European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 305, issue 3, 2023
- A classification of dynamic programming formulations for offline deterministic single-machine scheduling problems pp. 999-1017

- Christos Koulamas and George J. Kyparisis
- Appointment scheduling for medical diagnostic centers considering time-sensitive pharmaceuticals: A dynamic robust optimization approach pp. 1018-1031

- Mohammad Namakshenas, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Aleida Braaksma and Mehdi Heydari
- Structured learning based heuristics to solve the single machine scheduling problem with release times and sum of completion times pp. 1032-1041

- Axel Parmentier and T’Kindt, Vincent
- Distributionally robust multi-period location-allocation with multiple resources and capacity levels in humanitarian logistics pp. 1042-1062

- Yongjian Yang, Yunqiang Yin, Dujuan Wang, Joshua Ignatius, T.C.E. Cheng and Lalitha Dhamotharan
- Stronger mixed-integer programming-formulations for order- and rack-sequencing in robotic mobile fulfillment systems pp. 1063-1078

- Jan-Erik Justkowiak and Erwin Pesch
- Integrating preferences within multiobjective flexible job shop scheduling pp. 1079-1086

- Madani Bezoui, Alexandru-Liviu Olteanu and Marc Sevaux
- A pessimist’s approach to one-sided matching pp. 1087-1099

- Tom Demeulemeester, Dries Goossens, Ben Hermans and Roel Leus
- Firms’ production and green technology strategies: The role of emission asymmetry and carbon taxes pp. 1100-1112

- Ke Fu, Yanzhi Li, Huiqiang Mao and Zhaowei Miao
- Encroachment by a better-informed manufacturer pp. 1113-1129

- Yang Tong, Tao Lu, Yina Li and Fei Ye
- Block sourcing plus pp. 1130-1140

- Lluis Bru, Daniel Cardona and József Sákovics
- Policies for the dynamic traveling maintainer problem with alerts pp. 1141-1152

- Paulo da Costa, Peter Verleijsdonk, Simon Voorberg, Alp Akcay, Stella Kapodistria, Willem van Jaarsveld and Yingqian Zhang
- Will being an angel bring more harm than good? Altruistic newsvendors with different risk attitudes pp. 1153-1165

- Tsan-Ming Choi and Ting Zhang
- Information acquisition for service contract quotations made by repair shops pp. 1166-1177

- S. Voorberg, W. van Jaarsveld, R. Eshuis and G.J. van Houtum
- Abstract network flow with intermediate storage for evacuation planning pp. 1178-1193

- Urmila Pyakurel, Durga Prasad Khanal and Tanka Nath Dhamala
- Matching functions for free-floating shared mobility system optimization to capture maximum walking distances pp. 1194-1214

- Matthias Soppert, Claudius Steinhardt, Christian Müller, Jochen Gönsch and Prasanna M. Bhogale
- Channel mode selection for an e-platform supply chain in the presence of a secondary marketplace pp. 1215-1235

- Zhichao Zhang, Haiyan Xu, Kebing Chen, Yingxue Zhao and Zhi Liu
- A game theoretic model of the behavioural gaming that takes place at the EMS - ED interface pp. 1236-1258

- Michalis Panayides, Vince Knight and Paul Harper
- Robustness of stochastic programs with endogenous randomness via contamination pp. 1259-1272

- Miloš Kopa and Tomáš Rusý
- Structural models for fog computing based internet of things architectures with insurance and risk management applications pp. 1273-1291

- Xiaoyu Zhang, Maochao Xu, Jianxi Su and Peng Zhao
- Simulation of multidimensional diffusions with sticky boundaries via Markov chain approximation pp. 1292-1308

- Christian Meier, Lingfei Li and Gongqiu Zhang
- A generalized approach to ordinal classification based on the comparison of actions with either limiting or characteristic profiles pp. 1309-1322

- Eduardo Fernández, José Rui Figueira, Jorge Navarro and Efrain Solares
- Reducing the time required to find the Kemeny ranking by exploiting a necessary condition for being a winner pp. 1323-1336

- Noelia Rico, Camino R. Vela and Irene Díaz
- A robust omnichannel pricing and ordering optimization approach with return policies based on data-driven support vector clustering pp. 1337-1354

- Ruozhen Qiu, Lin Ma and Minghe Sun
- Efficient estimation of a risk measure requiring two-stage simulation optimization pp. 1355-1365

- Tianxiang Wang, Jie Xu, Jian-Qiang Hu and Chun-Hung Chen
- Optimal timing of non-pharmaceutical interventions during an epidemic pp. 1366-1389

- Nick F.D. Huberts and Jacco J.J. Thijssen
- Machine learning for corporate default risk: Multi-period prediction, frailty correlation, loan portfolios, and tail probabilities pp. 1390-1406

- Fabio Sigrist and Nicola Leuenberger
- The mobile production vehicle routing problem: Using 3D printing in last mile distribution pp. 1407-1423

- Yu Wang, Stefan Ropke, Min Wen and Simon Bergh
- The polynomial robust knapsack problem pp. 1424-1434

- Alessandro Baldo, Matteo Boffa, Lorenzo Cascioli, Edoardo Fadda, Chiara Lanza and Arianna Ravera
- Improving defensive air battle management by solving a stochastic dynamic assignment problem via approximate dynamic programming pp. 1435-1449

- Joseph M. Liles, Matthew J. Robbins and Brian J. Lunday
- The GMM estimation of semiparametric spatial stochastic frontier models pp. 1450-1464

- Zhezhi Hou, Shunan Zhao and Subal Kumbhakar
- Surrender contagion in life insurance pp. 1465-1479

- Chunli Cheng, Christian Hilpert, Aidin Miri Lavasani and Mick Schaefer
- Target-initiated takeover with search frictions pp. 1480-1497

- Michi Nishihara
Volume 305, issue 2, 2023
- Production, maintenance and resource scheduling: A review pp. 501-529

- M. Geurtsen, Jeroen B.H.C. Didden, J. Adan, Z. Atan and I. Adan
- Exact approaches for the combined cell layout problem pp. 530-546

- Mirko Dahlbeck, Anja Fischer, Frank Fischer, Philipp Hungerländer and Kerstin Maier
- Approximating a linear multiplicative objective in watershed management optimization pp. 547-561

- Ashley N. Boddiford, Daniel E. Kaufman, Daphne E. Skipper and Nelson A. Uhan
- Stochastic stability analysis of particle swarm optimization with pseudo random number assignment strategy pp. 562-593

- Mingchang Chih
- Approximation algorithms for bicriteria scheduling problems on identical parallel machines for makespan and total completion time pp. 594-607

- Xiaojuan Jiang, Kangbok Lee and Michael L. Pinedo
- Two-stage no-wait proportionate flow shop scheduling with minimal service time variation and optional job rejection pp. 608-616

- Christos Koulamas and George J. Kyparisis
- Seriation using tree-penalized path length pp. 617-629

- Denis A. Aliyev and Craig L. Zirbel
- The multiple traveling salesman problem in presence of drone- and robot-supported packet stations pp. 630-643

- Konstantin Kloster, Mahdi Moeini, Daniele Vigo and Oliver Wendt
- Subsidize or Not: The Competition of Credit Card and Online Credit in Platform-based Supply Chain System pp. 644-658

- Quan Li, Yong Zha and Yu Dong
- Eliminate demand information disadvantage in a supplier encroachment supply chain with information acquisition pp. 659-673

- Jing Chen, Hubert Pun and Qiao Zhang
- A shortfall modelling-based solution approach for stochastic cyclic inventory routing pp. 674-684

- Birger Raa and Tarik Aouam
- A comprehensive risk assessment view on interval type-2 fuzzy controller for a time-dependent HazMat routing problem pp. 685-707

- Fatemeh Zandieh and Seyed Farid Ghannadpour
- Store location with multipurpose shopping trips and a new random utility customers’ choice model pp. 708-721

- Gonzalo Méndez-Vogel, Vladimir Marianov, Armin Lüer-Villagra and H.A. Eiselt
- Increases or discounts: Price strategies based on customers’ patience times pp. 722-737

- Jian Liu, Jian Chen, Rui Bo, Fanlin Meng, Yong Xu and Peng Li
- Asymptotically tight conic approximations for chance-constrained AC optimal power flow pp. 738-753

- Abolhassan Mohammadi Fathabad, Jianqiang Cheng, Kai Pan and Boshi Yang
- A study of data-driven distributionally robust optimization with incomplete joint data under finite support pp. 754-765

- Ke Ren and Hoda Bidkhori
- Subsampling bootstrap in network DEA pp. 766-780

- Maria Michali, Ali Emrouznejad, Akram Dehnokhalaji and Ben Clegg
- Deep preference learning for multiple criteria decision analysis pp. 781-805

- Krzysztof Martyn and Miłosz Kadziński
- Solving the inverse graph model for conflict resolution using a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm pp. 806-819

- Yuming Huang, Bingfeng Ge, Keith W. Hipel, Liping Fang, Bin Zhao and Kewei Yang
- Reinforcement learning for multi-item retrieval in the puzzle-based storage system pp. 820-837

- Jing He, Xinglu Liu, Qiyao Duan, Chan, Wai Kin (Victor) and Mingyao Qi
- To do or not to do? Cost-sensitive causal classification with individual treatment effect estimates pp. 838-852

- Wouter Verbeke, Diego Olaya, Marie-Anne Guerry and Jente Van Belle
- Data-driven dynamic treatment planning for chronic diseases pp. 853-867

- Christof Naumzik, Stefan Feuerriegel and Anne Molgaard Nielsen
- Optimal management of DC pension fund under the relative performance ratio and VaR constraint pp. 868-886

- Guohui Guan, Zongxia Liang and Yi Xia
- Prescriptive analytics for a multi-shift staffing problem pp. 887-901

- Pascal M. Notz, Peter K. Wolf and Richard Pibernik
- Stochastic scheduling of chemotherapy appointments considering patient acuity levels pp. 902-916

- Sırma Karakaya, Serhat Gul and Melih Çelik
- Who will pay for the “bicycle cemetery”? Evolutionary game analysis of recycling abandoned shared bicycles under dynamic reward and punishment pp. 917-929

- Qingqing Sun, Hong Chen, Ruyin Long and Jiahui Yang
- DEA-based Nash bargaining approach to merger target selection pp. 930-945

- Tsung-Sheng Chang, Ji-Gang Lin and Jamal Ouenniche
- Estimating the degree of firms’ input market power via data envelopment analysis: Evidence from the global biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry pp. 946-960

- Hirofumi Fukuyama, Roman Matousek and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes
- Hybrid equity swap, cap, and floor pricing under stochastic interest by Markov chain approximation pp. 961-978

- J. Lars Kirkby
- A game theoretic approach to a problem in polymatroid maximization pp. 979-988

- Lisa Hellerstein and Thomas Lidbetter
- Contagion effects of UK small business failures: A spatial hierarchical autoregressive model for binary data pp. 989-997

- Raffaella Calabrese
Volume 305, issue 1, 2023
- Spatial coverage in routing and path planning problems pp. 1-20

- Katharina Glock and Anne Meyer
- Service allocation equity in location coverage analytics pp. 21-37

- Jing Xu, Alan T. Murray, Richard L. Church and Ran Wei
- The continuous maximum capacity path interdiction problem pp. 38-52

- Javad Tayyebi, Ankan Mitra and Jorge A. Sefair
- Ant colony optimization for path planning in search and rescue operations pp. 53-63

- Michael Morin, Irène Abi-Zeid and Claude-Guy Quimper
- A matheuristic for a 2-echelon vehicle routing problem with capacitated satellites and reverse flows pp. 64-84

- Dorian Dumez, Christian Tilk, Stefan Irnich, Fabien Lehuédé, Katharina Olkis and Olivier Péton
- Analysis of financing strategy in coopetition supply chain with opportunity cost pp. 85-100

- Ningning Du, Yingchen Yan and Zhongfeng Qin
- An approach for bi-objective maintenance scheduling on a networked system with limited resources pp. 101-113

- Michele Urbani, Matteo Brunelli and Antti Punkka
- Private label sourcing for an e-tailer with agency selling and service provision pp. 114-127

- Hengyu Li, Huangen Chen, Junwu Chai and Victor Shi
- Traceability vs. sustainability in supply chains: The implications of blockchain pp. 128-147

- Debajyoti Biswas, Hamed Jalali, Amir H. Ansaripoor and Pietro De Giovanni
- Order assignment and scheduling under processing and distribution time uncertainty pp. 148-163

- Yantong Li, Jean-François Côté, Leandro C. Coelho, Chuang Zhang and Shuai Zhang
- Strategy-based transit stochastic user equilibrium model with capacity and number-of-transfers constraints pp. 164-183

- Guoyuan Li and Anthony Chen
- Demand-oriented integration optimization of train timetabling and rolling stock circulation planning with flexible train compositions: A column-generation-based approach pp. 184-206

- Hanchuan Pan, Lixing Yang and Zhe Liang
- Allocation of inventory responsibilities in overconfident supply chains pp. 207-221

- Zhongyuan Hao, Juan Li and Jinling Cai
- An extensible multi-block layout warehouse routing optimization model pp. 222-239

- Yixuan Su, Xi Zhu, Jinlong Yuan, Kok Lay Teo, Meixia Li and Chunfa Li
- Technology investments into a supplier with upstream entry pp. 240-259

- Guanmei Liu, Haijun Wang and Xiaofeng Shao
- The pickup and delivery problem with transshipments: Critical review of two existing models and a new formulation pp. 260-270

- Zefeng Lyu and Andrew Junfang Yu
- A choice-based optimization approach for contracting in supply chains pp. 271-286

- Nils Roemer, Sven Müller and Guido Voigt
- Buyer guarantee and bailout in supplier finance with bankruptcy cost pp. 287-299

- Yanhai Li, Jinwen Ou and Chaocheng Gu
- Firm response to ethically motivated boycotts pp. 300-311

- Yahel Giat and Eran Manes
- Pricing and content development for online media platforms regarding consumer homing choices pp. 312-328

- Cheng-Han Wu and Yun-Yao Chiu
- Modeling business partnerships: A data envelopment analysis approach pp. 329-337

- Gholam R. Amin and Mustapha Ibn Boamah
- Variable selection in convex quantile regression: L1-norm or L0-norm regularization? pp. 338-355

- Sheng Dai
- The assessment of performance trends and convergence in education and training systems of European countries pp. 356-372

- Ana S. Camanho, Dovile Stumbriene, Flávia Barbosa and Audrone Jakaitiene
- A theoretical and computational equilibria analysis of a multi-player kidney exchange program pp. 373-385

- Margarida Carvalho and Andrea Lodi
- Optimizing active surveillance for prostate cancer using partially observable Markov decision processes pp. 386-399

- Weiyu Li, Brian T. Denton and Todd M. Morgan
- Robust drone selective routing in humanitarian transportation network assessment pp. 400-428

- Guowei Zhang, Ning Jia, Ning Zhu, Yossiri Adulyasak and Shoufeng Ma
- Extended gradient of convex function and capital allocation pp. 429-437

- Bogdan Grechuk
- Set-weighted games and their application to the cover problem pp. 438-450

- Vasily V. Gusev
- Pandemic portfolio choice pp. 451-462

- Holger Kraft and Farina Weiss
- Meta-frontier and technology switchers: A nonparametric approach pp. 463-474

- Barnabé Walheer
- Collaborative development of composite indices from qualitative value judgements: The EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index model pp. 475-492

- Carlos A. Bana e Costa, Monica Oliveira, Ana C.L. Vieira, Liliana Freitas, Teresa C. Rodrigues, João Bana e Costa, Ângela Freitas and Paula Santana
- How to preempt attacks in multi-front conflict with limited resources pp. 493-500

- Kai Konrad and Florian Morath
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