European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 245, issue 3, 2015
- Single row layout models pp. 629-644

- Birgit Keller and Udo Buscher
- A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the piecewise linear transportation problem pp. 645-655

- Tue R.L. Christensen and Martine Labbé
- The reliable p-median problem with at-facility service pp. 656-666

- Maria Albareda-Sambola, Yolanda Hinojosa and Justo Puerto
- An exact algorithm for the static rebalancing problem arising in bicycle sharing systems pp. 667-679

- Güneş Erdoğan, Maria Battarra and Roberto Wolfler Calvo
- Exact and heuristic solutions for the Minimum Number of Branch Vertices Spanning Tree Problem pp. 680-689

- Alfredo Marín
- Heuristic approaches for biobjective mixed 0–1 integer linear programming problems pp. 690-703

- Banu Soylu
- An ant colony system for responsive dynamic vehicle routing pp. 704-718

- M. Schyns
- Surgical scheduling with simultaneous employment of specialised human resources pp. 719-730

- Thiago A.O. Silva, Mauricio C. de Souza, Rodney R. Saldanha and Edmund K. Burke
- Optimal payment scheme when the supplier’s quality level and cost are unknown pp. 731-742

- Jiguang Chen and Qiying Hu
- Risk analysis in port competition for containerized imports pp. 743-753

- Lei Fan, William Wilson and Bruce Dahl
- Agile factorial production for a single manufacturing line with multiple products pp. 754-766

- Wolfgang Garn and James Aitken
- On the representation of the search region in multi-objective optimization pp. 767-778

- Kathrin Klamroth, Renaud Lacour and Daniel Vanderpooten
- On the identification of the global reference set in data envelopment analysis pp. 779-788

- Mahmood Mehdiloozad, S. Morteza Mirdehghan, Biresh K. Sahoo and Israfil Roshdi
- Measurement issues in the evaluation of projects in a project portfolio pp. 789-796

- Alec Morton
- Multi-stage optimization for periodic inspection planning of geo-distributed infrastructure systems pp. 797-804

- Dzung T. Phan and Yada Zhu
- On the optimal frequency of multiple generation product introductions pp. 805-814

- Shuangqing Liao and Ralf W. Seifert
- Assessing the business values of information technology and e-commerce independently and jointly pp. 815-827

- Winston T. Lin, Yueh H. Chen and Benjamin B.M. Shao
- Ranking of investment funds: Acceptability versus robustness pp. 828-836

- Damiano Rossello
- Dealing with a multiple criteria environmental problem with interaction effects between criteria through an extension of the Electre III method pp. 837-850

- M. Bottero, V. Ferretti, J.R. Figueira, Salvatore Greco and B. Roy
- Integrating soft and hard operational research to improve surgical centre management at a university hospital pp. 851-861

- Leonardo Antonio Monteiro Pessôa, Marcos Pereira Estellita Lins, Angela Cristina Moreira da Silva and Roberto Fiszman
- An efficient two-stage algorithm for decentralized scheduling of micro-CHP units pp. 862-874

- Patrick Jochem, Martin Schönfelder and Wolf Fichtner
- A note on scheduling problems with competing agents and earliness minimization objectives pp. 875-876

- Christos Koulamas
Volume 245, issue 2, 2015
- Inequity averse optimization in operational research pp. 343-359

- Özlem Karsu and Alec Morton
- A MILP formulation for generalized geometric programming using piecewise-linear approximations pp. 360-370

- Chung-Li Tseng, Yiduo Zhan, Qipeng P. Zheng and Manish Kumar
- A linear programming decomposition focusing on the span of the nondegenerate columns pp. 371-383

- Jérémy Omer and François Soumis
- Algebraic simplex initialization combined with the nonfeasible basis method pp. 384-391

- Hédi Nabli and Sonia Chahdoura
- A matheuristic for the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem pp. 392-401

- Claudia Archetti, Ángel Corberán, Isaac Plana, José Maria Sanchis and M. Grazia Speranza
- Mathematical programming approaches for classes of random network problems pp. 402-414

- Jordi Castro and Stefano Nasini
- An improved mathematical formulation for the blocks relocation problem pp. 415-422

- Elisabeth Zehendner, Marco Caserta, Dominique Feillet, Silvia Schwarze and Stefan Voß
- A decompose-and-fix heuristic based on multi-commodity flow models for driver rostering with days-off pattern pp. 423-437

- Marta Mesquita, Margarida Moz, Ana Paias and Margarida Pato
- Optimal crude oil procurement under fluctuating price in an oil refinery pp. 438-445

- Ruoran Chen, Tianhu Deng, Simin Huang and Ruwen Qin
- Efficiency analysis with ratio measures pp. 446-462

- Ole Bent Olesen, Niels Christian Petersen and Victor V. Podinovski
- Impact of liquidity risk on variations in efficiency and productivity: A panel gamma simulated maximum likelihood estimation pp. 463-469

- Saleem Shaik
- Capacity reservation for time-sensitive service providers: An application in seaport management pp. 470-479

- L. Jeff Hong, Xiaowei Xu and Sheng Hao Zhang
- Mean-variance model for portfolio optimization problem in the simultaneous presence of random and uncertain returns pp. 480-488

- Zhongfeng Qin
- Multi-objective models and techniques for analysing the absolute capacity of railway networks pp. 489-505

- Robert L. Burdett
- Undesirable outputs and weighting schemes in composite indicators based on data envelopment analysis pp. 517-530

- Andreia Zanella, Ana S. Camanho and Teresa G. Dias
- Degradation-based maintenance decision using stochastic filtering for systems under imperfect maintenance pp. 531-541

- Mimi Zhang, Olivier Gaudoin and Min Xie
- A multi-objective local search heuristic for scheduling Earth observations taken by an agile satellite pp. 542-554

- Panwadee Tangpattanakul, Nicolas Jozefowiez and Pierre Lopez
- Optimal minimum bids and inventory scrapping in sequential, single-unit, Vickrey auctions with demand learning pp. 555-570

- Archis Ghate
- Variance swap with mean reversion, multifactor stochastic volatility and jumps pp. 571-580

- Chi Seng Pun, Shing Fung Chung and Hoi Ying Wong
- A branch-price-and-cut method for the vegetable crop rotation scheduling problem with minimal plot sizes pp. 581-590

- Lana M.R. Santos, Pedro Munari, Alysson M. Costa and Ricardo H.S. Santos
- “Do the electronic books reinforce the dynamics of book supply chain market?”–A theoretical analysis pp. 591-601

- Yongjian Li, Zhangxi Lin, Lei Xu and Ajaya Swain
- Nonparametric measures of scale economies and capacity utilization: An application to U.S. manufacturing pp. 602-611

- Subhash Ray
- One- and multi-directional conditional efficiency measurement – Efficiency in Lithuanian family farms pp. 612-622

- Tomas Baležentis and Kristof De Witte
- On the relationship between entropy, demand uncertainty, and expected loss pp. 623-628

- Adam J. Fleischhacker and Pak-Wing Fok
Volume 245, issue 1, 2015
- Reassessing the scope of OR practice: The Influences of Problem Structuring Methods and the Analytics Movement pp. 1-13

- J.C. Ranyard, R. Fildes and Tun-I Hu
- MILP formulations for the modularity density maximization problem pp. 14-21

- Alberto Costa
- Selective vehicle routing for a mobile blood donation system pp. 22-34

- Feyza Güliz Şahinyazan, Bahar Y. Kara and Mehmet Rüştü Taner
- Scatter search with path relinking for the flexible job shop scheduling problem pp. 35-45

- Miguel A. González, Camino R. Vela and Ramiro Varela
- A semidefinite optimization-based approach for global optimization of multi-row facility layout pp. 46-61

- Philipp Hungerländer and Miguel F. Anjos
- The Steiner travelling salesman problem with correlated costs pp. 62-69

- Adam N. Letchford and Saeideh D. Nasiri
- A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for multi-mode resource leveling pp. 70-80

- Eamonn T. Coughlan, Marco E. Lübbecke and Jens Schulz
- Routing a mixed fleet of electric and conventional vehicles pp. 81-99

- Dominik Goeke and Michael Schneider
- Return-on-investment (ROI) criteria for network design pp. 100-108

- Mozart B.C. Menezes, Seokjin Kim and Rongbing Huang
- Exact and heuristic linear-inflation policies for an inventory model with random yield and arbitrary lead times pp. 109-120

- K. Inderfurth and G.P. Kiesmüller
- Impacts of supplier hubris on inventory decisions and green manufacturing endeavors pp. 121-132

- Xin Lu, Jennifer Shang, Shin-yi Wu, Gajanan G. Hegde, Luis Vargas and Daozhi Zhao
- Collaborative forecasting, inventory hedging and contract coordination in dynamic supply risk management pp. 133-145

- Long Gao
- Selecting a supplier portfolio with value, development, and risk consideration pp. 146-156

- Amin Hosseininasab and Abbas Ahmadi
- Innovation diffusion of repeat purchase products in a competitive market: An agent-based simulation approach pp. 157-167

- Christian Stummer, Elmar Kiesling, Markus Günther and Rudolf Vetschera
- An elitism based multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm pp. 168-193

- Yi Xiang, Yuren Zhou and Hailin Liu
- Productivity and efficiency estimation: A semiparametric stochastic cost frontier approach pp. 194-202

- Kai Sun, Subal Kumbhakar and Ragnar Tveterås
- Congestion measurement in nonparametric analysis under the weakly disposable technology pp. 203-208

- Lei Fang
- An interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy principal component analysis model-based method for complex multi-attribute large-group decision-making pp. 209-225

- Bingsheng Liu, Yinghua Shen, Wei Zhang, Xiaohong Chen and Xueqing Wang
- Quantifying the social welfare loss in moral hazard models pp. 226-235

- Mostafa Nasri, Fabian Bastin and Patrice Marcotte
- Coalitional multinomial probabilistic values pp. 236-246

- Francesc Carreras and María Albina Puente
- A generic mathematical model to optimise strategic and tactical decisions in biomass-based supply chains (OPTIMASS) pp. 247-264

- Annelies De Meyer, Dirk Cattrysse and Jos Van Orshoven
- Estimating shadow prices and efficiency analysis of productive inputs and pesticide use of vegetable production pp. 265-272

- Alphonse G. Singbo, Alfons Oude Lansink and Grigorios Emvalomatis
- Simulating the new British Electricity-Market Reform pp. 273-285

- Carlos J. Franco, Monica Castaneda and Isaac Dyner
- Pareto-efficient legal regulation of the (bio)fuel market using a bi-objective optimization model pp. 286-295

- Laura Elisabeth Hombach and Grit Walther
- A two phase approach for the bi-objective non-convex combined heat and power production planning problem pp. 296-308

- Aiying Rong, José Rui Figueira and Risto Lahdelma
- A simulation based approximate dynamic programming approach to multi-class, multi-resource surgical scheduling pp. 309-319

- Davood Astaraky and Jonathan Patrick
- Managing operational disruptions through capital adequacy and process improvement pp. 320-332

- Kamil J. Mizgier, Manpreet Hora, Stephan M. Wagner and Matthias Jüttner
- Notes on order preservation and consistency in AHP pp. 333-337

- Konrad Kułakowski
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