European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 228, issue 3, 2013
- Ship routing and scheduling in the new millennium pp. 467-483

- Marielle Christiansen, Kjetil Fagerholt, Bjørn Nygreen and David Ronen
- Managing inventories with one-way substitution: A newsvendor analysis pp. 484-493

- Yannick Deflem and Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse
- Interval availability analysis of a two-echelon, multi-item system pp. 494-503

- Ahmad Al Hanbali and Matthieu van der Heijden
- Integrated production planning and order acceptance under uncertainty: A robust optimization approach pp. 504-515

- Tarik Aouam and Nadjib Brahimi
- An economic order quantity model with a known price increase and partial backordering pp. 516-525

- Ata Allah Taleizadeh and David W. Pentico
- Shortening cycle times in multi-product, capacitated production environments through quality level improvements and setup reduction pp. 526-535

- Moustapha Diaby, Jose M. Cruz and Aaron L. Nsakanda
- Weighted Influence Non-linear Gauge System (WINGS) – An analysis method for the systems of interrelated components pp. 536-544

- Jerzy Michnik
- Time and inventory dependent optimal maintenance policies for single machine workstations: An MDP approach pp. 545-555

- J.S. Borrero and R. Akhavan-Tabatabaei
- Active allocation of systematic risk and control of risk sensitivity in portfolio optimization pp. 556-570

- Yingjie Li, Shushang Zhu, Donghui Li and Duan Li
- Economic and economic statistical designs of the synthetic X¯ chart using loss functions pp. 571-581

- Wai Chung Yeong, Michael B.C. Khoo, Ming Ha Lee and M.A. Rahim
- Quality uncertainty and quality-compensation contract for supply chain coordination pp. 582-591

- Chang Hwan Lee, Byong-Duk Rhee and T.C.E. Cheng
- A scale elasticity measure for directional distance function and its dual: Theory and DEA estimation pp. 592-600

- Valentin Zelenyuk
- Private equity firm experience and buyout vendor source: What is their impact on efficiency? pp. 601-611

- Yan Alperovych, Kevin Amess and Mike Wright
- Mature or emerging markets: Competitive duopoly investment decisions pp. 612-622

- Mark S. Zschocke, Benny Mantin and Elizabeth M. Jewkes
- On the importance of behavioral operational research: The case of understanding and communicating about dynamic systems pp. 623-634

- Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Jukka Luoma and Esa Saarinen
- Periodicity of pricing and marketing efforts in a distribution channel pp. 635-647

- Salma Karray
Volume 228, issue 2, 2013
- Operational research and ethics: A literature review pp. 291-307

- Richard J. Ormerod and Werner Ulrich
- Two-stage based ensemble optimization framework for large-scale global optimization pp. 308-320

- Yu Wang, Jin Huang, Wei Shan Dong, Jun Chi Yan, Chun Hua Tian, Min Li and Wen Ting Mo
- Dispatch planning using newsvendor dual problems and occupation times: Application to hydropower pp. 321-330

- Martin Densing
- Strong duality for robust minimax fractional programming problems pp. 331-336

- V. Jeyakumar, G.Y. Li and S. Srisatkunarajah
- Robust nonlinear optimization with conic representable uncertainty set pp. 337-344

- Azam Soleimanian and Ghasemali Salmani Jajaei
- Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs with due date assignment and capacity-constrained deliveries for multiple customers in supply chains pp. 345-357

- Morteza Rasti-Barzoki and Seyed Reza Hejazi
- Stochastic decomposition in production inventory with service time pp. 358-366

- A. Krishnamoorthy and Narayanan C. Viswanath
- Dynamic demand fulfillment in spare parts networks with multiple customer classes pp. 367-380

- H.G.H. Tiemessen, Moritz Fleischmann, G.J. van Houtum, J.A.E.E. van Nunen and E. Pratsini
- Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization technique for Pareto optimal solution of manufacturing inventory models with shortages pp. 381-387

- Susovan Chakrabortty, Madhumangal Pal and Prasun Kumar Nayak
- Minimum cost allocation of quality improvement targets under supplier process disruption pp. 388-396

- Weijia Wang, Robert D. Plante and Jen Tang
- Global maximization of UTA functions in multi-objective optimization pp. 397-404

- Duy Van Nguyen
- A generalized DEA model for centralized resource allocation pp. 405-412

- Lei Fang
- Characterization of the Reverse Talmud bankruptcy rule by Exemption and Exclusion properties pp. 413-417

- Rene van den Brink, Yukihiko Funaki and Gerard van der Laan
- Consumer price sensitivity in the retail industry: Latitude of acceptance with heterogeneous demand pp. 418-426

- Esteban Casado and Juan-Carlos Ferrer
- Price and speed decisions in customer-intensive services with two classes of customers pp. 427-436

- Guanqun Ni, Yinfeng Xu and Yucheng Dong
- Global facility network design in the presence of competition pp. 437-446

- Lingxiu Dong, Panos Kouvelis and Ping Su
- Transshipment and rebalancing policies for library books pp. 447-456

- G. Van der Heide and K.J. Roodbergen
- Reconstructing freeway travel times with a simplified network flow model alternating the adopted fundamental diagram pp. 457-466

- Hilmi Berk Celikoglu
Volume 228, issue 1, 2013
- Optimisation of gravity-fed water distribution network design: A critical review pp. 1-10

- Annelies De Corte and Kenneth Sörensen
- An analytical approach to calculate the capacity of a railway system pp. 11-23

- Lorenzo Mussone and Roberto Wolfler Calvo
- Fast approximation schemes for Boolean programming and scheduling problems related to positive convex Half-Product pp. 24-32

- Hans Kellerer and Vitaly Strusevich
- Systematic data generation and test design for solution algorithms on the example of SALBPGen for assembly line balancing pp. 33-45

- Alena Otto, Christian Otto and Armin Scholl
- The generalized assignment problem with minimum quantities pp. 46-55

- Sven O. Krumke and Clemens Thielen
- Integrated distribution and loading planning via a compact metaheuristic algorithm pp. 56-71

- Emmanouil E. Zachariadis, Christos D. Tarantilis and Chris T. Kiranoudis
- A new crossover approach for solving the multiple travelling salesmen problem using genetic algorithms pp. 72-82

- Shuai Yuan, Bradley Skinner, Shoudong Huang and Dikai Liu
- Compact formulations of the Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem and related problems pp. 83-92

- Adam N. Letchford, Saeideh D. Nasiri and Dirk Oliver Theis
- Maximal and supremal tolerances in multiobjective linear programming pp. 93-101

- Milan Hladík and Sebastian Sitarz
- Pricing and risk management of interest rate swaps pp. 102-111

- Sovan Mitra, Paresh Date, Rogemar Mamon and I-Chieh Wang
- The multivariate non-homogeneous Markov manpower system in a departmental mobility framework pp. 112-121

- V.A. Dimitriou, A.C. Georgiou and N. Tsantas
- Is public capital really productive? A methodological reappraisal pp. 122-130

- Christophe Hurlin and Alexandru Minea
- Error estimation properties of Gaussian process models in stochastic simulations pp. 131-140

- Andres F. Hernandez and Martha A. Grover
- Fuzzy turnover rate chance constraints portfolio model pp. 141-147

- Sasan Barak, Masoud Abessi and Mohammad Modarres
- Comparing the validity of numerical judgements elicited by direct rating and point allocation: Insights from objectively verifiable perceptual tasks pp. 148-157

- Paul A. Bottomley and John R. Doyle
- Sharing costs in highways: A game theoretic approach pp. 158-168

- Jeroen Kuipers, Manuel A. Mosquera and José Zarzuelo
- Robust multi-criteria ranking with additive value models and holistic pair-wise preference statements pp. 169-180

- Miłosz Kadziński and Tommi Tervonen
- Cross-efficiency evaluation with directional distance functions pp. 181-189

- José Ruiz
- A maximum entropy approach to the newsvendor problem with partial information pp. 190-200

- Jonas Andersson, Kurt Jörnsten, Sigrid Lise Nonås, Leif Sandal and Jan Ubøe
- Subgame-perfection in free transition games pp. 201-207

- J. Flesch, J. Kuipers, G. Schoenmakers and K. Vrieze
- Vertical separation as a defense against strong suppliers pp. 208-216

- Noriaki Matsushima and Tomomichi Mizuno
- Inexact joint-probabilistic chance-constrained programming with left-hand-side randomness: An application to solid waste management pp. 217-225

- Wei Sun, Guo H. Huang, Ying Lv and Gongchen Li
- Using Data Envelopment Analysis to support the design of process improvement interventions in electricity distribution pp. 226-235

- Carla A.F. Amado, Sérgio P. Santos and João F.C. Sequeira
- A cutting plane method for solving harvest scheduling models with area restrictions pp. 236-248

- Nóra Könnyű and Sándor F. Tóth
- Investigating and comparing the dynamic patterns of the business value of information technology over time pp. 249-261

- Winston T. Lin and Chia-Hung Chuang
- Hybrid defensive resource allocations in the face of partially strategic attackers in a sequential defender–attacker game pp. 262-272

- Xiaojun Shan and Jun Zhuang
- Enhanced indexation based on second-order stochastic dominance pp. 273-281

- Diana Roman, Gautam Mitra and Victor Zverovich
- Monitoring delivery chains using multivariate control charts pp. 282-289

- Alireza Faraz, Cédric Heuchenne, Erwin Saniga and Earnest Foster
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