European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 244, issue 3, 2015
- A follow-up survey of berth allocation and quay crane scheduling problems in container terminals pp. 675-689

- Christian Bierwirth and Frank Meisel
- Solving the traveling repairman problem on a line with general processing times and deadlines pp. 690-703

- Stefan Bock
- On-line supply chain scheduling for single-machine and parallel-machine configurations with a single customer: Minimizing the makespan and delivery cost pp. 704-714

- Bin Han, Wenjun Zhang, Xiwen Lu and Yingzi Lin
- Network construction problems with due dates pp. 715-729

- Igor Averbakh and Jordi Pereira
- Stronger multi-commodity flow formulations of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 730-738

- Adam N. Letchford and Juan-José Salazar-González
- A new bound for the midpoint solution in minmax regret optimization with an application to the robust shortest path problem pp. 739-747

- André B. Chassein and Marc Goerigk
- A continuous time–cost tradeoff problem with multiple milestones and completely ordered jobs pp. 748-752

- Byung-Cheon Choi and Myoung-Ju Park
- A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the minimum evolution problem pp. 753-765

- Daniele Catanzaro, Roberto Aringhieri, Marco Di Summa and Raffaele Pesenti
- Improved integer linear programming formulations for the job Sequencing and tool Switching Problem pp. 766-777

- Daniele Catanzaro, Luis Gouveia and Martine Labbé
- Incentives to improve the service level in a random yield supply chain: The role of bonus contracts pp. 778-791

- Zhe Yin and Shihua Ma
- Bunkering decisions for a shipping liner in an uncertain environment with service contract pp. 792-802

- Sugoutam Ghosh, Loo Hay Lee and Szu Hui Ng
- Optimal ordering for a probabilistic one-time discount pp. 803-814

- Yaron Shaposhnik, Yale T. Herer and Hussein Naseraldin
- Modeling the modal split and trip scheduling with commuters’ uncertainty expectation pp. 815-822

- Li-Jun Tian and Hai-Jun Huang
- Decision analysis under ambiguity pp. 823-836

- Emanuele Borgonovo and Massimo Marinacci
- Partial input to output impacts in DEA: The case of DMU-specific impacts pp. 837-844

- Raha Imanirad, Wade D. Cook, Sonia Valeria Aviles-Sacoto and Joe Zhu
- Strategizing niceness in co-opetition: The case of knowledge exchange in supply chain innovation projects pp. 845-854

- Eman S. Nasr, Marc D. Kilgour and Hamid Noori
- Investment, financing and the role of ROA and WACC in value creation pp. 855-866

- Carlo Alberto Magni
- On the upgrading policy after the redesign of a component for reliability improvement pp. 867-880

- K.B. Öner, G.P. Kiesmüller and G.J. van Houtum
- The economic lot-sizing problem with perishable items and consumption order preference pp. 881-891

- Mehmet Önal, H.Edwin Romeijn, Amar Sapra and Wilco van den Heuvel
- New product development flexibility in a competitive environment pp. 892-904

- Janne Kettunen, Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Zeger Degraeve and Bert De Reyck
- Operations–finance interface models: A literature review and framework pp. 905-917

- Lima Zhao and Arnd Huchzermeier
- Rankings and university performance: A conditional multidimensional approach pp. 918-930

- Cinzia Daraio, Andrea Bonaccorsi and Leopold Simar
- A study of the powerplay in one-day cricket pp. 931-938

- Rajitha M. Silva, Ananda B.W. Manage and Tim B. Swartz
- The Airline Container Loading Problem with pickup and delivery pp. 955-965

- Virginie Lurkin and Michaël Schyns
- A soft-decision based two-layered scheduling approach for uncertain steelmaking-continuous casting processAuthor-Name: Hao, Jinghua pp. 966-979

- Min Liu, Shenglong Jiang and Cheng Wu
- A single vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries, continuous random demands and predefined customer order pp. 990-993

- T.D. Dimitrakos and E.G. Kyriakidis
Volume 244, issue 2, 2015
- Airplane boarding pp. 339-359

- Florian Jaehn and Simone Neumann
- An effective branch-and-price algorithm for the Preemptive Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem based on minimal Interval Order Enumeration pp. 360-368

- Aziz Moukrim, Alain Quilliot and Hélène Toussaint
- A bi-objective column generation algorithm for the multi-commodity minimum cost flow problem pp. 369-378

- Siamak Moradi, Andrea Raith and Matthias Ehrgott
- The discrete time window assignment vehicle routing problem pp. 379-391

- Remy Spliet and Guy Desaulniers
- The data transfer problem in a system of systems pp. 392-403

- Ronan Bocquillon, Antoine Jouglet and Jacques Carlier
- Resource loading with time windows pp. 404-416

- Fabrice Talla Nobibon, Roel Leus, Kameng Nip and Zhenbo Wang
- Surrogate upper bound sets for bi-objective bi-dimensional binary knapsack problems pp. 417-433

- Audrey Cerqueus, Anthony Przybylski and Xavier Gandibleux
- An object-coding genetic algorithm for integrated process planning and scheduling pp. 434-444

- Luping Zhang and T.N. Wong
- The mixed capacitated arc routing problem with non-overlapping routes pp. 445-456

- Miguel Constantino, Luís Gouveia, Maria Cândida Mourão and Ana Catarina Nunes
- Metaheuristics for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem pp. 457-470

- Luca Talarico, Kenneth Sörensen and Johan Springael
- Channel and pricing decisions in a supply chain with advance selling of gift cards pp. 471-489

- Moutaz Khouja and Jing Zhou
- An approximate policy for a dual-sourcing inventory model with positive lead times and binomial yield pp. 490-497

- Wanrong Ju, Adriana F. Gabor and J.C.W. van Ommeren
- Last time buy and repair decisions for spare parts pp. 498-510

- S. Behfard, M.C. van der Heijden, A. Al Hanbali and W.H.M. Zijm
- Testing the accuracy of DEA estimates under endogeneity through a Monte Carlo simulation pp. 511-518

- José Manuel Cordero, Daniel Santín and Gabriela Sicilia
- Compromise programming: Non-interactive calibration of utility-based metrics pp. 519-524

- A. Kanellopoulos, J.C. Gerdessen and G.D.H. Claassen
- Multi-objective portfolio optimization considering the dependence structure of asset returns pp. 525-539

- Sadra Babaei, Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri and Edris Babaei
- The financing of innovative SMEs: A multicriteria credit rating model pp. 540-554

- Silvia Angilella and Sebastiano Mazzù
- PartiSim: A multi-methodology framework to support facilitated simulation modelling in healthcare pp. 555-564

- Antuela A. Tako and Kathy Kotiadis
- A Lagrangian approach to the winner determination problem in iterative combinatorial reverse auctions pp. 565-575

- Bahareh Mansouri and Elkafi Hassini
- Generic constraints handling techniques in constrained multi-criteria optimization and its application pp. 576-591

- Linzhong Liu, Haibo Mu and Juhua Yang
- Cost sharing solutions defined by non-negative eigenvectors pp. 592-600

- Begoña Subiza, José A. Silva-Reus and Josep E. Peris
- A multi-objective interactive system for adaptive traffic control pp. 601-610

- Yann Dujardin, Daniel Vanderpooten and Florence Boillot
- Genetic algorithms for condition-based maintenance optimization under uncertainty pp. 611-623

- M. Compare, F. Martini and E. Zio
- Modeling the dynamics of a multi-product manufacturing system: A real case application pp. 624-636

- Juliana Keiko Sagawa and Marcelo Nagano
- Revenue management for Cloud computing providers: Decision models for service admission control under non-probabilistic uncertainty pp. 637-647

- Tim Püschel, Guido Schryen, Diana Hristova and Dirk Neumann
- Optimal wholesale facilities location within the fruit and vegetables supply chain with bimodal transportation options: An LP-MIP heuristic approach pp. 648-661

- Hamideh Etemadnia, Stephan Goetz, Patrick Canning and Mohammad Sadegh Tavallali
- Integration of RFID and business analytics for trade show exhibitors pp. 662-673

- Jongsawas Chongwatpol
Volume 244, issue 1, 2015
- Guest Editorial to the Feature Cluster ``EURO/INFORMS 2013 Conference'' pp. 1-2

- Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen and Eric Bourreau
- A Lagrangian heuristic for an integrated lot-sizing and fixed scheduling problem pp. 3-12

- Cathy Wolosewicz, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès and Riad Aggoune
- Serial batching scheduling of deteriorating jobs in a two-stage supply chain to minimize the makespan pp. 13-25

- Jun Pei, Panos M. Pardalos, Xinbao Liu, Wenjuan Fan and Shanlin Yang
- DC approximation approaches for sparse optimization pp. 26-46

- H.A. Le Thi, T. Pham Dinh, H.M. Le and X.T. Vo
- TSP Race: Minimizing completion time in time-sensitive applications pp. 47-54

- Bahar Çavdar and Joel Sokol
- Models, solutions and enabling technologies in humanitarian logistics pp. 55-65

- Linet Özdamar and Mustafa Alp Ertem
- Decomposition based hybrid metaheuristics pp. 66-76

- Günther R. Raidl
- A parallelised distributed implementation of a Branch and Fix Coordination algorithm pp. 77-85

- Adela Pagès-Bernaus, Gerardo Pérez-Valdés and Asgeir Tomasgard
- Single machine scheduling with two competing agents and equal job processing times pp. 86-99

- Daniel Oron, Dvir Shabtay and George Steiner
- An approach to the asymmetric multi-depot capacitated arc routing problem pp. 100-109

- Dmitry Krushinsky and Tom van Woensel
- An exact algorithm for the reliability redundancy allocation problem pp. 110-116

- Marco Caserta and Stefan Voß
- Job-shop production scheduling with reverse flows pp. 117-128

- Mohamed Amine Abdeljaouad, Zied Bahroun, Anissa Omrane and Julien Fondrevelle
- The k-dissimilar vehicle routing problem pp. 129-140

- L. Talarico, K. Sörensen and J. Springael
- Dedicated vs product flexible production technology: Strategic capacity investment choice pp. 141-152

- H.J. Boonman, V. Hagspiel and Peter Kort
- Multi-class dynamic inventory rationing with stochastic demands and backordering pp. 153-163

- Shudong Liu, Miao Song, Kok Choon Tan and Changyong Zhang
- Product contamination in a multi-stage food supply chain pp. 164-175

- Vijaya Chebolu-Subramanian and Gary M. Gaukler
- The expected value of the traceability information pp. 176-186

- Giuseppe Aiello, Mario Enea and Cinzia Muriana
- Sustainable trade credit and replenishment decisions with credit-linked demand under carbon emission constraints pp. 187-200

- Chung-Yuan Dye and Chih-Te Yang
- Consistent weight restrictions in data envelopment analysis pp. 201-209

- Victor V. Podinovski and Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva
- Feature selection for support vector machines using Generalized Benders Decomposition pp. 210-218

- Haldun Aytug
- Decline and repair, and covariate effects pp. 219-226

- Shaomin Wu and Philip Scarf
- Algorithm for computing the queue length distribution at various time epochs in DMAP/G(1, a, b)/1/N queue with batch-size-dependent service time pp. 227-239

- Miaomiao Yu and Attahiru Sule Alfa
- Optimal deleveraging with nonlinear temporary price impact pp. 240-247

- Jingnan Chen, Liming Feng and Jiming Peng
- CRM in social media: Predicting increases in Facebook usage frequency pp. 248-260

- Michel Ballings and Dirk Van den Poel
- Assessing and hedging the cost of unseasonal weather: Case of the apparel sector pp. 261-276

- Jean-Louis Bertrand, Xavier Brusset and Maxime Fortin
- Generalized analytic network process pp. 277-288

- Bin Zhu, Zeshui Xu, Ren Zhang and Mei Hong
- Global minimum variance portfolio optimisation under some model risk: A robust regression-based approach pp. 289-299

- Bertrand Maillet, Sessi Tokpavi and Benoit Vaucher
- Directional monotonicity of fusion functions pp. 300-308

- H. Bustince, J. Fernandez, A. Kolesárová and R. Mesiar
- Interdependent network restoration: On the value of information-sharing pp. 309-321

- Thomas C. Sharkey, Burak Cavdaroglu, Huy Nguyen, Jonathan Holman, John E. Mitchell and William A. Wallace
- Tying mechanism for airlines’ air cargo capacity allocation pp. 322-330

- Bo Feng, Yanzhi Li and Huaxiao Shen
- Use of queue modelling in the analysis of elective patient treatment governed by a maximum waiting time policy pp. 331-338

- Dawid Kozlowski and Dave Worthington
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