European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 277, issue 3, 2019
- A survey of adjustable robust optimization pp. 799-813

- İhsan Yanıkoğlu, Bram L. Gorissen and Dick den Hertog
- Formulating and solving the integrated batching, routing, and picker scheduling problem in a real-life spare parts warehouse pp. 814-830

- Teun van Gils, An Caris, Katrien Ramaekers and Kris Braekers
- Comparing techniques for modelling uncertainty in a maritime inventory routing problem pp. 831-845

- Filipe Rodrigues, Agostinho Agra, Marielle Christiansen, Lars Magnus Hvattum and Cristina Requejo
- Working capital optimization in a supply chain perspective pp. 846-856

- Juan Peng and Zhili Zhou
- On the interaction between asymmetric demand signal and forecast accuracy information pp. 857-874

- Jiao Wang, Zhibing Liu and Ruiqing Zhao
- Probabilistic Tabu Search for the Cross-Docking Assignment Problem pp. 875-885

- Oualid Guemri, Placide Nduwayo, Raca Todosijević, Saïd Hanafi and Fred Glover
- On the estimation of total factor productivity: A novel Bayesian non-parametric approach pp. 886-902

- Mike Tsionas and Michael Polemis
- Product packing and stacking under uncertainty: A robust approach pp. 903-917

- Weimiao Liu, Tianhu Deng and Jianbin Li
- Efficient solution selection for two-stage stochastic programs pp. 918-929

- Xin Fei, Nalân Gülpınar and Jürgen Branke
- Modeling the number of hidden events subject to observation delay pp. 930-944

- Jonas Crevecoeur, Katrien Antonio and Roel Verbelen
- The Mn/Gn/1 queue with vacations and exhaustive service pp. 945-952

- Binyamin Oz, Ivo Adan and Moshe Haviv
- K-adaptability in stochastic combinatorial optimization under objective uncertainty pp. 953-963

- Christoph Buchheim and Jonas Pruente
- Soft consensus cost models for group decision making and economic interpretations pp. 964-980

- Huanhuan Zhang, Gang Kou and Yi Peng
- Optimal timing of airline promotions under dilution pp. 981-995

- Daniel F. Otero, Mariana Escallón, Cristina López and Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei
- When should the offline retailer implement price matching? pp. 996-1009

- Jing Chen and Bintong Chen
- When to increase firms’ sustainable operations for efficiency? A data envelopment analysis in the retailing industry pp. 1010-1026

- Yeming Gong, Jiawen Liu and Joe Zhu
- Free disposal hull efficiency scores of units with network structures pp. 1027-1036

- Ibrahim M. Tavakoli and Amin Mostafaee
- An analysis of the dynamic price-quality relationship pp. 1037-1045

- József Vörös
- Copula theory and probabilistic sensitivity analysis: Is there a connection? pp. 1046-1059

- Elmar Plischke and Emanuele Borgonovo
- Effective and necessary: Individual supplier behavior in revenue sharing and wholesale contracts pp. 1060-1071

- Julie A Niederhoff and Panos Kouvelis
- Contract design in agriculture supply chains with random yield pp. 1072-1082

- Edward Anderson and Marta Monjardino
- Optimal pricing in iterative flexible combinatorial procurement auctions pp. 1083-1097

- Bahareh Mansouri and Elkafi Hassini
- Minimizing latency in post-disaster road clearance operations pp. 1098-1112

- Meraj Ajam, Vahid Akbari and F. Sibel Salman
- Consistency between principal and agent with differing time horizons: Computing incentives under risk pp. 1113-1123

- Josef Schosser
- Flexible two-echelon location routing problem pp. 1124-1136

- Maryam Darvish, Claudia Archetti, Leandro C. Coelho and M. Grazia Speranza
- Developing a smart operational research with hybrid practice theories pp. 1137-1150

- Katharina Burger, Leroy White and Mike Yearworth
- Simulating the impact of heterogeneity on stability and effectiveness of international environmental agreements pp. 1151-1162

- Irina Bakalova and Johan Eyckmans
- Stocks for the log-run and constant relative risk aversion preferences pp. 1163-1168

- Moshe Levy
Volume 277, issue 2, 2019
- Warehousing in the e-commerce era: A survey pp. 396-411

- Nils Boysen, René de Koster and Felix Weidinger
- A multiobjective hub-airport location problem for an airline network design pp. 412-425

- Banu Soylu and Hatice Katip
- Mathematical models for stable matching problems with ties and incomplete lists pp. 426-441

- Maxence Delorme, Sergio García, Jacek Gondzio, Jörg Kalcsics, David Manlove and William Pettersson
- The impact of applying effort to reduce activity variability on the project time and cost performance pp. 442-453

- Annelies Martens and Mario Vanhoucke
- Managing a supply chain under the impact of customer reviews: A two-period game analysis pp. 454-468

- Xuerong Wang, Mingming Leng, Jingpu Song, Chunlin Luo and Sunyuen Hui
- The value of sharing disaggregated information in supply chains pp. 469-478

- Vladimir Kovtun, Avi Giloni and Clifford Hurvich
- Enhanced multi-directional local search for the bi-objective heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with multiple driving ranges pp. 479-491

- Majid Eskandarpour, Djamila Ouelhadj, Sara Hatami, Angel A. Juan and Banafsheh Khosravi
- Allocation under a general substitution structure pp. 492-506

- Yulia Tseytlin and H. Sebastian Heese
- The capacitated mobile facility location problem pp. 507-520

- S. Raghavan, Mustafa Sahin and F. Sibel Salman
- Distance and matching-induced search algorithm for the multi-level lot-sizing problem with substitutable bill of materials pp. 521-541

- Mingyuan Wei, Mingyao Qi, Tao Wu and Canrong Zhang
- Designing multi-period supply contracts in a two-echelon supply chain with asymmetric information pp. 542-560

- Zahra Mobini, Wilco van den Heuvel and Albert Wagelmans
- Joint replenishment and carbon trading in fresh food supply chains pp. 561-573

- Min Wang, Lindu Zhao and Michael Herty
- Rescaling-contraction with a lower cost technology when revenue declines pp. 574-586

- Roger Adkins and Dean Paxson
- Time-consistent, risk-averse dynamic pricing pp. 587-603

- Rouven Schur, Jochen Gönsch and Michael Hassler
- Methods to inform the development of concise objectives hierarchies in multi-criteria decision analysis pp. 604-620

- Mika Marttunen, Fridolin Haag, Valerie Belton, Jyri Mustajoki and Judit Lienert
- Mixed stabilities for analyzing opponents’ heterogeneous behavior within the graph model for conflict resolution pp. 621-632

- Shinan Zhao, Haiyan Xu, Keith W. Hipel and Liping Fang
- Gratitude, conscience, and reciprocity: Models of supplier motivation when quality is non-contractible pp. 633-642

- Sumit Sarkar
- A progressive hedging method for the optimization of social engagement and opportunistic IoT problems pp. 643-652

- Edoardo Fadda, Guido Perboli and Roberto Tadei
- Reducing wall-clock time for the computation of all efficient extreme points in multiple objective linear programming pp. 653-666

- Craig A. Piercy and Ralph E. Steuer
- Appointment scheduling with multiple providers and stochastic service times pp. 667-683

- Mohamad Soltani, Michele Samorani and Bora Kolfal
- Addressing endogeneity in aggregate logit models with time-varying parameters for optimal retail-pricing pp. 684-698

- Daniel Guhl
- A stochastic programming model with endogenous uncertainty for incentivizing fuel reduction treatment under uncertain landowner behavior pp. 699-718

- Tanveer Hossain Bhuiyan, Maxwell C. Moseley, Hugh R. Medal, Eghbal Rashidi and Robert K. Grala
- Decomposing banking performance into economic and credit risk efficiencies pp. 719-726

- Jean-Philippe Boussemart, Hervé Leleu, Zhiyang Shen, Michael Vardanyan and Ning Zhu
- Optimizing the pipeline planning system at the national oil company pp. 727-739

- Martin Quinteros, Monique Guignard, Andres Weintraub, Marc Llambias and Camilo Tapia
- Exact and heuristic methods for optimizing lock-quay system in inland waterway pp. 740-755

- Bin Ji, Xiaohui Yuan, Yanbin Yuan, Xiaohui Lei, Tyrone Fernando and Herbert H.C. Iu
- Central limit theorems and inference for sources of productivity change measured by nonparametric Malmquist indices pp. 756-769

- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- Learning risk culture of banks using news analytics pp. 770-783

- Arvind Agarwal, Aparna Gupta, Arun Kumar and Srikanth G. Tamilselvam
- A bootstrap approach for bandwidth selection in estimating conditional efficiency measures pp. 784-797

- Luiza Badin, Cinzia Daraio and Leopold Simar
Volume 277, issue 1, 2019
- Multi-criteria optimization and decision-making in radiotherapy pp. 1-19

- Sebastiaan Breedveld, David Craft, Rens van Haveren and Ben Heijmen
- A prediction-driven mixture cure model and its application in credit scoring pp. 20-31

- Cuiqing Jiang, Zhao Wang and Huimin Zhao
- A multilevel analysis of the Lasserre hierarchy pp. 32-41

- Juan S. Campos, Ruth Misener and Panos Parpas
- Continuous patrolling and hiding games pp. 42-51

- Tristan Garrec
- A dynamic programming approach for the pipe network layout problem pp. 52-61

- Naoshi Shiono, Hisatoshi Suzuki and Yasufumi Saruwatari
- Rectangle blanket problem: Binary integer linear programming formulation and solution algorithms pp. 62-83

- Barış Evrim Demiröz, İ. Kuban Altınel and Lale Akarun
- An empirical analysis of exact algorithms for the unbounded knapsack problem pp. 84-99

- Henrique Becker and Luciana S. Buriol
- Integrated optimization of material supplying, manufacturing, and product distribution: Models and fast algorithms pp. 100-111

- Bayi Cheng, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Kai Li and Shanlin Yang
- The maximum clique interdiction problem pp. 112-127

- Fabio Furini, Ivana Ljubić, Sébastien Martin and Pablo San Segundo
- Is the boarding process on the critical path of the airplane turn-around? pp. 128-137

- Simone Neumann
- Dynamic pricing and competitive time-to-market strategy of new product launch under a multistage duopoly pp. 138-152

- Cheng-Han Wu and Jing-Yi Lai
- Reformulated acyclic partitioning for rail-rail containers transshipment pp. 153-165

- Maria Albareda-Sambola, Alfredo Marín and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
- The overconfident and optimistic price-setting newsvendor pp. 166-173

- Samuel Nathan Kirshner and Lusheng Shao
- Multiple vehicle synchronisation in a full truck-load pickup and delivery problem: A case-study in the biomass supply chain pp. 174-194

- Ricardo Soares, Alexandra Marques, Pedro Amorim and Jussi Rasinmäki
- Managing high-end ex-demonstration product returns pp. 195-214

- L. Muyldermans, L.N. Van Wassenhove and V.D.R. Guide
- New algorithmic framework for conditional value at risk: Application to stochastic fixed-charge transportation pp. 215-226

- Elena Fernández, Yolanda Hinojosa, Justo Puerto and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama
- A search problem on a bipartite network pp. 227-237

- Vic Baston and Kensaku Kikuta
- The preemptive stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 238-247

- Stefan Creemers
- When is the condition of order preservation met? pp. 248-254

- Konrad Kułakowski, Jiri Mazurek, Jaroslav Ramík and Michael Soltys
- A Monte Carlo Tree Search approach to finding efficient patrolling schemes on graphs pp. 255-268

- Jan Karwowski and Jacek Mańdziuk
- On importance indices in multicriteria decision making pp. 269-283

- Michel Grabisch, Christophe Labreuche and Mustapha Ridaoui
- Modelling and (re-)planning periodic home social care services with loyalty and non-loyalty features pp. 284-299

- Maria Isabel Gomes and Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos
- Bayesian sequential data collection for stochastic simulation calibration pp. 300-316

- Bo Wang, Qiong Zhang and Wei Xie
- Simulation-based estimation of the real demand in bike-sharing systems in the presence of censoring pp. 317-332

- Ashkan Negahban
- On the optimality of path-dependent structured funds: The cost of standardization pp. 333-350

- Philippe Bertrand and Jean-Luc Prigent
- Credit spread approximation and improvement using random forest regression pp. 351-365

- Mathieu Mercadier and Jean-Pierre Lardy
- Identifying hidden patterns in credit risk survival data using Generalised Additive Models pp. 366-376

- Viani Biatat Djeundje and Jonathan Crook
- On the axiomatic of pollution-generating technologies: Non-parametric production analysis pp. 377-390

- Arnaud Abad and Walter Briec
- A note on using centroid weights in additive multi-criteria decision analysis pp. 391-393

- Pierre L. Kunsch and Alessio Ishizaka
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