European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 278, issue 3, 2019
- Hybrid simulation modelling in operational research: A state-of-the-art review pp. 721-737

- Sally C. Brailsford, Tillal Eldabi, Martin Kunc, Navonil Mustafee and Andres F. Osorio
- Cooperative purchasing and preactive inventory sharing – Channel balancing and performance improvement pp. 738-751

- Li Li
- Integrated scheduling and assignment of trucks at unit-load cross-dock terminals with mixed service mode dock doors pp. 752-771

- Arpan Rijal, Marco Bijvank and René de Koster
- Delay-time modelling of a critical system subject to random inspections pp. 772-782

- P.A. Scarf, C.A.V. Cavalcante and R.S. Lopes
- Optimal pricing for ride-sourcing platforms pp. 783-795

- Luoyi Sun, Ruud H. Teunter, M. Zied Babai and Guowei Hua
- A Benders’ decomposition algorithm with combinatorial cuts for the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem pp. 796-808

- Adalberto Sato Michels, Thiago Cantos Lopes, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora and Leandro Magatão
- Pricing decision of a manufacturer in a dual-channel supply chain with asymmetric information pp. 809-820

- Jianheng Zhou, Ruijuan Zhao and Weishen Wang
- Granular tabu search for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and electric vehicles pp. 821-836

- Dominik Goeke
- Switching queues, cultural conventions, and social welfare pp. 837-844

- Oded Stark, Wiktor Budzinski and Grzegorz Kosiorowski
- Performance comparison of management groups under centralised management pp. 845-854

- Mohsen Afsharian, Heinz Ahn and Sören Guntram Harms
- A study of general and security Stackelberg game formulations pp. 855-868

- Carlos Casorrán, Bernard Fortz, Martine Labbé and Fernando Ordóñez
- What to do when decision-makers deviate from model recommendations? Empirical evidence from hydropower industry pp. 869-882

- Anssi Käki, Katariina Kemppainen and Juuso Liesiö
- The impact of conditional dependence on checked baggage screening pp. 883-893

- Xiaofeng Nie
- Scalable min-max multi-objective cyber-security optimisation over probabilistic attack graphs pp. 894-903

- Mhr. Khouzani, Zhengliang Liu and Pasquale Malacaria
- A data-driven newsvendor problem: From data to decision pp. 904-915

- Jakob Huber, Sebastian Müller, Moritz Fleischmann and Heiner Stuckenschmidt
- Design and validation of a tax sustainability index pp. 916-926

- Jitka Janová, David Hampel and Danuše Nerudová
- Modeling multi-stage healthcare systems with service interactions under blocking for bed allocation pp. 927-941

- Xiaodan Wu, Juan Li and Chao-Hsien Chu
- Sigma-Mu efficiency analysis: A methodology for evaluating units through composite indicators pp. 942-960

- Salvatore Greco, Alessio Ishizaka, Menelaos Tasiou and Gianpiero Torrisi
- Long horizon predictability: An asset allocation perspective pp. 961-975

- Abraham Lioui and Patrice Poncet
- Dynamic portfolio choice with return predictability and transaction costs pp. 976-988

- Guiyuan Ma, Chi Chung Siu and Song-Ping Zhu
Volume 278, issue 2, 2019
- Two-stage estimation of the impact of contextual variables in stochastic frontier production function models using Data Envelopment Analysis: Second stage OLS versus bootstrap approaches pp. 368-384

- Rajiv Banker, Ram Natarajan and Daqun Zhang
- Stochastic data envelopment analysis: A quantile regression approach to estimate the production frontier pp. 385-393

- Samah Jradi and John Ruggiero
- A benefit-of-the-doubt model with reverse indicators pp. 394-400

- Rolf Färe, Giannis Karagiannis, Maryam Hasannasab and Dimitris Margaritis
- Hyperbolic efficiency measurement: A conic programming approach pp. 401-409

- Maryam Hasannasab, Dimitris Margaritis, Israfil Roshdi and Paul Rouse
- Duality and profit efficiency for the hyperbolic measure model pp. 410-421

- Margaréta Halická and Maria Trnovska
- The transformation function, technical efficiency, and the CCR ratio pp. 422-429

- Subhash Ray
- Enlarging the radius of stability and stability regions in Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 430-441

- Luka Neralić and Richard E. Wendell
- Improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables framework pp. 442-447

- Mohammad Reza Ghasemi, Joshua Ignatius and Babak Rezaee
- A dynamic multi-stage slacks-based measure data envelopment analysis model with knowledge accumulation and technological evolution pp. 448-462

- Francisco J. Santos Arteaga, Madjid Tavana, Debora Di Caprio and Mehdi Toloo
- Accounting for slacks to measure dynamic inefficiency in data envelopment analysis pp. 463-471

- Juan Aparicio and Magdalena Kapelko
- Reformulation of Network Data Envelopment Analysis models using a common modelling framework pp. 472-480

- Gregory Koronakos, Dimitris Sotiros and Dimitris K. Despotis
- Enterprise design through complex adaptive systems and efficiency measurement pp. 481-497

- Oscar Herrera-Restrepo and Konstantinos Triantis
- The assessment of corporate social responsibility: The construction of an industry ranking and identification of potential for improvement pp. 498-513

- Renata Oliveira, Andreia Zanella and Ana S. Camanho
- A cognitive analytics management framework for the transformation of electronic government services from users’ perspective to create sustainable shared values pp. 514-532

- Ibrahim H. Osman, Abdel Latef Anouze, Zahir Irani, Habin Lee, Tunç D. Medeni and Vishanth Weerakkody
- Exploring data envelopment analysis for measuring collaborated innovation efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea pp. 533-545

- Jiyoung Lee, Chulyeon Kim and Gyunghyun Choi
- On exact solution approaches for the longest induced path problem pp. 546-562

- Dmytro Matsypura, Alexander Veremyev, Oleg A. Prokopyev and Eduardo L. Pasiliao
- Discrete and continuous-time formulations for dealing with break periods: Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling pp. 563-577

- Pedro M. Castro, Iiro Harjunkoski and Ignacio E. Grossmann
- Matching supply and demand in a sharing economy: Classification, computational complexity, and application pp. 578-595

- Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn and Stefan Schwerdfeger
- The re-planning and scheduling of surgical cases in the operating room department after block release time with resource rescheduling pp. 596-614

- Babak Akbarzadeh, Ghasem Moslehi, Mohammad Reisi-Nafchi and Broos Maenhout
- The Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem and its extensions pp. 615-628

- Jessica Rodríguez-Pereira, Elena Fernández, Gilbert Laporte, Enrique Benavent and Antonio Martínez-Sykora
- The value of regulating returns for enhancing the dynamic behaviour of hybrid manufacturing-remanufacturing systems pp. 629-645

- Borja Ponte, Mohamed M. Naim and Aris A. Syntetos
- The value of maintenance delay flexibility for improved spare parts inventory management pp. 646-657

- Rob J.I. Basten and Jennifer K. Ryan
- Multi-sourcing and information sharing under competition and supply uncertainty pp. 658-671

- Junjian Wu, Haiyan Wang and Jennifer Shang
- On generating utility functions in Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis pp. 672-685

- Luis Dias and Rudolf Vetschera
- Revenue maximization in service systems with heterogeneous customers pp. 686-698

- Tejas Bodas and D. Manjunath
- Games in sequencing situations with externalities pp. 699-708

- Guangjing Yang, Hao Sun, Dongshuang Hou and Genjiu Xu
- Searching for multiple objects in multiple locations pp. 709-720

- Thomas Lidbetter and Kyle Y. Lin
Volume 278, issue 1, 2019
- Scenario analysis to support decision making in addressing wicked problems: Pitfalls and potential pp. 3-19

- George Wright, George Cairns, Frances A. O'Brien and Paul Goodwin
- Decomposition algorithm for distributionally robust optimization using Wasserstein metric with an application to a class of regression models pp. 20-35

- Fengqiao Luo and Sanjay Mehrotra
- A practicable contraction approach for the sum of the generalized polynomial ratios problem pp. 36-48

- Peiping Shen, Zeyi Zhu and Xiao Chen
- Indefinite multi-constrained separable quadratic optimization: Large-scale efficient solution pp. 49-63

- Chanaka Edirisinghe and Jaehwan Jeong
- Fleet management: A vehicle and driver assignment model pp. 64-75

- Filipe Monnerat, Joana Dias and Maria João Alves
- A new branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum edge-weighted clique problem pp. 76-90

- Pablo San Segundo, Stefano Coniglio, Fabio Furini and Ivana Ljubić
- Stabilized branch-price-and-cut for the commodity-constrained split delivery vehicle routing problem pp. 91-104

- Timo Gschwind, Nicola Bianchessi and Stefan Irnich
- Influence maximization with deactivation in social networks pp. 105-119

- Kübra Tanınmış, Necati Aras and I.K. Altınel
- Improved mathematical model and bounds for the crop rotation scheduling problem with adjacency constraints pp. 120-135

- Geraldo Regis Mauri
- Robust recoverable 0–1 optimization problems under polyhedral uncertainty pp. 136-148

- Mikita Hradovich, Adam Kasperski and Paweł Zieliński
- New results for single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and due date-related objectives pp. 149-159

- Christos Koulamas and George J. Kyparisis
- Using weight decision for decreasing the price of anarchy in selfish bin packing games pp. 160-169

- Gyorgy Dosa, Hans Kellerer and Zsolt Tuza
- Novel formulations and modeling enhancements for the dynamic berth allocation problem pp. 170-185

- Arthur Kramer, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Manuel Iori and Stefan Voß
- How to optimize storage classes in a unit-load warehouse pp. 186-201

- Marcus Ang and Yun Fong Lim
- The beauty of Dutch: Ex-post split-award auctions in procurement markets with diseconomies of scale pp. 202-210

- Gian-Marco Kokott, Martin Bichler and Per Paulsen
- A branch and bound approach for large pre-marshalling problems pp. 211-225

- Shunji Tanaka, Kevin Tierney, Consuelo Parreño-Torres, Ramon Alvarez-Valdes and Rubén Ruiz
- To what extent can new web-based technology improve forecasts? Assessing the economic value of information derived from Virtual Globes and its rate of diffusion in a financial market pp. 226-239

- Lawrence Green, Ming-Chien Sung, Tiejun Ma and Johnnie E. V. Johnson
- Optimal extended warranty strategy: Offering trade-in service or not? pp. 240-254

- Yiwen Bian, Jiazheng Xie, Thomas W. Archibald and Yanhong Sun
- Technical and allocative efficiency in a panel stochastic production frontier system model pp. 255-265

- Hung-pin Lai and Subal Kumbhakar
- Influence modeling: Mathematical programming representations of persuasion under either risk or uncertainty pp. 266-282

- William N. Caballero and Brian J. Lunday
- Optimal pricing, lot-sizing and backordering decisions when a seller demands an advance-cash-credit payment scheme pp. 283-295

- Ruihai Li, YuPing Liu, Jinn-Tsair Teng and Yu-Chung Tsao
- Further insights into the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions to shipments in road freight transportation: The pollution routing game pp. 296-313

- Florian Kellner and Miriam Schneiderbauer
- Estimation of the workload boundary in socio-technical infrastructure management systems: The case of Belgian railroads pp. 314-329

- Taylan G. Topcu, Konstantinos Triantis and Bart Roets
- Large data sets and machine learning: Applications to statistical arbitrage pp. 330-342

- Nicolas Huck
- Integrated truck and workforce scheduling to accelerate the unloading of trucks pp. 343-362

- Giorgi Tadumadze, Nils Boysen, Simon Emde and Felix Weidinger
- A note on tactical berth allocation under uncertainty pp. 363-364

- Changchun Liu
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