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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 233, issue 3, 2014

Distributionally robust mixed integer linear programs: Persistency models with applications pp. 459-473 Downloads
Xiaobo Li, Karthik Natarajan, Chung-Piaw Teo and Zhichao Zheng
An arc-exchange decomposition method for multistage dynamic networks with random arc capacities pp. 474-487 Downloads
Haiqing Song, Raymond K. Cheung and Haiyan Wang
Symmetry in RLT-type relaxations for the quadratic assignment and standard quadratic optimization problems pp. 488-499 Downloads
Etienne de Klerk, Marianna E. -Nagy, Renata Sotirov and Uwe Truetsch
Global optimization of signomial geometric programming problems pp. 500-510 Downloads
Gongxian Xu
An automatic algorithm selection approach for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 511-528 Downloads
Tommy Messelis and Patrick De Causmaecker
All-integer column generation for set partitioning: Basic principles and extensions pp. 529-538 Downloads
Elina Rönnberg and Torbjörn Larsson
The Subset Sum game pp. 539-549 Downloads
Andreas Darmann, Gaia Nicosia, Ulrich Pferschy and Joachim Schauer
New reformulations for probabilistically constrained quadratic programs pp. 550-556 Downloads
Yong Hsia, Baiyi Wu and Duan Li
Sustaining long-term supply chain partnerships using price-only contracts pp. 557-565 Downloads
Jiong Sun and Laurens Debo
Interpreting supply chain dynamics: A quasi-chaos perspective pp. 566-579 Downloads
H. Brian Hwarng and Xuchuan Yuan
Dismantle or remanufacture? pp. 580-583 Downloads
Shanshan Guo, Goker Aydin and Gilvan C. Souza
Decomposing technical efficiency and scale elasticity in two-stage network DEA pp. 584-594 Downloads
Biresh K. Sahoo, Joe Zhu, Kaoru Tone and Bernhard M. Klemen
A compound control chart for monitoring and controlling high quality processes pp. 595-603 Downloads
Sotiris Bersimis, Markos V. Koutras and Petros E. Maravelakis
Choosing the optimal intervention method to reduce human-related machine failures pp. 604-612 Downloads
Corey Kiassat, Nima Safaei and Dragan Banjevic
Seasonality and idiosyncratic risk in mutual fund performance pp. 613-624 Downloads
Javier Vidal-García and Marta Vidal
A multi-server queueing model with server consultations pp. 625-639 Downloads
Srinivas R. Chakravarthy
A bi-objective weighted model for improving the discrimination power in MCDEA pp. 640-650 Downloads
M.-R. Ghasemi, Joshua Ignatius and Ali Emrouznejad
Approximating Promethee II’s net flow scores by piecewise linear value functions pp. 651-659 Downloads
Stefan Eppe and Yves De Smet
SSM and technology management: Developing multimethodology through practice pp. 660-673 Downloads
Adrian Small and David Wainwright
An interactive evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm with a limited number of decision maker calls pp. 674-688 Downloads
Ankur Sinha, Pekka Korhonen, Jyrki Wallenius and Kalyanmoy Deb
Scheduling the hospital-wide flow of elective patients pp. 689-699 Downloads
Daniel Gartner and Rainer Kolisch
Applying simulated annealing using different methods for the neighborhood search in forest planning problems pp. 700-710 Downloads
Paulo Borges, Tron Eid and Even Bergseng
Medium range optimization of copper extraction planning under uncertainty in future copper prices pp. 711-726 Downloads
Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Felipe Carvallo, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard, Jiaxing Pi, Raghav Puranmalka and Andrés Weintraub
Optimizing the simultaneous management of blood pressure and cholesterol for type 2 diabetes patients pp. 727-738 Downloads
J.E. Mason, B.T. Denton, N.D. Shah and S.A. Smith
The minimum sum representation as an index of voting power pp. 739-748 Downloads
Josep Freixas and Serguei Kaniovski
Comparing Malmquist and Hicks–Moorsteen productivity indices: Exploring the impact of unbalanced vs. balanced panel data pp. 749-758 Downloads
Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne
A homothetic reference technology in data envelopment analysis pp. 759-771 Downloads
Ole B. Olesen
Optimal strategies for selecting project portfolios using uncertain value estimates pp. 772-783 Downloads
Eeva Vilkkumaa, Juuso Liesiö and Ahti Salo
A postscript on aggregate Farrell efficiencies pp. 784-786 Downloads
Rolf Färe and Giannis Karagiannis
Joint replenishment of multi retailer with variable replenishment cycle under VMI pp. 787-789 Downloads
Nishant Kumar Verma, Abhishek Chakraborty and Ashis K. Chatterjee
A note on supply chain coordination for joint determination of order quantity and reorder point using a credit option pp. 790-794 Downloads
Barry R. Cobb and Alan W. Johnson

Volume 233, issue 2, 2014

Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions pp. 299-312 Downloads
Marcus Brandenburg, Kannan Govindan, Joseph Sarkis and Stefan Seuring
Alliance or no alliance—Bargaining power in competing reverse supply chains pp. 313-325 Downloads
Jiuh-Biing Sheu and Xiao-Qin Gao
Reverse supply chain coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry pp. 326-336 Downloads
Kannan Govindan and Maria Nicoleta Popiuc
Determining optimal resource recycling boundary at regional level: A case study on Tokyo Metropolitan Area in Japan pp. 337-348 Downloads
Xudong Chen, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Hirokazu Kato and Yong Geng
On the cooperation of recycling operations pp. 349-358 Downloads
Liang Lu, Xiangtong Qi and Zhixin Liu
Sustainable SC through the complete reprocessing of end-of-life products by manufacturers: A traditional versus social responsibility company perspective pp. 359-373 Downloads
M. Faccio, A. Persona, F. Sgarbossa and G. Zanin
Optimal acquisition and production policy in a hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing system with core acquisition at different quality levels pp. 374-382 Downloads
Xiaoqiang Cai, Minghui Lai, Xiang Li, Yongjian Li and Xianyi Wu
Strategic analysis of manufacturer-supplier partnerships: An ANP model for collaborative CO2 reduction management pp. 383-397 Downloads
Sebastian Theißen and Stefan Spinler
The impact of consumer returns policies on consignment contracts with inventory control pp. 398-407 Downloads
Wei Hu, Yongjian Li and Kannan Govindan
A multi-criteria decision making model for advanced repair-to-order and disassembly-to-order system pp. 408-419 Downloads
Onder Ondemir and Surendra M. Gupta
Evaluating green supplier development programs with a grey-analytical network process-based methodology pp. 420-431 Downloads
Yijie Dou, Qinghua Zhu and Joseph Sarkis
Selecting green suppliers based on GSCM practices: Using fuzzy TOPSIS applied to a Brazilian electronics company pp. 432-447 Downloads
Devika Kannan, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour and Charbel José Chiappetta Jabbour
Timing and eco(nomic) efficiency of climate-friendly investments in supply chains pp. 448-457 Downloads
Elmar Lukas and Andreas Welling

Volume 233, issue 1, 2014

Multimodal freight transportation planning: A literature review pp. 1-15 Downloads
M. SteadieSeifi, N.P. Dellaert, W. Nuijten, Tom van Woensel and R. Raoufi
Two-stage stochastic linear programs with incomplete information on uncertainty pp. 16-22 Downloads
James Ang, Fanwen Meng and Jie Sun
On distributional robust probability functions and their computations pp. 23-33 Downloads
Man Hong Wong and Shuzhong Zhang
A geometric characterisation of the quadratic min-power centre pp. 34-42 Downloads
M. Brazil, C.J. Ras and D.A. Thomas
Multidimensional dual-feasible functions and fast lower bounds for the vector packing problem pp. 43-63 Downloads
Cláudio Alves, José Valério de Carvalho, François Clautiaux and Jürgen Rietz
The single machine serial batch scheduling problem with rejection to minimize total completion time and total rejection cost pp. 64-74 Downloads
Dvir Shabtay
Optimal single machine scheduling of products with components and changeover cost pp. 75-83 Downloads
Feng Zhou, James D. Blocher, Xinxin Hu and H. Sebastian Heese
Branch-and-price algorithm for the Resilient Multi-level Hop-constrained Network Design pp. 84-93 Downloads
Fernanda S.H. Souza, Michel Gendreau and Geraldo R. Mateus
Pooling of spare parts between multiple users: How to share the benefits? pp. 94-104 Downloads
Frank Karsten and Rob J.I. Basten
Competition for cores in remanufacturing pp. 105-113 Downloads
Serra Caner Bulmus, Stuart X. Zhu and Ruud Teunter
Product variety and channel structure strategy for a retailer-Stackelberg supply chain pp. 114-124 Downloads
Tiaojun Xiao, Tsan-Ming Choi and T.C.E. Cheng
A multi-objective approach to supply chain visibility and risk pp. 125-130 Downloads
Min-Chun Yu and Mark Goh
Revenue deficiency under second-price auctions in a supply-chain setting pp. 131-144 Downloads
Dolores Romero Morales and Richard Steinberg
Issues Mapping: A problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts pp. 145-158 Downloads
Karen Cronin, Gerald Midgley and Laurie Skuba Jackson
A scenario-based stochastic model for supplier selection in global context with multiple buyers, currency fluctuation uncertainties, and price discounts pp. 159-170 Downloads
Ramzi Hammami, Cecilia Temponi and Yannick Frein
Public policy structuring incorporating reciprocal expectation analysis pp. 171-183 Downloads
Hironori Kato, Hideaki Shiroyama and Yoshinori Nakagawa
Portfolio optimization in a regime-switching market with derivatives pp. 184-192 Downloads
Jun Fu, Jiaqin Wei and Hailiang Yang
Customer acceptance mechanisms for home deliveries in metropolitan areas pp. 193-207 Downloads
Jan Fabian Ehmke and Ann Melissa Campbell
Optimal two-phase vaccine allocation to geographically different regions under uncertainty pp. 208-219 Downloads
Hamed Yarmand, Julie S. Ivy, Brian Denton and Alun L. Lloyd
Optimal relay node placement in delay constrained wireless sensor network design pp. 220-233 Downloads
Ashutosh Nigam and Yogesh K. Agarwal
Improvements to a large neighborhood search heuristic for an integrated aircraft and passenger recovery problem pp. 234-245 Downloads
Karine Sinclair, Jean-François Cordeau and Gilbert Laporte
Stochastic models for strategic resource allocation in nonprofit foreclosed housing acquisitions pp. 246-262 Downloads
Armagan Bayram, Senay Solak and Michael Johnson
Pricing and market segmentation using opaque selling mechanisms pp. 263-272 Downloads
Chris K. Anderson and Xiaoqing Xie
Two-stage financial risk tolerance assessment using data envelopment analysis pp. 273-280 Downloads
W.W. Cooper, Angela T. Kingyens and Joseph C. Paradi
Should retail stores also RFID-tag ‘cheap’ items? pp. 281-291 Downloads
Selwyn Piramuthu, Sina Wochner and Martin Grunow
Page updated 2025-03-28