European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 236, issue 3, 2014
- Vehicle routing with soft time windows and stochastic travel times: A column generation and branch-and-price solution approach pp. 789-799

- D. Taş, M. Gendreau, N. Dellaert, Tom van Woensel and A.G. de Kok
- A branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem pp. 800-810

- Jens Lysgaard and Sanne Wøhlk
- The directed profitable location Rural Postman Problem pp. 811-819

- Claudio Arbib, Mara Servilio, Claudia Archetti and M. Grazia Speranza
- Requiem for the Miller–Tucker–Zemlin subtour elimination constraints? pp. 820-832

- Tolga Bektaş and Luis Gouveia
- A memetic algorithm for the Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 833-848

- Diego Cattaruzza, Nabil Absi, Dominique Feillet and Thibaut Vidal
- A branch-and-cut-and-price approach for the pickup and delivery problem with shuttle routes pp. 849-862

- Renaud Masson, Stefan Ropke, Fabien Lehuédé and Olivier Péton
- Many-to-many location-routing with inter-hub transport and multi-commodity pickup-and-delivery pp. 863-878

- Julia Rieck, Carsten Ehrenberg and Jürgen Zimmermann
- A new VRPPD model and a hybrid heuristic solution approach for e-tailing pp. 879-890

- Seda Yanik, Burcin Bozkaya and Ronan deKervenoael
- Facets and valid inequalities for the time-dependent travelling salesman problem pp. 891-902

- Juan José Miranda-Bront, Isabel Méndez-Díaz and Paula Zabala
- Ranking paths in stochastic time-dependent networks pp. 903-914

- Lars Relund Nielsen, Kim Allan Andersen and Daniele Pretolani
- Finding a minimum cost path between a pair of nodes in a time-varying road network with a congestion charge pp. 915-923

- Liang Wen, Bülent Çatay and Richard Eglese
- Hybrid heuristics for a short sea inventory routing problem pp. 924-935

- Agostinho Agra, Marielle Christiansen, Alexandrino Delgado and Luidi Simonetti
- An inventory–routing problem with the objective of travel time minimization pp. 936-945

- Kunpeng Li, Bin Chen, Appa Iyer Sivakumar and Yong Wu
- A resource constrained scheduling problem with multiple independent producers and a single linking constraint: A coal supply chain example pp. 946-956

- Anu Thomas, Jayendran Venkateswaran, Gaurav Singh and Mohan Krishnamoorthy
- Lower and upper bounds for a two-stage capacitated facility location problem with handling costs pp. 957-967

- Jinfeng Li, Feng Chu, Christian Prins and Zhanguo Zhu
- A fast simulated annealing method for batching precedence-constrained customer orders in a warehouse pp. 968-977

- Marek Matusiak, René de Koster, Leo Kroon and Jari Saarinen
- Modeling and solution of the joint quay crane and truck scheduling problem pp. 978-990

- Lixin Tang, Jiao Zhao and Jiyin Liu
- The stochastic bid generation problem in combinatorial transportation auctions pp. 991-999

- Chefi Triki, Simona Oprea, Patriza Beraldi and Teodor Gabriel Crainic
- The Multi-Handler Knapsack Problem under Uncertainty pp. 1000-1007

- Guido Perboli, Roberto Tadei and Luca Gobbato
Volume 236, issue 2, 2014
- The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers – A survey pp. 395-402

- Adriana Cristina Cherri, Marcos Nereu Arenales, Horacio Hideki Yanasse, Kelly Cristina Poldi and Andréa Carla Gonçalves Vianna
- An application of the branch, bound, and remember algorithm to a new simple assembly line balancing dataset pp. 403-409

- David R. Morrison, Edward C. Sewell and Sheldon H. Jacobson
- On connected dominating sets of restricted diameter pp. 410-418

- Austin Buchanan, Je Sang Sung, Vladimir Boginski and Sergiy Butenko
- A fast solution method for the time-dependent orienteering problem pp. 419-432

- C. Verbeeck, K. Sörensen, E.-H. Aghezzaf and P. Vansteenwegen
- A heuristic for scheduling in a two-stage hybrid flowshop with renewable resources shared among the stages pp. 433-444

- Ewa Figielska
- Minimizing earliness and tardiness costs in stochastic scheduling pp. 445-452

- Kenneth R. Baker
- Row-reduced column generation for degenerate master problems pp. 453-460

- Jacques Desrosiers, Jean Bertrand Gauthier and Marco E. Lübbecke
- The nuclear medicine production and delivery problem pp. 461-472

- Jongsung Lee, Byung-In Kim, Andrew Johnson and Kiho Lee
- The maximum balanced subgraph of a signed graph: Applications and solution approaches pp. 473-487

- Rosa Figueiredo and Yuri Frota
- Knapsack problems with sigmoid utilities: Approximation algorithms via hybrid optimization pp. 488-498

- Vaibhav Srivastava and Francesco Bullo
- Improving reliability of a shared supplier with competition and spillovers pp. 499-510

- Yimin Wang, Yixuan Xiao and Nan Yang
- Flexible capacity strategy with multiple market periods under demand uncertainty and investment constraint pp. 511-521

- Liu Yang and C.T. Ng
- Modeling sourcing strategies to mitigate part obsolescence pp. 522-533

- Yuelin Shen and Sean P. Willems
- Characterizing order processes of continuous review (s,S) and (r,nQ) policies pp. 534-547

- Ann M. Noblesse, Robert N. Boute, Marc R. Lambrecht and Benny Van Houdt
- Real-time order tracking for supply systems with multiple transportation stages pp. 548-560

- Nana Bryan and Mandyam M. Srinivasan
- Performance and reliability analysis of an M/G/1-G retrial queue with orbital search and non-persistent customers pp. 561-572

- Shan Gao and Jinting Wang
- Multivariate versus univariate Kriging metamodels for multi-response simulation models pp. 573-582

- Jack Kleijnen and Ehsan Mehdad
- On a class of solidarity values pp. 583-591

- André Casajus and Frank Huettner
- Improved bounds for the traveling umpire problem: A stronger formulation and a relax-and-fix heuristic pp. 592-600

- Lucas de Oliveira, Cid C. de Souza and Tallys Yunes
- Inferring robust decision models in multicriteria classification problems: An experimental analysis pp. 601-611

- Michael Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis and Emilios Galariotis
- Approaches to multistage one-shot decision making pp. 612-623

- Peijun Guo and Yonggang Li
- Assessing the impact of derived behavior information on customer attrition in the financial service industry pp. 624-633

- Leilei Tang, Lyn Thomas, Mary Fletcher, Jiazhu Pan and Andrew Marshall
- The Aircraft Maintenance Base Location Problem pp. 634-642

- Ram Gopalan
- Duopolistic competition under risk aversion and uncertainty pp. 643-656

- Michail Chronopoulos, Bert De Reyck and Afzal Siddiqui
- No-arbitrage bounds for financial scenarios pp. 657-663

- Alois Geyer, Michael Hanke and Alex Weissensteiner
- Optimal design of the auto parts supply chain for JIT operations: Sequential bifurcation factor screening and multi-response surface methodology pp. 664-676

- Wen Shi, Jennifer Shang, Zhixue Liu and Xiaolu Zuo
- A dynamic paired comparisons model: Who is the greatest tennis player? pp. 677-684

- Rose D. Baker and Ian G. McHale
- Intensity models and transition probabilities for credit card loan delinquencies pp. 685-694

- Mindy Leow and Jonathan Crook
- Column-generation based bounds for the Homogeneous Areas Problem pp. 695-705

- Fabio Colombo, Roberto Cordone and Marco Trubian
- Measuring technical and environmental efficiency in a state-contingent technology pp. 706-717

- Teresa Serra, Robert G. Chambers and Alfons Oude Lansink
- A hybrid method for large-scale short-term scheduling of make-and-pack production processes pp. 718-735

- Philipp Baumann and Norbert Trautmann
- Fleet routing position-based model for inventory pickup under production shutdown pp. 736-747

- N.C.P. Edirisinghe and R.J.W. James
- A cardinality-constrained robust model for the assignment problem in Home Care services pp. 748-762

- Giuliana Carello and Ettore Lanzarone
- Locating series FACTS devices for multi-objective congestion management improving voltage and transient stability pp. 763-773

- Masoud Esmaili, Heidar Ali Shayanfar and Ramin Moslemi
- Mathematical analysis and solutions for multi-objective line-cell conversion problem pp. 774-786

- Yang Yu, Jiafu Tang, Jun Gong, Yong Yin and Ikou Kaku
Volume 236, issue 1, 2014
- Transport operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, research directions and classification scheme pp. 1-13

- Héctor J. Carlo, Iris F.A. Vis and Kees Jan Roodbergen
- Dynamic resource allocation: A flexible and tractable modeling framework pp. 14-26

- Dimitris Bertsimas, Shubham Gupta and Guglielmo Lulli
- Frequency optimization in public transportation systems: Formulation and metaheuristic approach pp. 27-36

- Héctor Martínez, Antonio Mauttone and María E. Urquhart
- Scheduling with few changes pp. 37-50

- Torsten Mütze
- A novel Lagrangian relaxation approach for a hybrid flowshop scheduling problem in the steelmaking-continuous casting process pp. 51-60

- Kun Mao, Quan-ke Pan, Xinfu Pang and Tianyou Chai
- Complexity results for the linear time–cost tradeoff problem with multiple milestones and completely ordered jobs pp. 61-68

- Byung-Cheon Choi and Jibok Chung
- Locating a single facility and a high-speed line pp. 69-77

- J.M. Díaz-Báñez, M. Korman, P. Pérez-Lantero and I. Ventura
- In and out forests on combinatorial landscapes pp. 78-84

- A.R. Kammerdiner and E.L. Pasiliao
- Dynamic programming algorithms for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem pp. 85-99

- Aiying Rong and José Rui Figueira
- Hop constrained Steiner trees with multiple root nodes pp. 100-112

- Luis Gouveia, Markus Leitner and Ivana Ljubić
- Genetic-algorithm-based simulation optimization considering a single stochastic constraint pp. 113-125

- Shing Chih Tsai and Sheng Yang Fu
- Prioritizing replenishments of the piece picking area pp. 126-134

- Harwin de Vries, Ruth Carrasco-Gallego, Taoying Farenhorst-Yuan and Rommert Dekker
- Approximate queueing models for capacitated multi-stage inventory systems under base-stock control pp. 135-146

- Zeynep Müge Avṣar and W. Henk Zijm
- The multi-item newsvendor model with cross-selling and the solution when demand is jointly normally distributed pp. 147-159

- Ren-Qian Zhang, Lan-Kang Zhang, Wen-Hui Zhou, Romesh Saigal and Hui-Wen Wang
- Can long-run dynamic optimal strategies outperform fixed-mix portfolios? Evidence from multiple data sets pp. 160-176

- Daniele Bianchi and Massimo Guidolin
- A tollbooth tandem queue with heterogeneous servers pp. 177-189

- Qi-Ming He and Xiuli Chao
- Using phase-type models to cost stroke patient care across health, social and community services pp. 190-199

- Sally McClean, Jennifer Gillespie, Lalit Garg, Maria Barton, Bryan Scotney and Ken Kullerton
- A jump model for fads in asset prices under asymmetric information pp. 200-208

- Winston Buckley, Hongwei Long and Sandun Perera
- Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: Fallacy of the popular methods pp. 209-217

- Kèyù Zhü
- Dynamic pricing with uncertain production cost: An alternating-move approach pp. 218-228

- Soheil Sibdari and David F. Pyke
- A combined scalarizing method for multiobjective programming problems pp. 229-237

- Narges Rastegar and Esmaile Khorram
- Portfolio insurance: Gap risk under conditional multiples pp. 238-253

- Hachmi Ben Ameur and Jean-Luc Prigent
- Achievable hierarchies in voting games with abstention pp. 254-260

- Josep Freixas, Bertrand Tchantcho and Narcisse Tedjeugang
- Enhancing data consistency in decision matrix: Adapting Hadamard model to mitigate judgment contradiction pp. 261-271

- Gang Kou, Daji Ergu and Jennifer Shang
- On the feedback solutions of differential oligopoly games with hyperbolic demand curve and capacity accumulation pp. 272-281

- Luca Lambertini and Arsen Palestini
- Hedge fund systemic risk signals pp. 282-291

- Roberto Savona
- A three-dimensional voting system in Hong Kong pp. 292-297

- Wai-Shun Cheung and Tuen-Wai Ng
- Optimal control policies for ambulance diversion pp. 298-312

- Adrian Ramirez-Nafarrate, A. Baykal Hafizoglu, Esma S. Gel and John W. Fowler
- Synthetic indicators of mutual funds’ environmental responsibility: An application of the Reference Point Method pp. 313-325

- J.M. Cabello, F. Ruiz, B. Pérez-Gladish and P. Méndez-Rodríguez
- Generalized Nash equilibria for SaaS/PaaS Clouds pp. 326-339

- Jonatha Anselmi, Danilo Ardagna and Mauro Passacantando
- A variational inequality formulation of equilibrium models for end-of-life products with nonlinear constraints pp. 340-350

- Fuminori Toyasaki, Patrizia Daniele and Tina Wakolbinger
- Profit criteria involving risk in price setting of virtual products pp. 351-360

- Tatyana Chernonog and Tal Avinadav
- Use of DEA cross-efficiency evaluation in portfolio selection: An application to Korean stock market pp. 361-368

- Sungmook Lim, Kwang Wuk Oh and Joe Zhu
- Pricing exotic derivatives exploiting structure pp. 369-381

- Debora Sesana, Daniele Marazzina and Gianluca Fusai
- A constructive aisle design model for unit-load warehouses with multiple pickup and deposit points pp. 382-394

- Ö. Öztürkoğlu, K.R. Gue and R.D. Meller
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