European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 259, issue 3, 2017
- The Benders decomposition algorithm: A literature review pp. 801-817

- Ragheb Rahmaniani, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Michel Gendreau and Walter Rei
- Minimizing flowtime for paired tasks pp. 818-828

- Brenda Courtad, Kenneth Baker, Michael Magazine and George Polak
- Adaptive large neighborhood search heuristics for multi-tier service deployment problems in clouds pp. 829-846

- Anders N. Gullhav, Jean-François Cordeau, Lars Magnus Hvattum and Bjørn Nygreen
- Decomposition algorithms for synchronous flow shop problems with additional resources and setup times pp. 847-863

- Stefan Waldherr and Sigrid Knust
- A network simplex method for the budget-constrained minimum cost flow problem pp. 864-872

- Michael Holzhauser, Sven O. Krumke and Clemens Thielen
- Approximate dynamic programming for missile defense interceptor fire control pp. 873-886

- Michael T. Davis, Matthew J. Robbins and Brian J. Lunday
- Hybrid optimization methods for time-dependent sequencing problems pp. 887-897

- Joris Kinable, Andre A. Cire and Willem-Jan van Hoeve
- A constraint generation approach for two-machine shop problems with jobs selection pp. 898-905

- Federico Della Croce, Christos Koulamas and Vincent T'kindt
- Integrated production and distribution scheduling with a perishable product pp. 906-916

- Priyantha Devapriya, William Ferrell and Neil Geismar
- Stock keeping unit fill rate specification pp. 917-925

- R.H. Teunter, A.A. Syntetos and M.Z. Babai
- Mergers and acquisitions between risk-averse parties pp. 926-934

- Tal Avinadav, Tatyana Chernonog and Yael Perlman
- Price and quality decisions in dual-channel supply chains pp. 935-948

- Jingxian Chen, Liang Liang, Dong-Qing Yao and Shengnan Sun
- Traveling worker assembly line (re)balancing problem: Model, reduction techniques, and real case studies pp. 949-971

- Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, Thiago Cantos Lopes and Leandro Magatão
- A metaheuristic for the time-dependent pollution-routing problem pp. 972-991

- Anna Franceschetti, Emrah Demir, Dorothée Honhon, Tom Van Woensel, Gilbert Laporte and Mark Stobbe
- Design and analysis of mechanisms for decentralized joint replenishment pp. 992-1002

- Kemal Güler, Evren Körpeoğlu and Alper Şen
- An algorithmic framework for tool switching problems with multiple objectives pp. 1003-1016

- Martina Furrer and Torsten Mütze
- Resilient supply chain network design under competition: A case study pp. 1017-1035

- Shabnam Rezapour, Reza Zanjirani Farahani and Morteza Pourakbar
- Refined large deviations asymptotics for Markov-modulated infinite-server systems pp. 1036-1044

- Joke Blom, Koen De Turck and Michel Mandjes
- Distribution and reliability evaluation of max-flow in dynamic multi-state flow networks pp. 1045-1053

- Chin-Chia Jane and Yih-Wenn Laih
- Analytical solution for an investment problem under uncertainties with shocks pp. 1054-1063

- Cláudia Nunes and Rita Pimentel
- An analysis of insurance demand in the newsboy problem pp. 1064-1072

- Richard Watt and Francisco J. Vázquez
- A linear programming approach for learning non-monotonic additive value functions in multiple criteria decision aiding pp. 1073-1084

- Mohammad Ghaderi, Francisco Ruiz and Núria Agell
- The dynamic Black–Litterman approach to asset allocation pp. 1085-1096

- Richard D.F. Harris, Evarist Stoja and Linzhi Tan
- A Nearest Neighbour extension to project duration forecasting with Artificial Intelligence pp. 1097-1111

- Mathieu Wauters and Mario Vanhoucke
- The influence of public subsidies on farm technical efficiency: A robust conditional nonparametric approach pp. 1112-1120

- Jean Joseph Minviel and Kristof De Witte
- Multivariate dependence and portfolio optimization algorithms under illiquid market scenarios pp. 1121-1131

- Mazin A.M. Al Janabi, Jose Arreola Hernandez, Theo Berger and Duc Khuong Nguyen
- Integrated optimization of strategic and tactical planning decisions in forestry pp. 1132-1143

- M. Bouchard, D’Amours, S., M. Rönnqvist, R. Azouzi and E. Gunn
- Stochastic dynamic pricing and advertising in isoelastic oligopoly models pp. 1144-1155

- Rainer Schlosser
- Stochastic short-term hydropower planning with inflow scenario trees pp. 1156-1168

- Sara Séguin, Stein-Erik Fleten, Pascal Côté, Alois Pichler and Charles Audet
- Stochastic model for maintenance in continuously deteriorating systems pp. 1169-1179

- Aviva Samuelson, Andrew Haigh, Małgorzata M. O'Reilly and Nigel G. Bean
- Scheduling double round-robin tournaments with divisional play using constraint programming pp. 1180-1190

- Mats Carlsson, Mikael Johansson and Jeffrey Larson
- Study of aggregation algorithms for aggregating imprecise software requirements’ priorities pp. 1191-1199

- Persis Voola and Vinaya Babu A.
Volume 259, issue 2, 2017
- Optimal production run length and warranty period for an imperfect production system under selling price dependent on warranty period pp. 401-412

- Cheng-Kang Chen, Chih-Chung Lo and Tzu-Chun Weng
- A heuristic algorithm for solving large location–inventory problems with demand uncertainty pp. 413-423

- Matías Schuster Puga and Jean-Sébastien Tancrez
- Line planning with user-optimal route choice pp. 424-436

- Marc Goerigk and Marie Schmidt
- Optimal pricing policies for differentiated brands under different supply chain power structures pp. 437-451

- Zheng Luo, Xu Chen, Jing Chen and Xiaojun Wang
- Integrating rolling stock scheduling with train unit shunting pp. 452-468

- Jørgen Haahr and Richard M. Lusby
- Relating supply network structure to productive efficiency: A multi-stage empirical investigation pp. 469-485

- Kao, Ta-Wei (Daniel), N.C. Simpson, Benjamin B.M. Shao and Winston T. Lin
- The effects of strategic and manufacturing flexibilities and supply chain agility on firm performance in the fashion industry pp. 486-499

- Alan T.L. Chan, Eric W.T. Ngai and Karen K.L. Moon
- Managing blood inventory with multiple independent sources of supply pp. 500-511

- Kartikeya Puranam, David C. Novak, Marilyn T. Lucas and Mark Fung
- Choosing the right exchange-old-for-new programs for durable goods with a rollover pp. 512-526

- Yongbo Xiao
- Combinatorial Benders cuts for assembly line balancing problems with setups pp. 527-537

- Sener Akpinar, Atabak Elmi and Tolga Bektaş
- Dynamic facility layout problem based on open queuing network theory pp. 538-553

- Hani Pourvaziri and Henri Pierreval
- Impact of supply chain power and drop-shipping on a manufacturer’s optimal distribution channel strategy pp. 554-563

- Dennis Z. Yu, Taesu Cheong and Daewon Sun
- Asymmetric relationships with symmetric suppliers: Strategic choice of supply chain price leadership in a competitive market pp. 564-575

- Hwan Chung and Eunkyu Lee
- Global and local scale characteristics in convex and nonconvex nonparametric technologies: A first empirical exploration pp. 576-586

- Giovanni Cesaroni, Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne
- A DEA-based incentives system for centrally managed multi-unit organisations pp. 587-598

- Mohsen Afsharian, Heinz Ahn and Emmanuel Thanassoulis
- Optimal decisions for sellers considering valuation bias and strategic consumer reactions pp. 599-613

- Yugang Yu, Jie Liu, Xiaoya Han and Can Chen
- Properties and comparison of risk capital allocation methods pp. 614-625

- Dóra Balog, Tamás Bátyi, Péter Csóka and Miklós Pintér
- A utilisation focussed and viable systems approach for evaluating technology supported learning pp. 626-641

- Diane Hart and Alberto Paucar-Caceres
- Optimizing version release dates of research and development long-term processes pp. 642-653

- Ran Etgar, Roy Gelbard and Yuval Cohen
- Approach based on fuzzy goal programing and quality function deployment for new product planning pp. 654-663

- Liang-Hsuan Chen, Wen-Chang Ko and Feng-Ting Yeh
- Integrated location-inventory modelling under forward and reverse product flows in the used merchandise retail sector: A multi-echelon formulation pp. 664-676

- Anthony Ross, Milad Khajehnezhad, Wilkistar Otieno and Osman Aydas
- A universal voting system based on the Potential Method pp. 677-688

- Lavoslav Čaklović and Adrian Satja Kurdija
- Deep neural networks, gradient-boosted trees, random forests: Statistical arbitrage on the S&P 500 pp. 689-702

- Christopher Krauss, Xuan Anh Do and Nicolas Huck
- Probabilistic forecasting of wind power ramp events using autoregressive logit models pp. 703-712

- James W. Taylor
- Annual timber procurement planning with bucking decisions pp. 713-720

- A. Dems, L.M. Rousseau and J.M. Frayret
- Modelling bank performance: A network DEA approach pp. 721-732

- Hirofumi Fukuyama and Roman Matousek
- Overcoming human trafficking via operations research and analytics: Opportunities for methods, models, and applications pp. 733-745

- Renata A. Konrad, Andrew C. Trapp, Timothy M. Palmbach and Jeffrey S. Blom
- Using parametric classification trees for model selection with applications to financial risk management pp. 746-765

- C J Adcock and N Meade
- Optimal pricing and composition of multiple bundles: A two-step approach pp. 766-777

- Alejandro Cataldo and Ferrer, Juan–Carlos
- Comparison of variable selection techniques for data envelopment analysis in a retail bank pp. 778-788

- Juha Eskelinen
- The future of branch cash holdings management is here: New Markov chains pp. 789-799

- Julia García Cabello
Volume 259, issue 1, 2017
- The Traveling Purchaser Problem and its variants pp. 1-18

- Daniele Manerba, Renata Mansini and Jorge Riera-Ledesma
- Optimal sensor deployment to increase the security of the maximal breach path in border surveillance pp. 19-36

- Ezgi Karabulut, Necati Aras and İ. Kuban Altınel
- Wholesale pricing and evolutionary stable strategies of retailers under network externality pp. 37-47

- Yuyin Yi and Haishen Yang
- An algorithm with performance guarantee for the Online Container Relocation Problem pp. 48-62

- Elisabeth Zehendner, Dominique Feillet and Patrick Jaillet
- The optimal reverse channel choice under supply chain competition pp. 63-66

- Xiaole Wu and Yu Zhou
- Layout optimisation for an installation port of an offshore wind farm pp. 67-83

- Chandra Ade Irawan, Xiang Song, Dylan Jones and Negar Akbari
- Decision support for selecting the optimal product unpacking location in a retail supply chain pp. 84-99

- Rob A.C.M. Broekmeulen, Michael G. Sternbeck, Karel H. van Donselaar and Heinrich Kuhn
- Cost reduction through operations reversal pp. 100-112

- Ki Ling Cheung, Jing-Sheng Song and Yue Zhang
- Payload-based fleet optimization for rail cars in the chemical industry pp. 113-129

- J. Kallrath, S.T. Klosterhalfen, M. Walter, G. Fischer and R. Blackburn
- Flexible procurement contracts for competing retailers pp. 130-142

- Jen-Yi Chen, Maqbool Dada and Hu, Qiaohai (Joice)
- Speed optimization and bunkering in liner shipping in the presence of uncertain service times and time windows at ports pp. 143-154

- N. Aydin, Hyungsuk Lee and S.A. Mansouri
- Making the most of fleets: A profit-maximizing multi-vehicle pickup and delivery selection problem pp. 155-168

- Xiaoqiu Qiu, Stefan Feuerriegel and Dirk Neumann
- A new MILP model for the accessibility windows assembly line balancing problem level 2 (AWALBP-L2) pp. 169-174

- Krzysztof Fleszar
- Introducing capacities in the location of unreliable facilities pp. 175-188

- Maria Albareda-Sambola, Mercedes Landete, Juan F. Monge and José L. Sainz-Pardo
- Exploring dependency based probabilistic supply chain risk measures for prioritising interdependent risks and strategies pp. 189-204

- Abroon Qazi, John Quigley, Alex Dickson and Şule Önsel Ekici
- A configuration-based recommender system for supporting e-commerce decisions pp. 205-215

- Michael Scholz, Verena Dorner, Guido Schryen and Alexander Benlian
- Managing capacity at a service facility: An experimental approach pp. 216-228

- Carlos A. Delgado-Alvarez, Ann van Ackere, Erik R Larsen and Santiago Arango-Aramburo
- Road to robust prediction of choices in deterministic MCDM pp. 229-235

- Tommi Pajala, Pekka Korhonen and Jyrki Wallenius
- An efficient solution method to design the cost-minimizing platform portfolio pp. 236-250

- Maud Van den Broeke, Robert Boute, Brecht Cardoen and Behzad Samii
- Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model pp. 251-261

- Jan Ubøe, Jonas Andersson, Kurt Jörnsten, Jostein Lillestøl and Leif Sandal
- An empirical investigation into the learning effects of management flight simulators: A mental models approach pp. 262-272

- Sondoss Elsawah, Alan McLucas and Jason Mazanov
- Health and portfolio choices: A diffidence approach pp. 273-279

- David Crainich, Louis Eeckhoudt and Olivier Le Courtois
- New indices for the evaluation of the statistical properties of Bayesian x¯ control charts for short runsAuthor-Name: Nikolaidis, Yiannis pp. 280-292

- George Tagaras
- Sequencing of picking orders in mobile rack warehouses pp. 293-307

- Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn and Simon Emde
- Optimizing invasive species management: A mixed-integer linear programming approach pp. 308-321

- Eyyüb Y. Kıbış and İ. Esra Büyüktahtakın
- On exact and approximate stochastic dominance strategies for portfolio selection pp. 322-329

- Renato Bruni, Francesco Cesarone, Andrea Scozzari and Fabio Tardella
- Recycled incomplete identification procedures for blood screening pp. 330-343

- Shaul K. Bar-Lev, Onno Boxma, Igor Kleiner, David Perry and Wolfgang Stadje
- Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets pp. 367-383

- Rudolf Egging-Bratseth, Alois Pichler, Øyvind Iversen Kalvø and Walle–Hansen, Thomas Meyer
- Optimal setup of a multihead weighing machine pp. 384-393

- Enrique del Castillo, Alessia Beretta and Quirico Semeraro
- Consistent modeling of risk averse behavior with spectral risk measures: Wächter/Mazzoni revisited pp. 394-399

- Mario Brandtner and Wolfgang Kürsten
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