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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 256, issue 3, 2017

A column generation approach to high school timetabling modeled as a multicommodity flow problem pp. 685-695 Downloads
Árton P. Dorneles, Olinto C.B. de Araújo and Luciana S. Buriol
Two decomposition algorithms for solving a minimum weight maximum clique model for the air conflict resolution problem pp. 696-712 Downloads
Thibault Lehouillier, Jérémy Omer, François Soumis and Guy Desaulniers
Modeling elements and solving techniques for the data dissemination problem pp. 713-728 Downloads
Ronan Bocquillon and Antoine Jouglet
A multi-threaded local search algorithm and computer implementation for the multi-mode, resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem pp. 729-741 Downloads
Martin Josef Geiger
A hybrid genetic algorithm with decomposition phases for the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem pp. 742-756 Downloads
Frederico Galaxe Paes, Artur Alves Pessoa and Thibaut Vidal
Capital- and resource-constrained project scheduling with net present value optimization pp. 757-776 Downloads
Pieter Leyman and Mario Vanhoucke
Improved exact algorithms to economic lot-sizing with piecewise linear production costs pp. 777-784 Downloads
Jinwen Ou
Supply chain coordination with information sharing: The informational advantage of GPOs pp. 785-802 Downloads
Maosen Zhou, Bin Dan, Songxuan Ma and Xumei Zhang
Moving products between location pairs: Cross-docking versus direct-shippingAuthor-Name: Nikolopoulou, Amalia I pp. 803-819 Downloads
Panagiotis P. Repoussis, Christos D. Tarantilis and Emmanouil E. Zachariadis
Quantity and collection decisions in a closed-loop supply chain with technology licensing pp. 820-829 Downloads
Xianpei Hong, Kannan Govindan, Lei Xu and Peng Du
Forward and backward stocking policies for a two-level supply chain with consignment stock agreement and stock-dependent demand pp. 830-840 Downloads
W. Lee, S.-P. Wang and W.-C. Chen
Strategic behavior and social optimization in a constant retrial queue with the N-policy pp. 841-849 Downloads
Jinting Wang, Xuelu Zhang and Ping Huang
Dynamic booking control for car rental revenue management: A decomposition approach pp. 850-867 Downloads
Dong Li and Zhan Pang
An application of the multiple knapsack problem: The self-sufficient marine pp. 868-876 Downloads
Jay Simon, Aruna Apte and Eva Regnier
Interaction of pricing, advertising and experience quality: A dynamic analysis pp. 877-885 Downloads
Jonathan P. Caulkins, Gustav Feichtinger, Dieter Grass, Richard F. Hartl, Peter Kort and Andrea Seidl
Optimal management of naturally regenerating uneven-aged forests pp. 886-900 Downloads
Ankur Sinha, Janne Rämö, Pekka Malo, Markku Kallio and Olli Tahvonen
Within-group common benchmarking using DEA pp. 901-910 Downloads
Wade D. Cook, José L. Ruiz, Inmaculada Sirvent and Joe Zhu
Interaction between channel strategy and store brand decisions pp. 911-923 Downloads
Yannan Jin, Xiaole Wu and Qiying Hu
An integer programming approach for fuzzy rule-based classification systems pp. 924-934 Downloads
Shahab Derhami and Alice E. Smith
Evaluations of quantiles of system lifetime distributions pp. 935-944 Downloads
Tomasz Rychlik
Information diffusion, cluster formation and entropy-based network dynamics in equity and commodity markets pp. 945-961 Downloads
Stelios Bekiros, Duc Khuong Nguyen, Leonidas Sandoval Junior and Gazi Uddin
Defense and attack of performance-sharing common bus systemsAuthor-Name: Zhai, Qingqing pp. 962-975 Downloads
Zhi-Sheng Ye, Rui Peng and Wenbin Wang
Estimating performance in a Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System pp. 976-990 Downloads
T. Lamballais, D. Roy and M.B.M. De Koster
Cooperative interconnection settlement among ISPs through NAP pp. 991-1003 Downloads
Weihua Zhou, Yaqi Pu, Hongyan Dai and Qingwei Jin
Geometric mean quantity index numbers with Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights pp. 1004-1014 Downloads
Tom Van Puyenbroeck and Nicky Rogge
Time-varying quantile association regression model with applications to financial contagion and VaR pp. 1015-1028 Downloads
Wuyi Ye, Kebing Luo and Xiaoquan Liu
The effectiveness of TARP-CPP on the US banking industry: A new copula-based approach pp. 1029-1037 Downloads
Raffaella Calabrese, Degl’Innocenti, Marta and Silvia Angela Osmetti

Volume 256, issue 2, 2017

Stochastic survivable network design problems: Theory and practice pp. 333-348 Downloads
Ivana Ljubić, Petra Mutzel and Bernd Zey
Iterated Local Search and Column Generation to solve Arc-Routing as a permutation set-covering problem pp. 349-367 Downloads
Daniel Porumbel, Gilles Goncalves, Hamid Allaoui and Tienté Hsu
Scalability of using Restricted Boltzmann Machines for combinatorial optimization pp. 368-383 Downloads
Malte Probst, Franz Rothlauf and Jörn Grahl
Approximation algorithms for the workload partition problem and applications to scheduling with variable processing times pp. 384-391 Downloads
Daniel Oron, Dvir Shabtay and George Steiner
Lower bounds and algorithms for the minimum cardinality bin covering problem pp. 392-403 Downloads
Rico Walter and Alexander Lawrinenko
Route and fleet design for cyclic inventory routing pp. 404-411 Downloads
Birger Raa and Wout Dullaert
A negotiation-based algorithm to coordinate supplier development in decentralized supply chains pp. 412-429 Downloads
M. Proch, K. Worthmann and J. Schlüchtermann
Reservation policies of advance orders in the presence of multiple demand classes pp. 430-438 Downloads
Bisheng Du and Christian Larsen
Analytical properties of an imperfect repair model and application in preventive maintenance scheduling pp. 439-453 Downloads
Dinh Tuan Nguyen, Yann Dijoux and Mitra Fouladirad
On the calculation of safety stocks when demand is forecasted pp. 454-461 Downloads
Dennis Prak, Ruud Teunter and Aris Syntetos
Worst-case demand distributions in vehicle routing pp. 462-472 Downloads
John Gunnar Carlsson and Mehdi Behroozi
Stabilizing performance in a service system with time-varying arrivals and customer feedback pp. 473-486 Downloads
Yunan Liu and Ward Whitt
A new cross decomposition method for stochastic mixed-integer linear programming pp. 487-499 Downloads
Emmanuel Ogbe and Xiang Li
Robust portfolio selection problem under temperature uncertainty pp. 500-523 Downloads
Nalân Gülpınar and Ethem Çanakoḡlu
Quality coordination with extended warranty for store-brand products pp. 524-532 Downloads
Dung T. Mai, Tieming Liu, Michael D.S. Morris and Shuzhen Sun
Comparing school ownership performance using a pseudo-panel database: A Malmquist-type index approach pp. 533-542 Downloads
Juan Aparicio, Eva Crespo-Cebada, Francisco Pedraja-Chaparro and Daniel Santín
Optimal regime switching under risk aversion and uncertainty pp. 543-555 Downloads
Michail Chronopoulos and Sara Lumbreras
Optimal design of uptime-guarantee contracts under IGFR valuations and convex costs pp. 556-566 Downloads
Behzad Hezarkhani
The impact of global climate change on water quantity and quality: A system dynamics approach to the US–Mexican transborder regionAuthor-Name: Duran-Encalada, J.A pp. 567-581 Downloads
A. Paucar-Caceres, E.R. Bandala and G.H. Wright
Defense and attack for interdependent systems pp. 582-591 Downloads
Kjell Hausken
Easy and optimal queries to reduce set uncertainty pp. 592-604 Downloads
N. Ben Abdallah, S. Destercke and M. Sallak
Modeling strategic investment decisions in spatial markets pp. 605-618 Downloads
Stefan Lorenczik, Raimund Malischek and Johannes Trüby
Combining revenue and equity in capacity allocation of imaging facilities pp. 619-628 Downloads
Liping Zhou, Na Geng, Zhibin Jiang and Xiuxian Wang
Non-radial cost Luenberger productivity indicator pp. 629-639 Downloads
Yu-Hui Lin, Tsu-Tan Fu, Chia-Li Chen and Jia-Ching Juo
Adjustment costs in the technical efficiency: An application to global banking pp. 640-649 Downloads
Mike Tsionas and Emmanuel Mamatzakis
On noncooperative oligopoly equilibrium in the multiple leader–follower game pp. 650-662 Downloads
Ludovic Julien
Exploring factors affecting the level of happiness across countries: A conditional robust nonparametric frontier analysis pp. 663-672 Downloads
José Manuel Cordero, Javier Salinas-Jiménez and M Mar Salinas-Jiménez
An approximate solution to rent-seeking contests with private information pp. 673-684 Downloads
Andrea Gallice

Volume 256, issue 1, 2017

Regression and Kriging metamodels with their experimental designs in simulation: A review pp. 1-16 Downloads
Jack Kleijnen
A relaxed projection method for solving multiobjective optimization problems pp. 17-23 Downloads
A.S. Brito, J.X. Cruz Neto, P.S.M. Santos and S.S. Souza
Computing equilibrium prices for a capital asset pricing model with heterogeneous beliefs and margin-requirement constraints pp. 24-34 Downloads
Jun Tong, Jiaqiao Hu and Jianqiang Hu
Matrix completion under interval uncertainty pp. 35-43 Downloads
Jakub Mareček, Peter Richtárik and Martin Takáč
Optimal allocation of buffer times to increase train schedule robustness pp. 44-54 Downloads
Predrag Jovanović, Pavle Kecman, Nebojša Bojović and Dragomir Mandić
FPTAS for the two identical parallel machine problem with a single operator under the free changing mode pp. 55-61 Downloads
Pierre Baptiste, Djamal Rebaine and Mohammed Zouba
A new compact formulation for the discrete p-dispersion problem pp. 62-67 Downloads
David Sayah and Stefan Irnich
Group-buying and channel coordination under asymmetric information pp. 68-75 Downloads
Thanh Tran and Ramarao Desiraju
Optimisation of maintenance routing and scheduling for offshore wind farms pp. 76-89 Downloads
Chandra Ade Irawan, Djamila Ouelhadj, Dylan Jones, Magnus Stålhane and Iver Bakken Sperstad
A feasibility-based heuristic for the container pre-marshalling problem pp. 90-101 Downloads
Ning Wang, Bo Jin, Zizhen Zhang and Andrew Lim
A multi-item approach to repairable stocking and expediting in a fluctuating demand environment pp. 102-115 Downloads
Joachim Arts
The risk-averse newsvendor problem under spectral risk measures: A classification with extensions pp. 116-125 Downloads
Emel Arıkan and Johannes Fichtinger
Heuristics for multi-item two-echelon spare parts inventory control subject to aggregate and individual service measures pp. 126-138 Downloads
Engin Topan, Z. Pelin Bayındır and Tarkan Tan
The impact of customer returns in a supply chain with a common retailer pp. 139-150 Downloads
Hui Yang, Jing Chen, Xu Chen and Bintong Chen
Mitigating variance amplification under stochastic lead-time: The proportional control approach pp. 151-162 Downloads
Xun Wang and Stephen M. Disney
Relevant states and memory in Markov chain bootstrapping and simulation pp. 163-177 Downloads
Roy Cerqueti, Paolo Falbo and Cristian Pelizzari
A Geo/G/1 retrial queueing system with priority services pp. 178-186 Downloads
I. Atencia
Multi-server tandem queue with Markovian arrival process, phase-type service times, and finite buffers pp. 187-195 Downloads
Hendrik Baumann and Werner Sandmann
Comparison of least squares Monte Carlo methods with applications to energy real options pp. 196-204 Downloads
Selvaprabu Nadarajah, François Margot and Nicola Secomandi
Chance-constrained optimization for pension fund portfolios in the presence of default risk pp. 205-214 Downloads
Yufei Sun, Grace Aw, Ryan Loxton and Kok Lay Teo
Robust two-stage stochastic linear optimization with risk aversion pp. 215-229 Downloads
Aifan Ling, Jie Sun, Naihua Xiu and Xiaoguang Yang
Resource pooling in the presence of failures: Efficiency versus risk pp. 230-241 Downloads
Sigrún Andradóttir, Hayriye Ayhan and Douglas G. Down
Compact mixed integer linear programming models to the minimum weighted tree reconstruction problem pp. 242-251 Downloads
Bernard Fortz, Olga Oliveira and Cristina Requejo
A more human-like portfolio optimization approach pp. 252-260 Downloads
Thuener Silva, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro and Marcus Poggi
Distributionally robust single machine scheduling with risk aversion pp. 261-274 Downloads
Zhiqi Chang, Shiji Song, Yuli Zhang, Jian-Ya Ding, Rui Zhang and Raymond Chiong
Decomposing productivity indexes into explanatory factors pp. 275-291 Downloads
Walter Diewert and Kevin Fox
Bayesian estimation of the global minimum variance portfolio pp. 292-307 Downloads
Taras Bodnar, Stepan Mazur and Yarema Okhrin
Measurement of interest rates using a convex optimization model pp. 308-316 Downloads
Jörgen Blomvall
Page updated 2025-03-28