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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 225, issue 3, 2013

Production and availability policies through the Markov Decision Process and myopic methods for contractual and selective orders pp. 383-392 Downloads
Gary H. Chao
Optimal inventory management for a retail chain with diverse store demands pp. 393-403 Downloads
Narendra Agrawal and Stephen A. Smith
A lot-sizing and scheduling model for multi-stage flow lines with zero lead times pp. 404-419 Downloads
Hartmut Stadtler and Florian Sahling
Profitability in the car industry: New measures for estimating targets and target directions pp. 420-428 Downloads
Hans van der Heijden and Wolfgang Garn
Optimizing bounds on security prices in incomplete markets. Does stochastic volatility specification matter? pp. 429-442 Downloads
Naroa Marroquı´n-Martı´nez and Manuel Moreno
A methodology for probabilistic model-based prognosis pp. 443-454 Downloads
A. Lorton, M. Fouladirad and A. Grall
Dynamic journeying under uncertainty pp. 455-471 Downloads
Lauri Häme and Harri Hakula
Generalization of the weighted voting method using penalty functions constructed via faithful restricted dissimilarity functions pp. 472-478 Downloads
H. Bustince, A. Jurio, A. Pradera, R. Mesiar and G. Beliakov
Reference-based preferences aggregation procedures in multi-criteria decision making pp. 479-486 Downloads
Antoine Rolland
A semi-automated approach for structuring multi criteria decision problems pp. 487-496 Downloads
Konradin Maier and Volker Stix
An outranking-based general approach to solving group multi-objective optimization problems pp. 497-506 Downloads
Eduardo Fernandez and Rafael Olmedo
A fuzzy-based decision support model for monitoring on-time delivery performance: A textile industry case study pp. 507-517 Downloads
Dilupa Nakandala, Premaratne Samaranayake and H.C.W. Lau
Does EU ETS instigate Air Cargo network reconfiguration? A model-based analysis pp. 518-527 Downloads
Ulrich Derigs and Stefan Illing
Forecasting foreign exchange rates with adaptive neural networks using radial-basis functions and Particle Swarm Optimization pp. 528-540 Downloads
Georgios Sermpinis, Konstantinos Theofilatos, Andreas Karathanasopoulos, Efstratios F. Georgopoulos and Christian Dunis
Leading bureaucracies to the tipping point: An alternative model of multiple stable equilibrium levels of corruption pp. 541-546 Downloads
Jonathan P. Caulkins, Gustav Feichtinger, Dieter Grass, Richard F. Hartl, Peter Kort, Andreas J. Novak and Andrea Seidl
Fast algorithms for scheduling with learning effects and time-dependent processing times on a single machine pp. 547-551 Downloads
Jianbo Qian and George Steiner
The 1-median and 1-highway problem pp. 552-557 Downloads
J.M. Díaz-Báñez, M. Korman, P. Pérez-Lantero and I. Ventura

Volume 225, issue 2, 2013

A meta-heuristic algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with two-dimensional loading constraints pp. 199-210 Downloads
Stephen C.H. Leung, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang, Xian Hua and Ming K. Lim
Enhanced formulations and branch-and-cut for the two level network design problem with transition facilities pp. 211-222 Downloads
Stefan Gollowitzer, Luis Gouveia and Ivana Ljubić
Hierarchical approach for survivable network design pp. 223-235 Downloads
Anantaram Balakrishnan, Mihai Banciu, Karolina Glowacka and Prakash Mirchandani
Iterated tabu search for the circular open dimension problem pp. 236-243 Downloads
Zhanghua Fu, Wenqi Huang and Zhipeng Lü
New lower bounds for the three-dimensional orthogonal bin packing problem pp. 244-252 Downloads
Chung-Shou Liao and Chia-Hong Hsu
RFID-generated traceability for contaminated product recall in perishable food supply networks pp. 253-262 Downloads
Selwyn Piramuthu, Poorya Farahani and Martin Grunow
Analysis of a two-echelon inventory system with two supply modes pp. 263-272 Downloads
Joachim Arts and Gudrun P. Kiesmüller
Optimal selection of retailers for a manufacturing vendor in a vendor managed inventory system pp. 273-284 Downloads
Yugang Yu, Zhaofu Hong, Linda L. Zhang, Liang Liang and Chengbin Chu
Joint statistical design of X¯ and s charts with combined double sampling and variable sampling interval pp. 285-297 Downloads
Pei-Hsi Lee
Dual sourcing using capacity reservation and spot market: Optimal procurement policy and heuristic parameter determination pp. 298-309 Downloads
Karl Inderfurth, Peter Kelle and Rainer Kleber
A phase-type geometric process repair model with spare device procurement and repairman’s multiple vacations pp. 310-323 Downloads
Miaomiao Yu, Yinghui Tang, Liping Liu and Jiang Cheng
Structural properties of Markov modulated revenue management problems pp. 324-331 Downloads
Can Özkan, Fikri Karaesmen and Süleyman Özekici
An optimal sequential procedure for a multiple selling problem with independent observations pp. 332-336 Downloads
Georgy Sofronov
Customization competition between branded firms: Continuous extension of product line from core product pp. 337-352 Downloads
Noritsugu Takagoshi and Nobuo Matsubayashi
A modified Duckworth–Lewis method for adjusting targets in interrupted limited overs cricket pp. 353-362 Downloads
Ian G. McHale and Muhammad Asif
The impact of disaster on the strategic interaction between company and government pp. 363-376 Downloads
Kjell Hausken and Jun Zhuang
Harmonizing model with transfer tax on water pollution across regional boundaries in a China’s lake basin pp. 377-382 Downloads
Laijun Zhao, Changmin Li, Rongbing Huang, Steven Si, Jian Xue, Wei Huang and Yue Hu

Volume 225, issue 1, 2013

A review of dynamic vehicle routing problems pp. 1-11 Downloads
Victor Pillac, Michel Gendreau, Christelle Guéret and Andrés L. Medaglia
Steady-state optimization of biochemical systems through geometric programming pp. 12-20 Downloads
Gongxian Xu
Robust strategies for facility location under uncertainty pp. 21-35 Downloads
Nalan Gülpınar, Dessislava Pachamanova and Ethem Çanakoğlu
Optimal algorithms for the α-neighbor p-center problem pp. 36-43 Downloads
Doron Chen and Reuven Chen
Flexible long-term capacity planning in closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing pp. 44-58 Downloads
Patroklos Georgiadis and Efstratios Athanasiou
A continuous-review inventory model with random disruptions at the primary supplier pp. 59-74 Downloads
Lian Qi
Multi-criteria supplier segmentation using a fuzzy preference relations based AHP pp. 75-84 Downloads
Jafar Rezaei and Roland Ortt
Set-valued cooperative games with fuzzy payoffs. The fuzzy assignment game pp. 85-90 Downloads
L. Monroy, M.A. Hinojosa, A.M. Mármol and F.R. Fernández
Partnership formation with age-dependent preferences pp. 91-99 Downloads
S. Alpern, I. Katrantzi and David Ramsey
A variant of radial measure capable of dealing with negative inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis pp. 100-105 Downloads
Gang Cheng, Panagiotis Zervopoulos and Zhenhua Qian
Synchronized dial-a-ride transportation of disabled passengers at airports pp. 106-117 Downloads
Line Blander Reinhardt, Tommy Clausen and David Pisinger
Complexity management in practice: A Viable System Model intervention in an Irish eco-community pp. 118-129 Downloads
Angela Espinosa and J. Walker
A pro-active real-time control approach for dynamic vehicle routing problems dealing with the delivery of urgent goods pp. 130-141 Downloads
Francesco Ferrucci, Stefan Bock and Michel Gendreau
Integrated scheduling of crane handling and truck transportation in a maritime container terminal pp. 142-152 Downloads
Lu Chen, André Langevin and Zhiqiang Lu
Virtual queuing at airport security lanes pp. 153-165 Downloads
Robert de Lange, Ilya Samoilovich and Bo van der Rhee
Price competition and store competition: Store brands vs. national brand pp. 166-178 Downloads
Sungchul Choi and Karima Fredj
Multistage multiproduct advertising budgeting pp. 179-188 Downloads
C. Beltran-Royo, H. Zhang, L.A. Blanco and J. Almagro
A cost-based importance measure for system components: An extension of the Birnbaum importance pp. 189-195 Downloads
Shaomin Wu and Frank P.A. Coolen
Page updated 2025-03-28