European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 297, issue 3, 2022
- Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis and production theory for performance evaluation: Framework and review pp. 795-816

- Harald Dyckhoff and Rainer Souren
- A branch-and-price procedure for clustering data that are graph connected pp. 817-830

- Stefano Benati, Diego Ponce, Justo Puerto and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
- Solving robust bin-packing problems with a branch-and-price approach pp. 831-843

- Xavier Schepler, André Rossi, Evgeny Gurevsky and Alexandre Dolgui
- A first Fit type algorithm for the coupled task scheduling problem with unit execution time and two exact delays pp. 844-852

- József Békési, György Dósa and Gábor Galambos
- Maximal-Sum submatrix search using a hybrid contraint programming/linear programming approach pp. 853-865

- Guillaume Derval and Pierre Schaus
- Logic-based Benders decomposition method for the seru scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time and DeJong’s learning effect pp. 866-877

- Zhe Zhang, Xiaoling Song, Huijung Huang, Xiaoyang Zhou and Yong Yin
- Information acquisition and voluntary disclosure with supply chain and capital market interaction pp. 878-889

- Biying Shou, Yaner Fang and Zhaolin Li
- An efficient optimization framework for tracking multiple quality attributes in supply chains of perishable products pp. 890-903

- Fernando Lejarza and Michael Baldea
- Replenishment decisions for complementary components with supply capacity uncertainty under the CVaR criterion pp. 904-916

- Yanhai Li and Jinwen Ou
- Procurement portfolio planning for a newsvendor with supplier delivery uncertainty pp. 917-929

- Roshanak Mohammadivojdan, Yasemin Merzifonluoglu and Joseph Geunes
- Influenza vaccine supply chain coordination under uncertain supply and demand pp. 930-948

- Qi Lin, Qiuhong Zhao and Benjamin Lev
- The principal-agent problem for service rate event-dependency pp. 949-963

- Benjamin Legros
- Bounds for probabilistic programming with application to a blend planning problem pp. 964-976

- Shen Peng, Francesca Maggioni and Abdel Lisser
- Eliminating transplant waiting time inequities – With an application to kidney allocation in the USA pp. 977-985

- Joris van de Klundert, Liana van der Hagen and Aniek Markus
- Electre-Score: A first outranking based method for scoring actions pp. 986-1005

- José Rui Figueira, Salvatore Greco and Bernard Roy
- Measuring and decomposing group performance under centralized management pp. 1006-1013

- Lei Fang
- Solving group multi-objective optimization problems by optimizing consensus through multi-criteria ordinal classification pp. 1014-1029

- Fausto Balderas, Eduardo Fernández, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Claudia Gómez-Santillán and Nelson Rangel-Valdez
- A new decision making model based on Rank Centrality for GDM with fuzzy preference relations pp. 1030-1041

- Anis Yazidi, Magdalena Ivanovska, Fabio M. Zennaro, Pedro G. Lind and Enrique Herrera Viedma
- Closest targets in the slacks-based measure of efficiency for production units with multi-period data pp. 1042-1054

- Chiang Kao
- Copula-based Black–Litterman portfolio optimization pp. 1055-1070

- Maziar Sahamkhadam, Andreas Stephan and Ralf Östermark
- Mixed-integer linear programming models and algorithms for generation and transmission expansion planning of power systems pp. 1071-1082

- Can Li, Antonio J. Conejo, Peng Liu, Benjamin P. Omell, John D. Siirola and Ignacio E. Grossmann
- Fairness in credit scoring: Assessment, implementation and profit implications pp. 1083-1094

- Nikita Kozodoi, Johannes Jacob and Stefan Lessmann
- The cost of decoupling trade and transport in the European entry-exit gas market with linear physics modeling pp. 1095-1111

- T. Böttger, V. Grimm, T. Kleinert and M. Schmidt
- An exact algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem with heterogeneous components under the mixed redundancy strategy pp. 1112-1125

- Mohammad Reihaneh, Mostafa Abouei Ardakan and Majid Eskandarpour
- Democratic versus elite governance for project selection decisions in executive committees pp. 1126-1138

- Behrang Manouchehrabadi, Paolo Letizia and George Hendrikse
- CDS pricing with fractional Hawkes processes pp. 1139-1150

- John-John Ketelbuters and Donatien Hainaut
- Robustness of efficiency scores in data envelopment analysis with interval scale data pp. 1151-1161

- Nasim Nasrabadi, Akram Dehnokhalaji, Pekka Korhonen, Banu Lokman and Jyrki Wallenius
- Intertemporal defaulted bond recoveries prediction via machine learning pp. 1162-1177

- Abdolreza Nazemi, Friedrich Baumann and Frank J. Fabozzi
- Machine learning for credit scoring: Improving logistic regression with non-linear decision-tree effects pp. 1178-1192

- Elena Ivona Dumitrescu, Sullivan Hué, Christophe Hurlin and Sessi Tokpavi
Volume 297, issue 2, 2022
- Metaheuristics “In the Large” pp. 393-406

- Jerry Swan, Steven Adriaensen, Alexander E.I. Brownlee, Kevin Hammond, Colin G. Johnson, Ahmed Kheiri, Faustyna Krawiec, J.J. Merelo, Leandro L. Minku, Ender Özcan, Gisele L. Pappa, Pablo García-Sánchez, Kenneth Sörensen, Stefan Voß, Markus Wagner and David R. White
- The reversibility property in a job-insertion tiebreaker for the permutational flow shop scheduling problem pp. 407-421

- Alexander J. Benavides and Antony Vera
- Scheduling jobs with normally distributed processing times on parallel machines pp. 422-441

- Antonin Novak, Premysl Sucha, Matej Novotny, Richard Stec and Zdenek Hanzalek
- A linearithmic heuristic for the travelling salesman problem pp. 442-450

- Éric D. Taillard
- Using Earned Value Management and Schedule Risk Analysis with resource constraints for project control pp. 451-466

- Jie Song, Annelies Martens and Mario Vanhoucke
- A Branch-and-cut algorithm for the split-demand one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem pp. 467-483

- Hipólito Hernández-Pérez and Juan-José Salazar-González
- Frequency competition among airlines on coordinated airports network pp. 484-495

- Chun-Han Wang, Wenzhu Zhang, Yue Dai and Yu-Ching Lee
- Benders decomposition for the distributionally robust optimization of pricing and reverse logistics network design in remanufacturing systems pp. 496-510

- Hailei Gong and Zhi-Hai Zhang
- A column-generation-based matheuristic for periodic and symmetric train timetabling with integrated passenger routing pp. 511-531

- Bernardo Martin-Iradi and Stefan Ropke
- Producer's choice of design-for-environment under environmental taxation pp. 532-544

- Ya-Jun Cai, Tsan-Ming Choi, Lipan Feng and Yongjian Li
- Competing OEMs’ responses to a developer's services installation and strategic update of platform quality pp. 545-559

- Xiangxiang Wu, Yong Zha, Liuyi Ling and Yugang Yu
- Fair resource allocation: Using welfare-based dominance constraints pp. 560-578

- Nikolaos Argyris, Özlem Karsu and Mirel Yavuz
- Search-and-rescue rendezvous pp. 579-591

- Pierre Leone, Julia Buwaya and Steve Alpern
- Group decision making in data envelopment analysis: A robot selection application pp. 592-599

- Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu
- Evolutionary behaviors regarding pricing and payment-convenience strategies with uncertain risk pp. 600-614

- Maryam Johari and Seyyed-Mahdi Hosseini-Motlagh
- A customized genetic algorithm for bi-objective routing in a dynamic network pp. 615-629

- Alaleh Maskooki, Kalyanmoy Deb and Markku Kallio
- Using Hierarchical Bayes draws for improving shares of choice predictions in conjoint simulations: A study based on conjoint choice data pp. 630-651

- Maren Hein, Nils Goeken, Peter Kurz and Winfried J. Steiner
- Multiple criteria model for allocating new medical robotic devices to treatment centres pp. 652-664

- Dylan Jones, Sina Firouzy, Ashraf Labib and Athanasios V. Argyriou
- Balancing risk: Generation expansion planning under climate mitigation scenarios pp. 665-679

- Dowon Kim, Heelang Ryu, Jiwoong Lee and Kyoung-Kuk Kim
- The block relocation problem with appointment scheduling pp. 680-694

- Ahmed Azab and Hiroshi Morita
- Coopetition for innovation - the more, the better? An empirical study based on preference disaggregation analysis pp. 695-708

- Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Mohammad Ghaderi and Anne-Sophie Fernandez
- Keep it in house or sell it abroad? A framework to evaluate fairness pp. 709-728

- Evangelos Toumasatos, Leif Kristoffer Sandal and Stein Ivar Steinshamn
- Reconciling mean-variance portfolio theory with non-Gaussian returns pp. 729-740

- Nathan Lassance
- Fair allocation of indivisible goods with minimum inequality or minimum envy pp. 741-752

- Dries Cornilly, Giovanni Puccetti, Ludger Rüschendorf and Steven Vanduffel
- Individual health insurance reforms in the U.S.: Expanding interstate markets, Medicare for all, or Medicaid for all? pp. 753-765

- Joshua D. Frederick, Derrick W.H. Fung, Charles C. Yang and Jason J.H. Yeh
- Near-optimal asset allocation in financial markets with trading constraints pp. 766-781

- Thijs Kamma and Antoon Pelsser
- Sparse regression for large data sets with outliers pp. 782-794

- Lea Bottmer, Christophe Croux and Ines Wilms
Volume 297, issue 1, 2022
- An updated survey of variants and extensions of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 1-14

- Sönke Hartmann and Dirk Briskorn
- Conference scheduling: A clustering-based approach pp. 15-26

- Teobaldo Bulhões, Rubens Correia and Anand Subramanian
- An effective branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum s-bundle problem pp. 27-39

- Yi Zhou, Weibo Lin, Jin-Kao Hao, Mingyu Xiao and Yan Jin
- Improved x-space algorithm for min-max bilevel problems with an application to misinformation spread in social networks pp. 40-52

- Kübra Tanınmış, Necati Aras and İ. Kuban Altınel
- A two-phase kernel search variant for the multidimensional multiple-choice knapsack problem pp. 53-65

- Leonardo Lamanna, Renata Mansini and Roberto Zanotti
- An iterated local search procedure for the job sequencing and tool switching problem with non-identical parallel machines pp. 66-85

- Dorothea Calmels
- On integer programming models for the maximum 2-club problem and its robust generalizations in sparse graphs pp. 86-101

- Alexander Veremyev, Vladimir Boginski, Eduardo L. Pasiliao and Oleg A. Prokopyev
- Stackelberg production-protection games: Defending crop production against intentional attacks pp. 102-119

- Marieke Musegaas, Loe Schlicher and Herman Blok
- Weighted Elo rating for tennis match predictions pp. 120-132

- Giovanni Angelini, Vincenzo Candila and Luca De Angelis
- Finding efficient make-to-order production and batch delivery schedules pp. 133-152

- David Bachtenkirch and Stefan Bock
- Suppliers’ trade credit strategies with transparent credit ratings: Null, exclusive, and nonchalant provision pp. 153-163

- Jing Wang, Kai Wang, Xiang Li and Ruiqing Zhao
- Improved models for a single vehicle continuous-time inventory routing problem with pickups and deliveries pp. 164-179

- Agostinho Agra, Marielle Christiansen and Laurence Wolsey
- Competition or coopetition? Equilibrium analysis in the presence of process improvement pp. 180-202

- Wei Li and Xuan Zhao
- Pruning Pareto optimal solutions for multi-objective portfolio asset management pp. 203-220

- Sanyapong Petchrompo, Anupong Wannakrairot and Ajith Kumar Parlikad
- Maximum satisfaction consensus with budget constraints considering individual tolerance and compromise limit behaviors pp. 221-238

- Dong Cheng, Yuxiang Yuan, Yong Wu, Tiantian Hao and Faxin Cheng
- Network interdiction with asymmetric cost uncertainty pp. 239-251

- Di H. Nguyen and J. Cole Smith
- Joint Dynamic Pricing with Acquisition and Selling Opportunities pp. 252-267

- Mohammad Ghuloum, Boqian Song, Goker Aydin and Gilvan C. Souza
- Kernel-based online regression with canal loss pp. 268-279

- Xijun Liang, Zhipeng Zhang, Yunquan Song and Ling Jian
- Setting network tariffs with heterogeneous firms: The case of natural gas distribution pp. 280-290

- Teresa Romano, Carlo Cambini, Elena Fumagalli and Laura Rondi
- Instance-dependent cost-sensitive learning for detecting transfer fraud pp. 291-300

- Sebastiaan Höppner, Bart Baesens, Wouter Verbeke and Tim Verdonck
- Market targeting with social influences and risk aversion in a co-branding alliance pp. 301-318

- Qiao Zhang, Jing Chen and Jun Lin
- Trouble comes in threes: Core stability in minimum cost connection networks pp. 319-324

- Jens Leth Hougaard and Mich Tvede
- Optimal dynamic longevity hedge with basis risk pp. 325-337

- Ken Seng Tan, Chengguo Weng and Jinggong Zhang
- Monotonicity in sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues pp. 338-346

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Moreno-Ternero
- The weighted intruder path covering problem pp. 347-358

- Adam B. Haywood, Brian J. Lunday, Matthew J. Robbins and Meir N. Pachter
- Horizontal mergers in low carbon manufacturing pp. 359-368

- Xiaogang Lin, Danna Chen, Yong-Wu Zhou and Qiang Lin
- Targeting customers under response-dependent costs pp. 369-379

- Johannes Haupt and Stefan Lessmann
- Credit guarantee types for financing retailers through online peer-to-peer lending: Equilibrium and coordinating strategy pp. 380-392

- Chengfu Wang, Xiangfeng Chen, Wei Jin and Xiaojun Fan
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