European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 270, issue 3, 2018
- Extending the OR horizons pp. 795-796

- Daniele Vigo and Joanna Józefowska
- A system to evaluate gas network capacities: Concepts and implementation pp. 797-808

- Benjamin Hiller, Thorsten Koch, Lars Schewe, Robert Schwarz and Jonas Schweiger
- Analysis of the similarities and differences of job-based scheduling problems pp. 809-825

- Hui Lu, Jinhua Shi, Zongming Fei, Qianlin Zhou and Kefei Mao
- Estimation and asymptotics for buffered probability of exceedance pp. 826-836

- Alexander Mafusalov, Alexander Shapiro and Stan Uryasev
- Integrated slicing tree approach for solving the facility layout problem with input and output locations based on contour distance pp. 837-851

- Christian Friedrich, Armin Klausnitzer and Rainer Lasch
- Loop-based conic multivariate adaptive regression splines is a novel method for advanced construction of complex biological networks pp. 852-861

- Ezgi Ayyıldız, Vilda Purutçuoğlu and Gerhard Wilhelm Weber
- Fixing shelf out-of-stock with signals in point-of-sale data pp. 862-872

- Howard Hao-Chun Chuang
- Measuring exposure to dependence risk with random Bernstein copula scenarios pp. 873-888

- Bertrand Tavin
- An inventory system with demand dependent on both time and price assuming backlogged shortages pp. 889-897

- Luis A. San-José, Joaquín Sicilia and David Alcaide-López-de-Pablo
- Regularized optimization with spatial coupling for robust decision making pp. 898-906

- Yuchen Zheng, Ilbin Lee and Nicoleta Serban
- Dual subgradient method with averaging for optimal resource allocation pp. 907-916

- Yu. Nesterov and V. Shikhman
- Optimizing wind farm cable routing considering power losses pp. 917-930

- Martina Fischetti and David Pisinger
- Characterization of the equivalence of robustification and regularization in linear and matrix regression pp. 931-942

- Dimitris Bertsimas and Martin S. Copenhaver
- Synchronous flow shop scheduling with pliable jobs pp. 943-956

- Matthias Bultmann, Sigrid Knust and Stefan Waldherr
- Efficient priority rules for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 957-967

- Zhi Chen, Erik Demeulemeester, Sijun Bai and Yuntao Guo
- A minmax regret version of the time-dependent shortest path problem pp. 968-981

- Eduardo Conde, Marina Leal and Justo Puerto
- Approaching rank aggregation problems by using evolution strategies: The case of the optimal bucket order problem pp. 982-998

- Juan A. Aledo, José A. Gámez and Alejandro Rosete
- Maximising the weighted number of activity execution modes in project planning pp. 999-1013

- Jeroen Burgelman and Mario Vanhoucke
- Large neighborhood-based metaheuristic and branch-and-price for the pickup and delivery problem with split loads pp. 1014-1027

- Matheus Nohra Haddad, Rafael Martinelli, Thibaut Vidal, Simone Martins, Luiz Satoru Ochi, Marcone Jamilson Freitas Souza and Richard Hartl
- Radio-frequency identification (RFID) adoption with inventory misplacement under retail competition pp. 1028-1043

- Li-Hao Zhang, Tian Li and Ti-Jun Fan
- Revisiting the value of information sharing in two-stage supply chains pp. 1044-1052

- Ruud H. Teunter, M. Zied Babai, Jos A.C. Bokhorst and Aris A. Syntetos
- Optimal allocation of spares to maximize the window fill rate in a two-echelon exchangeable-item repair system pp. 1053-1062

- Michael Dreyfuss and Yahel Giat
- A two-class queueing system with constant retrial policy and general class dependent service times pp. 1063-1073

- Ioannis Dimitriou
- Continuous multi-task Bayesian Optimisation with correlation pp. 1074-1085

- Michael Pearce and Juergen Branke
- Stochastic decomposition applied to large-scale hydro valleys management pp. 1086-1098

- P. Carpentier, J.-Ph. Chancelier, V. Leclère and F. Pacaud
- Pricing and lot-sizing decisions for perishable goods when demand depends on selling price, reference price, product freshness, and displayed stocks pp. 1099-1108

- Ruihai Li and Jinn-Tsair Teng
- A classification of slacks-based efficiency measures in network data envelopment analysis with an analysis of the properties possessed pp. 1109-1121

- Chiang Kao
- Modeling the minimum cost consensus problem in an asymmetric costs context pp. 1122-1137

- Dong Cheng, Zhili Zhou, Faxin Cheng, Yanfang Zhou and Yujing Xie
- Scheduling EURO-k conferences pp. 1138-1147

- Thomas Stidsen, David Pisinger and Daniele Vigo
- A quadratic time algorithm for computing the optimal landing times of a fixed sequence of planes pp. 1148-1157

- Alain Faye
- Scheduling of maintenance work of a large-scale tramway network pp. 1158-1170

- Alexander Kiefer, Michael Schilde and Karl F. Doerner
- The indefinite period traveling salesman problem pp. 1171-1181

- Lei Sun, Mark H. Karwan and Moustapha Diaby
- Optimal contingent payment mechanisms and entrepreneurial financing decisions pp. 1182-1194

- Miguel Tavares-Gärtner, Paulo J. Pereira and Elísio Brandão
Volume 270, issue 2, 2018
- Simulation of intermodal freight transportation systems: a taxonomy pp. 401-418

- Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Guido Perboli and Mariangela Rosano
- Fixed-parameter algorithms for rectilinear Steiner tree and rectilinear traveling salesman problem in the plane pp. 419-429

- Hadrien Cambazard and Nicolas Catusse
- What are the worst cases in constrained Last-In-First-Out pick-up and delivery problems? pp. 430-434

- Sebastián Urrutia and Dominique de Werra
- Approximation schemes for non-separable non-linear boolean programming problems under nested knapsack constraints pp. 435-447

- Nir Halman, Hans Kellerer and Vitaly A. Strusevich
- A best-fit branch-and-bound heuristic for the unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting problem pp. 448-474

- Lijun Wei, Qian Hu, Andrew Lim and Qiang Liu
- Platform flexibility strategies: R&D investment versus production customization tradeoff pp. 475-486

- Maud M. Van den Broeke, Robert N. Boute and Jan A. Van Mieghem
- Faster rollout search for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands and restocking pp. 487-497

- Luca Bertazzi and Nicola Secomandi
- Production with storable and durable inputs: Nonparametric analysis of intertemporal efficiency pp. 498-513

- Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Pieter Kerstens
- Improved exact approaches for row layout problems with departments of equal length pp. 514-529

- Miguel F. Anjos, Anja Fischer and Philipp Hungerländer
- Enhanced Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems pp. 530-543

- Artur Pessoa, Ruslan Sadykov and Eduardo Uchoa
- Vehicle routing with probabilistic capacity constraints pp. 544-555

- Mahdi Noorizadegan and Bo Chen
- It takes all sorts: A heterogeneous agent explanation for prediction market mispricing pp. 556-569

- Valerio Restocchi, Frank McGroarty, Enrico Gerding and Johnnie E.V. Johnson
- Traditional or Additive Manufacturing? Assessing Component Design Options through Lifecycle Cost Analysis pp. 570-585

- Bram Westerweel, Rob J.I. Basten and Geert-Jan van Houtum
- Pricing for sales and per-use rental services with vertical differentiation pp. 586-598

- Yugang Yu, Yuxuan Dong and Xiaolong Guo
- Coordinating research and development efforts for quality improvement along a supply chain pp. 599-605

- Luca Lambertini
- GAIA-SMAA-PROMETHEE for a hierarchy of interacting criteria pp. 606-624

- Sally Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Salvatore Corrente and Salvatore Greco
- Calculation of the performance region of an easy-to-optimize alternative for Generalized Processor Sharing pp. 625-635

- Jasper Vanlerberghe, Joris Walraevens, Tom Maertens and Herwig Bruneel
- Auto-selection mechanism of differential evolution algorithm variants and its application pp. 636-653

- Qinqin Fan, Xuefeng Yan and Yilian Zhang
- Deep learning with long short-term memory networks for financial market predictions pp. 654-669

- Thomas Fischer and Christopher Krauss
- Two novel methodologies for considering aggregation functions by implicit equations and minimization problems pp. 670-681

- A.F. Roldán López de Hierro, H. Bustince, J. Fernández, R. Mesiar and C. Roldán
- Optimal patent policy in the presence of vertical separation pp. 682-697

- Haejun Jeon and Michi Nishihara
- Predicting online invitation responses with a competing risk model using privacy-friendly social event data pp. 698-708

- Libo Li
- A mathematical programming model for optimizing the staff allocation in radiotherapy under uncertain demand pp. 709-722

- Bruno Vieira, Derya Demirtas, Jeroen B. van de Kamer, Erwin W. Hans and Wim van Harten
- Optimal hazard models based on partial information pp. 723-733

- Majid Asadi, Nader Ebrahimi and Ehsan S. Soofi
- A sequential stochastic mixed integer programming model for tactical master surgery scheduling pp. 734-746

- Ashwani Kumar, Alysson M. Costa, Mark Fackrell and Peter G. Taylor
- An internally consistent approach to the estimation of market power and cost efficiency with an application to U.S. banking pp. 747-760

- Mike Tsionas, Emir Malikov and Subal Kumbhakar
- Multi-label classification of member participation in online innovation communities pp. 761-774

- Steven Debaere, Kristof Coussement and Tom De Ruyck
- Truthfulness in advertising? Approximation mechanisms for knapsack bidders pp. 775-783

- Martin Bichler and Sören Merting
- A graph-based algorithm for the multi-objective optimization of gene regulatory networks pp. 784-793

- Philippe Nghe, Bela M. Mulder and Sander J. Tans
Volume 270, issue 1, 2018
- Real Options in Operations Research: A Review pp. 1-24

- Lenos Trigeorgis and Andrianos Tsekrekos
- Trade-off preservation in inverse multi-objective convex optimization pp. 25-39

- Timothy C.Y. Chan and Taewoo Lee
- Guaranteeing highly robust weakly efficient solutions for uncertain multi-objective convex programs pp. 40-50

- M.A. Goberna, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li and J. Vicente-Pérez
- Robust and sparse banking network estimation pp. 51-65

- Gabriele Torri, Rosella Giacometti and Sandra Paterlini
- A new upper bound for the maximum weight clique problem pp. 66-77

- Chu-Min Li, Yanli Liu, Hua Jiang, Felip Manyà and Yu Li
- Disaggregated Benders decomposition and branch-and-cut for solving the budget-constrained dynamic uncapacitated facility location and network design problem pp. 78-88

- Robin H. Pearce and Michael Forbes
- A beam search approach to solve the convex irregular bin packing problem with guillotine guts pp. 89-102

- J.A. Bennell, M. Cabo and A. Martínez-Sykora
- Inventory rebalancing through pricing in public bike sharing systems pp. 103-117

- Zulqarnain Haider, Alexander Nikolaev, Jee Eun Kang and Changhyun Kwon
- Large multiple neighborhood search for the clustered vehicle-routing problem pp. 118-131

- Timo Hintsch and Stefan Irnich
- Modeling the shelter site location problem using chance constraints: A case study for Istanbul pp. 132-145

- Ömer Burak Kınay, Bahar Yetis Kara, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama and Isabel Correia
- Exact and heuristic methods for solving the Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem pp. 146-156

- Leonardo Borba, Marcus Ritt and Cristóbal Miralles
- The Line-haul Feeder Vehicle Routing Problem: Mathematical model formulation and heuristic approaches pp. 157-170

- Christian Brandstätter and Marc Reimann
- Shipment consolidation with two demand classes: Rationing the dispatch capacity pp. 171-184

- Benhür Satır, Fatih Safa Erenay and James H. Bookbinder
- Equity and deprivation costs in humanitarian logistics pp. 185-197

- Walter J. Gutjahr and Sophie Fischer
- Continuous inventory control with stochastic and non-stationary Markovian demand pp. 198-217

- Walid W. Nasr and Ibrahim J. Elshar
- Quality disclosure strategies for small business enterprises in a competitive marketplace pp. 218-229

- Ming Zhao, Ciwei Dong and T.C.E. Cheng
- Multiple allocation hub interdiction and protection problems: Model formulations and solution approaches pp. 230-245

- Prasanna Ramamoorthy, Sachin Jayaswal, Ankur Sinha and Navneet Vidyarthi
- Predicting loss severities for residential mortgage loans: A three-step selection approach pp. 246-259

- Hung Do, Daniel Rösch and Harald Scheule
- A linear-quadratic Gaussian approach to dynamic information acquisition pp. 260-281

- Thomas Weber and Viet Anh Nguyen
- Matrix representations of the inverse problem in the graph model for conflict resolution pp. 282-293

- Junjie Wang, Keith W. Hipel, Liping Fang and Yaoguo Dang
- Safe dike heights at minimal costs: An integer programming approach pp. 294-301

- P. Zwaneveld, G. Verweij and S. van Hoesel
- Evaluating treatment effects using data envelopment analysis on matched samples: An analysis of electronic information sharing and firm performance pp. 302-313

- Peter Bogetoft and Lene Kromann
- Inconsistency in the ordinal pairwise comparisons method with and without ties pp. 314-327

- Konrad Kułakowski
- Multiplicative aggregation of division efficiencies in network data envelopment analysis pp. 328-336

- Chiang Kao
- Why and how do branders sell new products on flash sale platforms? pp. 337-351

- Mingyang Zhang, Juliang Zhang, T.C.E. Cheng and Guowei Hua
- A non-compensatory composite indicator approach to assessing low-carbon performance pp. 352-361

- L.P. Zhang and Peng Zhou
- Development of a discrete event simulation model for evaluating strategies of red blood cell provision following mass casualty events pp. 362-374

- Simon M. Glasgow, Zane B. Perkins, Nigel R.M. Tai, Karim Brohi and Christos Vasilakis
- Investment in high-frequency trading technology: A real options approach pp. 375-385

- Laura Delaney
- Optimizing automated sorting in warehouses: The minimum order spread sequencing problem pp. 386-400

- Nils Boysen, Stefan Fedtke and Felix Weidinger
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