European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 271, issue 3, 2018
- Degradation data analysis and remaining useful life estimation: A review on Wiener-process-based methods pp. 775-796

- Zhengxin Zhang, Xiaosheng Si, Changhua Hu and Yaguo Lei
- Smooth approximations to monotone concave functions in production analysis: An alternative to nonparametric concave least squares pp. 797-807

- Mike Tsionas and Marwan Izzeldin
- A stochastic multiple gradient descent algorithm pp. 808-817

- Quentin Mercier, Fabrice Poirion and Jean-Antoine Désidéri
- Optimal mission abort policy for partially repairable heterogeneous systems pp. 818-825

- Ji Hwan Cha, Maxim Finkelstein and Gregory Levitin
- A branch-and-price algorithm for scheduling of deteriorating jobs and flexible periodic maintenance on a single machine pp. 826-838

- Ting Wang, Roberto Baldacci, Andrew Lim and Qian Hu
- Algorithms for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with a resource constraint pp. 839-848

- Krzysztof Fleszar and Khalil S. Hindi
- A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the maximum quasi-clique problem pp. 849-865

- Bruno Q. Pinto, Celso C. Ribeiro, Isabel Rosseti and Alexandre Plastino
- A Profit-Maximization Location-Routing-Pricing Problem: A Branch-and-Price Algorithm pp. 866-881

- Amir Ahmadi-Javid, Elahe Amiri and Mahla Meskar
- Solving the accessibility windows assembly line problem level 1 and variant 1 (AWALBP-L1-1) with precedence constraints pp. 882-895

- Alberto García-Villoria, Albert Corominas, Adrià Nadal and Rafael Pastor
- Failure-specific cooperative recourse strategy for simultaneous pickup and delivery problem with stochastic demands pp. 896-912

- Lin Zhu and Jiuh-Biing Sheu
- When remanufacturing meets product quality improvement: The impact of production cost pp. 913-925

- Gendao Li, Marc Reimann and Weihua Zhang
- Cooperation and sharing costs in a tandem queueing network pp. 926-933

- Dan Bendel and Moshe Haviv
- An algorithmic approach to analysing the reliability of a controllable unreliable queue with two heterogeneous servers pp. 934-952

- Dmitry Efrosinin and Janos Sztrik
- Inpatient boarding in emergency departments: Impact on patient delays and system capacity pp. 953-967

- Raïsa Carmen, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse and Benny Van Houdt
- When to adopt a service innovation: Nash equilibria in a competitive diffusion framework pp. 968-984

- M. Fazıl Paç, Sergei Savin and Chander Velu
- On supply-function equilibria in radial transmission networks pp. 985-1000

- P. Holmberg and A.B. Philpott
- Many-Objective Pareto Local Search pp. 1001-1013

- Andrzej Jaszkiewicz
- The bi-objective insular traveling salesman problem with maritime and ground transportation costs pp. 1014-1036

- Pablo A. Miranda, Carola A. Blazquez, Carlos Obreque, Javier Maturana-Ross and Gabriel Gutierrez-Jarpa
- Deterministic electric power infrastructure planning: Mixed-integer programming model and nested decomposition algorithm pp. 1037-1054

- Cristiana L. Lara, Dharik S. Mallapragada, Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Aranya Venkatesh and Ignacio E. Grossmann
- Accelerating the Branch-and-Price Algorithm Using Machine Learning pp. 1055-1069

- Roman Václavík, Antonín Novák, Přemysl Šůcha and Zdeněk Hanzálek
- Solution methods for the tray optimization problem pp. 1070-1084

- Twan Dollevoet, J. Theresia van Essen and Kristiaan M. Glorie
- Scheduling last-mile deliveries with truck-based autonomous robots pp. 1085-1099

- Nils Boysen, Stefan Schwerdfeger and Felix Weidinger
- A model to optimize rack layout in a retail store pp. 1100-1112

- Corinne H. Mowrey, Pratik J. Parikh and Kevin R. Gue
- Systematic Effects among Loss Given Defaults and their Implications on Downturn Estimation pp. 1113-1144

- Jennifer Betz, Ralf Kellner and Daniel Rösch
- Theory into practice, practice to theory: Action research in method development pp. 1145-1155

- Colin Eden and Fran Ackermann
- Information disclosure strategies for the intermediary and competitive sellers pp. 1156-1173

- Tao Zhang, Gang Li, Kin Keung Lai and John W.K. Leung
Volume 271, issue 2, 2018
- A review of choice-based revenue management: Theory and methods pp. 375-387

- Arne K. Strauss, Robert Klein and Claudius Steinhardt
- Two-machine flow shop and open shop scheduling problems with a single maintenance window pp. 388-400

- Gur Mosheiov, Assaf Sarig, Vitaly A Strusevich and Jonathan Mosheiff
- Stabilized branch-and-price algorithms for vector packing problems pp. 401-419

- Katrin Heßler, Timo Gschwind and Stefan Irnich
- Robust allocation of operating rooms: A cutting plane approach to handle lognormal case durations pp. 420-435

- Guillaume Sagnol, Christoph Barner, Ralf Borndörfer, Mickaël Grima, Matthes Seeling, Claudia Spies and Klaus Wernecke
- Solving discrete multi-objective optimization problems using modified augmented weighted Tchebychev scalarizations pp. 436-449

- Tim Holzmann and J.C. Smith
- Optimizing power generation in the presence of micro-grids pp. 450-461

- Wim van Ackooij, Jérôme De Boeck, Boris Detienne, Stefania Pan and Michael Poss
- Communication scheduling in data gathering networks of heterogeneous sensors with data compression: Algorithms and empirical experiments pp. 462-473

- Wenchang Luo, Boyuan Gu and Guohui Lin
- Markov chain modeling and forecasting of product returns in remanufacturing based on stock mean-age pp. 474-489

- Christos Aristeides Tsiliyannis
- Computing non-stationary (s, S) policies using mixed integer linear programming pp. 490-500

- Mengyuan Xiang, Roberto Rossi, Belen Martin-Barragan and S. Armagan Tarim
- A stochastic dynamic programming approach for delay management of a single train line pp. 501-518

- Cornelia Schön and Eva König
- The Dynamic Dispatch Waves Problem for same-day delivery pp. 519-534

- Mathias A. Klapp, Alan L. Erera and Alejandro Toriello
- Mean–variance analysis of option contracts in a two-echelon supply chain pp. 535-547

- Wenyan Zhuo, Lusheng Shao and Honglin Yang
- Integrated inventory routing and freight consolidation for perishable goods pp. 548-560

- Weihong Hu, Alejandro Toriello and Maged Dessouky
- Newsvendor competition under asymmetric cost information pp. 561-576

- Kemal Güler, Evren Körpeoğlu and Alper Şen
- On strategic multistage operational two-stage stochastic 0–1 optimization for the Rapid Transit Network Design problem pp. 577-593

- Luis Cadarso, Laureano F. Escudero and Angel Marín
- Model-based capacitated clustering with posterior regularization pp. 594-605

- Feng Mai, Michael J. Fry and Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
- The benefits of combining early aspecific vaccination with later specific vaccination pp. 606-619

- Lotty Evertje Duijzer, Willem van Jaarsveld and Rommert Dekker
- Two-player fair division of indivisible items: Comparison of algorithms pp. 620-631

- D. Marc Kilgour and Rudolf Vetschera
- Multiple criteria decision making with interval stochastic variables: A method based on interval stochastic dominance pp. 632-643

- Yanping Jiang, Xia Liang, Haiming Liang and Ningman Yang
- Behavioral mean-variance portfolio selection pp. 644-663

- Junna Bi, Hanqing Jin and Qingbin Meng
- Improving corporate bond recovery rate prediction using multi-factor support vector regressions pp. 664-675

- Abdolreza Nazemi, Konstantin Heidenreich and Frank Fabozzi
- Long-run wavelet-based correlation for financial time series pp. 676-696

- Thomas Conlon, John Cotter and Ramazan Gencay
- Incorporating heterogeneity and macroeconomic variables into multi-state delinquency models for credit cards pp. 697-709

- Viani Biatat Djeundje and Jonathan Crook
- Switching from oil to gas production in a depleting field pp. 710-719

- Kristian Støre, Stein-Erik Fleten, Verena Hagspiel and Cláudia Nunes
- Valuing multistage investment projects in the pharmaceutical industry pp. 720-732

- Luiz E. Brandão, Gláucia Fernandes and James S. Dyer
- Self-adjusting the tolerance level in a fully sequential feasibility check procedure pp. 733-745

- Mi Lim Lee, Chuljin Park and Dong Uk Park
- Panel data stochastic frontier model with determinants of persistent and transient inefficiency pp. 746-755

- Hung-pin Lai and Subal Kumbhakar
- Testing general and special Färe-Primont indices: A proposal for public and private sector synthetic indices of European regional expenditures and tourism pp. 756-768

- Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens, Diego Prior and Ignace Van de Woestyne
- On estimating efficiency effects in a stochastic frontier model pp. 769-774

- Satya Paul and Sriram Shankar
Volume 271, issue 1, 2018
- Classification and literature review of integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problems pp. 1-19

- Gislaine Mara Melega, Silvio Alexandre de Araujo and Raf Jans
- Algorithms for the one-dimensional two-stage cutting stock problem pp. 20-32

- İbrahim Muter and Zeynep Sezer
- The minimum raster set problem and its application to the d-dimensional orthogonal packing problem pp. 33-39

- Vadim M. Kartak and Artem V. Ripatti
- A new effective unified model for solving the Pre-marshalling and Block Relocation Problems pp. 40-56

- Marcos de Melo da Silva, Sophie Toulouse and Roberto Wolfler Calvo
- Exact solution approaches for the Multi-period Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem pp. 57-71

- Rosklin Juliano Chagas, Cristiano Arbex Valle and Alexandre Salles da Cunha
- Strong multi-commodity flow formulations for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem pp. 72-79

- Ali Balma, Safa Ben Salem, Mehdi Mrad and Talel Ladhari
- Optimal and heuristic policies for assemble-to-order systems with different review periods pp. 80-96

- Gönül A. Karaarslan, Zümbül Atan, Ton de Kok and Gudrun P. Kiesmüller
- Joint planning of service engineers and spare parts pp. 97-108

- Andrei Sleptchenko, Ahmad Al Hanbali and Henk Zijm
- The newsvendor problem with capacitated suppliers and quantity discounts pp. 109-119

- Roshanak Mohammadivojdan and Joseph Geunes
- On the Choquet multiple criteria preference aggregation model: Theoretical and practical insights from a real-world application pp. 120-140

- M. Bottero, V. Ferretti, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco and B. Roy
- Dynamic safety first expected utility model pp. 141-154

- Mei Choi Chiu, Hoi Ying Wong and Jing Zhao
- Finding clique clusters with the highest betweenness centrality pp. 155-164

- Maciej Rysz, Foad Mahdavi Pajouh and Eduardo L. Pasiliao
- Uniqueness and multiplicity of market equilibria on DC power flow networks pp. 165-178

- Vanessa Krebs, Lars Schewe and Martin Schmidt
- Decomposition methods for dynamic room allocation in hotel revenue management pp. 179-192

- N. Aydin and S.I. Birbil
- A multiple criteria nominal classification method based on the concepts of similarity and dissimilarity pp. 193-209

- Ana Sara Costa, José Rui Figueira and José Borbinha
- Fluctuation identities with continuous monitoring and their application to the pricing of barrier options pp. 210-223

- Carolyn E. Phelan, Daniele Marazzina, Gianluca Fusai and Guido Germano
- Multi-output efficiency and operational safety: An analysis of railway traffic control centre performance pp. 224-237

- Bart Roets, Marijn Verschelde and Johan Christiaens
- Collaborative transportation with overlapping coalitions pp. 238-249

- Mario Guajardo, Mikael Rönnqvist, Patrik Flisberg and Mikael Frisk
- Productivity growth measurement and decomposition under a dynamic inefficiency specification: The case of German dairy farms pp. 250-261

- Ioannis Skevas, Grigorios Emvalomatis and Bernhard Brümmer
- A multi-objective integrated model for selecting, scheduling, and budgeting road construction projects pp. 262-277

- Seyyed-Mohammadreza Hosseininasab, Seyyed-Nader Shetab-Boushehri, Seyed Reza Hejazi and Hadi Karimi
- The Multi-Vehicle Probabilistic Covering Tour Problem pp. 278-287

- İsmail Karaoğlan, Güneş Erdoğan and Çağrı Koç
- Yard Crane Scheduling for container storage, retrieval, and relocation pp. 288-316

- Virgile Galle, Cynthia Barnhart and Patrick Jaillet
- Nerlovian revenue inefficiency in a bank production context: Evidence from Shinkin banks pp. 317-330

- Hirofumi Fukuyama and Roman Matousek
- The role of customs in securing containerized global supply chains pp. 331-340

- M. Pourakbar and R.A. Zuidwijk
- Robust identification of email tracking: A machine learning approach pp. 341-356

- Johannes Haupt, Benedict Bender, Benjamin Fabian and Stefan Lessmann
- Measuring and decomposing the gender pay gap: A new frontier approachAuthor-Name: Amado, Carla A.F pp. 357-373

- Sérgio P. Santos and José M.S. São José
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