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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 235, issue 3, 2014

Recent advances in robust optimization: An overview pp. 471-483 Downloads
Virginie Gabrel, Cécile Murat and Aurélie Thiele
The multicriteria p-facility median location problem on networks pp. 484-493 Downloads
Jörg Kalcsics, Stefan Nickel, Miguel A. Pozo, Justo Puerto and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
The self regulation problem as an inexact steepest descent method for multicriteria optimization pp. 494-502 Downloads
G.C. Bento, J.X. Cruz Neto, P.R. Oliveira and Antoine Soubeyran
Nonsmooth multiobjective programming with quasi-Newton methods pp. 503-510 Downloads
Shaojian Qu, Chen Liu, Mark Goh, Yijun Li and Ying Ji
A rank-dependent bi-criterion equilibrium model for stochastic transportation environment pp. 511-529 Downloads
Guangchao Wang, Ning Jia, Shoufeng Ma and Hang Qi
New mixed integer-programming model for the pickup-and-delivery problem with transshipment pp. 530-539 Downloads
A. Rais, F. Alvelos and M.S. Carvalho
A mixed integer linear programming approach to minimize the number of late jobs with and without machine availability constraints pp. 540-552 Downloads
Boris Detienne
Integer programming models for the multidimensional assignment problem with star costs pp. 553-568 Downloads
Jose L. Walteros, Chrysafis Vogiatzis, Eduardo L. Pasiliao and Panos M. Pardalos
Automatically improving the anytime behaviour of optimisation algorithms pp. 569-582 Downloads
Manuel López-Ibáñez and Thomas Stützle
Adjusting a railway timetable in case of partial or complete blockades pp. 583-593 Downloads
Ilse Louwerse and Dennis Huisman
Designing a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network based on triple bottom line approach: A comparison of metaheuristics hybridization techniques pp. 594-615 Downloads
K. Devika, A. Jafarian and V. Nourbakhsh
Relief inventory modelling with stochastic lead-time and demand pp. 616-623 Downloads
Rubel Das and Shinya Hanaoka
Spare parts management: Linking distributional assumptions to demand classification pp. 624-635 Downloads
D. Lengu, A.A. Syntetos and M.Z. Babai
A reliability system under different types of shock governed by a Markovian arrival process and maintenance policy K pp. 636-642 Downloads
Delia Montoro-Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón
Forecasting the volatility of crude oil futures using intraday data pp. 643-659 Downloads
Benoît Sévi
Testing inference in heteroskedastic fixed effects models pp. 660-670 Downloads
Carlos F.A. Uchôa, Francisco Cribari-Neto and Tatiane A. Menezes
Exact and approximation methods for dependability assessment of tram systems with time window pp. 671-686 Downloads
Marcin Kowalski, Jan Magott, Tomasz Nowakowski and Sylwia Werbińska-Wojciechowska
Two-worker blocking congestion model with walk speed m in a no-passing circular passage system pp. 687-696 Downloads
Soondo Hong
Emergency response in natural disaster management: Allocation and scheduling of rescue units pp. 697-708 Downloads
Felix Wex, Guido Schryen, Stefan Feuerriegel and Dirk Neumann
On the restricted cores and the bounded core of games on distributive lattices pp. 709-717 Downloads
Michel Grabisch and Peter Sudhölter
Consistency analysis of triangular fuzzy reciprocal preference relations pp. 718-726 Downloads
Fang Liu, Wei-Guo Zhang and Li-Hua Zhang
A MIP-based approach to solve the prize-collecting local access network design problem pp. 727-739 Downloads
Ivana Ljubić, Peter Putz and Juan-José Salazar-González
Enhanced multi-Hoffmann heuristic for efficiently solving real-world assembly line balancing problems in automotive industry pp. 740-754 Downloads
Johannes Sternatz
Measuring performance improvement of Taiwanese commercial banks under uncertainty pp. 755-764 Downloads
Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu
Electricity market clearing with improved scheduling of stochastic production pp. 765-774 Downloads
Juan M. Morales, Marco Zugno, Salvador Pineda and Pierre Pinson
Constant and variable returns to scale DEA models for socially responsible investment funds pp. 775-783 Downloads
Antonella Basso and Stefania Funari
Critical rationalism in practice: Strategies to manage subjectivity in OR investigations pp. 784-797 Downloads
R.J. Ormerod
Maintaining the Regular Ultra Passum Law in data envelopment analysis pp. 798-809 Downloads
Ole B. Olesen and John Ruggiero
Notes on classifying inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis: A comment pp. 810-812 Downloads
Mehdi Toloo

Volume 235, issue 2, 2014

A survey on maritime fleet size and mix problems pp. 341-349 Downloads
Giovanni Pantuso, Kjetil Fagerholt and Lars Magnus Hvattum
MIRPLib – A library of maritime inventory routing problem instances: Survey, core model, and benchmark results pp. 350-366 Downloads
Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, George L. Nemhauser, Joel Sokol, Myun-Seok Cheon and Ahmet B. Keha
Methods for strategic liner shipping network design pp. 367-377 Downloads
Judith Mulder and Rommert Dekker
A service flow model for the liner shipping network design problem pp. 378-386 Downloads
Christian E.M. Plum, David Pisinger and Mikkel M. Sigurd
Exact and heuristic methods for placing ships in locks pp. 387-398 Downloads
J. Verstichel, P. De Causmaecker, F.C.R. Spieksma and G. Vanden Berghe
A branch-and-price algorithm to solve the integrated berth allocation and yard assignment problem in bulk ports pp. 399-411 Downloads
Tomáš Robenek, Nitish Umang, Michel Bierlaire and Stefan Ropke
Storage yard operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, and research directions pp. 412-430 Downloads
Héctor J. Carlo, Iris F.A. Vis and Kees Jan Roodbergen
An exact method for scheduling a yard crane pp. 431-447 Downloads
Amir Hossein Gharehgozli, Yugang Yu, René de Koster and Jan Tijmen Udding
A mathematical model of inter-terminal transportation pp. 448-460 Downloads
Kevin Tierney, Stefan Voß and Robert Stahlbock
Benefits of a truck appointment system on the service quality of inland transport modes at a multimodal container terminal pp. 461-469 Downloads
Elisabeth Zehendner and Dominique Feillet

Volume 235, issue 1, 2014

A common framework and taxonomy for multicriteria scheduling problems with interfering and competing jobs: Multi-agent scheduling problems pp. 1-16 Downloads
Paz Perez-Gonzalez and Jose M. Framinan
A viscosity method with no spectral radius requirements for the split common fixed point problem pp. 17-27 Downloads
Paul-Emile Maingé
Robust portfolio optimization with copulas pp. 28-37 Downloads
Iakovos Kakouris and Berç Rustem
Line search methods with guaranteed asymptotical convergence to an improving local optimum of multimodal functions pp. 38-46 Downloads
Douglas Alexandre Gomes Vieira and Adriano Chaves Lisboa
Equilibrium network design of shared-vehicle systems pp. 47-61 Downloads
Rahul Nair and Elise Miller-Hooks
An experimental investigation of metaheuristics for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem on new dataset instances pp. 62-72 Downloads
Vincent Van Peteghem and Mario Vanhoucke
The distance constrained multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem pp. 73-87 Downloads
N. Bianchessi, R. Mansini and M.G. Speranza
Optimal berth allocation and time-invariant quay crane assignment in container terminals pp. 88-101 Downloads
Yavuz B. Türkoğulları, Z. Caner Taşkın, Necati Aras and İ. Kuban Altınel
A variable neighborhood search with an effective local search for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems pp. 102-114 Downloads
Yiyong Xiao, Renqian Zhang, Qiuhong Zhao, Ikou Kaku and Yuchun Xu
Exact algorithms for the traveling salesman problem with draft limits pp. 115-128 Downloads
Maria Battarra, Artur Alves Pessoa, Anand Subramanian and Eduardo Uchoa
Feasible partition problem in reverse convex and convex mixed-integer programming pp. 129-137 Downloads
Wiesława T. Obuchowska
An approach to optimize block surgical schedules pp. 138-148 Downloads
Sangdo Choi and Wilbert E. Wilhelm
Class clustering destroys delay differentiation in priority queues pp. 149-158 Downloads
Herwig Bruneel, Tom Maertens and Joris Walraevens
Affine model of inflation-indexed derivatives and inflation risk premium pp. 159-169 Downloads
Hsiao-Wei Ho, Henry H. Huang and Yildiray Yildirim
Tandem queueing system with infinite and finite intermediate buffers and generalized phase-type service time distribution pp. 170-179 Downloads
Chesoong Kim, Alexander Dudin, Olga Dudina and Sergey Dudin
Reliability analysis of a single warm-standby system subject to repairable and nonrepairable failures pp. 180-186 Downloads
Charles E. Wells
A bi-objective model for the location of landfills for municipal solid waste pp. 187-194 Downloads
H.A. Eiselt and Vladimir Marianov
Learning from discrete-event simulation: Exploring the high involvement hypothesis pp. 195-205 Downloads
Thomas Monks, Stewart Robinson and Kathy Kotiadis
Fixed cost and resource allocation based on DEA cross-efficiency pp. 206-214 Downloads
Juan Du, Wade D. Cook, Liang Liang and Joe Zhu
Group decision making with expertons and uncertain generalized probabilistic weighted aggregation operators pp. 215-224 Downloads
José M. Merigó, Montserrat Casanovas and Jian-Bo Yang
A cosine maximization method for the priority vector derivation in AHP pp. 225-232 Downloads
Gang Kou and Changsheng Lin
Tree, web and average web values for cycle-free directed graph games pp. 233-246 Downloads
Anna Khmelnitskaya and Adolphus Talman
Computation of the optimal tolls on the traffic network pp. 247-251 Downloads
Alina Budnitzki
A column generation approach for solving the patient admission scheduling problem pp. 252-264 Downloads
Troels Martin Range, Richard Martin Lusby and Jesper Larsen
Data and queueing analysis of a Japanese air-traffic flow pp. 265-275 Downloads
Claus Gwiggner and Sakae Nagaoka
Improving the robustness in railway station areas pp. 276-286 Downloads
Thijs Dewilde, Peter Sels, Dirk Cattrysse and Pieter Vansteenwegen
Simulation modelling for contracting hospital emergency services at the regional level pp. 287-299 Downloads
Bożena Mielczarek
Joint optimization of spare parts ordering and maintenance policies for multiple identical items subject to silent failures pp. 300-314 Downloads
Sofia Panagiotidou
Operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with remaining time consideration pp. 315-328 Downloads
Mehmet Başdere and Ümit Bilge
Supply chain analysis under a price-discount incentive scheme for electric vehicles pp. 329-333 Downloads
Chunlin Luo, Mingming Leng, Jian Huang and Liping Liang
On two-echelon inventory systems with Poisson demand and lost sales pp. 334-338 Downloads
Elisa Alvarez and Matthieu van der Heijden
Page updated 2025-03-28