Frein and Imen Nouira
- A branch-and-price algorithm for solving the single-hub feeder network design problem pp. 902-916

- Erik Orm Hellsten, David Sacramento and David Pisinger
- Optimal supplier inventory control policies when buyer purchase incidence is driven by past service pp. 917-936

- George Liberopoulos and Michalis Deligiannis
- Dynamic policies for resource reallocation in a robotic mobile fulfillment system with time-varying demand pp. 937-952

- T. Lamballais, M. Merschformann, Delphine Roy, M.B.M. de Koster, K. Azadeh and L. Suhl
- Submodularity and local search approaches for maximum capture problems under generalized extreme value models pp. 953-965

- Tien Thanh Dam, Thuy Anh Ta and Tien Mai
- Substitution-based equipment balancing in service networks with multiple equipment types pp. 966-978

- Yu Yang, Yassine Ridouane, Natashia Boland, Alan Erera and Martin Savelsbergh
- Maintenance optimization for a single wind turbine component under time-varying costs pp. 979-991

- Thijs Nicolaas Schouten, Rommert Dekker, Mustafa Hekimoğlu and Ayse Sena Eruguz
- A cumulative unmanned aerial vehicle routing problem approach for humanitarian coverage path planning pp. 992-1004

- Nikolaos A. Kyriakakis, Magdalene Marinaki, Nikolaos Matsatsinis and Yannis Marinakis
- The vehicle routing problem with load-dependent travel times for cargo bicycles pp. 1005-1016

- Pirmin Fontaine
- Waste reduction in the supply chain of a deteriorating food item – Impact of supply structure on retailer performance pp. 1017-1034

- Patrick Beullens and Yousef Ghiami
- Put your money where your forecast is: Supply chain collaborative forecasting with cost-function-based prediction markets pp. 1035-1049

- Majid Karimi and Nima Zaerpour
- Should a retailer bargain over a wholesale price with a manufacturer using a dual-channel supply chain? pp. 1050-1066

- Kenji Matsui
- Impact of financial incentives on green manufacturing: Loan guarantee vs. interest subsidy pp. 1067-1080

- Wei Jin, Wen Ding and Jun Yang
- An assign-and-route matheuristic for the time-dependent inventory routing problem pp. 1081-1097

- Faycal A. Touzout, Anne-Laure Ladier and Khaled Hadj-Hamou
- The multiphase course timetabling problem pp. 1098-1119

- Rasul Esmaeilbeigi, Vicky Mak-Hau, John Yearwood and Vivian Nguyen
- Models and algorithms for an integrated vessel scheduling and tug assignment problem within a canal harbor pp. 1120-1135

- Matteo Petris, Paola Pellegrini and Raffaele Pesenti
- Optimal intervention in economic networks using influence maximization methods pp. 1136-1148

- Ariah Klages-Mundt and Andreea Minca
- Approximate value adjustments for European claims pp. 1149-1161

- Fabio Antonelli, Alessandro Ramponi and Sergio Scarlatti
- Leaving well-worn paths: Reversal of the investment-uncertainty relationship and flexible biogas plant operation pp. 1162-1176

- Gordon Briest, Lars-Peter Lauven, Stefan Kupfer and Elmar Lukas
- Inverse Gaussian processes with correlated random effects for multivariate degradation modeling pp. 1177-1193

- Guanqi Fang, Rong Pan and Yukun Wang
Volume 300, issue 2, 2022
- Operations research in optimal power flow: A guide to recent and emerging methodologies and applications pp. 387-404

- J. Kyle Skolfield and Adolfo R. Escobedo
- A reference set based many-objective co-evolutionary algorithm with an application to the knapsack problem pp. 405-417

- H. Mert Sahinkoc and Ümit Bilge
- A deep reinforcement learning based hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimisation with uncertainties pp. 418-427

- Yuchang Zhang, Ruibin Bai, Rong Qu, Chaofan Tu and Jiahuan Jin
- A network sensor location problem for link flow observability and estimation pp. 428-448

- Ning Zhu, Chenyi Fu, Xuanyi Zhang and Shoufeng Ma
- Lead-time quotation and hedging coordination in make-to-order supply chain pp. 449-460

- Yue Zhai and T.C.E. Cheng
- Forecast adjustments during post-promotional periods pp. 461-472

- Harsha Chamara Hewage, H. Niles Perera and Shari De Baets
- Meta partial benders decomposition for the logistics service network design problem pp. 473-489

- Simon Belieres, Mike Hewitt, Nicolas Jozefowiez and Frédéric Semet
- Integration of development and advertising strategies for multi-attribute products under competition pp. 490-503

- Yingchen Yan, Qiuhong Zhao, Zhongfeng Qin and Gaoji Sun
- Two-machine flow shop scheduling with a common due date to maximize total early work pp. 504-511

- Xin Chen, Qian Miao, Bertrand M.T. Lin, Malgorzata Sterna and Jacek Blazewicz
- An iterative two-stage heuristic algorithm for a bilevel service network design and pricing model pp. 512-526

- Christine Tawfik, Bernard Gendron and Sabine Limbourg
- Order picking optimization with rack-moving mobile robots and multiple workstations pp. 527-544

- Yanling Zhuang, Yun Zhou, Yufei Yuan, Xiangpei Hu and Elkafi Hassini
- Iterated greedy algorithms for a complex parallel machine scheduling problem pp. 545-560

- Davi Mecler, Victor Abu-Marrul, Rafael Martinelli and Arild Hoff
- Optimizing revenue while showing relevant assortments at scale pp. 561-570

- Theja Tulabandhula, Deeksha Sinha and Saketh Karra
- The parallel drone scheduling problem with multiple drones and vehicles pp. 571-589

- Raïssa G. Mbiadou Saleu, Laurent Deroussi, Dominique Feillet, Nathalie Grangeon and Alain Quilliot
- Newsvendor problems: An integrated method for estimation and optimisation pp. 590-601

- Congzheng Liu, Adam N. Letchford and Ivan Svetunkov
- Timed route approaches for large multi-product multi-step capacitated production planning problems pp. 602-614

- Sébastien Beraudy, Nabil Absi and Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
- Optimal timing of acquisition price announcement for used products in a dual-recycling channel reverse supply chain pp. 615-632

- Kenji Matsui
- A subsidy policy to managing hazmat risk in railroad transportation network pp. 633-646

- Nishit Bhavsar and Manish Verma
- Price competition and blockchain adoption in retailing markets pp. 647-660

- Zhiming Zhang, Da Ren, Yanfei Lan and Shanxue Yang
- Managing brand competition with consumer fairness concern via manufacturer incentive pp. 661-675

- Niu Yu, Shumei Wang and Zhixin Liu
- A novel mixed integer programming model for freight train travel time estimation pp. 676-688

- Bijan Taslimi, Farnaz Babaie Sarijaloo, Hongcheng Liu and Panos M. Pardalos
- Synchronizing victim evacuation and debris removal: A data-driven robust prediction approach pp. 689-712

- S.M. Nabavi, Behnam Vahdani, B. Afshar Nadjafi and M.A. Adibi
- Extensions for Benders cuts and new valid inequalities for solving the European day-ahead electricity market clearing problem efficiently pp. 713-726

- Gökhan Ceyhan, Murat Köksalan and Banu Lokman
- Optimal decision of dynamic wealth allocation with life insurance for mitigating health risk under market incompleteness pp. 727-742

- Chang-Chih Chen, Chia-Chien Chang, Edward W. Sun and Min-Teh Yu
- Bilevel integer programming on a Boolean network for discovering critical genetic alterations in cancer development and therapy pp. 743-754

- Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee, Sunil Chopra and Steve Kwon
- A multi-level optimization model of infrastructure-dependent technology adoption: Overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem pp. 755-770

- Max T. Brozynski and Benjamin D. Leibowicz
- To expand and to abandon: Real options under asset variance risk premium pp. 771-787

- Hedayat Alibeiki and Babak Lotfaliei
Volume 300, issue 1, 2022
- A tutorial on the balanced minimum evolution problem pp. 1-19

- Daniele Catanzaro, Martin Frohn, Olivier Gascuel and Raffaele Pesenti
- An exact algorithm for two-dimensional vector packing problem with volumetric weight and general costs pp. 20-34

- Ting Wang, Qian Hu and Andrew Lim
- A fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the probability maximizing shortest path problem pp. 35-45

- Jisun Lee, Seulgi Joung and Kyungsik Lee
- Exact solutions for the two-machine robust flow shop with budgeted uncertainty pp. 46-57

- Mario Levorato, Rosa Figueiredo and Yuri Frota
- An inventory model with discounts for omnichannel retailers of slow moving items pp. 58-72

- Adriana F. Gabor, Jan-Kees van Ommeren and Andrei Sleptchenko
- Distributionally robust optimization under endogenous uncertainty with an application in retrofitting planning pp. 73-84

- Xuan Vinh Doan
- Should a domestic firm carve out a niche in overseas markets? Value of purchasing agents pp. 85-94

- Xiutian Shi, Jianxi Tang and Ciwei Dong
- Inventory decisions for humanitarian aid materials considering budget constraints pp. 95-111

- Müge Acar and Onur Kaya
- A multiperiod competitive supply chain framework with environmental policies and investments in sustainable operations pp. 112-123

- Min Yu, Jose M. Cruz, Dong Li and Amir H. Masoumi
- Improving inventory system performance by selective purchasing of buyers’ willingness to wait pp. 124-136

- Muzaffer Alım and Patrick Beullens
- Efficient algorithms for the joint replenishment problem with minimum order quantities pp. 137-150

- Ana Muriel, Tammana Chugh and Michael Prokle
- An analytical model to characterize consumption and wastage of fresh fruit and vegetables in households pp. 151-163

- Subhamoy Ganguly and David J. Robb
- Scheduled service network design with revenue management considerations and an intermodal barge transportation illustration pp. 164-177

- Ioana C. Bilegan, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Yunfei Wang
- Minimum costs paths in intermodal transportation networks with stochastic travel times and overbookings pp. 178-188

- Bernard G. Zweers and Rob D. van der Mei
- A rolling-horizon approach for multi-period optimization pp. 189-206

- Lukas Glomb, Frauke Liers and Florian Rösel
- Valid inequalities and branch-and-cut algorithm for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with multiple stacks pp. 207-220

- Armando Honorio Pereira, Geraldo Robson Mateus and Sebastián Alberto Urrutia
- Pickup and delivery problems with autonomous vehicles on rings pp. 221-236

- Manuel Trotta, Claudia Archetti, Dominique Feillet and Alain Quilliot
- Routing multiple work teams to minimize latency in post-disaster road network restoration pp. 237-254

- Meraj Ajam, Vahid Akbari and F. Sibel Salman
- Data envelopment analysis approaches for two-level production and distribution planning problems pp. 255-268

- Ichiro Nishizaki, Tomohiro Hayashida, Shinya Sekizaki and Junya Okabe
- Procedures for ranking technical and cost efficient units: With a focus on nonconvexity pp. 269-281

- Kristiaan Kerstens, Jafar Sadeghi, Mehdi Toloo and Ignace Van de Woestyne
- Push or Pull? The impact of ordering policy choice on the dynamics of a hybrid closed-loop supply chain pp. 282-295

- Junyi Lin, Li Zhou, Virginia L.M. Spiegler, Mohamed M. Naim and Aris Syntetos
- Price-volume agreements: A one principal/two agents model pp. 296-309

- Francesco Biancalani, Giorgio Gnecco and Massimo Riccaboni
- A greedy algorithm for the social golfer and the Oberwolfach problem pp. 310-319

- Daniel Schmand, Marc Schröder and Laura Vargas Koch
- Optimizing package express operations in China pp. 320-335

- Barış Yıldız and Martin Savelsbergh
- The implications of crop minimum support price in the presence of myopic and strategic farmers pp. 336-349

- Prashant Chintapalli and Christopher S. Tang
- Multi-market portfolio optimization with conditional value at risk pp. 350-365

- Stefano Nasini, Martine Labbé and Luce Brotcorne
- Environmental agreements, research and technological spillovers pp. 366-377

- Thomas Eichner and Gilbert Kollenbach
- On the Shapley value of liability games pp. 378-386

- Péter Csóka, Ferenc Illés and Tamás Solymosi
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