European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 229, issue 3, 2013
- Maintenance models in warranty: A literature review pp. 561-572

- Mahmood Shafiee and Stefanka Chukova
- A memetic algorithm for the multiperiod vehicle routing problem with profit pp. 573-584

- Zizhen Zhang, Oscar Che, Brenda Cheang, Andrew Lim and Hu Qin
- The discrete forward–reserve problem – Allocating space, selecting products, and area sizing in forward order picking pp. 585-594

- Rico Walter, Nils Boysen and Armin Scholl
- A note on the separation of subtour elimination constraints in elementary shortest path problems pp. 595-598

- Michael Drexl
- Exact approaches for solving robust prize-collecting Steiner tree problems pp. 599-612

- Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Ivana Ljubić and Paolo Toth
- Univariate parameterization for global optimization of mixed-integer polynomial problems pp. 613-625

- João P. Teles, Pedro M. Castro and Henrique A. Matos
- Operation and preventive maintenance scheduling for containerships: Mathematical model and solution algorithm pp. 626-636

- Hun Go, Ji-Su Kim and Dong-Ho Lee
- On the equivalence of quadratic optimization problems commonly used in portfolio theory pp. 637-644

- Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid
- Cone contraction and reference point methods for multi-criteria mixed integer optimization pp. 645-653

- Markku Kallio and Merja Halme
- Numerical scales generated individually for analytic hierarchy process pp. 654-662

- Yucheng Dong, Wei-Chiang Hong, Yinfeng Xu and Shui Yu
- Two-player simultaneous location game: Preferential rights and overbidding pp. 663-672

- Pedro Godinho and Joana Dias
- An adaptive ejection pool with toggle-rule diversification approach for the capacitated team orienteering problem pp. 673-682

- Zhixing Luo, Brenda Cheang, Andrew Lim and Wenbin Zhu
- Integrated projects planning in IS departments: A multi-period multi-project selection and assignment approach with a computerized implementation pp. 683-694

- Chung-Yang Chen, Heng-An Liu and Je-Yi Song
- Multi-criteria robust design of a JIT-based cross-docking distribution center for an auto parts supply chain pp. 695-706

- Wen Shi, Zhixue Liu, Jennifer Shang and Yujia Cui
- Optimal ship navigation with safety distance and realistic turn constraints pp. 707-717

- Ibrahim Ari, Vural Aksakalli, Volkan Aydogˇdu and Serdar Kum
- A decomposition approach for the General Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem for Parallel production Lines pp. 718-731

- Herbert Meyr and Matthias Mann
- About negative efficiencies in Cross Evaluation BCC input oriented models pp. 732-737

- João Carlos C.B. Soares de Mello, Lidia Angulo Meza, Juliana Quintanilha da Silveira and Eliane Gonçalves Gomes
- On the inconsistency of the Malmquist–Luenberger index pp. 738-742

- Juan Aparicio, Jesus Pastor and José Zofío
- On deciding how to decide: Designing participatory budget processes pp. 743-750

- J. Gomez, D. Rios Insua, J.M. Lavin and C. Alfaro
Volume 229, issue 2, 2013
- A review of urban transportation network design problems pp. 281-302

- Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Elnaz Miandoabchi, W.Y. Szeto and Hannaneh Rashidi
- Designing vehicle routes for a mix of different request types, under time windows and loading constraints pp. 303-317

- Emmanouil E. Zachariadis, Christos D. Tarantilis and Chris T. Kiranoudis
- A decomposition approach for the integrated vehicle-crew-roster problem with days-off pattern pp. 318-331

- Marta Mesquita, Margarida Moz, Ana Paias and Margarida Pato
- An effective PSO-inspired algorithm for the team orienteering problem pp. 332-344

- Duc-Cuong Dang, Rym Nesrine Guibadj and Aziz Moukrim
- An exact algorithm for the precedence-constrained single-machine scheduling problem pp. 345-352

- Shunji Tanaka and Shun Sato
- The single item uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with time-dependent batch sizes: NP-hard and polynomial cases pp. 353-363

- Ayse Akbalik and Christophe Rapine
- A simulation optimization approach for a two-echelon inventory system with service level constraints pp. 364-374

- Shing Chih Tsai and Ya-Xin Zheng
- Coordination of supply chains with bidirectional option contracts pp. 375-381

- Yingxue Zhao, Lijun Ma, Gang Xie and T.C.E. Cheng
- Joint optimization of X¯ control chart and preventive maintenance policies: A discrete-time Markov chain approach pp. 382-390

- Yisha Xiang
- Separable solutions for Markov processes in random environments pp. 391-403

- Simonetta Balsamo and Andrea Marin
- A Markov modulated Poisson model for software reliability pp. 404-410

- Joshua Landon, Süleyman Özekici and Refik Soyer
- Optimal average sample number of the SPRT chart for monitoring fraction nonconforming pp. 411-421

- Salah Haridy, Zhang Wu, Ka Man Lee and Nadia Bhuiyan
- Pricing and effort investment for a newsvendor-type product pp. 422-432

- Yao-Yu Wang, Jian-Cai Wang and Biying Shou
- Optimal advertising and pricing in a class of general new-product adoption models pp. 433-443

- Kurt Helmes, Rainer Schlosser and Martin Weber
- Cooperative game theory approach to allocating benefits of horizontal cooperation pp. 444-452

- S. Lozano, P. Moreno, B. Adenso-Díaz and E. Algaba
- A dynamic programming approach to constrained portfolios pp. 453-461

- Holger Kraft and Mogens Steffensen
- Aggregation of utility-based individual preferences for group decision-making pp. 462-469

- Yeu-Shiang Huang, Wei-Chen Chang, Wei-Hao Li and Zu-Liang Lin
- Multiattribute preference models with reference points pp. 470-481

- Denis Bouyssou and Thierry Marchant
- Non-dominance and potential optimality for partial preference relations pp. 482-486

- Vladislav V. Podinovski
- Consistent modeling of risk averse behavior with spectral risk measures pp. 487-495

- Hans Peter Wächter and Thomas Mazzoni
- Incorporating the learning effect into data envelopment analysis to measure MSW recycling performance pp. 496-504

- Dong-Shang Chang, Wenrong Liu and Li-Ting Yeh
- Lexicographical dynamic goal programming approach to a robust design optimization within the pharmaceutical environment pp. 505-517

- Vo Thanh Nha, Sangmun Shin and Seong Hoon Jeong
- A metaheuristic for the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection pp. 518-528

- Patrick Schittekat, Joris Kinable, Kenneth Sörensen, Marc Sevaux, Frits Spieksma and Johan Springael
- Unoriented two-stage DEA: The case of the oscillating intermediate products pp. 529-539

- Herbert F. Lewis, Sreekanth Mallikarjun and Thomas R. Sexton
- Speciality oils supply chain optimization: From a decoupled to an integrated planning approach pp. 540-551

- Mario Guajardo, Martin Kylinger and Mikael Rönnqvist
- A competitive magnet-based genetic algorithm for solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 552-559

- Reza Zamani
Volume 229, issue 1, 2013
- Constraints in container loading – A state-of-the-art review pp. 1-20

- Andreas Bortfeldt and Gerhard Wäscher
- Detecting copositivity of a symmetric matrix by an adaptive ellipsoid-based approximation scheme pp. 21-28

- Zhibin Deng, Shu-Cherng Fang, Qingwei Jin and Wenxun Xing
- Robust aspects of solutions in deterministic multiple objective linear programming pp. 29-36

- Pando Gr. Georgiev, Dinh The Luc and Panos M. Pardalos
- A library for continuous convex separable quadratic knapsack problems pp. 37-40

- Antonio Frangioni and Enrico Gorgone
- Due-window assignment with identical jobs on parallel uniform machines pp. 41-47

- Enrique Gerstl and Gur Mosheiov
- Minimising the number of gap-zeros in binary matrices pp. 48-58

- Konstantin Chakhlevitch, Celia A. Glass and Natalia V. Shakhlevich
- Competitive strategies for an online generalized assignment problem with a service consecution constraint pp. 59-66

- Feifeng Zheng, Yongxi Cheng, Yinfeng Xu and Ming Liu
- γ-Robust facility relocation problem pp. 67-74

- Gino J. Lim and Ayse Durukan Sonmez
- Using greedy clustering method to solve capacitated location-routing problem with fuzzy demands pp. 75-84

- Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi and Ali Nadizadeh
- A framework for performance measurement during production ramp-up of assembly stations pp. 85-94

- Stefanos C. Doltsinis, Svetan Ratchev and Niels Lohse
- On properties of discrete (r, q) and (s, T) inventory systems pp. 95-105

- Marcus Ang, Jing-Sheng Song, Mingzheng Wang and Hanqin Zhang
- An enumeration procedure for the assembly line balancing problem based on branching by non-decreasing idle time pp. 106-113

- Mariona Vilà and Jordi Pereira
- Run length not required: Optimal-mse dynamic batch means estimators for steady-state simulations pp. 114-123

- Wheyming Tina Song and Mingchang Chih
- Forecasting accuracy of behavioural models for participation in the arts pp. 124-131

- Victoria Ateca-Amestoy and Juan Prieto-Rodriguez
- Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization approach to clusterwise linear regression problems pp. 132-142

- Adil M. Bagirov, Julien Ugon and Hijran Mirzayeva
- Towards a new framework for evaluating systemic problem structuring methods pp. 143-154

- Gerald Midgley, Robert Y. Cavana, John Brocklesby, Jeff L. Foote, David R.R. Wood and Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll
- The effect of tax depreciation on the stochastic replacement policy pp. 155-164

- Roger Adkins and Dean Paxson
- Strategic bidding of offer curves: An agent-based approach to exploring supply curve equilibria pp. 165-178

- Steven O. Kimbrough and Frederic H. Murphy
- Measurement and optimization of robust stability of multiclass queueing networks: Applications in dynamic supply chains pp. 179-189

- Michael Schönlein, Thomas Makuschewitz, Fabian Wirth and Bernd Scholz-Reiter
- Accelerating the convergence of value iteration by using partial transition functions pp. 190-198

- Edilson F. Arruda, Fabrício O. Ourique, Jason LaCombe and Anthony Almudevar
- Communication network formation with link specificity and value transferability pp. 199-211

- Marjolein J.W. Harmsen - van Hout, P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Benedict Dellaert
- Parallel computing applied to the stochastic dynamic programming for long term operation planning of hydrothermal power systems pp. 212-222

- Bruno Henriques Dias, Marcelo Aroca Tomim, André Luís Marques Marcato, Tales Pulinho Ramos, Rafael Bruno S. Brandi, Ivo Chaves da Silva Junior and João Alberto Passos Filho
- A continuous-time dynamic pricing model knowing the competitor’s pricing strategy pp. 223-229

- Kimitoshi Sato and Katsushige Sawaki
- Cooperative game theoretic centrality analysis of terrorist networks: The cases of Jemaah Islamiyah and Al Qaeda pp. 230-238

- R.H.A. Lindelauf, H.J.M. Hamers and B.G.M. Husslage
- Design and dimensioning of hydrogen transmission pipeline networks pp. 239-251

- Jean André, Stéphane Auray, Jean Brac, Daniel De Wolf, Guy Maisonnier, Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi and Antoine Simonnet
- Estimating freeway traffic measures from mobile phone location data pp. 252-260

- Hongyan Gao and Fasheng Liu
- A multi-agent optimization formulation of earthquake disaster prevention and management pp. 261-275

- Ali Edrissi, Hossain Poorzahedy, Habibollah Nassiri and Mehdi Nourinejad
- Integrated data envelopment analysis: Global vs. local optimum pp. 276-278

- Sungmook Lim and Joe Zhu
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